Cal. Health & Saf. Code § 50668.5

Current through the 2024 Legislative Session.
Section 50668.5 - Financial assistance utilizing bond proceeds

For the purpose of providing financial assistance pursuant to this chapter utilizing bond proceeds transferred to the Housing Rehabilitation Loan Fund pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 53130, paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 53130, and Sections 8878.20 and 8878.21 of the Government Code, deferred payment loans made with these funds shall be subject to all of the following special provisions, which shall prevail over conflicting provisions of this chapter:

(1) Applications for fund commitments shall be accepted by the department at any time. Fund commitments shall be based on a ranking of applications, which shall occur at least once every three months until there are insufficient funds available to commit according to this ranking. In making this ranking for rental housing developments, priority shall be given to those projects which (A) serve the greater number of eligible households as defined in Section 50105 with the lowest incomes, (B) provide the greater number of units with three or more bedrooms, (C) are located in areas where the housing need is great as determined by the department, taking into consideration, among other factors, low vacancy rates, high market rents, long waiting lists for subsidized housing, the stock of substandard housing, and the potential loss of subsidized rental housing to market-rate housing through demolition, foreclosure, or subsidy termination, (D) complement the implementation of an existing housing program, (E) maximize private, local, and other funding sources, and (F) maximize long-term benefits for eligible households, as defined in Sections 50079.5 and 50105. Subparagraph (B) above shall not apply to applications for fund commitments submitted pursuant to Section 50670 or to any application for residential hotels and motels. In making this ranking for owner-occupied housing, priority shall be given to those applications which (A) serve the greater number of eligible households, as defined in Section 50105, with the lowest income, (B) provide the greater number of units with three or more bedrooms, (C) are located in areas where the need for rehabilitation is great as determined by the department, taking into consideration, among other factors, the amount of substandard owner-occupied housing, low vacancy rates, and limited availability of affordable housing, (D) complement the implementation of an existing housing program, and (E) maximize available and appropriate private, local, and other funding sources. The department shall also evaluate the capability of the sponsor to rehabilitate, own, and manage the rental housing development or the capability of the applicant for funding for owner-occupied housing to implement the proposed program.
(2) Loans for rental housing developments may be reviewed, approved, and funded by the department directly to the sponsor. In these cases, the department shall ensure that the sponsor notifies the local legislative body of the sponsor's loan application prior to a funding award. Loans to owner-occupants may be made by local public entities or nonprofit corporations which have received fund commitments from the department. The department shall ensure that the local public entity or nonprofit corporation applying for fund commitments for loans to owner-occupants notifies the local legislative body of the application prior to a funding award. When the department certifies a local public entity or nonprofit corporation as being capable of making these loans, the department shall delegate responsibility for reviewing and approving these loans to the local public entity or nonprofit corporation. If it is determined by the department that the local public entity or nonprofit corporation is no longer capable of making or managing these loans, the department may, at its sole discretion, revoke that delegation of responsibility or cancel the funding commitment to the local public entity or nonprofit corporation, or both. The department's regulations shall include procedures and standards for certification and decertification.
(3) A sponsor may apply for loans for one or more rental housing developments.
(1) A housing development may utilize any combination of federal, state, local, and private financial resources necessary to make the development affordable, for the term of the state's regulatory agreement, to the eligible households. Notwithstanding the requirements of Section 50663, rental housing developments and owner-occupied units assisted by the program may be located anywhere in the state.
(2) In the case of loans for rental housing developments awarded to nonprofit sponsors, the total secured debt in a superior position to the department's loan, plus the department's loan, shall not exceed 100 percent of the after rehabilitation value of the property, as determined by an appraisal of the property conducted pursuant to guidelines established in regulations of the department.
(3) The maximum loan amounts per unit established in regulations pursuant to Section 50670 shall also apply to rental housing developments rehabilitated or acquired and rehabilitated pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) of Section 50661, except that there shall not be a maximum loan amount established per project. These dollar limitations may be increased by the department, as necessary, in high-cost areas of the state or where the correction of severe health and safety defects or the provisions of handicapped accessibility standards necessitate greater assistance. The department, by regulation, may specify unit loan limits for loans made for owner-occupied housing and the circumstances under which it may grant exceptions to, or variances from, these limits.
(A) Loans made to sponsors of rental housing developments for acquisition and rehabilitation shall be for terms of not less than 30 years. Loans made to sponsors of rental housing developments for rehabilitation only shall be for terms of not less than 20 years. However, the term shall not exceed the useful life of the rental housing development for which the loan is made. The sponsor may elect to begin to repay the loan at any time in accordance with the prepayment plan established in accordance with paragraph (6), if it is determined by the department, that the sponsors can continue to maintain the rents at levels affordable to eligible households.
(B) The term of the loan and the time for repayment may be extended by the department for additional terms as long as the rental housing development is operated in a manner consistent with the regulatory agreement and the sponsor requires an extension in order to continue to operate in a manner consistent with this chapter. Each extension shall be for a period of not less than 10 years and the total term of the revised loan shall not exceed 55 years.
(A) In the case of loans made for rental housing developments, eligible costs shall include those costs relating to (i) real property acquisition, including refinancing of existing debt to the extent necessary to reduce debt service to a level consistent with the provision of affordable rents and the fiscal integrity of the project; (ii) rehabilitation or reconstruction, including the conversion of nonresidential structures to residential use; (iii) general property improvements which are necessary to correct unsafe, unhealthy, or unsanitary conditions, including renovations and remodeling, including, but not limited to, remodeling of kitchens and bathrooms, installation of new appliances, landscaping, and purchase or installation of central air conditioning; (iv) necessary and related onsite improvements; (v) reasonable administrative expenses in connection with the planning and execution of the project, as determined by the department; (vi) reasonable consulting costs; (vii) rent-up costs; (viii) seismic rehabilitation improvements; and (ix) any other costs of rehabilitation authorized by the department. "Rent-up costs," as used in this section, means costs incurred while a unit is on the housing market but not rented to its first tenant. "Seismic rehabilitation improvements," as used in this section, means improvements which are designed to increase seismic structural safety in accordance with a plan developed by a civil engineer, a structural engineer, or an architect for a particular building that has been identified as hazardous by the city or county in which the building is located in accordance with the criteria established by the Seismic Safety Commission pursuant to Section 8875.1 of the Government Code or in accordance with a previously adopted city or county seismic safety ordinance adopted pursuant to Section 19163.
(B) In the case of loans made for owner-occupied housing, eligible costs shall include those costs relating to (i) rehabilitation work expenses; (ii) cost of room additions necessary to alleviate overcrowding; (iii) costs of general property improvements including renovations and remodeling, including, but not limited to, remodeling of kitchens and bathrooms, installation of new appliances, landscaping and purchase or installation of central air conditioning, to the extent that they are necessary to correct unsafe, unhealthy, or unsanitary conditions; (iv) costs related to necessary architectural, engineering, and other technical consultants; (v) costs of preliminary reports, title policies, credit reports, appraisal reports, and fees for recording documents related to the department's loans; (vi) costs of building permits and other governmental fees; and (vii) if in conjunction with other rehabilitation work, costs for improvements related to making the housing accessible to the handicapped.
(C) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 53130 which limit the use of allocated proceeds with respect to project operating costs, and Sections 53131 and 53133, the department may set aside or use any amounts available in the fund to establish a rental housing development default reserve for the purpose of curing or avoiding a sponsor's defaults on the terms of any loan or other obligation which jeopardizes the financial integrity of a rental housing development or the department's security in the rental housing development. The payment or advance of funds by the department pursuant to this subparagraph shall be solely within the discretion of the department and no sponsor shall be entitled to or have any right to payment of these funds. Funds advanced pursuant to this subparagraph shall be added to the loan amount secured by the deed of trust and shall be payable to the department upon demand.
(D) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 53130 which limit the use of allocated proceeds with respect to project operating costs, or Sections 53131 and 53133, the department may set aside or use proceeds in the fund in an amount not to exceed 3 percent of the amount of encumbrances for loans for owner-occupied housing to establish an owner-occupied housing default reserve for the purpose of curing or avoiding an owner's default on the terms of any loan or other obligation which jeopardizes the department's security in the owner-occupied housing. The payment or advance of funds by the department pursuant to this subparagraph shall be solely within the discretion of the department, and no homeowner shall be entitled to, or have any right to payment of, these funds. Funds advanced pursuant to this subparagraph shall be added to the loan amount secured by the deed of trust and shall be payable to the department upon demand. Interest payments from loans for owner-occupied housing shall be allocated by the department into this reserve to replace the allocated proceeds until the percent established by the department is achieved solely with interest payments.
(6) Upon request of the sponsor, the department may permit repayment of a sponsor's loan on the basis of net cashflow. The department shall develop a prepayment plan in conjunction with the sponsor which will ensure the maintenance of affordable rents and the fiscal integrity of the rental housing development. As an incentive to encourage the prepayment of loans, the department may permit the sponsor to retain one-half of the net cashflow. The department shall determine the method for calculating net cashflow, which may include a factor for excess debt service coverage or a return on cash investment to the sponsor.
(7) If a loan is made pursuant to this chapter for both seismic rehabilitation improvements and other eligible rehabilitation costs, only those costs related to the seismic rehabilitation improvements shall be counted and included for purposes of the fund reservation made by Section 8878.20 of the Government Code.
(c) Principal and accumulated interest is due and payable upon completion of the term of the loan. The loan shall bear interest at the rate of 3 percent per annum on the unpaid principal balance. However, the department shall reduce or eliminate interest payments on a loan for any year or, alternatively, defer interest until the deferred payment loan is repaid, if necessary to provide affordable rents to households of very low and low income. The ability to pay all or part of the 3 percent simple annual interest shall not be considered in determining the fiscal integrity of the rental housing development at the time of the rating and ranking of an application.
(1) "Maintain affordable rent levels," as used in this section, means rents may be automatically increased by the sponsor on an annual basis pursuant to an inflation index to be determined by the department. The inflation index shall reflect anticipated annual changes in rental housing development operating costs from a base year when the rents are initially established. Any sponsor may appeal to the department for a greater adjustment in rents necessary to ensure the fiscal integrity of the rental housing development. If the department does not respond within 60 days, the request shall be deemed approved. A 30-day written notice shall be given to each eligible household prior to an adjustment in the amount of rent.
(A) Upon prior written approval by the department, a sponsor may set income limits for incoming tenants at a level below the limit specified in Section 50079.5. If a tenant's income exceeds this income limit established by the sponsor, but does not exceed the limit specified in Section 50079.5, that fact alone shall neither constitute cause for the tenant's eviction, nor be a violation of the sponsor's loan agreement. If a tenant's income exceeds the income limit for a household specified in Section 50079.5, the tenant shall be required to vacate the assisted unit within six months from the date of income recertification or notice to the sponsor of an increase in income over the permissible income level. That period may be extended by the sponsor for an additional six-month period in high cost rental areas with low vacancy rates, as determined by the department. Any vacant units shall be rented to eligible households until the required residency by eligible households is attained.
(B) In the case of limited equity housing cooperatives, the provisions of this paragraph shall apply, except that tenants whose incomes, upon recertification, exceed the limit specified in Section 50079.5 shall not be required to vacate their units. Instead, and upon six months' notice, these tenants shall be required to pay rent in an amount equal to the market rate rent for comparable units, as determined by the department. When a tenant's income exceeds the limit specified in Section 50079.5, the next available membership share for occupancy in a comparable unit shall be sold to a household with an income at or below this limit.
(3) When operating income as defined by the department is greater than operating expenses, debt service, deposits required for reserve accounts, payments pursuant to paragraph (6) of subdivision (b) if elected by the sponsor, approved annual distributions, and any other disbursements approved by the department, these excess funds shall be paid into an account established in the fund. Funds in this account shall be appropriated to the department for use to assist rental housing developments funded pursuant to this section with proceeds of bonds issued pursuant to Chapter 27 of the Statutes of 1988, Chapter 30 of the Statutes of 1988, or Chapter 48 of the Statutes of 1988, subject to the following requirements:
(i) Excess funds in the account shall be allocated first into the rental housing development default reserve established pursuant to subparagraph (C) of paragraph (5) of subdivision (b). The balance of this default reserve shall not exceed the maximum level of funding established by regulations adopted by the department.
(ii) After the rental housing development default reserve is fully funded with these excess funds, the department shall use all additional excess funds in the account for payment of either unforeseen capital improvements, the cost of which would jeopardize the fiscal integrity and affordability of a rental housing development, or to further reduce rents in a rental housing development. The department may adopt regulations which specify the procedures and standards for application for, and use of, these funds. Those payments used for capital improvements shall be added to the loan amount secured by the deed of trust and shall be payable to the department upon demand.
(d) Prior to disbursement of any funds for loans to rental housing developments made pursuant to this section, the department shall enter into a regulatory agreement with the sponsor in accordance with subdivision (d) of Section 50670, except that (1) the term of the regulatory agreement shall be for the original term of the loan and the agreement shall be binding upon the sponsor and successors in interest upon sale or transfer of the rental housing development or prepayment of the loan and (2) a nonprofit sponsor, other than a governmental agency, may maintain a debt service coverage ratio of 115 percent and distribute earnings in an amount no greater than 8 percent of the nonprofit sponsor's actual investment. The regulatory agreement also shall contain provisions requiring annual inspections and review of year-end fiscal audits and related reports by the department and provisions to maintain affordable rent levels to serve eligible households.
(e) Where loans will be used in conjunction with federal or other housing assistance or tax credits and a conflict exists between the other state or federal program requirements and those of this chapter with respect to the calculation of rents, the requirements of the Deferred Payment Rehabilitation Loan Program and the Special User Housing Rehabilitation Program may be waived only to the extent necessary to permit federal or other state financial participation or eligibility for tax credits.
(f) "Sponsor," for purposes of this section, has the same meaning as defined in subdivision (c) of Section 50669.
(1) The department shall adopt emergency regulations to implement this chapter and to amend the maximum loan amounts per unit established in regulations adopted pursuant to Section 50670, with respect to loans made with funding subject to this section. The regulations shall be conclusively presumed to be necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or general welfare within the meaning or purposes of Section 11346.1 of the Government Code.
(2) Notwithstanding conflicting provisions of this chapter, the department may elect to make the regulations referred to in paragraph (1) additionally applicable until December 31, 1993, to all other deferred payment loan programs authorized by this chapter, except the programs specified in Sections 50662.5 and 50671, if the department determines that the uniformity achieved thereby will avoid significant additional administrative costs.
(h) For purposes of this section, "rental housing development" means a single family house or a multifamily structure or structures containing two or more dwelling units, including efficiency units. One or more of the dwelling units in a rental housing development shall be rented or leased or otherwise occupied as a primary residence by a person or household who is not the owner of the structure or structures. For the purposes of this section, motels operated pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 50669, residential hotels, group or congregate homes, and limited equity housing cooperatives are rental housing developments. Except for motels, the limitations concerning types of residents and minimum number of units set forth in subdivision (b) of Section 50669 shall not apply.
(i) "Affordable rent" for the purposes of this section shall be established by the department in the regulations authorized by subdivision (g). However, the initial rents shall be established by the department based on a designated family size for each unit size, and those initial rents shall not exceed 30 percent of 50 percent of the area median income adjusted by that designated family size for units restricted to occupancy by very low income households; or 30 percent of 60 percent of area median income adjusted by that designated family size for units restricted to occupancy by low-income households. In establishing affordable rent levels, the department shall make provision in its regulations for projects serving the physically and mentally handicapped persons.

Ca. Health and Saf. Code § 50668.5

Amended by Stats 2011 ch 239 (SB 562),s 11, eff. 1/1/2012.