Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 42-1118

Current through L. 2024, ch. 259
Section 42-1118 - Refunds, credits, offsets and abatements
A. If the department determines that any amount of tax, penalty or interest has been paid in excess of the amount actually due, the department shall credit the excess amount against any tax administered pursuant to this article, including any penalty, interest or other amounts owed by the taxpayer to the department. If it is determined that the amount cannot be credited against a tax or installment of taxes due from the taxpayer, the department may:
1. Refund the entire amount of tax, interest and penalty, in a lump sum or in not more than five annual installments, to the taxpayer from whom it was collected.
2. Issue to the taxpayer a credit voucher for the entire amount of tax, interest and penalty collected, to be carried forward and applied against future tax liabilities until exhausted.
3. Refund part, and issue a credit voucher for the balance, of the tax, interest and penalties as provided in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this subsection.
B. If the total amount withheld from income under section 43-401 exceeds the amount of the tax on the employee's entire taxable income as computed under title 43, the department shall refund the amount of the excess deducted without requiring a filing of a refund claim as provided in this section. The failure of the department to make the refund does not limit the right of the taxpayer to file a claim for a refund pursuant to this section if the claim is not barred under section 42-1106. The department shall not refund amounts less than one dollar unless specifically requested by the taxpayer at the time the return or claim for refund is filed.
C. Any overpayment that may result from withholdings or estimates pursuant to section 43-401, 43-581 or 43-582 shall not be credited or refunded unless an Arizona income tax return has been filed for the tax year for which the withholdings or estimates were made.
D. The department shall give a vendor who has a duty to collect use tax pursuant to chapter 5, article 4 of this title and who has not collected that tax full credit or offset for any use tax, interest and penalty paid to the department by the purchaser when issuing a determination of a deficiency pursuant to section 42-1108. This credit or offset shall be computed from the date of the use tax payment by the purchaser. If the purchaser has been audited by the department for use tax for the period of the purchase, the purchaser is considered to have paid the use tax to the department. For other purchases, the vendor may submit an affirmation by a purchaser on a form prescribed by the department that use tax was paid on the purchase. A fully completed certificate, taken in good faith by the vendor, constitutes proof that the vendor is entitled to this credit or offset. The department may require a purchaser who has submitted the certificate to establish the accuracy and completeness of the information contained in the certificate. If the purchaser cannot establish the accuracy and completeness of the information, the purchaser is liable for a penalty equal to the amount of tax and interest that would have been paid by the seller and for the additional penalties pursuant to section 42-1125. Payment of the penalty relieves the purchaser of any responsibility for paying the use tax. The department may require this proof and may assess the purchaser within the later of the period of limitations set forth in section 42-1104 or one year from the date the notice of proposed deficiency is issued to the vendor if the purchaser does not establish the accuracy of the information contained in the certificate.
E. Each claim for refund shall be filed with the department in writing and shall identify the claimant by name, address and tax identification number. Each claim shall provide the amount of refund requested, the specific tax period involved and the specific grounds on which the claim is founded. Refunds are subject to setoff for debts pursuant to section 42-1122.
F. A motor vehicle manufacturer that repurchases a vehicle pursuant to section 44-1263 or for reasons of consumer satisfaction may apply for a refund of the taxes paid under chapter 5 of this title if that manufacturer has refunded the amount of tax to the consumer. A refund is allowed under this subsection only if the manufacturer provides satisfactory proof to the department that tax amounts attributed to the sale of the vehicle were collected from the consumer and that the manufacturer refunded an amount of tax to the consumer. Any refund provided under this subsection is in lieu of any refund on the vehicle that the dealer may otherwise be entitled to receive. A manufacturer must apply for a refund under this subsection within four years after repurchasing the vehicle. For the purposes of this subsection:
1. "Consumer" has the same meaning prescribed in section 44-1261.
2. "Motor vehicle manufacturer" means a corporation engaged in the business of producing passenger cars, trucks and multipurpose passenger vehicles as described in 49 Code of Federal Regulations section 571.3.
3. "Satisfactory proof" includes copies of checks and a purchase or lease agreement that lists the vehicle identification number and that itemizes the amount that was collected as tax from the consumer.
G. The department shall not imprint the full social security number or other taxpayer identifier used pursuant to section 42-1105 on any taxpayer refund check, voucher or other credit documentation issued to the taxpayer under this section.
H. If any amount has been erroneously determined to be due from any person but not yet collected, the department shall cancel the amount or amounts on its records.
I. If, with or after the filing of a protest or an appeal with the department, the state board of tax appeals or the court, a taxpayer pays the tax protested or appealed before the department, board or court acts upon the protest or the appeal, such body shall treat the protest or the appeal as a claim for refund or an appeal from the denial of a claim for refund filed under this section.

A.R.S. § 42-1118