Ind. R. App. P. 44

As amended through September 20, 2024
Rule 44 - Brief and Petition Length Limitations
(A) Applicability. This Rule governs the length of briefs, Petitions for Rehearing, Petitions to Transfer to the Supreme Court, and Petitions for Review of a Tax Court decision by the Supreme Court.
(B) Oversized Brief. A motion requesting leave to file any oversized brief or Petition shall be filed at least fifteen (15) days before the brief or Petition is due. The motion shall state the total number of words requested, not pages.
(C) Items Excluded From Length Limits. The text of the following shall not be included in the page or word length limits of this rule:

Cover information

Table of contents

Table of authorities

Signature block

Certificate of service

Word count certificate

Appealed judgment or order of trial court or Administrative Agency, and items identified in Rule 46(A)(10).

Headings and footnotes are included in the length limits.

(D) Page Limits. Unless a word count complying with Section E is provided, a brief or Petition may not exceed the following number of pages:

Appellant's brief: thirty (30) pages

Appellee's brief: thirty (30) pages

Reply brief (except as provided below): fifteen (15) pages

Reply brief with cross-appellee's brief: thirty (30) pages

Brief of intervenor or amicus curiae: fifteen (15) pages

Petition for Rehearing: ten (10) pages

Brief in response to a Petition for Rehearing: ten (10) pages

Petition to Transfer: ten (10) pages

Brief in response to a Petition seeking Transfer: ten (10) pages

Reply brief to brief in response to a Petition seeking Transfer: three (3) pages

Brief of intervenor or amicus curiae on transfer or rehearing: ten (10) pages

Petition for Review of a Tax Court decision: thirty (30) pages

Brief in response to a Petition for Review of a Tax Court decision: thirty (30) pages

Reply brief to brief in response to a Petition for Review of a Tax Court decision: fifteen (15) pages

(E) Word Limits. A brief or Petition exceeding the page limit of Section D may be filed if it does not exceed, and the attorney or the unrepresented party preparing the brief or Petition certifies that, including footnotes, it does not exceed, the following number of words:

Appellant's brief: 14,000 words

Appellee's brief: 14,000 words

Reply brief (except as provided below): 7,000 words

Reply brief with cross-appellee's brief: 14,000 words

Brief of intervenor or amicus curiae: 7,000 words

Petition for Rehearing: 4,200 words

Brief in response to a petition for Rehearing: 4,200 words

Petition to Transfer: 4,200 words

Brief in response to a Petition seeking Transfer: 4,200 words

Reply brief to brief in response to a Petition seeking Transfer: 1,000 words

Brief of intervenor or amicus curiae on transfer or rehearing: 4,200 words

Petition for Review of a Tax Court decision: 14,000 words

Brief in response to a Petition for Review of a Tax Court decision: 14,000 words

Reply brief to brief in response to a Petition for Review of a Tax Court decision: 7,000 words

(F) Form of Word Count Certificate. The following are acceptable word count certifications: "I verify that this brief (or Petition) contains no more than (applicable limit) words," and "I verify that this brief (or Petition) contains (actual number) words." The certification shall appear at the end of the brief or Petition before the certificate of service. The attorney or the unrepresented party certifying a word count may rely on the word count of the word processing system used to prepare the brief or Petition.

Ind. R. App. P. 44