W. Va. Code R. § 150-2-3

Current through Register Vol. XLI, No. 38, September 20, 2024
Section 150-2-3 - Form and Size of Tariffs
3.1. All tariffs must be printed from type not smaller than 6-point or typewritten or reproduced on paper of good quality.
3.2. The pages of a tariff should be 8-1/2 x 11 inches in size.
3.3. Tariffs may be in pamphlet or book form. Utilities having a large number of schedules shall publish tariffs in loose leaf form using one side of the paper only with not more than one schedule to the page.
3.4. The front cover page of a tariff shall contain die following;
(1) name of the utility and location of principal office,
(2) statement of kind of service offered,
(3) general statement of territory served,
(4) date of issue and date tariff is to become effective, provided, however, that every tariff which contains rates, charges or regulations, effective upon a date different from the general effective date of such tariff shall show on its front cover page the following notation; "Effective__________________________________,______.

(Except as otherwise provided herein.)" or "(Except as provided on page_____________.),"

(5) signature of the utility by the officer authorized to issue tariffs, and
(6) identifying designation in the upper right comer as required by Tariff Rule 5.1.
3.4.1. In addition to die filing requirements contained in this section, an ERR-Muni filing a tariff shall include the following information;
3.4.1.a. Certification of die number of customers;
3.4.1.b. Certification of total annual revenue based on the most recent twelve-month period available;
3.4.1.c. A statement showing the number of customers and gross revenues from water operations, sewer operations or combined operations if applicable, by month, for the most recent twelvemonth (12) period available; and
3.4.1.d. A copy of die municipal rate ordinance adopting die rate changes.
3.4.1.e. A ERR-Muni shall file the required information on Tariff Form No. 15 along with a copy of the adopted ordinance.
3.4.2. In addition to the filing requirements contained in this section, a ERR-Public Service District filing a tariff shall include the following information;
3.4.2.a. Certification of the number of customers;
3.4.2.b. Certification of total annual revenue based on the most recent twelve-month period available;
3.4.2.c. A statement showing the number of customers and gross revenues from water operations, sewer operations or combined operations if applicable, by month, for die most recent twelvemonth period available; and
3.4.2.d. If die utility is a LRR Public Service District, include a copy of the governing board resolution adopting die rate change, or an affidavit that die tariff was submitted to the County Commission pursuant to W. Va. Code §16-13 A-9(2)(E), and the County Commission took no action.
3.4.2.e. A LRR-Public Service District shall file the required information on Tariff Form No. 15 along with a copy of the approved governing board resolution.
3.4.3. For those municipalities and public service districts operating both water and sewer systems, customer counts should be made as follows;
3.4.3.a. Total number of water customers, plus
3.4.3.b. Total number of sewer customers,
3.4.3.c. Total number of customers.
3.4.4. If the utility is an electric, telephone or natural gas cooperative, it shall include a copy of the cooperative board resolution passed by the Board of Directors adopting the rate change.
3.5. The second and succeeding pages shall state, in order; all die rules and regulations of the utility; and rate schedules showing all rates and charges for the several classes of service. The pages shall include the name of die utility on die upper left comer of each page and the applicable sheet number on die upper right comer of each page.
3.6. The Executive Secretary of die Commission will furnish standard forms of tariffs on request. (See Tariff Form Nos. 3, 4a and 4b).
3.7. All water and sewer tariff schedules filed after the effective date of these rules will conform with Tariff Form Nos. 4a and 4b as to format, phrasing and style. A water or sewer utility should use only those provisions in the forms that apply to it. Provisions may be edited as needed to accurately reflect tariff information.
3.8. A utility shall file a tariff sending out any change in a rate, fare, classification, charge or rule or regulation that will become effective as ordered by die Commission or pursuant to law. A tariff that takes effect by order of the Commission shall state on its face that it is "Issued by authority of an order of the Public Service Commission of W. Va. in Case No. _______________________, dated


W. Va. Code R. § 150-2-3