Colo. R. Crim. P. 17

As amended through Rule Change 2024(16), effective September 12, 2024
Rule 17 - Subpoena

In every criminal case, the prosecuting attorneys and the defendant have the right to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of tangible evidence by service upon them of a subpoena to appear for examination as a witness upon the trial or other hearing.

(a) For Attendance of Witnesses-Form-Issuance. A subpoena shall be issued either by the clerk of the court in which case is filed or by one of counsel whose appearance has been entered in the particular case in which the subpoena is sought. It shall state the name of the court and the title, if any, of the proceedings, and shall command each person to whom it is directed to attend and give testimony at the time and place specified therein.
(b) Pro Se Defendants. Subpoenas shall be issued at the request of a pro se defendant, as hereinafter provided. The court or a judge thereof, in its discretion in any case involving a pro se defendant, may order at any time that a subpoena be issued only upon motion or request of a pro se defendant and upon order entered thereon. The motion or request shall be supported by an affidavit stating facts supporting the contention that the witness or the items sought to be subpoenaed are material and relevant and that the defendant cannot safely go to trial without the witness or items which are sought by subpoena. If the court is satisfied with the affidavit it shall direct that the subpoena be issued.
(c) For Production of Documentary Evidence and of Objects. A subpoena may also command the person to whom it is directed to produce the books, papers, documents, photographs, or other objects designated therein. The subpoenaing party shall forthwith provide a copy of the subpoena to opposing counsel (or directly to the defendant if unrepresented) upon issuance. The court on motion made promptly may quash or modify the subpoena if compliance would be unreasonable or oppressive. The court may direct that books, papers, documents, photographs, or objects designated in the subpoena be produced before the court at a time prior to the trial or prior to the time when they are to be offered in evidence and may upon their production permit the books, papers, documents, photographs, or objects or portions thereof to be inspected by the parties and their attorneys.
(d) Service on a Minor. Service of a subpoena upon a parent or legal guardian who has physical care of an unemancipated minor that contains wording commanding said parent or legal guardian to produce the unemancipated minor for the purpose of testifying before the court shall be valid service compelling the attendance of both said parent or legal guardian and the unemancipated minor for examination as witnesses. In addition, service of a subpoena as described in this subsection shall compel said parent or legal guardian either to make all necessary arrangements to ensure that the unemancipated minor is available before the court to testify or to appear in court and show good cause for the unemancipated minor's failure to appear.
(e) Service. Unless service is admitted or waived, a subpoena may be served by the sheriff, by his deputy, or by any other person who is not a party and who is not less than eighteen years of age. Service of a subpoena may be made by delivering a copy thereof to the person named. Service may also be made in accordance with Section 24-30-2104(3), C.R.S.. Service is also valid if the person named has signed a written admission or waiver of personal service, including an admission or waiver signed using a scanned or electronic signature. If ordered by the court, a fee for one day's attendance and mileage allowed by law shall be tendered to the person named if the person named resides outside the county of trial.
(f) Place of Service.
(1) In Colorado. A subpoena requiring the attendance of a witness at a hearing or trial may be served anywhere within Colorado.
(2) Witness from Another State. Service on a witness outside this state shall be made only as provided by law.
(g) For Taking Deposition-Issuance. A court order to take a deposition authorizes the issuance by the clerk of the court of subpoenas for the persons named or described in the order.
(h) Failure to Obey Subpoena.
(1) Contempt. Failure by any person without adequate excuse to obey a duly served subpoena may be deemed a contempt of the court from which the subpoena issued. Such contempt is indirect contempt within the meaning of C.R.C.P. 107. The trial court may issue a contempt citation under this subsection (1) whether or not it also issues a bench warrant under subsection (2) below.
(2) Trial Witness-Bench Warrant.
(A) When it appears to the court that a person has failed without adequate excuse to obey a duly served subpoena commanding appearance at a trial, the court, upon request of the subpoenaing party, shall issue a bench warrant directing that any peace officer apprehend the person and produce the person in court immediately upon apprehension or, if the court is not then in session, as soon as court reconvenes. Such bench warrant shall expire upon the earliest of:
(i) submission of the case to the jury; or
(ii) cancellation or termination of the trial.
(B) Upon the person's production in court, the court shall set bond.

Colo. R. Crim. P. 17

Source: (d) amended June 19, 1986, effective 1/1/1987; (c) amended and effective 10/31/1996; (d) to (h) amended November 4, 1999, effective 1/1/2000; entire rule amended and effective 9/4/2003; (e) amended and adopted October 15, 2009, effective 1/1/2010; (h) amended and adopted April 23, 2012, effective 7/1/2012.

Annotation A defendant is not entitled to issue ex parte subpoenas duces tecum by leave of the court. The fifth and sixth amendments to the federal constitution do not give the defendant the right to engage in this type of discovery without providing the information to the prosecution. People v. Baltazar, 241 P.3d 941 (Colo. 2010). Effect of failure of subpoenaed witness to appear. Under some circumstances, failure of court to grant continuance or to order mistrial when witness who has been subpoenaed fails to appear requires reversal. People v. Lee, 180 Colo. 376, 506 P.2d 136 (1973). A trial court does not abuse its discretion in denying a continuance because the defendant's psychiatric witness who had not been served with a subpoena failed to appear. People v. Mann, 646 P.2d 352 (Colo. 1982). Order of court should be required before a subpoena duces tecum is issued. Digiallonardo v. People, 175 Colo. 560, 488 P.2d 1109 (1971). During the course of a criminal prosecution, the prosecution may compel production of telephone and bank records through the use of a subpoena duces tecum so long as the defendant has the opportunity to challenge the subpoena for lack of probable cause. Use of a subpoena duces tecum for such records is not an unreasonable search and seizure provided that it is supported by probable cause and is properly defined and executed. People v. Mason, 989 P.2d 757 (Colo. 1999). Probable cause for issuance of a subpoena duces tecum for obtaining telephone and bank records exists if there is a reasonable likelihood that the evidence sought exists and that it would link the defendant to the crime charged. People v. Mason, 989 P.2d 757 (Colo. 1999). District attorney has standing to challenge defense subpoena of third party. As the prosecuting party, the district attorney has an independent interest in ensuring the propriety of third-party subpoenas as part of the management of the case and the prevention of complainant or witness harassment through improper discovery. People v. Spykstra, 234 P.3d 662 (Colo. 2010). To withstand challenge to criminal pretrial third-party subpoena, defendant must demonstrate: (1) A reasonable likelihood that the subpoenaed materials exist, by setting forth a specific factual basis; (2) that the materials are evidentiary and relevant; (3) that the materials are not otherwise procurable reasonably in advance of trial by the exercise of due diligence; (4) that the party cannot properly prepare for trial without such production and inspection in advance of trial and that the failure to obtain such inspection may tend unreasonably to delay the trial; and (5) that the application is made in good faith and is not intended as a general fishing expedition. People v. Spykstra, 234 P.3d 662 (Colo. 2010). In addition to this basic test, for subpoenas issued for materials that may be protected by privilege or a right to confidentiality, a balancing of interests is necessary and the defendant must make a greater showing of need. In camera review may be necessary in some instances, but is not mandated. People v. Spykstra, 234 P.3d 662 (Colo. 2010). Witnesses for indigent defendants. The expenses of obtaining the testimony of witnesses for an indigent defendant must be paid by the state. People v. McCabe, 37 Colo. App. 181, 546 P.2d 1289 (1975). Defendant must establish indigency to satisfaction of court. People v. McCabe, 37 Colo. App. 181, 546 P.2d 1289 (1975). No authority to quash properly issued subpoena. There is no authority under this rule to quash a subpoena if the district attorney has complied with the technical requirements. People v. Ensor, 632 P.2d 641 (Colo. App. 1981). Mailing a subpoena to a witness, without more, does not comply with the requirements in section (e). The record does not indicate that the prosecution exercised diligence in trying to obtain the witness' presence. People v. Stanchieff, 862 P.2d 988 (Colo. App. 1993). Subpoena served by mail insufficient to invoke contempt. A subpoena served by mail, pursuant to an administrative order, is insufficient to invoke the sanction of contempt under section (h). People v. Mann, 646 P.2d 352 (Colo. 1982). For in camera examination of subpoenaed bank records, see Pignatiello v. District Court, 659 P.2d 683 (Colo. 1983). Discovery costs. Prior to requiring the public defender's office to pay costs of copying a police officer's file for an in camera review by the court, the court should make the following specific findings: Was the defendant's subpoena unreasonable or oppressive and were the city's proffered concerns as to use and possible loss justified? The court should consider whether adequate safeguards could be provided for an initial in camera review of the original documents and whether any payment should be limited to actual costs. In doing so, the court must balance the government's interests against defendant's interests in disclosure. People v. Trujillo, 62 P.3d 1034 (Colo. App. 2002), rev'd on other grounds, 83 P.3d 642 (Colo. 2004). Applied in People v. Duncan, 179 Colo. 253, 500 P.2d 137 (1972); A v. District Court, 191 Colo. 10, 550 P.2d 315 (1976); Losavio v. Robb, 195 Colo. 533, 579 P.2d 1152 (1978).

For fees of witnesses, see §§ 13-33-102 and 13-33-103 , C.R.S.