Ky. R. Sup. Ct. 3.115

As amended through June 8, 2024
Rule SCR 3.115 - Bar center headquarters
(1) A board of trustees of the association's bar center headquarters is created. It shall consist of the president, ex officio, a non-voting executive director appointed by the trustees, and six members of the association, three appointed by the court and three by the board of governors. Both the court and the board of governors shall appoint persons for staggered terms of three years each, commencing December 1 of the year of appointment.
(2) The powers and duties of the trustees shall include the right to act for and in the name of the association with respect to all matters incident to the ownership, management and control of the bar center headquarters to be located in Frankfort, and for the purpose of carrying out such purposes, the right:
(a) To hold the legal title to all real estate acquired in the future for the bar center headquarters building, and to acquire and hold, by lease, purchase, gift, bequest or devise, such additional real estate as may reasonably be required for additions to or incident to the reasonable use of the bar center headquarters building.
(b) To construct, purchase, lease or otherwise acquire such additions to a bar center headquarters building as may reasonably be required, to incur such indebtedness as may be required in the opinion of the trustees in order to finance the acquisition of additional land for and additions to the bar center headquarters building, and to secure the payment of such indebtedness by mortgage or pledge of the property, real and personal, of the trust.
(c) To control, manage, and maintain the bar center headquarters building and all real and personal property incident thereto.
(d) To receive and accept any gifts, devises and bequests of real and personal property, and to hold, sell, mortgage, expend, invest, reinvest and otherwise control and use the same or the proceeds thereof for any purposes incident to the bar center headquarters building.
(e) To accept and hold in trust real and personal property given, devised and bequeathed for any use and purpose germane to the acquisition, maintenance and expansion of the bar center headquarters building, and to administer such trust in accordance with the terms thereof.
(f) To institute, intervene in, or defend any action or proceeding at law or in equity in any state or federal court wherein any issue involving the trustees, the real or personal property within their charge, or the trust is or may be presented.
(g) The trustees shall, annually on or before September 15 of each year, render to this court and to the board of governors of the association, or more often if either shall so direct, a complete account of their administration and transactions.

Ky. R. Sup. Ct. SCR 3.115

Amended by Order 82-1, eff. 4/1/1982; adopted eff. 1/1/1978