Fl. Prob. R. 5.680

As amended through September 12, 2024
(a) Petition for Discharge. When the ward has become sui juris, has terminated a voluntary guardianship, has been restored to capacity, has had all rights restored, or has died, or when the guardian has been unable to locate the ward after diligent search, or, for a guardian of the property, when the property subject to the guardianship has been exhausted, the guardian shall file a petition for discharge. A guardian of the person is discharged without further proceeding upon filing a certified copy of the ward's death certificate.
(b) Contents of Petition. The petition for discharge shall state:
(1) the reason for termination of the guardianship;
(2) that the guardian has fully administered the guardianship; and
(3) the amount of unpaid and anticipated costs and fees to be paid to the guardian and to the attorneys, accountants, or other agents employed by the guardian.
(c) Final Report. The guardian of the property shall promptly file a final report. If the ward has died, the guardian must file the report no later than 45 days after he or she has been served with letters of administration, letters of curatorship, or an order of summary administration. The report shall show receipts, disbursements, amounts reserved for unpaid and anticipated disbursements, costs, and fees, including the amounts set forth in subdivision (b)(3), and other relevant financial information from the date of the previous annual accounting, and a list of the assets to be turned over to the person entitled to them.
(d) Notice. A notice shall be served stating:
(1) that any objection shall be in writing and shall state with particularity each item to which the objection is directed and the grounds on which the objection is based;
(2) that any objection to the final report or the petition for discharge shall be filed within 30 days from the date of service of the petition for discharge; and
(3) that within 90 days after filing of the objection, a notice of hearing thereon shall be served or the objection is abandoned.
(e) Service. The guardian applying for discharge shall serve a copy of the petition for discharge and final report on the ward, on the personal representative of a deceased ward, or if there are no assets justifying qualification of a personal representative for the estate of a deceased ward, on the known next of kin of the deceased ward, or such other persons as the court may direct; provided however, that a guardian of the property who is subsequently appointed personal representative shall serve a copy of the petition for discharge and final report on all beneficiaries of the ward's estate.
(f) Objections. All persons served shall have 30 days to file objections to the petition for discharge and final report. The objections shall state with particularity the items to which the objections are directed and shall state the grounds on which the objections are based. Copies of the objections shall be served by the objector on the guardian. Any interested person may set a hearing on the objections. Notice of the hearing shall be served on the guardian and any other interested persons. If a notice of hearing on the objections is not served within 90 days of filing of the objections, the objections will be deemed abandoned. The guardian may not be discharged until all objections have been withdrawn, abandoned, or judicially resolved, and the petition for discharge of the guardian is granted by the court.
(g) Discharge. The guardian may not be discharged until all objections are withdrawn, abandoned, or judicially resolved. After all objections are withdrawn, abandoned, or judicially resolved, and if it appears that the guardian has paid all amounts reserved to the persons entitled to them and has made full and complete distribution of the ward's assets to the persons entitled to them and has otherwise faithfully discharged the duties of the guardian, the court shall grant the petition for discharge and enter an order of discharge. If objections are filed and are not withdrawn, abandoned, or judicially resolved, the court shall conduct a hearing in the same manner as for a hearing on objections to annual guardianship plans. After hearing, if the court is satisfied that the guardian has faithfully discharged the duties of the guardianship and the interests of the ward are protected, and the guardian has rendered a complete and accurate final report and has delivered the assets of the ward to the person entitled to them, the court shall enter an order of discharge.

Fl. Prob. R. 5.680

Amended by 2021 WL 5050374, effective 10/28/2021; amended by 102 So.3d 505, effective 9/1/2012; amended by 986 So.2d 576, effective 7/10/2008; amended by 948 So.2d 735, effective 2/1/2007; amended by 848 So.2d 1069, effective 1/1/2004; amended by 683 So.2d 78, effective 1/1/1997; amended by 584 So.2d 964, effective 10/1/1991; amended by 551 So.2d 452, effective 10/1/1989; amended by 344 So.2d 828, effective 7/1/1977; amended by 324 So.2d 38, effective 1/1/1976; adopetd by 201 So. 2d 409, effective 1/1/1968.

Committee Notes

Rule History

1975 Revision: Implements sections 744.527 and 744.531, Florida Statutes, and also requires the guardian applying for discharge to do so by filing a petition for discharge and provides the procedure pertaining thereto.

1977 Revision: No change in rule. Change in committee note to conform to statutory renumbering.

1988 Revision: Captions added to subdivisions. Committee notes revised. Citation form changes in committee notes.

1989 Revision: Prior rule deleted and replaced by temporary emergency rule.

1991 Revision: Substantial revision of entire rule to harmonize with procedure for discharge of personal representatives under rules 5.400 and 5.401.

1992 Revision: Committee notes revised. Citation form changes in committee notes.

1996 Revision: Editorial changes to clarify that all anticipated costs and fees should be shown on final report and thereafter paid prior to transfer of assets and discharge of guardian.

2003 Revision: Subdivision (a) amended to reflect addition of rule 5.552 dealing with voluntary guardianship of property. Committee notes revised.

2006 Revision: Subdivision (c) amended to conform to 2006 amendments to section 744.527, Florida Statutes. Subdivision (h) deleted as unnecessary because substantive right of waiver is provided by section 731.302, Florida Statutes.

2008 Revision: Reference to restoration of rights added in subdivision (a). Committee notes revised.

2012 Revision: Committee notes revised.

Statutory References

§ 393.12, Fla. Stat. Capacity; appointment of guardian advocate.

§ 744.521, Fla. Stat. Termination of guardianship.

§ 744.527, Fla. Stat. Final reports and application for discharge; hearing.

§ 744.528, Fla. Stat. Discharge of guardian named as personal representative.

§ 744.531, Fla. Stat. Order of discharge.

§ 744.534, Fla. Stat. Disposition of unclaimed funds held by guardian.

Rule References

Fla. Prob. R. 5.040 Notice.

Fla. Prob. R. 5.041 Service of pleadings and documents.

Fla. Prob. R. 5.180 Waiver and consent.

Fla. Prob. R. 5.552 Voluntary guardianship of property.

Fla. Prob. R. 5.610 Execution by guardian.

Fla. Prob. R. 5.681 Restoration of rights of person with developmental disability.

Fla. R. Gen. Prac. & Jud. Admin. 2.516 Service of pleadings and documents.