Cal. R. 8.866

As amended through July 24, 2024
Rule 8.866 - Preparation of reporter's transcript
(a)When preparation begins
(1) Unless the court has adopted a local rule under rule 8.865(b) that provides otherwise, the reporter must immediately begin preparing the reporter's transcript if the notice sent to the reporter by the clerk under rule 8.864(a)(1) indicates either:
(A) That the defendant was represented by appointed counsel at trial; or
(B) That the appellant is the People.
(2) If the notice sent to the reporter by the clerk under rule 8.864(a)(1) indicates that the appellant is the defendant and that the defendant was not represented by appointed counsel at trial:
(A) Within 10 days after the date the clerk sent the notice under rule 8.864(a)(1), the reporter must file with the clerk the estimated cost of preparing the reporter's transcript.
(B) The clerk must promptly notify the appellant and his or her counsel of the estimated cost of preparing the reporter's transcript. The notification must show the date it was sent.
(C) Within 10 days after the date the clerk sent the notice under (B), the appellant must do one of the following:
(i) Deposit with the clerk an amount equal to the estimated cost of preparing the transcript;
(ii) File a waiver of the deposit signed by the reporter;
(iii) File a declaration of indigency supported by evidence in the form required by the Judicial Council;
(iv) File a certified transcript of all of the proceedings required to be included in the reporter's transcript under rule 8.865. The transcript submitted by the appellant must not be accepted as a substitute for a deposit under (i) unless it complies with the format requirements of rule 8.838;
(v) Notify the clerk by filing a new election that he or she will be using a statement on appeal instead of a reporter's transcript. The appellant must prepare, serve, and file a proposed statement on appeal within 20 days after serving and filing the notice and must otherwise comply with the requirements for statements on appeal under rule 8.869; or
(vi) Notify the clerk by filing a new election that he or she now elects to proceed without a record of the oral proceedings in the trial court; or
(vii) Notify the clerk that he or she is abandoning the appeal by filing an abandonment in the reviewing court under rule 8.855.
(D) If the trial court determines that the appellant is not indigent, within 10 days after the date the clerk sends notice of this determination to the appellant, the appellant must do one of the following:
(i) Deposit with the clerk an amount equal to the estimated cost of preparing the transcript;
(ii) File with the clerk a waiver of the deposit signed by the reporter;
(iii) File a certified transcript of all of the proceedings required to be included in the reporter's transcript under rule 8.865. The transcript submitted by the appellant must not be accepted as a substitute for a deposit under (i) unless it complies with the format requirements of rule 8.838;
(iv) Notify the clerk by filing a new election that he or she will be using a statement on appeal instead of a reporter's transcript. The appellant must prepare, serve, and file a proposed statement on appeal within 20 days after serving and filing the notice and must otherwise comply with the requirements for statements on appeal under rule 8.869;
(v) Notify the clerk by filing a new election that he or she now elects to proceed without a record of the oral proceedings in the trial court; or
(vi) Notify the clerk that he or she is abandoning the appeal by filing an abandonment in the reviewing court under rule 8.855.
(E) The clerk must promptly notify the reporter to begin preparing the transcript when:
(i) The clerk receives the required deposit under (C)(i) or (D)(i);
(ii) The clerk receives a waiver of the deposit signed by the reporter under (C)(ii) or (D)(ii); or
(iii) The trial court determines that the appellant is indigent and orders that the appellant receive the transcript without cost.

(Subd (a) amended effective January 1, 2024; Subd (a) amended effective January 1, 2016; previously amended effective March 1, 2014.)

(b) Format of transcript

The reporter's transcript must comply with rule 8.838.

(Subd (b) amended effective January 1, 2024.)

(c)Copies and certification

The reporter must prepare an original and the same number of copies of the reporter's transcript as rule 8.862 requires of the clerk's transcript and must certify each as correct.

(d)When preparation must be completed
(1) The reporter must deliver the original and all copies to the trial court clerk as soon as they are certified but no later than 20 days after the reporter is required to begin preparing the transcript under (a). Only the presiding judge of the appellate division or his or her designee may extend the time to prepare the reporter's transcript (see rule 8.810).
(2) If the appellant deposited with the clerk an amount equal to the estimated cost of preparing the transcript and the appeal is abandoned or dismissed before the reporter has filed the transcript, the reporter must inform the clerk of the cost of the portion of the transcript that the reporter has completed. The clerk must pay that amount to the reporter from the appellant's deposited funds and refund any excess deposit to the appellant.

(Subd (d) amended effective March 3, 2018; previously amended effective March 1, 2014, and January 1, 2017, and January 1, 2018.)

(e)Multi-reporter cases

In a multi-reporter case, the clerk must accept any completed portion of the transcript from the primary reporter one week after the time prescribed by (d) even if other portions are uncompleted. The clerk must promptly pay each reporter who certifies that all portions of the transcript assigned to that reporter are completed.

(f)Notice when proceedings were not reported or cannot be transcribed
(1) If any portion of the oral proceedings to be included in the reporter's transcript was not reported or cannot be transcribed, the trial court clerk must so notify the parties in writing. The notice must:
(A) Indicate whether the identified proceedings were officially electronically recorded under Government Code section 69957; and
(B) Show the date it was sent.
(2) Within 15 days after this notice is sent by the clerk, the appellant must serve and file a notice with the court stating whether the appellant elects to proceed with or without a record of the identified proceedings. When the party elects to proceed with a record of these oral proceedings:
(A) If the clerk's notice under (1) indicates that the proceedings were officially electronically recorded under Government Code section 69957, the appellant's notice must specify which form of the record listed in rule 8.864(a) other than a reporter's transcript the appellant elects to use. The appellant must comply with the requirements applicable to the form of the record elected.
(B) If the clerk's notice under (1) indicates that the proceedings were not officially electronically recorded under Government Code section 69957, the appellant must prepare, serve, and file a proposed statement on appeal within 20 days after serving and filing the notice.

(Subd (f) amended effective January 1, 2016; adopted effective March 1, 2014.)

Cal. R. Ct. 8.866

Rule 8.866 amended effective 1/1/2024; amended effective 1/1/2020; amended effective 3/5/2018; adopted effective 1/1/2009; previously amended effective 3/1/2014,1/1/2016,1/1/2017, and1/1/2018.

Advisory Committee Comment

Subdivision (a). If the appellant was not represented by the public defender or other appointed counsel in the trial court, the appellant must use Defendant's Financial Statement on Eligibility for Appointment of Counsel and Reimbursement and Record on Appeal at Public Expense (form CR-105) to show indigency. This form is available at any courthouse or county law library or online at

Subdivisions (a)(2)(C)(iv) and (a)(2)(D)(iii). Sometimes a party in a trial court proceeding will purchase a reporter's transcript of all or part of the proceedings before any appeal is filed. In recognition of the fact that such transcripts may already have been purchased, this rule allows an appellant, in lieu of depositing funds for a reporter's transcript, to deposit with the trial court a certified transcript of the proceedings necessary for the appeal. Subdivisions (a)(2)(C)(iv) and (a)(2)(D)(iii) make clear that the certified transcript may be filed in lieu of a deposit for a reporter's transcript only where the certified transcript contains all of the proceedings required under rule 8.865 and the transcript complies with the format requirements of rule 8.838 (e.g., cover information, renumbered pages, required indexes) . Parties using this alternative to a deposit are responsible for ensuring that such transcripts are in the proper format. Parties may arrange with a court reporter to do the necessary formatting of the transcript or may do the formatting themselves.