C.r.c.p. 242.3

As amended through Rule Change 2024(16), effective September 12, 2024
Rule 242.3 - Advisory Committee
(a) Permanent Committee. The Supreme Court Advisory Committee on the Practice of Law (Advisory Committee) is a permanent committee of the supreme court.
(b) Membership and Meeting Provisions.
(1) Members and Liaison Justices. Two supreme court justices serve as non-voting liaisons to the Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee comprises up to 13 volunteer members, including a Chair and Vice-Chair. Members other than the Chair and Vice-Chair serve one term of up to seven years. The supreme court appoints the members. Diversity must be a consideration in making appointments. At least nine of the members must be lawyers admitted to practice in Colorado and at least two of the members must be nonlawyers. Members' terms should be staggered to provide, so far as possible, for the expiration each year of the term of at least one member. Members must include:
(A) The Chairs (or the annual designees) of the following committees: the Regulation Committee, the Law Committee, the Character and Fitness Committee, the Continuing Legal and Judicial Education Committee, the Licensed Legal Paraprofessional Committee, and the Board of Trustees for the Colorado Attorneys' Fund for Client Protection;
(B) A member of the Colorado Bar Association's Ethics Committee;
(C) A member of the Standing Committee on the Rules of Professional Conduct; and
(D) A Colorado lawyer who has represented respondents in proceedings under this rule.
(2) Dismissal, Resignation, and Vacancy. Advisory Committee members serve at the pleasure of the supreme court, and the supreme court may dismiss them at any time. An Advisory Committee member may resign at any time. The supreme court will fill any vacancies.
(3) Chair and Vice-Chair. The supreme court appoints members of the Advisory Committee to serve as Chair and Vice-Chair. The Chair and Vice-Chair may serve in their respective roles for up to an additional seven years after their initial membership term, such that each may serve a total of 14 years on the Advisory Committee. The Chair and Vice-Chair must not represent a party in a proceeding under this rule during the Chair's or Vice-Chair's term of service. The Chair and Vice-Chair serve at the pleasure of the supreme court.
(4) Quorum. A majority of the members of the Advisory Committee constitutes a quorum, and the action of a majority of those present and comprising a quorum constitutes the official action of the Advisory Committee.
(5) Reimbursement. Advisory Committee members are entitled to reimbursement for reasonable travel, lodging, and other expenses incurred in performing their official duties.
(c) Powers and Duties. The Advisory Committee is authorized and empowered to act in accordance with this rule, including by:
(1) Assisting the supreme court to make appointments under this rule, including appointments to the supreme court's permanent committees under the Rules Governing the Practice of Law and to the pool of Hearing Board members;
(2) Reviewing the productivity, effectiveness, efficiency, and resources of the legal regulation system, including the Office of the Presiding Disciplinary Judge, the Office of the Attorney Regulation Counsel, the Colorado Attorneys' Fund for Client Protection, the Colorado Lawyer Assistance Program, and the Colorado Attorney Mentoring Program, and to report findings and recommendations to the supreme court;
(3) Adopting practices needed to govern the internal operation of the Advisory Committee, subject to the supreme court's approval;
(4) Developing and overseeing programs consistent with the Preamble to the Rules Governing the Practice of Law;
(5) Periodically reporting to the supreme court on the operation of the Advisory Committee;
(6) Recommending to the supreme court proposed changes to the Rules Governing the Practice of Law and the CLJE Committee's Regulations Governing Mandatory Legal and Judicial Education, see C.R.C.P. 250.3(1);
(7) Recommending to the supreme court, under C.R.C.P. 253 and procedures adopted by the Advisory Committee, whether to approve lawyers' peer assistance programs; and
(8) Assisting in any matters the supreme court directs.

C.r.c.p. 242.3

Adopted by the Court, En Banc, May 20, 2021, effective 7/1/2021; amended and adopted by the Court, En Banc, April 13, 2023, effective 7/1/2023.


The Advisory Committee's powers and duties do not include making inquiries or providing oversight as to specific cases or matters. The Advisory Committee may develop protocols to govern other aspects of the legal regulation system. For example, the Advisory Committee has protocols to govern the handling of complaints about the conduct of the Regulation Counsel and staff of the Regulation Counsel. The Advisory Committee's protocols may be found at the Regulation Counsel's website.