C.r.c.p. 250.7

As amended through Rule Change 2024(16), effective September 12, 2024
Rule 250.7 - Compliance
(1)Reporting Requirement. Each registered lawyer, LLP and judge must report compliance with these rules. CLE credit hours must be reported by the online affidavit on the CLJE Office's website or other form approved by the CLJE Committee within a reasonable amount of time after the credit hours are earned. A registered lawyer, LLP or judge who is exempt from compliance under C.R.C.P. 250.2(9)(b) may nevertheless report CLE credit hours on a voluntary basis.
(2) Verification Requirement. It is the responsibility of each registered lawyer, LLP and judge to verify CLE credit hours completed during a compliance period, and to confirm that their CLE transcript is accurate and complete by no later than the 31st of January following that compliance period. Failure to comply with these requirements in a timely manner as set forth in these rules may subject the registered lawyer, LLP or judge to a fee, a penalty, and/or administrative suspension.
(3) Make-up Plan. If a registered lawyer, LLP or judge fails to complete the required CLE credit hours by the end of the CLE compliance period, the registered lawyer, LLP or judge must do the following: (1) by the 31st of January following the end of the CLE compliance period, file a specific plan to make up the deficiency; and (2) complete the planned CLE credit hours no later than the 31st of May following the end of the CLE compliance period. The plan must be accompanied by a filing fee determined by the CLJE Committee. Such plan will be deemed accepted by the CLJE Office unless within 28 days after the receipt of the make-up plan the CLJE Office notifies the registered lawyer, LLP or judge to the contrary. Completion of the make-up plan must be reported by affidavit to the CLJE Office no later than the 14th of June following the end of the CLE compliance period. Failure of the registered lawyer, LLP or judge to complete the plan by the 31st of May or to file an affidavit demonstrating compliance constitutes grounds for imposing administrative remedies set forth in paragraph (8) of this rule.
(4) Statement of Noncompliance. If any registered lawyer, LLP or judge fails to comply with these rules, C.R.C.P. 203.1(8) or C.R.C.P. 207.8(10), the CLJE Office will promptly provide a statement of noncompliance to the registered lawyer, LLP or judge. The statement will advise the registered lawyer, LLP or judge that within 14 days of the date of the statement, either the noncompliance must be corrected, or the registered lawyer, LLP or judge must request a hearing before the CLJE Committee. Upon failure to do either, the CLJE Office will file the statement of noncompliance with the Court, which may impose the administrative remedies set forth in paragraph (8) of this rule.
(5) Failure to Correct Noncompliance. If the noncompliance is not corrected within 14 days, or if a hearing is not requested within 14 days, the CLJE Office will promptly forward the statement of noncompliance to the Court, which may impose the sanctions set forth in paragraph (8) of this rule.
(6) Hearing Before the CLJE Committee. If a hearing before the CLJE Committee is requested, the following apply:
(a) Notice of the time and place of the hearing will be given to the registered lawyer or judge by the CLJE Office at least 14 days prior thereto;
(b) The registered lawyer, LLP or judge may be represented by counsel;
(c) The hearing will be conducted in conformity with the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure and the Colorado Rules of Evidence;
(d) The Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel will prosecute the matter and bear the burden of proof by a preponderance of the evidence;
(e) The chair will preside at the hearing, or will appoint another lawyer member of the CLJE Committee to act as presiding officer, and will appoint at least two other CLJE Committee members to the hearing panel;
(f) Upon the request of any party to the hearing, the chair or vice chair may issue subpoenas for the use of a party to compel attendance of witnesses and production of pertinent books, papers, documents, or other evidence, and any such subpoenas will be subject to the provisions of C.R.C.P. 45;
(g) The presiding officer will rule on all motions, objections, and other matters presented in connection with the hearing; and,
(h) The hearing will be recorded and a transcript may be provided to the registered lawyer, LLP or judge upon request and payment of the cost of the transcript.
(7) Determination by the CLJE Committee. Within 28 days after the conclusion of the hearing, the Panel will issue a written decision on behalf of the CLJE Committee setting forth findings of fact and the determination as to whether the registered lawyer, LLP or judge has complied with the requirements of these rules. A copy of such findings and determination will be sent to the registered lawyer, LLP or judge involved.
(a) If the Panel determines that the registered lawyer, LLP or judge complied, the registered lawyer's, LLP's or judge's record will reflect compliance and any previously assessed fees may be rescinded.
(b) If the Panel determines the registered lawyer, LLP or judge was not in compliance, the written decision issued by the Panel will be promptly filed with the Court.
(8) Supreme Court Review.
(a) When the Court receives either a statement of noncompliance or the written decision of a CLJE Committee hearing, the Court will enter such order as it deems appropriate, which may include an order of administrative suspension from the practice of law in the case of registered lawyers and LLPs or referral of the matter to the Colorado Commission on Judicial Discipline or the Denver County Court Judicial Discipline Commission in the case of judges.
(b) Orders suspending a lawyer or LLP for failure to comply with rules governing continuing legal education take effect on entry of the order, unless otherwise ordered.
(c) A lawyer or LLP who has been suspended under the rules governing continuing legal education need not comply with the requirements of C.R.C.P. 242.32(c) or C.R.C.P. 242.32(d) if the lawyer or LLP has sought reinstatement under the rules governing continuing legal education and reasonably believes that reinstatement will occur 14 days of the date of the order of suspension. If the lawyer or LLP is not reinstated within those 14 days, then the lawyer or LLP must comply with the requirements of C.R.C.P. 242.32(c) and C.R.C.P. 242.32(d).
(9) Notice. All notices given pursuant to these rules may be sent to any address provided by the registered lawyer, LLP or judge pursuant to C.R.C.P. 227 and C.R.C.P. 207.14.
(10) Reinstatement. Any lawyer or LLP who has been suspended for noncompliance pursuant to C.R.C.P. 250.7(8) may be reinstated by order of the Court upon a showing that the lawyer's or LLP's CLE deficiency has been corrected. The lawyer must file with the CLJE Office a petition seeking reinstatement by the Court. The petition must state with particularity the CLE activities that the lawyer has completed, including dates of completion, which correct the deficiency that caused the lawyer's suspension. The petition must be accompanied by a reinstatement filing fee as determined by the CLJE Committee. The CLJE Office will file a properly completed petition with its recommendation with the Clerk of the Court within 14 days after receipt.
(11)Jurisdiction. All suspended and inactive lawyers and LLPs remain subject to the jurisdiction of the Court as set forth in C.R.C.P. 242.1(a) and C.R.C.P. 243.1.

C.r.c.p. 250.7

Adopted March 15, 2018, effective 7/1/2018; amended and adopted January 24, 2019, effective 1/24/2019; amended and adopted by the Court, En Banc, May 20, 2021, effective 7/1/2021; amended and adopted by the Court, En Banc, April 13, 2023, effective 7/1/2023.