Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 11-814

Current through L. 2024, ch. 259
Section 11-814 - Rezoning; conditional zoning change; notice; hearing; citizen review; definition
A. All rezonings adopted under this article shall be consistent with and conform to the adopted comprehensive plan. In the case of uncertainty in constructing or applying the conformity of any part of a proposed rezoning to the adopted comprehensive plan, the rezoning shall be construed in a manner that will further the implementation of, and not be contrary to, the goals, policies and applicable elements of the comprehensive plan. A rezoning conforms with the comprehensive plan if it proposes land uses, densities or intensities within the range of identified uses, densities and intensities of the comprehensive plan.
B. A property owner or authorized agent of a property owner desiring a rezoning shall file an application for the rezoning.
C. The commission, on its own motion, may propose a rezoning and, after holding a public hearing as required by this chapter, may transmit the proposal to the board, which shall proceed as prescribed in this chapter for any other rezoning.
D. On receipt of the application, the board shall submit the application to the commission for a report. Before reporting to the board, the commission shall hold at least one public hearing after giving at least fifteen days' notice of the hearing by one publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the county seat and by posting of the area included in the proposed rezoning. If the matter to be considered applies to territory in a high noise or accident potential zone as defined in section 28-8461, the notice shall include a general statement that the matter applies to property located in the high noise or accident potential zone. The posting shall be in not less than two places with at least one notice for each quarter mile of frontage along perimeter public rights-of-way so that the notices are visible from the nearest public right-of-way. The commission shall also send notice by first class mail to each real property owner as shown on the last assessment of the property within three hundred feet of the proposed rezoning and each county and municipality that is contiguous to the area of the proposed rezoning. In proceedings involving rezoning of land that is located within territory in the vicinity of a military airport or ancillary military facility as defined in section 28-8461 or an influence area of a military installation or range or Arizona national guard site, the commission shall send copies of the notice of public hearing by first class mail to the military airport or the military installation or range or Arizona national guard site as applicable . The notice sent by mail shall include, at a minimum, the date, time and place of the hearing on the proposed rezoning, including a general explanation of the matter to be considered and a general description of the area of the proposed rezoning. For those counties with five or more supervisors, the notice must include a general description of how the real property owners within the zoning area may file approvals or protests of the proposed rezoning, and notification that if twenty percent of the property owners by area and number within the zoning area file protests, an affirmative vote of three-fourths of all members of the board will be required to approve the rezoning. In proceedings that are initiated by the commission involving rezoning, notice by first class mail shall be sent to each real property owner, as shown on the last assessment of the property, of the area to be rezoned and all property owners, as shown on the last assessment of the property, within three hundred feet of the property to be rezoned. For the purposes of this subsection, "influence area" and "military installation or range or Arizona national guard site" have the same meanings prescribed in section 11-818.01.
E. If the commission or hearing officer has held a public hearing, the board may adopt the recommendations of the commission or hearing officer through use of a consent calendar without holding a second public hearing if there is no objection, request for public hearing or other protest. If there is an objection, a request for public hearing or a protest, the board shall hold a public hearing at least fifteen days' notice of which shall be given by one publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the county seat and by posting the area included in the proposed rezoning. In counties with territory in the vicinity of a military airport or ancillary military facility as defined in section 28-8461, the board shall hold a public hearing if, after notice is mailed to the military airport pursuant to subsection D of this section and before the public hearing, the military airport provides comments or analysis concerning the compatibility of the proposed rezoning with the high noise or accident potential generated by military airport or ancillary military facility operations that may have an adverse impact on public health and safety, and the board shall consider and analyze the comments or analysis before making a final determination. After holding the hearing, the board may adopt the rezoning by a majority vote of the board for those counties with fewer than five supervisors, or for those counties with five or more supervisors if a protest has not been filed. If twenty percent of the owners of property by area and number within the zoning area file a protest to the proposed rezoning, the change shall not be made except by a three-fourths vote of all members of the board for those counties with five or more supervisors. If any members of the board are unable to vote on the question because of a conflict of interest, the required number of votes for the passage of the question is three-fourths of the remaining membership of the board for those counties with five or more supervisors, except that the required number of votes shall be less than a majority of the full membership of the board. In calculating the owners by area, only that portion of a lot or parcel of record situated within three hundred feet of the property to be rezoned shall be included. In calculating the owners by number or area, county property and public rights-of-way shall not be included.
F. The board of supervisors shall adopt by ordinance a citizen review process that applies to all rezoning and specific zoning plan applications that require a public hearing. The citizen review process shall include at least the following requirements:
1. Adjacent landowners and other potentially affected citizens will be notified of the application.
2. The county will inform adjacent landowners and other potentially affected citizens of the substance of the proposed rezoning.
3. Adjacent landowners and other potentially affected citizens will be provided an opportunity to express any issues or concerns that they may have with the proposed rezoning before the public hearing.
G. The rezoning or subdivision plat of any unincorporated area completely surrounded by a city or town shall use as a guideline the adopted general plan and standards as prescribed in the subdivision and zoning ordinances of the city or town .
H. The board or commission, before taking any action on a rezoning or subdivision plat in an area as prescribed in subsection G of this section, may require the affected city or town to supply information to allow the county to meet the guideline. If an affected city or town objects to any such proposed action, the board or commission shall prescribe in the minutes of the meeting specific reasons why in its opinion the guideline is actually being followed or why it is not practicable to follow the guideline of the general plan.
I. The board may approve a change of zone conditioned on a schedule for development of the specific use or uses for which rezoning is requested. If at the expiration of this period the property has not been improved for the use for which it was conditionally approved, the board after notification by certified mail to the owner and applicant who requested the rezoning shall schedule a public hearing to grant an extension, determine compliance with the schedule for development or cause the property to revert to its former zoning classification.
J. The legislature finds that a rezoning of land that changes the zoning classification of the land or that restricts the use or reduces the value of the land is a matter of statewide concern. Such a change in zoning that is initiated by the governing body or zoning body shall not be made without the express written consent of the property owner. In applying an open space element or a growth element of a comprehensive plan, a parcel of land shall not be rezoned for open space, recreation, conservation or agriculture unless the owner of the land consents to the rezoning in writing. For the purposes of this subsection, rezoning does not include the creation or expansion of overlay zones solely for the purpose of implementing airport safety and protection. Rezoning also does not include the redesignation of areas of the county to which the residential provisions of the county building codes apply or do not apply. The county shall not adopt any change in a zoning classification to circumvent the purpose of this subsection.
K. Notwithstanding title 19, chapter 1, article 4, a decision by the governing body involving rezoning of land that is not owned by the county and that changes the zoning classification of the land may not be enacted as an emergency measure and such a change shall not be effective for at least thirty days after final approval of the change in classification by the board. Unless a resident files a written objection with the board of supervisors, the rezoning may be enacted as an emergency measure that becomes effective immediately by a four-fifths majority vote of the board for those counties with five or more supervisors or a two-thirds majority vote of the board for those counties with fewer than five supervisors.
L. For the purposes of this section, "zoning area" means the area within three hundred feet of the proposed amendment or change.

A.R.S. § 11-814

Amended by L. 2024, ch. 41,s. 7, eff. 9/14/2024.