Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 45-834.01

Current through L. 2024, ch. 259
Section 45-834.01 - Recovery of stored water; recovery well permit; emergency temporary recovery well permit; well construction
A. A person who holds long-term storage credits or who may recover water on an annual basis may recover the water stored pursuant to a water storage permit only:
1. If the person seeking to recover stored water has applied for and received a recovery well permit under this article.
2. For water stored within an active management area, if one of the following applies:
(a) The proposed recovery well is located within the area of impact of the stored water, as determined by the director, and either the person recovering the water is the storer or the stored water to be recovered is Colorado River water. If the stored water to be recovered is effluent that is stored in a managed underground storage facility and if the proposed recovery well is not an already constructed well owned by the person recovering the water and is located within the exterior boundaries of the service area of a city, town, private water company or irrigation district, that city, town, private water company or irrigation district must be notified by the person recovering the stored water and must have the right to offer to recover the water stored on behalf of that person. If the city, town, private water company or irrigation district offers to recover the water on behalf of the person seeking recovery and the water that is offered for recovery is of comparable quality to the water that the person could recover, the person seeking to recover the water shall consider accepting the best offer from the city, town, private water company or irrigation district overlying the area of impact that has offered to recover the stored water.
(b) The proposed recovery well is located outside the area of impact of the stored water, as determined by the director, and all of the following apply:
(i) The proposed recovery well is located within the same active management area as storage.
(ii) The director determines that recovery at the proposed location is consistent with the management plan and achievement of the management goal for the active management area.
(iii) If the proposed recovery well is located within the exterior boundaries of the service area of a city, town, private water company or irrigation district, that city, town, private water company or irrigation district is the person seeking to recover the water or has consented to the location of the recovery well.
(iv) If the proposed recovery well is located outside, but within three miles of, the exterior boundaries of the service area of a city, town, private water company or irrigation district, the closest city, town, private water company or irrigation district has consented to the location of the recovery well.
(c) The proposed recovery well is located within the area of impact of the stored water, as determined by the director, the person recovering the water is not the storer, the stored water to be recovered is not Colorado River water and all of the conditions prescribed by subdivision (b), items (i) through (iv) of this paragraph are met.
3. For water stored outside of an active management area, if recovery will occur within the same irrigation non-expansion area, groundwater basin or groundwater sub-basin, as applicable, in which the water was stored.
B. Before recovering from any well water stored pursuant to a water storage permit, a person shall apply for and receive a recovery well permit from the director. The director shall issue the recovery well permit if the director determines that:
1. If the application is for a new well, as defined in section 45-591, or except as provided in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this subsection for an existing well, as defined in section 45-591, the proposed recovery of stored water will not unreasonably increase damage to surrounding land or other water users from the concentration of wells. The director shall make this determination pursuant to rules adopted by the director.
2. If the applicant is a city, town, private water company or irrigation district in an active management area and the application is for an existing well within the service area of the city, town, private water company or irrigation district, the applicant has a right to use the existing well.
3. If the applicant is a conservation district and the application is for an existing well within the conservation district and within the groundwater basin or sub-basin in which the stored water is located, the applicant has a right to use the existing well.
C. A city, town, private water company or irrigation district in an active management area may apply with a single application to the director to have all existing wells, as defined in section 45-591, that the applicant has the right to use within its service area listed as recovery wells on the recovery well permit, if those wells otherwise meet the requirements of this section.
D. If the applicant is a conservation district, the director may issue an emergency temporary recovery well permit without complying with section 45-871.01, subsection F if the director determines that all of the following apply:
1. The conservation district cannot reasonably continue to supply central Arizona project water directly to a city, town, private water company or irrigation district due to an unplanned failure of a portion of the central Arizona project delivery system.
2. The emergency temporary recovery well permit is necessary to allow the conservation district to provide immediate delivery of replacement water to the city, town, private water company or irrigation district.
3. The application is for an existing well as defined in section 45-591 that is within the groundwater basin or groundwater sub-basin in which the stored water is located, is within the conservation district and is within the service area of the city, town, private water company or irrigation district.
E. An emergency temporary recovery well permit issued pursuant to subsection D of this section may be issued for a period of up to ninety days and may be extended for additional ninety day periods if the director determines that the conditions prescribed in subsection D of this section continue to apply.
F. If the application for a recovery well permit is approved, the director shall issue a permit and the applicant may proceed to construct or use the well. If the application is rejected, the applicant shall not proceed to construct or use the well. A new well shall be completed within one year of receipt of the permit, unless the director in granting the permit approves a longer period to complete the well. If the well is not completed within one year or the longer period approved by the director, the applicant shall file a new application before proceeding with construction.
G. A recovery well permit shall include the following information:
1. The name and mailing address of the person to whom the permit is issued.
2. The legal description of the location of the existing well or proposed new well from which stored water may be recovered pursuant to the permit.
3. The purpose for which the stored water will be recovered.
4. The depth and diameter of the existing well or proposed new well from which stored water may be recovered pursuant to the permit.
5. The legal description of the land on which the stored water will be used.
6. The maximum pumping capacity of the existing well or proposed new well.
7. If the permit is for a proposed new well, the latest date for completing the proposed new well.
8. Any other information as the director may determine.

A.R.S. § 45-834.01