Colo. R. Civ. P. 379

As amended through Rule Change 2024(16), effective September 12, 2024
Rule 379 - Records
(a) Register of Actions (Civil Docket). The clerk shall keep a record known as the register of actions and shall enter therein those items set forth below. The register of actions may be in any of the following forms or styles:
(1) A page, sheet, or printed form in a book, case jacket, or separate file, or the cover of the case jacket.
(2) A microfilm roll, film jacket, or microfiche card.
(3) Computer magnetic tape or magnetic disc storage, where the register of actions items appear on the terminal screen, or on a paper print-out of the screen display.
(4) Any other form or style prescribed by supreme court directive.

A register of actions shall be prepared for each case or matter filed. The file number of each case or matter shall be noted on every page, jacket cover, film or computer record whereon the first and all subsequent entries of actions are made. All papers filed with the clerk, all process issued and returns made thereon, all costs, appearances, orders, verdicts, and judgments shall be noted chronologically in the register of actions. These notations shall be brief but shall show the nature of each paper filed or writ issued and the substance of each order or judgment of the court and of the returns showing execution of process. The notation of an order or judgment shall show the date the notation is made. The notation of the judgment in the register of actions shall constitute the entry of judgment. When trial by jury has been demanded or ordered, the clerk shall enter the word jury on the page, jacket cover, film or computer record assigned to that case.

(b) Indices; Calendars. The clerk shall keep suitable indices of all records as directed by the court. The clerk shall also keep, as directed by the court, calendars of all hearings and all cases ready for trial, which shall distinguish trials to a jury from trials to the court. Indices and calendars may be in any of the following forms or styles:
(1) A page or sheet in a book or separate file.
(2) A mechanical or hand operated index machine or card file.
(3) Computer magnetic tape or magnetic disc storage, where the information appears on the terminal screen, or on a print-out of the screen display.
(4) Microfilm copies of 1, 2, and 3 above.
(5) Any other form or style prescribed by supreme court directive.
(c) Judgment Record. The clerk shall keep a judgment record in which a notation shall be made of every money judgment. The judgment record may be in any of the following forms or styles:
(1) A page, sheet, or printed form in a book, case jacket or separate file, or the cover of the case jacket.
(2) Computer magnetic tape or magnetic disc storage, where the judgment and subsequent transactions appear on the terminal screen, or on a paper print-out of the screen display.
(3) A microfilm copy or variation of 1 and 2 above.
(4) Any other form or style prescribed by supreme court directive.
(d) Retention and Disposition of Records. The clerk shall retain and dispose of all court records in accordance with instructions provided in the manual entitled, Colorado Judicial Department, Records Management.

C.R.C.P. 379