Colo. R. Civ. P. 403

As amended through Rule Change 2024(16), effective September 12, 2024
Rule 403 - Garnishment

NOTE: County Court Rule 403 is identical to C.R.C.P. 103 except for cross references within the County Court Rule to other County Court Rules. Forms used with the County Court are identical to those used with C.R.C.P. 103, and because County Court Rule 403 cites to and incorporates C.R.C.P. Forms 26 through 34, they need not be duplicated in the County Court Forms Section.

This rule sets forth the exclusive process for garnishment. There shall be five (5) types of writs: (1) Writ of Continuing Garnishment, (2) Writ of Garnishment with Notice of Exemption and Pending Levy, (3) Writ of Garnishment for Support, (4) Writ of Garnishment -- Judgment Debtor Other Than Natural Person, and (5) Writ of Garnishment in Aid of Writ of Attachment.


(a) Definitions.
(1) "Continuing garnishment" means the exclusive procedure for withholding the earnings of a judgment debtor for successive pay periods for payment of a judgment debt other than a judgment for support as provided in subsection (c) of this rule.
(2) "Earnings" shall be defined in Section 13-54.5-101(2), C.R.S., as applicable.
(b) Form of Writ of Continuing Garnishment and Related Forms. A writ of continuing garnishment shall be in the form and content of Appendix to Chapters 1 to 17, Form 26, C.R.C.P. It shall also include at least four (4) "Calculation of Amount of Exempt Earnings" forms to be in the form and content of Appendix to Chapters 1 to 17, Form 27, C.R.C.P. Objection to the calculation of exempt earnings shall be in the form and content of Appendix to Chapters 1 to 17, Form 28, C.R.C.P.
(c) When Writ of Continuing Garnishment Issues. After entry of judgment when a writ of execution can issue, a writ of continuing garnishment against earnings shall be issued by the clerk of the court upon request. Under a writ of continuing garnishment, a judgment creditor may garnish earnings except to the extent such earnings are exempt under law. Issuance of a writ of execution shall not be required.
(d) Service of Writ of Continuing Garnishment. A judgment creditor shall serve two (2) copies of the writ of continuing garnishment, together with a blank copy of C.R.C.P. Form 28, "Objection to the Calculation of the Amount of Exempt Earnings" (Appendix to Chapters 1 to 17, Form 28, C.R.C.P.), upon the garnishee, one copy of which the garnishee shall deliver to the judgment debtor as provided in subsection (h)(1) of this rule. Service of the writ shall be in accordance with C.R.C.P. 304, and the person who serves the writ shall note the date and time of such service on the return service. In any civil action, a judgment creditor shall serve no more than one writ of continuing garnishment upon any one garnishee for the same judgment debtor during the Effective Garnishment Period. This restriction shall not preclude the issuance of a subsequent writ within the Effective Garnishment Period.
(e) Jurisdiction. Service of a writ of continuing garnishment upon the garnishee shall give the court jurisdiction over the garnishee and any earnings of the judgment debtor within the control of the garnishee.
(f) Effective Garnishment Period.
(1) A writ of continuing garnishment shall be a lien and continuing levy against the nonexempt earnings of the judgment debtor until such time as earnings are no longer due, the underlying judgment is vacated, modified or satisfied in full, the writ is dismissed, or for 91 days (13 weeks) following service of the writ, if the judgment was entered prior to August 8, 2001, and 182 days (26 weeks) following service of the writ if the judgment was entered on or after August 8, 2001, except when such writ is suspended pursuant to subsection (j) of this rule.
(2) When a writ of continuing garnishment is served upon a garnishee during the Effective Garnishment Period of a prior writ, it shall be effective for the Effective Garnishment Period following the Effective Garnishment Period of any prior writ.
(3) If a writ of garnishment for support pursuant to C.R.S. 14-14-105 is served during the effective period of a writ of continuing garnishment, the Effective Garnishment Period shall be tolled and all priorities preserved until the termination of the writ of garnishment for support.
(g) Exemptions. A garnishee shall not be required to deduct, set up or plead any exemption for or on behalf of a judgment debtor excepting as set forth in the writ.
(h) Delivery of Copy to Judgment Debtor.
(1) The garnishee shall deliver a copy of the writ of continuing garnishment, together with the calculation of the amount of exempt earnings that is based on the judgment debtor's last paycheck prior to delivery of the writ of continuing garnishment to the judgment and the blank copy of C.R.C.P. Form 28, "Objection to the Calculation of the Amount of exempt Earnings or For Reduction of Withholding Pursuant to Section 13-54-(2)(a)(I)(D)" (Appendix to Chapters 1 to 17, Form 28, C.R.C.P.), to the judgment debtor not later than 7 days after the garnishee is served with the writ of continuing garnishment.
(2) For all subsequent pay periods affected by the writ, the garnishee shall deliver a copy of the calculation of the amount of exempt earnings to the judgment debtor at the time the judgment debtor receives earnings for that pay period.
(i) Objection to Calculation of Amount of Exempt Earnings. A judgment debtor may object to the calculation of exempt earnings or object and request an exemption of earnings pursuant to section 13-54-104(2)(a)(I)(D), C.R.S. A judgment debtor's objection to calculation of exempt earnings or objection and request for an exemption of earnings pursuant to section 13-54-104(2)(a)(I)(D), C.R.S., shall be in accordance with Section 6 of this rule.
(j) Suspension. A writ of continuing garnishment may be suspended for a specified period of time by the judgment creditor upon agreement with the judgment debtor, which agreement shall be in writing and filed by the judgment creditor with the clerk of the court in which judgment was entered and a copy shall be delivered by the judgment creditor to the garnishee. No suspension shall extend the running of the Effective Garnishment Period nor affect priorities.
(k) Answer and Tender of Payment by Garnishee.
(1) The garnishee shall file the answer to the writ of garnishment with the clerk of the court and send a copy to the judgment creditor not later than 7 days after the garnishee is served with the writ of continuing garnishment pursuant to section 13-54.5-105(5), C.R.S. However, if the judgment creditor is represented by an attorney, or is a collection agency licensed pursuant to section 12-14-101, et seq., C.R.S., the garnishee shall send such response to the attorney or licensed collection agency.
(2)In the event the answer required by Section 1(k)(1) of this rule is filed and served pursuant to section 13-54.5-105(5)(b), C.R,S., the garnishee shall begin garnishment of the disposable earnings of the judgment debtor on the first payday of the judgment debtor that occurs at least 21 days after the garnishee was served with the writ of continuing garnishment or the first payday after the expiration date of any prior effective writ of garnishment that is at least 21 days after the garnishee was served with the writ of continuing garnishment.
(3) The garnishee shall pay any nonexempt earnings and deliver a calculation of the amount of exempt earnings to the clerk of the court which issued such writ no less than 7 nor more than 14 days following the time the judgment debtor receives earnings affected by such writ. However, if the answer and subsequent calculations are only mailed to an attorney or licensed collection agency under subsection (k)(1), the payment shall accompany the answer.
(4) Any writ of continuing garnishment served upon the garnishee while any previous writ is still in effect shall be answered by the garnishee with a statement that the garnishee has been previously served with one or more writs of continuing garnishment and/or writs of garnishment for support and specify the date on which such previously served writs are expected to terminate.
(l) Disbursement of Garnished Earnings.
(1) If no objection to the calculation of exempt earnings or objection and request for exemption of earnings pursuant to section 13-54-104(2)(a)(I)(D), C.R.S., is filed by the judgment debtor within 21 days after the garnishee was served with the writ of continuing garnishment the garnishee shall send the nonexempt earnings to the attorney, collection agency licensed pursuant to section 5-16-101, et seq., C.R.S., or court designated on the writ of continuing garnishment (C.R.C.P. Form 26, page 1, paragraph e). The judgment creditor shall refund to the judgment debtor any disbursement in excess of the amount necessary to satisfy the judgment.
(2) If a written objection to the calculation of exempt earnings is filed with the clerk of the court, the garnishee shall send the garnished nonexempt earnings to the clerk of the court. The garnished nonexempt earnings shall be placed in the registry of the court pending further order of the court.
(m) Request for accounting of garnished funds by judgment debtor. Upon reasonable written request by a judgment debtor, the judgment creditor shall provide an accounting in writing of all funds received to the date of the request, including the balance due at the date of the request.


(a) Definition.

"Writ of garnishment with notice of exemption and pending levy" means the exclusive procedure through which the personal property of any kind (other than earnings of a natural person) in the possession or control of a garnishee including the credits, debts, choses in action, or money owed to the judgment debtor, whether they are due at the time of the service of the writ or are to become due thereafter, is required to be held for payment of a judgment debt. For the purposes of this rule such writ is designated "writ with notice."

(b) Form of Writ With Notice and Claim of Exemption. A writ with notice shall be in the form and content of Appendix to Chapters 1 to 17, Form 29, C.R.C.P. A judgment debtor's written claim of exemption shall be in the form and content of Appendix to Chapters 1 to 17, Form 30, C.R.C.P.
(c) When Writ With Notice Issues. After entry of a judgment when a writ of execution may issue, a writ with notice shall be issued by the clerk of the court upon request. Under such writ any indebtedness, intangible personal property, or tangible personal property capable of manual delivery, other than earnings of a natural person, owed to, or owned by, the judgment debtor, and in the possession or control of the garnishee at the time of service of such writ upon the garnishee, shall be subject to the process of garnishment. Issuance of a writ of execution shall not be required before the issuance of a writ with notice.
(d) Service of Writ With Notice.
(1) Service of a writ with notice shall be made in accordance with C.R.C.P. 304.
(2) Following service of the writ with notice on the garnishee, a copy of the writ with notice, together with a blank copy of C.R.C.P. Form 30 "Claim of Exemption to Writ of Garnishment with Notice" (Appendix to Chapters 1 to 17, Form 30, C.R.C.P.), shall be served upon each judgment debtor whose property is subject to garnishment by such writ as soon thereafter as practicable. Such service shall be in accordance with C.R.S. 13-54.5-107(2).
(e) Jurisdiction. Service of a writ with notice upon the garnishee shall give the court jurisdiction over the garnishee and any personal property of any description, owned by, or owed to the judgment debtor in the possession or control of the garnishee.
(f) Claim of Exemption. A judgment debtor's claim of exemption shall be in accordance with Section 6 of this rule.
(g) Court Order on Garnishment Answer.
(1) If an answer to a writ with notice shows the garnishee is indebted to the judgment debtor, the clerk shall enter judgment in favor of the judgment debtor and against the garnishee for the use of the judgment creditor in an amount not to exceed the total amount due and owing on the judgment and if the judgment creditor is pro se, request such indebtedness be paid to the registry of the court. However, if the judgment creditor is represented by an attorney or is a collection agency licensed pursuant to 5-16-101, et. seq., C.R.S., the garnishee shall pay the funds directly to the attorney or licensed collection agency.
(2) No such judgment and request shall enter until the judgment creditor has made a proper showing that:(A) a copy of the writ with notice was properly served upon the judgment debtor, and (B) no written claim of exemption was filed within 14 days after such service or a written claim of exemption was properly filed and the same was disallowed.
(3) If an answer to a writ with notice shows the garnishee to possess or control intangible personal property or personal property capable of manual delivery owned by the judgment debtor, the court shall order the garnishee to deliver such property to the sheriff to be sold as upon execution and the court may enter any order necessary to protect the interests of the parties. Any proceeds received by the sheriff upon such sale shall be paid to the registry of the court to be applied to the judgment debt, but any surplus of property or proceeds shall be delivered to the judgment debtor.
(4) No such order shall enter until the judgment creditor has made a proper showing that: (A) a copy of the writ with notice was properly served upon the judgment debtor, and (B) no written claim of exemption was filed within 14 days after such service or a written claim of exemption was properly filed with the court and the same was disallowed.
(h) Disbursement by Clerk of Court. The clerk of the court shall disburse funds to the judgment creditor without further application or order and enter the disbursement in the court records. The judgment creditor shall refund to the clerk of the court any disbursement in excess of the amount necessary to satisfy the judgment.
(i) Automatic Release of Garnishee. If a garnishee answers a writ with notice that the garnishee is indebted to the judgment debtor in an amount less than $50.00 and no traverse has been filed, the garnishee shall automatically be released from said writ if the garnishee shall not have been ordered to pay the indebtedness to the clerk of the court within six (6) months from the date of service of such writ.


(a) Definitions.
(1) "Writ of garnishment for support" means the exclusive procedure for withholding the earnings of a judgment debtor for payment of a judgment debt for child support arrearages, maintenance when combined with child support, or child support debts, or maintenance.
(2) "Earnings" shall be as defined in Section 13-54.5-101(2), C.R.S., as applicable.
(b) Form of Writ of Garnishment for Support. A writ of garnishment for support shall be in the form and content of Appendix to Chapters 1 to 17, Form 31, C.R.C.P. and shall include at least four (4) "Calculation of Amount of Exempt Earnings" forms which shall be in the form and content of Appendix to Chapters 1 to 17, Form 27, C.R.C.P.
(c) When Writ of Garnishment for Support Issues. Upon compliance with C.R.S. 14-10-122(1)(c), a writ of garnishment for support shall be issued by the clerk of the court upon request. Under such writ a judgment creditor may garnish earnings except to the extent such are exempt under law. Issuance of a writ of execution shall not be required.
(d) Service of Writ of Garnishment for Support. Service of a writ of garnishment for support shall be in accordance with C.R.C.P. 304.
(e) Jurisdiction. Service of a writ of garnishment for support upon the garnishee shall give the court jurisdiction over the garnishee and any earnings of the judgment debtor within the control of the garnishee.
(f) Effective Garnishment Period and Priority.
(1) A writ of garnishment for support shall be continuing and shall require the garnishee to withhold, pursuant to law, the portion of earnings subject to garnishment at each succeeding earnings disbursement interval until the judgment is satisfied or the garnishment released by the court or released in writing by the judgment creditor.
(2) A writ of garnishment for support shall have priority over any writ of continuing garnishment notwithstanding the fact such other writ may have been served upon the garnishee previously.
(g) Answer and Tender of Payment by Garnishee.
(1) The garnishee shall answer the writ of garnishment for support no less than 7 nor more than 14 days following the time the judgment debtor receives earnings for the first pay period affected by such writ. If the judgment debtor is not employed by the garnishee at the time the writ is served, the garnishee shall answer the writ within 14 days from the service thereof.
(2) The garnishee shall pay any nonexempt earnings and deliver a calculation of the amount of exempt earnings, to the clerk of the court which issued such writ no less than 7 nor more than 14 days following the time the judgment debtor receives earnings during the Effective Garnishment Period to such writ.
(h) Disbursement of Garnished Earnings. The clerk of the court shall disburse nonexempt earnings to the judgment creditor without further application or order and enter such disbursement in the court records. The judgment creditor shall refund to the clerk of the court any disbursement in excess of the amount necessary to satisfy the judgment.


(a) Definition. "Writ of garnishment -- judgment debtor other than natural person" means the exclusive procedure through which personal property of any kind of a judgment debtor other than a natural person in the possession or control of the garnishee including the credits, debts, choses in action, or money owed to the judgment debtor, whether they are due at the time of the service of the writ or are to become due thereafter is required to be held by the garnishee for payment of a judgment debt. For purposes of this rule, such writ is designated "writ of garnishment -- other than natural person."
(b) Form of Writ of Garnishment -- Other Than Natural Person. A writ of garnishment under this Section shall be in the form and content of Appendix to Chapters 1 to 17, Form 32, C.R.C.P.
(c) When Writ of Garnishment -- Other Than Natural Person Issues. When the judgment debtor is other than a natural person, after entry of a judgment, and when a writ of execution may issue, a writ of garnishment shall be issued by the clerk of the court upon request. Under such writ of garnishment, the judgment creditor may garnish personal property of any description owned by, or owed to, such judgment debtor and in the possession or control of the garnishee. Issuance of a writ of execution shall not be required.
(d) Service of Writ of Garnishment -- Other Than Natural Person. Service of the writ of garnishment -- other than natural person shall be made in accordance with C.R.C.P. 304. No service of the writ or other notice of levy need be made on the judgment debtor.
(e) Jurisdiction. Service of the writ of garnishment -- other than natural person shall give the court jurisdiction over the garnishee and personal property of any description, owned by, or owed to, a judgment debtor who is other than a natural person, in the possession or control of the garnishee.
(f) Court Order on Garnishment Answer. When the judgment debtor is other that a natural person:
(1) If the answer to a writ of garnishment shows the garnishee is indebted to such judgment debtor, the clerk shall enter judgment in favor of such judgment debtor and against the garnishee for the use of the judgment creditor for the amount of the indebtedness shown in such answer and if the judgment creditor is pro se, request such indebtedness paid into the registry of the court. However, if the judgment creditor is represented by an attorney or is a collection agency licensed pursuant to 5-16-101, et. seq., C.R.S., the garnishee shall pay the funds directly to the attorney or licensed collection agency. In no event shall any judgment against the garnishee be more than the total amount due and owing on the judgment.
(2) If the answer to a writ of garnishment shows the garnishee to possess or control personal property of any description, owned by, or owed to, such judgment debtor, the court shall order the garnishee to deliver such property to the sheriff to be sold as upon execution and the court may enter any order necessary to protect the interests of the parties. Any proceeds received by the sheriff upon such sale shall be paid to the registry of the court to be applied to the judgment debt, but any surplus of property or proceeds shall be delivered to the judgment debtor.
(g) Disbursement by Clerk of Court. The clerk of the court shall disburse any funds in the registry of court to the judgment creditor without further application or order and enter such disbursement in the court records. The judgment creditor shall refund to the clerk of the court any disbursement in excess of the amount necessary to satisfy the judgment.


(a) Definition. "Writ of garnishment in aid of writ of attachment" means the exclusive procedure through which the personal property of any kind of a defendant in an attachment action (other than earnings of a natural person) in the possession or control of the garnishee including the credits, debts, choses in action, or money owed to the judgment debtor, whether they are due at the time of the service of the writ or are to become due thereafter, is required to be held by a garnishee. For the purposes of this rule such writ is designated "writ of garnishment in aid of attachment."
(b) Form of Writ of Garnishment in Aid of Attachment and Form of Notice of Levy. A writ of garnishment in aid of attachment shall be in the form and content of Appendix to Chapters 1 to 17, Form 33, C.R.C.P. A Notice of Levy shall be in the form and content of Appendix to Chapters 1 to 17, Form 34, C.R.C.P.
(c) When Writ of Garnishment in Aid of Attachment Issues. At any time after the issuance of a writ of attachment in accordance with C.R.C.P. 402, a writ of garnishment shall be issued by the clerk of the court upon request. Under such writ of garnishment the plaintiff in attachment may garnish personal property of any description, except earnings of a natural person, owed to, or owned by, such defendant in attachment and in the possession or control of the garnishee.
(d) Service of Writ of Garnishment in Aid of Attachment. Service of the writ of garnishment in aid of attachment shall be made in accordance with C.R.C.P. 304. If the defendant in attachment is a natural person, service of a notice of levy shall be made as required by C.R.S. 13-55-102 . If the defendant in attachment is other than a natural person, a notice of levy need not be served on the defendant in attachment.
(e) Jurisdiction. Service of the writ of garnishment in aid of attachment shall give the court jurisdiction over the garnishee and personal property of any description (except earnings of a natural person), owned by, or owed to, a defendant in attachment in the possession or control of the garnishee.
(f) Court Order on Garnishment Answer.
(1) When the defendant in attachment is an entity other than a natural person:
(A) If the answer to a writ of garnishment in aid of attachment shows the garnishee is indebted to such defendant in attachment, the clerk shall enter judgment in favor of such defendant in attachment and against the garnishee for the use of the plaintiff in attachment for the amount of the indebtedness shown in such answer and order such amount paid into the registry of the court. In no event shall any judgment against the garnishee be more than the total amount due and owing nor shall such judgment enter for the benefit of a plaintiff in attachment until a judgment has been entered by the court against such defendant in attachment.
(B) If the answer to a writ of garnishment in aid of attachment shows the garnishee to possess or control personal property of any description, owned by, or owed to, such defendant in attachment, at any time after judgment has entered against such defendant in attachment, the court shall order the garnishee to deliver such property to the sheriff to be sold as upon execution and the court may enter any order necessary to protect the interests of the parties. Any proceeds received by the sheriff upon such sale shall be paid to the registry of the court to be applied to the judgment debt, but any surplus of property or proceeds shall be delivered to the judgment debtor/defendant in attachment.
(2) When the defendant in attachment is a natural person:
(A) If the answer to a writ of garnishment in aid of attachment shows the garnishee is indebted to such defendant in attachment, after judgment has entered against such defendant in attachment/judgment debtor upon a showing that such defendant in attachment has been served with a notice of levy as required by C.R.S. 13-55-102 , the court shall enter judgment in favor of the defendant in attachment/judgment debtor and against the garnishee for the use of the plaintiff in attachment/judgment creditor for the amount of the indebtedness shown in such answer and order such amount paid into the registry of the court. In no event shall any judgment against the garnishee be more than the amount of the judgment against the defendant in attachment/judgment debtor.
(B) If the answer to a writ of garnishment in aid of attachment shows the garnishee to possess or control personal property owned by, or owed to, such defendant in attachment, after judgment has entered against such defendant in attachment/judgment debtor and upon a showing that such defendant in attachment has been served with a notice of levy as required by C.R.S. 13-55-102 , the court shall order the garnishee to deliver the property to the sheriff to be sold as upon execution and the court may enter any order necessary to protect the interests of the parties. Any proceeds received by the sheriff upon such sale shall be paid to the registry of the court to be applied to the judgment debt but any surplus of property or proceeds shall be delivered to the defendant in attachment/judgment debtor.
(g) Disbursement by Clerk of Court. The clerk of the court shall disburse any funds in the registry of the court to the judgment creditor without further application or order and enter such disbursement in the court records. The judgment creditor shall refund to the clerk of the court any disbursement in excess of the amount necessary to satisfy the judgment.


(a) Judgment Debtor's Objection to Calculation of Exempt Earnings or Objection and Request for Exemption of Earnings Pursuant to Section 13-54-104(2)(a)(I)(D), C.R.S, Under Writ of Continuing Garnishment.
(1) If a judgment debtor objects to the initial or a subsequent calculation of the amount of exempt earnings, the judgment debtor shall have 7 days from the receipt of the copy of the writ of garnishment or calculation of the amount of exempt earnings for subsequent pay periods, within which to resolve the issue of such miscalculation by agreement with the garnishee.
(2) If the judgment debtor's objection to the calculation of exempt earnings is not resolved with the garnishee within 7 days upon good faith effort, the judgment debtor may file a written objection setting forth, with reasonable detail, the grounds for such objection. Such objection must be filed within 14 days from receipt of the copy of writ of garnishment or calculation of the amount of exempt earnings for subsequent pay periods.
(3) If the judgment debtor objects and requests an exemption of earnings pursuant to section13-54-104(2)(a)(I)(D), C.R.S., the judgment debtor shall have no obligation to attempt to resolve the issue with the garnishee.
(4) If the judgment debtor objects and requests an exemption of earnings pursuant to section 13-54-104(2)(a)(I)(D), C.R.S., the judgment debtor shall file such objection and request in writing, setting out the grounds for such exemption and request. The judgment debtor may object to the calculation on hardship grounds at any time during the pendency of the garnishment.
(5) The written objection shall be filed with the clerk of the court by the judgment debtor in the form and content of Appendix to Chapters 1 to 17, Form 28, C.R.C.P.
(6) The judgment debtor shall, by certified mail, return receipt requested, immediately deliver a copy of such objection to the garnishee and the judgment creditor's attorney of record, or if none, to the judgment creditor. If the garnishee has been directed to transmit the nonexempt earnings to an attorney or a collection agency licensed pursuant to section 5-16-101, et seq, C.R.S., then upon receipt of the objection, the garnishee shall transmit the nonexempt earnings to the clerk of the court.
(7) Upon the filing of a written objection, all proceedings with relation to the earnings of the judgment debtor in possession and control of the garnishee, the judgment creditor, the attorney for the judgment creditor, or in the registry of the court shall be stayed until the written objection is determined by the court.
(b) Judgment Debtor's Claim of Exemption Under a Writ With Notice.
(1) When a garnishee, pursuant to a writ with notice, holds any personal property of the judgment debtor, other than earnings, which the judgment debtor claims to be exempt, the judgment debtor, within 14 days after being served a copy of such writ as required by Section 2(d)(2) of this rule, shall make and file a written claim of exemption with the clerk of the court in which the judgment was entered.
(2) The claim of exemption to the writ of garnishment with notice shall be in the form and content of Appendix to Chapters 1 to 17, Form 30, C.R.C.P.
(3) The judgment debtor shall, by certified mail, return receipt requested, deliver a copy of the claim of exemption to the garnishee and the judgment creditor's attorney of record, or if none, to the judgment creditor.
(4) Upon the filing of a claim of exemption to a writ with notice, all proceedings with relation to property in the possession or control of the garnishee shall be stayed until such claim is determined by the court.
(c) Hearing on Objection or Claim of Exemption.
(1) Upon the filing of an objection pursuant to Section 6(a) of this rule or the filing of a claim of exemption pursuant to Section 6(b) of this rule, the court in which the judgment was entered shall set a time for hearing of such objection or claim of exemption which hearing shall not be more than 14 days after the filing of such objection or claim of exemption.
(2) When an objection or claim of exemption is filed, the clerk of the court shall immediately inform the judgment creditor, the judgment debtor and the garnishee, or their attorneys of record, by telephone, by mail, or in person, of the date and time of such hearing.
(3) The clerk of the court shall document in the court record that notice of the hearing has been given in the manner required by this rule. Said documentation in the court record shall constitute a sufficient return and prima facie evidence of such notice.
(4) The court in which judgment was entered shall conduct a hearing at which all interested parties may testify, and shall determine the validity of the objection or claim of exemption filed by the judgment debtor and shall enter a judgment in favor of the judgment debtor to the extent of the validity of the objection or claim of exemption, which judgment shall be a final judgment for the purpose of appellate review.
(5) If the court shall find the amount of exempt earnings to have been miscalculated or if said property is found to be exempt, the court shall order the clerk of the court to remit the amount of over-garnished earnings, or the garnishee to remit such exempt property to the clerk of the court for the use and benefit of the judgment debtor within three (3) business days.
(d) Objection or Claim of Exemption Within Six (6) Months.
(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 6(a)(2), Section 6(a)(4) and Section 6(b)(1) of this rule, a judgment debtor failing to make and file a written objection or claim of exemption within the time therein provided, may, at any time within six (6) months from receipt of the copy of the writ with notice or a copy of the writ of continuing garnishment or the calculation of the amount of exempt earnings, move the court in which the judgment was entered to hear an objection or claim of exemption as to any earnings of property levied in garnishment which the judgment debtor claims to have been miscalculated or which the judgment debtor claims to be exempt.
(2) A hearing pursuant to this subsection shall be held only upon a verified showing, under oath, of good cause which shall include: mistake, accident, surprise, irregularity in proceedings, newly discovered evidence, events not in the control of the judgment debtor, or such other grounds as the court may allow, but in no event shall a hearing be held pursuant to this subsection on grounds available to the judgment debtor as the basis of an objection or claim of exemption within the time periods provided in Section 6(a)(2) and Section 6(b)(1).
(3) At such hearing, if the judgment giving rise to such claim has been satisfied against property or earnings of the judgment debtor, the court shall hear and summarily try and determine whether the amount of the judgment debtor's earnings paid to the judgment creditor was correctly calculated and whether the judgment debtor's property sold as upon execution was exempt. If the court finds earnings to have been miscalculated of if property is found to be exempt, the court shall enter judgment in favor of the judgment debtor for the amount of the over-garnished earnings or such exempt property or the value thereof which judgment shall be satisfied by payment to the clerk of the court or the return of exempt property to the judgment debtor within three (3) business days.
(e) Reinstatement of Judgment Debt. If at any time the court orders a return of over-garnished earnings or exempt property or the value of such exempt property pursuant to Sections 6(c)(5) and 6(d)(3) of this rule, the court shall thereupon reinstate the judgment to the extent of the amount of such order.


(a) Default Entered by Clerk of Court.
(1) If a garnishee, having been served with any form of writ provided for by this rule, fails to answer or pay any nonexempt earnings as directed within the time required, the clerk of the court shall enter a default against such garnishee upon request.
(2) No default shall be entered in an attachment action against the garnishee until the expiration of 35 days after service of a writ of garnishment upon the garnishee.
(b) Procedure After Default of Garnishee Entered.
(1) After a default is entered, the judgment creditor, plaintiff in attachment or any intervenor in attachment, may proceed before the court to prove the liability of the garnishee to the judgment debtor or defendant in attachment.
(2) If a garnishee is under subpoena to appear before the court for a hearing to prove such liability and such subpoena shall have been issued and served in accordance with C.R.C.P. 345 and shall fail to appear, the court shall thereupon enter such sanctions as are just, including, but not limited to, contempt of court, issuance of a bench warrant, reasonable attorney fees and the cost and expense of the judgment creditor, plaintiff in attachment or intervenor in attachment.
(3) Upon hearing, if the court finds the garnishee liable to the judgment debtor or defendant in attachment or in the possession or control of personal property of the judgment debtor or defendant in attachment at the time of service of the writ:
(A) The court shall enter judgment in favor of the judgment debtor or defendant in attachment against the garnishee for the use and benefit of the judgment creditor, plaintiff in attachment or intervenor in attachment, if the garnishee was liable to the judgment debtor or defendant in attachment;
(B) The court shall order the garnishee to deliver the personal property to the sheriff to be sold as upon execution in the same manner as section 4(f)(2) of this rule, if the garnishee was in the possession or control of personal property of the judgment debtor or defendant in attachment and may enter any order necessary to protect the interests of the parties. Provided, however, in the event that the garnishee no longer has possession or control over the personal property, the court may either enter a judgment for the value of such property at the time of the service of the writ or enter any order necessary to protect the interests of the parties or both.
(4) At any hearing the court shall make such orders as to reasonable attorney's fees, costs and expense of the parties to such hearing, as are just.


(a) Time for Filing of Traverse. The judgment creditor, plaintiff in attachment or intervenor in attachment, may file a traverse of an answer to any form of writ provided by this rule provided such traverse is filed within the greater time period of 21 days from the date such answer should have been filed with the court or 21 days after such answer was filed with the court. The failure to timely file a traverse shall be deemed an acceptance of the answer as true.
(b) Procedure.
(1) Within the time provided, the judgment creditor, plaintiff in attachment, or intervenor in attachment, shall state, in verified form, the grounds of traverse and shall mail a copy of the same to the garnishee in accordance with C.R.C.P. 305.
(2) Upon application of the judgment creditor, plaintiff in attachment, or intervenor in attachment, the traverse shall be set for hearing before the court at which hearing the statements in the traverse shall be deemed admitted or denied.
(3) Upon hearing of the traverse, if the court finds the garnishee liable to the judgment debtor or defendant in the attachment or in the possession or control of personal property of the judgment debtor or defendant in attachment at the time of service of the writ:
(A) The court shall enter judgment in favor of the judgment debtor or defendant in attachment against the garnishee for the use and benefit of the judgment creditor, plaintiff in attachment of intervenor in attachment, if the garnishee was liable to the judgment debtor or defendant in attachment;
(B) The court shall order the garnishee to deliver the personal property to the sheriff to be sold as upon execution in the same manner as section 4(f)(2) of this rule, if the garnishee was in the possession or control of personal property of the judgment debtor or defendant in attachment and may enter any order necessary to protect the interests of the parties. Provided, however, in the event that the garnishee no longer has possession or control over the personal property, the court may either enter a judgment for the value of such property at the time of the service of the writ or enter any order necessary to protect the interests of the parties or both.
(4) If a garnishee is under subpoena to appear for a hearing upon a traverse and such subpoena shall have been issued and served in accordance with C.R.C.P. 345, and shall fail to appear, the court shall thereupon enter such sanctions as are just, including, but not limited to, contempt of court, issuance of a bench warrant, reasonable attorney fees and the cost and expense of the judgment creditor, plaintiff in attachment or intervenor in attachment.
(5) At any hearing upon a traverse, the court shall make such orders as to reasonable attorney fees, costs and expense of the parties to such hearing as are just.


Any person who claims an interest in any personal property of any description of a judgment debtor or defendant in attachment which property is the subject of any answer made by a garnishee, may intervene as provided in C.R.C.P. 324 at any time prior to entry of judgment against the garnishee.


Every garnishee shall be allowed to claim as a set-off and retain or deduct all demands or claims on the part of the garnishee against any party to the garnishment proceedings, which the garnishee might have claimed if not summoned as a garnishee, whether such are payable or not at the time of service of any form or writ provided for by this rule.


(a) Garnishee With Notice. A garnishee with notice of the claim of a third person in any property of any description of a judgment debtor or defendant in attachment which is the subject of any answer made by the garnishee in response to any form of writ provided for by this rule shall not be required to defend on account of such claim, but shall state in such answer that the garnishee is informed of such claim of a third person.
(b) Court to Issue Summons. When such an answer has been filed, the clerk of the court, upon application, shall issue a summons requiring such third person to appear within the time specified in C.R.C.P. 312 to answer, set up, and assert a claim or be barred thereafter.
(c) Delivery of Property by Garnishee.
(1) If the answer states that the garnishee is informed of the claim of a third person, the garnishee may at any time pay to the clerk of the court any garnished amount payable at the time of the service of any writ provided for by this rule, or deliver to the sheriff any property the garnishee is required to hold pursuant to any form of writ provided for in this rule.
(2) Upon service of the summons upon such third person pursuant to C.R.C.P. 304, the garnishee shall thereupon be released and discharged of any liability to any person on account of such indebtedness to the extent of any amount paid to the clerk of the court or any property delivered to the sheriff.


(a) Effect of Judgment. A judgment against a garnishee shall release and discharge such garnishee from all claims or demands of the judgment debtor or defendant in attachment to the extent of all sums paid or property delivered by the garnishee pursuant to such judgment.
(b) Effect of Payment. Payment by a garnishee of any sums required to be remitted by such garnishee pursuant to Sections 1(k)(2) or 3(g)(2) of this rule shall release and discharge such garnishee from all claims or demands of the judgment debtor to the extent of all such sums paid.
(c) Release by Judgment Creditor or Plaintiff in Attachment. A judgment creditor or plaintiff in attachment may issue a written release of any writ provided by this rule. Such release shall state the effective date of the release and shall be promptly filed with the clerk of the court.


Any writ provided for in this rule wherein a public body is designated as the garnishee, shall be served upon the officer of such body whose duty it is to issue warrants, checks or money to the judgment debtor or defendant in attachment, or, such officer as the public body may have designated to accept service. Such officer need not include in any answer to such writ, as money owing, the amount of any warrant or check drawn and signed prior to the time of service of such writ.


Repealed October 31, 1991, effective November 1, 1991.

C.R.C.P. 403

Repealed and readopted November 5, 1984, effective 1/1/1985; section 1(d), (f)(1), (f)(2), and (h)(1), section 2(a), (d)(2), and (e), section 3(a)(1) and (c), section 4(a) and (d), section 5(a) and (d), section 7(a)(1), (b)(3), and (b)(4), section 8(b)(3), section 12, and effective date amended February 16, 1989, effective 7/1/1989; section 1(a)(2) and section 3(a)(2) amended, section 3(a)(2) committee comment added, and effective date repealed10/31/1991, effective 11/1/1991; section 1(k)(1), (k)(2) and (l) amended and (m) added, section 6(a)(3), (a)(4), and (a)(5) amended, section 7(a)(1) amended, and section 12(b) amended and adopted October 30, 1997, effective 1/1/1998; section 1(d), (f), and (j) and section 3(f) and (g)(2) amended and adopted June 28, 2001, effective 8/8/2001; section 1(k)(1) and (k)(2) amended and effective 11/18/2010; section 1(f)(1), (k)(1), (k)(2), and (l)(1), section 2(g)(2) and (g)(4), section 3(g), section 6(a)(1), (a)(2), (b)(1), and (c)(1), section 7(a)(2), and section 8(a) amended and adopted12/14/2011, effective 7/1/2012; section 2(g)(2) and (g)(4) corrected6/15/2012, nunc pro tunc,12/14/2011, effective 7/1/2012; section 2(g)(1) amended and effective 6/7/2013; section 4(f)(1) amended January 29, 2015, effective 3/1/2016; (b)(1) and (e) amended January 12, 2017, effective 3/1/2017; amended March 5, 2020, effective 3/5/2020; amended September 10, 2020, effective 10/1/2020.


The Colorado Legislature amended Section 13-54-104 and 13-54.5-101, C.R.S. (Section 7 of Chapter 65, Session Laws of Colorado 1991), which changed the definition of "earnings" applicable only to actions commenced on or after May 1, 1991. The amendment impacts the ability to garnish certain forms of income, depending upon when the original action was commenced. Sections 1 and 3 of the Rule and Forms 26 and 31 have been revised to deal with this legislative amendment.
