Mich. Ct. R. 2.602

As amended through June 5, 2024
Rule 2.602 - Entry of Judgments and Orders
(A) Signing; Statement; Date of Entry.
(1) Except as provided in this rule and in MCR 2.603, all judgments and orders must be in writing, signed by the court and dated with the date they are signed.
(2) The date of signing an order or judgment is the date of entry.
(3) Each judgment must state, immediately preceding the judge's signature, whether it resolves the last pending claim and closes the case. Such a statement must also appear on any other order that disposes of the last pending claim and closes the case.
(4) Where electronic filing is implemented, judgments and orders must be issued under the seal of the court.
(B) Procedure of Entry of Judgments and Orders. An order or judgment shall be entered by one of the following methods:
(1) The court may sign the judgment or order at the time it grants the relief provided by the judgment or order.
(2) The court shall sign the judgment or order when its form is approved by all the parties and if, in the court's determination, it comports with the court's decision.
(3) Within 7 days after the granting of the judgment or order, or later if the court allows, a party may serve a copy of the proposed judgment or order on the other parties, with a notice to them that it will be submitted to the court for signing if no written objections to its accuracy or completeness are filed with the court clerk within 7 days after service of the notice. The party must file with the court clerk the notice and proof of service along with the proposed judgment or order.
(a) If no written objections are filed within 7 days of the date of service of the notice, the judge shall sign the judgment or order if, in the court's determination, it comports with the court's decision. If the proposed judgment or order does not comport with the decision, the court shall direct the clerk to notify the parties to appear before the court on a specified date for settlement of the matter.
(b) Objections regarding the accuracy or completeness of the judgment or order must state with specificity the inaccuracy or omission.
(c) The party filing the objections must serve them on all parties as required by MCR 2.107, together with a notice of hearing and an alternative proposed judgment or order.
(d) The court must schedule the hearing upon filing of the first objection, and the party filing the objection must serve the notice of hearing under subrule (B)(3)(c). Other parties to the action may file objections with the court through the end of the 7-day period. The court must schedule a hearing for all objections within 14 days after the first objection is filed or as soon as is practical afterward.
(4) A party may prepare a proposed judgment or order and notice it for settlement before the court. Pursuant to MCR 2.119(G)(3)(b), a motion fee may not be charged.
(C) Conditional Dismissal. The court may enter a consent order for conditional dismissal under the following conditions:
(1) A consent order for conditional dismissal shall be signed and approved by all parties and shall clearly state the terms for reinstatement of the case and entry of judgment.
(2) If the breaching party defaults on the terms of the settlement agreement as provided for in the conditional dismissal order, the non-defaulting party may seek entry of an order for reinstatement of the case and entry of judgment.
(a) To obtain an order for reinstatement of the case and entry of judgment, the nondefaulting party shall file with the court an affidavit stating that the breaching party defaulted on the terms of the settlement agreement.
(b) The non-defaulting party shall serve a copy of an affidavit of non-compliance on the breaching party at its current address listed in the court records and file proof of service with the court.
(c) If the order for conditional dismissal states that judgment may be entered without notice or further process, the court shall enter the proposed judgment upon determining the conditions for entry of judgment in the conditional dismissal order are satisfied.
(d) If the order for conditional dismissal does not provide for immediate entry of judgment, the affidavit shall be accompanied by a notice to the breaching party that an order for reinstatement and for entry of judgment is being submitted to the court for entry if no written objections to its accuracy or completeness are filed with the court clerk within 14 days after service of the notice. Unless an objection is filed within 14 days after service of the notice, an order for reinstatement of the case and entry of judgment shall be signed by the court and entered.
(i) An objection must be verified and state with specificity the reasons that an order for reinstatement of the case and entry of judgment should not enter.
(ii) If an objection is filed, the court shall set a hearing and serve notice of that hearing to all parties.
(iii) This 14-day notice provision may be waived in cases filed pursuant to MCR 4.201 if such waiver is acknowledged in writing.
(3) For the purposes of any statute of limitation, an action conditionally dismissed under this rule is deemed to have been initiated on the date the original complaint was properly filed.
(4) All parties to a conditional dismissal bear the affirmative duty to inform the court with jurisdiction over that case of any change of address until the terms of the settlement agreement have been satisfied.
(D) Placement in Case File. The signed judgment or order must be placed in the case file.
(E) Service.
(1) The party securing the signing of the judgment or order shall serve a copy, within 7 days after it has been signed, on all other parties, and file proof of service with the court clerk.
(2) If a judgment for reimbursement to the state for the value of game or protected animals is entered pursuant to MCL 324.40119 or for the value of fish is entered pursuant to MCL 324.48740, the clerk shall provide a copy of the judgment to the Department of Natural Resources. The judgment may be enforced as a civil judgment.

Mich. Ct. R. 2.602

Amended February 28, 2018, effective 5/1/2018; amended March 20, 2019, effective 5/1/2019.

Staff Comment: The amendment of MCR 2.602 provides procedural rules regarding entry of consent orders for conditional dismissal.

The staff comment is not an authoritative construction by the Court. In addition, adoption of a new rule or amendment in no way reflects a substantive determination by this Court.