Alaska Stat. § 09.65.096

Current through Chapter 60 of the 2024 Legislative Session and 2024 Executive Orders 125, 133 through 135
Section 09.65.096 - Civil liability of hospitals for certain physicians
(a) A hospital is not liable for civil damages as a result of an act or omission by an emergency room physician who is not an employee or actual agent of the hospital if the hospital provides notice that the emergency room physician is an independent contractor and the emergency room physician is insured as described under (c) of this section. The hospital is responsible for exercising reasonable care in granting privileges to practice in the hospital, for reviewing those privileges on a regular basis, and for taking appropriate steps to revoke or restrict privileges in appropriate circumstances. The hospital is not otherwise liable for the acts or omissions of an emergency room physician who is an independent contractor. The notice required by this subsection must (1) be posted conspicuously in all admitting areas of the hospital; (2) consist of a sign at least two feet high and two feet wide, with print at least two inches high; (3) be published at least annually in a newspaper of general circulation in the area; and (4) be in substantially the following form:

Notice to Hospital Users and

Notice of Limited Liability

(Name of hospital) may not be responsible for the actions of emergency room physicians in (name of hospital's emergency room). The following emergency room physicians are independent contractors and are not employees of the hospital: (List specific emergency room physicians)

(b) This section does not preclude liability for civil damages that are the proximate result of the hospital's negligence or intentional misconduct.
(c) A hospital is not immune from liability under (a) of this section for an act or omission of an emergency room physician who is an independent contractor unless the emergency room physician has liability insurance coverage in the amount of at least $500,000 for each incident and $1,500,000 for all incidents in a year, and the coverage is in effect and applicable to those health care services offered by the emergency room physician that the hospital is required to provide by law or by accreditation requirements.
(d) In this section,
(1) "emergency room physician" means a physician who does not have an ongoing physician-patient relationship with the emergency room patient and who provides emergency health care services in a hospital emergency room;
(2) "hospital" has the meaning given in AS 47.32.900 and includes a governmentally owned or operated hospital;
(3) "independent contractor" means an emergency room physician who is not an employee or actual agent of the hospital in connection with the rendition of the health care services.

AS 09.65.096