Wash. Admin. Code § 458-20-24001A

Current through Register Vol. 24-18, September 15, 2024
Section 458-20-24001A - Sales and use tax deferral-Manufacturing and research/development activities in rural counties-Applications filed prior to July 1, 2010
(1)Introduction. Chapter 82.60 RCW establishes a sales and use tax deferral program. The purpose of the program is to promote economic stimulation, create employment opportunities, and reduce poverty in certain areas of the state. The legislature established this program to be effective solely in those areas and for those circumstances where the deferral is for investments that result in the creation of a specified minimum number of jobs or investment for a qualifying project.

The program applies to sales and use taxes on materials and labor and services rendered in the construction of qualified buildings or acquisition of qualified machinery and equipment and requires the recipient of the deferral to maintain the manufacturing or research and development activity for an eight-year period. This rule does not address RCW 82.08.02565 and 82.12.02565, which provide a statewide sales and use tax exemption for machinery and equipment used directly in a manufacturing operation. Refer to WAC 458-20-13601 for more information regarding the statewide exemption.

(2)Program background. This program was enacted in 1985. The legislature made major revisions to program criteria in 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1999, 2004, 2009, and 2010, specifically to the definitions of "eligible area," "eligible investment project," "qualified building," and "qualifying county." Each revision created additional criteria for prospective applicants. This rule is written in five parts and covers applications made prior to July 1, 2010. Each part sets forth the requirements on the basis of the period of time in which application is made. Refer to the year during which application was made for information on an individual application. For applications made after June 30, 2010, see WAC 458-20-24001.

The employment security department and the department of community, trade, and economic development administer additional programs for distressed areas and job training and should be contacted directly for information concerning these programs.


Applications from March 31, 2004, to June 30, 2010

(101)Who is eligible for the sales and use tax deferral program? A person engaged in manufacturing or research and development activity is eligible for this deferral program for its eligible investment project.
(a)What does the term "person" mean for purposes of this rule? "Person" has the meaning given in RCW 82.04.030. "Person" does not include the state of Washington or its institutions. "Person" can be either a lessee or a lessor, who can apply separately for individual investment projects at the same site, if they comply with the other requirements of chapter 82.60 RCW.
(i) The lessor or owner of the qualified building is not eligible for deferral unless:
(A) The underlying ownership of the buildings, machinery, and equipment vests exclusively in the same person; or
(B) All of the following conditions are met:
(I) The lessor has by written contract agreed to pass the economic benefit of the deferral to the lessee;
(II) The lessee that receives the economic benefit of the deferral agrees in writing with the department to complete the annual survey required under RCW 82.60.070;
(III) The economic benefit of the deferral passed to the lessee is no less than the amount of tax deferred by the lessor; and
(IV) Upon request, the lessor must provide the department with written documentation to support the eligibility of the deferral, including any type of payment, credit, or other financial arrangement between the lessor or owner of the qualified building and the lessee.

For example, economic benefit of the deferral is passed through to the lessee when evidenced by written documentation that the amounts paid to the lessor for construction of tenant improvements are reduced by the amount of the sales tax deferred, or that the lessee receives more tenant improvements through a credit for tenant improvements or other mechanism in the lease equal to the amount of the sales tax deferred.

(ii) The lessor of the qualified building who receives a letter of intent from a qualifying lessee may be eligible for deferral, assuming that all other requirements of chapter 82.60 RCW are met. At the time of application, the lessor must provide to the department a letter of intent by the lessee to lease the qualified building and any other information to prove that the lessee will engage in qualified research and development or pilot scale manufacturing once the building construction is complete. After the investment project is certified as operationally complete, the lessee must actually occupy the building as a lessee and engage in qualified research and development or pilot scale manufacturing. Otherwise, deferred taxes will be immediately due to the lessor, and interest will be assessed retroactively from the date of deferral.
(b)What is "manufacturing" for purposes of this rule? "Manufacturing" has the meaning given in RCW 82.04.120. Manufacturing, in addition, includes:
(i) Computer programming, the production of computer software, and other computer-related services, but only when the computer programming, production of computer software, or other computer-related services are performed by a manufacturer as defined in RCW 82.04.110 and contribute to the production of a new, different, or useful substance or article or tangible personal property for sale (chapter 16, Laws of 2010);
(ii) The activities performed by research and development laboratories and commercial testing laboratories; and
(iii) Effective July 1, 2006, manufacturing also includes the conditioning of vegetable seeds.

For purposes of this rule, both manufacturers and processors for hire may qualify for the deferral program as being engaged in manufacturing activities. Refer to WAC 458-20-136 (Manufacturing, processing for hire, fabricating) for more information on processors for hire.

For purposes of this rule, "computer-related services" means activities such as programming for the manufactured product. It includes creating operating systems, software, and other similar goods that will be copied and sold as canned software. "Computer-related services" does not include information services, such as data or information processing. The activities performed by the manufacturer to test, correct, revise, or upgrade software or hardware before they are approved for sale to the consumer are considered computer-related services.

For purposes of this rule, "vegetable seeds" includes the seeds of those crops that are grown in gardens and on truck farms and are generally known and sold under the name of vegetable or herb seeds in this state. "Vegetable seeds" includes, but is not limited to, cabbage seeds, carrot seeds, onion seeds, tomato seeds, and spinach seeds. Vegetable seeds do not include grain seeds, cereal seeds, fruit seeds, flower seeds, tree seeds, and other similar properties.

(c)What is "research and development" for purposes of this rule? "Research and development" means the development, refinement, testing, marketing, and commercialization of a product, service, or process before commercial sales have begun, but only when such activities are intended to ultimately result in the production of a new, different, or useful substance or article of tangible personal property. (Chapter 16, Laws of 2010.) For purposes of this rule, "commercial sales" excludes sales of prototypes or sales for market testing if the total gross receipts from such sales of the product, service, or process do not exceed $1,000,000.
(102)What is eligible for the sales and use tax deferral program? This deferral program applies to an eligible investment project for sales and use taxes imposed on the construction, expansion, or renovation of qualified buildings and acquisition of qualified machinery and equipment.
(a)What is an "eligible investment project" for purposes of this rule? "Eligible investment project" means an investment project in an eligible area. Refer to (g) of this subsection for more information on eligible area. "Eligible investment project" does not include an investment project undertaken by a light and power business as defined in RCW 82.16.010, other than that portion of a cogeneration project that is used to generate power for consumption within the manufacturing site of which the cogeneration project is an integral part. It also does not include an investment project that has already received a deferral under chapter 82.60 RCW.
(b)What is an "investment project" for purposes of this rule? "Investment project" means an investment in qualified buildings or qualified machinery and equipment, including labor and services rendered in the planning, installation, and construction of the project.
(c)What is "qualified buildings" for purposes of this rule? "Qualified buildings" means construction of new structures, and expansion or renovation of existing structures for the purpose of increasing floor space or production capacity, used for manufacturing or research and development activities.
(i) "Qualified buildings" is limited to structures used for manufacturing and research and development activities. "Qualified buildings" includes plant offices and warehouses if such facilities are essential to or an integral part of a factory, mill, plant, or laboratory used for manufacturing or research and development.
(A) "Office" means space used by professional, clerical, or administrative staff. For plant office space to be a qualified building its use must be essential or integral to the manufacturing or research and development operation. Office space that is used by supervisors and their staff, by technicians, by payroll staff, by the safety officer, and by the training staff are examples of qualifying office space. An office may be located in a separate building from the building used for manufacturing or research and development activities, but the office must be located at the same site as the qualified building in order to qualify. Each individual office may only qualify or disqualify in its entirety.
(B) "Warehouse" means buildings or facilities used for the storage of raw materials or finished goods. A warehouse may be located in a separate building from the building used for manufacturing or research and development activities, but the warehouse must be located at the same site as the qualified building in order to qualify. Warehouse space may be apportioned based upon its qualifying use.
(C) A site is one or more immediately adjacent parcels of real property. Adjacent parcels of real property separated only by a public road comprise a single site.
(ii) "Qualified buildings" does not include construction of landscaping or most other work outside the building itself, even though the landscaping or other work outside the building may be required by the city or county government in order for the city or county to issue a permit for the construction of a building.

However, "qualified buildings" includes construction of specialized sewerage pipes connected to a qualified building that are specifically designed and used exclusively for manufacturing or research and development.

Also, "qualified buildings" includes construction of parking lots connected to or adjacent to the building if the parking lots are for the use of workers performing manufacturing or research and development in the building. Parking lots may be apportioned based upon its qualifying use.

(d)When is apportionment of qualified buildings appropriate? The deferral is allowable only in respect to investment in the construction of a new building or the expansion or renovation of an existing building used in manufacturing or research and development. Where a building(s) is used partly for manufacturing or research and development and partly for purposes that do not qualify for deferral under this rule, apportionment is necessary.
(e)What are the apportionment methods? The deferral is determined by one of the following two apportionment methods. The first method of apportionment is based on square footage and does not require tracking the costs of materials for the qualifying/nonqualifying areas of a building. The second method of apportionment tracks the costs of materials used in the qualifying/nonqualifying areas, and it is primarily used by those industries with specialized building requirements.
(i)First method. The applicable tax deferral can be determined by apportionment according to the ratio of the square footage of that portion of the building(s) directly used for manufacturing or research and development purposes bears to the square footage of the total building(s).

Apportionment formula:

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Percent Eligible x Total Project Costs = Eligible Costs.

"Total Project Costs" means cost of multipurpose buildings and other improvement costs associated with the deferral project. Machinery and equipment are not included in this calculation. Common areas, such as hallways, bathrooms, and conference rooms, are not included in the square feet figure for either the numerator or the denominator. The cost of the common areas is multiplied by the percent eligible to determine the portion of the common area that is eligible for deferral.

Eligible Costs x Tax Rate = Eligible Tax Deferred.

(ii)Second method. If the applicable tax deferral is not determined by the first method, it will be determined by tracking the cost of construction of qualifying/nonqualifying areas as follows:
(A) Tax on the cost of construction of areas devoted solely to manufacturing or research and development may be deferred.
(B) Tax on the cost of construction of areas not used at all for manufacturing or research and development may not be deferred.
(C) Tax on the cost of construction of areas used in common for manufacturing or research and development and for other purposes, such as hallways, bathrooms, and conference rooms, may be deferred by apportioning the costs of construction on a square footage basis. The apportioned costs of construction eligible for deferral are established by using the ratio, expressed as a percentage, of the square feet of the construction, expansion, or renovation devoted to manufacturing or research and development, excluding areas used in common, to the total square feet of the construction, expansion, or renovation, excluding areas used in common. That percentage is applied to the cost of construction of the common areas to determine the costs of construction eligible for tax deferral. Expressed as a formula, apportionment of the cost of the common areas is determined by:

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(f)What is "qualified machinery and equipment" for purposes of this rule? "Qualified machinery and equipment" means all new industrial and research fixtures, equipment, and support facilities that are an integral and necessary part of a manufacturing or research and development operation. "Qualified machinery and equipment" includes computers, desks, filing cabinets, photocopiers, printers, software, data processing equipment, laboratory equipment; manufacturing components such as belts, pulleys, shafts and moving parts; molds, tools and dies; operating structures; and all equipment used to control or operate machinery. It also includes machinery and equipment acquired under the terms of a lease by the recipient. "New" as used in this subsection means either new to the taxing jurisdiction of the state or new to the certificate holder.

For purposes of this rule, "industrial fixture" means an item attached to a building or to land. Examples of "industrial fixtures" are fuel oil lines, boilers, craneways, and improvements to land such as concrete slabs.

(i)Are qualified machinery and equipment subject to apportionment? Qualified machinery and equipment are not subject to apportionment.
(ii)To what extent is leased equipment eligible for the deferral? The amount of tax deferral allowable for leased equipment is the amount of the consideration paid by the recipient to the lessor over the initial term of the lease, excluding any period of extension or option to renew, up to the last date for repayment of the deferred taxes. After that date, the recipient must pay the appropriate sales taxes to the lessor for the remaining term of the lease.
(g)What is an "eligible area" for purposes of this rule? "Eligible area" means:
(i)Rural county. A rural county is a county with fewer than 100 persons per square mile or a county smaller than 225 square miles as determined annually by the office of financial management and published by the department of revenue effective for the period July 1st through June 30th; or
(ii)Community empowerment zone (CEZ). A "community empowerment zone" means an area meeting the requirements of RCW 43.31C.020 and officially designated as a CEZ by the director of the department of commerce, or a county containing a CEZ.
(h)What if an investment project is located in an area that qualifies both as a rural county and as a CEZ? If an investment project is located in an area that qualifies under more than one type of eligible area, the department will automatically assign the project to the eligible area that imposes the least burden on the taxpayer and with the greatest benefit to the taxpayer. If the applicant elects to be bound by the requirements of the other potential eligible area, the applicant must make a written statement to that effect. For example, on October 1, 2004, the city of Yakima qualifies as a CEZ, and the entire county of Yakima has fewer than 100 persons per square mile. The CEZ requirements are more restrictive than counties containing fewer than 100 persons per square mile. The department will assign the project to the "fewer than 100 persons per square mile designation" unless the applicant elects to be bound by the CEZ requirements. Refer to subsection (104) of this rule for more information on the application process.
(i)Are there any hiring requirements for an investment project? There may or may not be a hiring requirement, depending on the location of the project.
(i)Rural county. There are no hiring requirements for qualifying projects located in rural counties.
(ii)Community empowerment zone (CEZ). There are hiring requirements for qualifying projects located in CEZs or in counties containing CEZs. The applicant applies for a deferral of investment that correlates to the estimated number of persons to be hired based on the following formula:

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Applicants must make good faith estimates of anticipated hiring. Refer to subsection (104) of this rule for more information on the application process. The recipient must fill the positions by persons who at the time of hire are residents of the CEZ. The department has instituted a geographic information system (GIS) to assist taxpayers in determining taxing jurisdiction boundaries, local tax rates, and a mapping and address lookup system to determine whether a specific address is within a CEZ. The system is available on the department's website at dor.wa.gov. A recipient must fill the qualified employment positions by the end of the calendar year following the year in which the project is certified as operationally complete and retain the position during the entire tax year. Refer to subsection (107) of this rule for more information on certification of an investment project as operationally complete. If the recipient does not fill the qualified employment positions by the end of the second calendar year following the year in which the project is certified as operationally complete, all deferred taxes are immediately due.

(A)What is a "qualified employment position" for purposes of this rule? "Qualified employment position" means a permanent full-time employee employed in the eligible investment project during the entire tax year. The "entire tax year" means the full-time position is filled for a period of 12 consecutive months. "Full-time" means at least 35 hours a week, 455 hours a quarter, or 1,820 hours a year.
(B)Who are residents of the CEZ? "Resident" means the person who fills the qualified employment position makes his or her home in the CEZ. A mailing address alone is insufficient to establish that a person is a resident.
(103)What are the application and review processes? An application for sales and use tax deferral under this program must be made prior to the initiation of construction, prior to the acquisition of machinery and equipment, and prior to the filling of qualified employment positions. Persons who apply after construction is initiated or finished or after acquisition of machinery and equipment are not eligible for the program. When an application for sales and use tax deferral is timely submitted, costs incurred before the application date are allowable, if they otherwise qualify. Applications for persons subject to hiring requirements must include information regarding the estimated total project cost and the qualified employment positions.
(a)What is "initiation of construction" for purposes of this rule? "Initiation of construction," in regards to the construction, expansion, or renovation of buildings, means the commencement of on-site construction work. Neither planning nor land clearing prior to excavation of the building site constitutes the commencement of on-site construction work.
(b)What is "acquisition of machinery and equipment" for purposes of this rule? "Acquisition of machinery and equipment" means the machinery and equipment is under the dominion and control of the recipient or its agent.
(c)How may a taxpayer obtain an application form? Application forms may be obtained from the department's website at dor.wa.gov, or by contacting the department at 360-705-6705. Applications received by the department under chapter 82.60 RCW are not confidential and are subject to disclosure. RCW 82.60.100.

For purposes of this rule, "applicant" means a person applying for a tax deferral under chapter 82.60 RCW, and "department" means the department of revenue.

(d)Will the department approve the deferral application? In considering whether to approve or deny an application for a deferral, the department will not approve an application for a project involving construction unless:
(i) The construction will begin within one year from the date of the application; or
(ii) The applicant shows proof that, if the construction will not begin within one year of construction, there is a specific and active program to begin construction of the project within two years from the date of application. Proof may include, but is not limited to:
(A) Affirmative action by the board of directors, governing body, or other responsible authority of the applicant toward an active program of construction;
(B) Itemized reasons for the proposed construction;
(C) Clearly established plans for financing the construction; or
(D) Building permits.

Similarly, after an application has been granted, a deferral certificate is no longer valid and should not be used if construction has not begun within one year from the date of application or there is not a specific and active program to begin construction within two years from the date of application. However, the department will grant requests to extend the period for which the certificate is valid if the holder of the certificate can demonstrate that the delay in starting construction is due to circumstances beyond the certificate holder's control such as the acquisition of building permit(s). Refer to subsection (106) of this rule for more information on the use of tax deferral certificate.

(e)What is the date of application? "Date of application" means the date of the U.S. Post Office postmark, fax, or electronic trans-mittal, or when the application is hand delivered to the department. The statute in effect on the "date of application" will determine the program criteria the applicant must satisfy.
(f)When will the department notify approval or disapproval of the deferral application? The department will verify the information contained in the application and approve or disapprove the application within 60 days. If approved, the department will issue a tax deferral certificate. If disapproved, the department will notify the applicant as to the reason(s) for disapproval.
(g)May an applicant request a review of department disapproval of the deferral application? The applicant may seek administrative review of the department's disapproval of an application within 30 days from the date of notice of the disallowance pursuant to the provisions of WAC 458-20-10001 (Adjudicative proceedings-Brief adjudicative proceedings-Certificate of registration (tax registration endorsement) revocation). The filing of a petition for review with the department starts a review of departmental action.
(104)What happens after the department approves the deferral application? The department will issue a sales and use tax deferral certificate for state and local sales and use taxes due under chapters 82.08, 82.12, and 82.14 RCW for an eligible investment project. The department will state on the certificate the amount of tax deferral for which the recipient is eligible. Recipients must keep track of how much tax is deferred.

For purposes of this rule, "recipient" means a person receiving a tax deferral under this program.

(105)How should a tax deferral certificate be used? A tax deferral certificate issued under this program is for the use of the recipient for deferral of sales and use taxes due on each eligible investment project. Deferral is limited only to investment in qualified buildings or qualified machinery and equipment as defined in this rule. Thus, sales and use taxes cannot be deferred on items that do not become part of the qualified buildings, machinery, or equipment. In addition, the deferral is not to be used to defer the taxes of the persons with whom the recipient does business, persons the recipient hires, or employees of the recipient.

The certificate holder must provide a copy of the tax deferral certificate to the seller at the time goods or services are purchased. The seller will be relieved of the responsibility for collection of the sales or use tax upon presentation of the certificate. The seller must retain a copy of the certificate as part of its permanent records for a period of at least five years. A blanket certificate may be provided by the certificate holder and accepted by the seller covering all such purchases relative to the eligible project. The seller is liable for business and occupation tax on all tax deferral sales.

For purposes of this rule, "certificate holder" means an applicant to whom a tax deferral certificate has been issued.

(106)What are the processes of an investment project that is certified by the department as operationally complete? An applicant must provide the department with the estimated cost of the investment project at the time the application is made. Following approval of the application and issuance of a tax deferral certificate, a certificate holder must notify the department, in writing, when the value of the investment project reaches the estimated cost as stated on the tax deferral certificate.

For purposes of this rule, "operationally complete" means the project is capable of being used for its intended purpose as described in the application.

(a)What should a certificate holder do if its investment project reaches the estimated costs but the project is not yet operationally complete? If a certificate holder has an investment project that has reached its level of estimated costs and the project is not operationally complete, the certificate holder may request an amended certificate stating a revised amount upon which the deferral taxes are requested. Requests must be mailed or faxed to the department.
(b)What should a certificate holder do when its investment project is operationally complete? The certificate holder must notify the department in writing when the construction project is operationally complete. The department will certify the date on which the project is operationally complete. The certificate holder of the deferral must maintain the manufacturing or research and development activity for eight years from this date.
(107)Is a recipient of tax deferral required to submit annual surveys? Each recipient of a tax deferral granted under chapter 82.60 RCW after June 30, 1994, must complete an annual survey. If the economic benefits of the deferral are passed to a lessee as provided in RCW 82.60.020(4), the lessee must agree to complete the annual survey and the applicant is not required to complete the annual survey. Refer to WAC 458-20-268 (Annual surveys for certain tax adjustments) for more information on the requirements to file annual surveys.
(108)Is a recipient of tax deferral required to repay deferred taxes? Repayment of tax deferred under chapter 82.60 RCW is excused, except as otherwise provided in RCW 82.60.070 and this subsection.
(a)Is repayment required for machinery and equipment exempt under RCW 82.08.02565 or 82.12.02565 ? Repayment of tax deferred under chapter 82.60 RCW is not required, and interest and penalties under RCW 82.60.070 will not be imposed, on machinery and equipment that qualifies for exemption under RCW 82.08.02565 or 82.12.02565.
(b)When is repayment required? The following subsections describe the various circumstances under which repayment of the deferral may occur. Outstanding taxes are determined by reference to the following table. The table presumes the taxpayer maintained eligibility for the entire year.

Repayment Year

Percentage of Deferred Tax Waived


(Year operationally complete)
















Any action taken by the department to disqualify a recipient for tax deferral or assess interest will be subject to administrative review pursuant to the provisions of WAC 458-20-10001 (Adjudicative proceedings-Brief adjudicative proceedings-Certificate of registration (tax registration endorsement) revocation). The filing of a petition for review with the department starts a review of departmental action.

(i)Failure of investment project to satisfy general conditions. If, on the basis of the recipient's annual survey or other information, including that submitted by the employment security department, the department of revenue finds that an investment project is not eligible for tax deferral for reasons other than failure to create the required number of qualified employment positions, the department will declare the amount of deferred taxes outstanding to be immediately due. An example of a disqualification under this rule is a facility not being used for a manufacturing or research and development operation. No penalties or interest will be assessed on the deferred sales/use tax; however, all other penalties and interest applicable to excise tax assessments may be assessed and imposed.
(ii)Failure of investment project to satisfy required employment positions conditions. If, on the basis of the recipient's annual survey or other information, the department finds that an investment project has been operationally complete and has failed to create the required number of qualified employment positions under subsection (102)(i) of this rule, the amount of taxes deferred will be immediately due. There is no proration of the amount owed under this subsection. No penalties or interest will be assessed on the deferred sales/use tax; however, all other penalties and interest applicable to excise tax assessments may be assessed and imposed.
(109)When will the tax deferral program expire? No applications for deferral of taxes will be accepted after June 30, 2010.
(110)Is debt extinguishable because of insolvency or sale? Insolvency or other failure of the recipient does not extinguish the debt for deferred taxes nor will the sale, exchange, or other disposition of the recipient's business extinguish the debt for the deferred taxes.
(111)Does transfer of ownership terminate tax deferral? Transfer of ownership does not terminate the deferral. The deferral is transferred, subject to the successor meeting the eligibility requirements of chapter 82.60 RCW, for the remaining periods of the deferral. Any person who becomes a successor (see WAC 458-20-216) to such investment project is liable for the full amount of any unpaid, deferred taxes under the same terms and conditions as the original recipient of the deferral.


Applications from August 1, 1999, to March 31, 2004

(201)Definitions. The following definitions apply to applications made on and after August 1, 1999, and before April 1, 2004:
(a) "Acquisition of equipment or machinery" means the equipment and machinery is under the dominion and control of the recipient.
(b) "Applicant" means a person applying for a tax deferral under chapter 82.60 RCW.
(c) "Certificate holder" means an applicant to whom a tax deferral certificate has been issued.
(d) "Computer-related services" means activities such as programming for the manufactured product. It includes creating operating systems, software, and other similar goods that will be copied and sold as canned software. "Computer-related services" does not include information services, such as data or information processing. The activities performed by the manufacturer to test, correct, revise, or upgrade software or hardware before they are approved for sale to the consumer are considered computer-related services.
(e) "Date of application" means the date of the U.S. Post Office postmark, fax, or electronic transmittal, or when the application is hand delivered to the department. The statute in effect on the "date of application" will determine the program criteria the applicant must satisfy.
(f) "Department" means the department of revenue.
(g) "Eligible area" means:
(i) Rural county. A rural county is a county with fewer than 100 persons per square mile as determined annually by the office of financial management and published by the department of revenue effective for the period July 1st through June 30th; or
(ii) Community empowerment zone (CEZ). A "community empowerment zone" means an area meeting the requirements of RCW 43.31C.020 and officially designated as a CEZ by the director of the department of community, trade, and economic development or a county containing a CEZ.
(h) "Eligible investment project" means an investment project in an eligible area. "Eligible investment project" does not include an investment project undertaken by a light and power business as defined in RCW 82.16.010, other than that portion of a cogeneration project that is used to generate power for consumption within the manufacturing site of which the cogeneration project is an integral part. It also does not include an investment project that has already received a deferral under chapter 82.60 RCW.
(i) "Industrial fixture" means an item attached to a building or to land. Examples of "industrial fixtures" are fuel oil lines, boilers, craneways, and improvements to land such as concrete slabs.
(j) "Initiation of construction," in regards to the construction, expansion, or renovation of buildings, means the commencement of on-site construction work. Neither planning nor land clearing prior to excavation of the building site constitutes the commencement of on-site construction work.
(k) "Investment project" means an investment in qualified buildings or qualified machinery and equipment, including labor and services rendered in the planning, installation, and construction of the project. When an application for sales and use tax deferral is timely submitted, costs incurred before the application date are allowable, if they otherwise qualify.
(l) "Manufacturing" has the meaning given in RCW 82.04.120. Manufacturing also includes computer programming, the production of computer software, and other computer-related services, but only when the computer programming, production of computer software, or other computer-related services are performed by a manufacturer as defined in RCW 82.04.110 and contribute to the production of a new, different, or useful substance or article of tangible personal property for sale; and the activities performed by research and development laboratories and commercial testing laboratories. (Chapter 16, Laws of 2010.)
(m) "Operationally complete" means the project is capable of being used for its intended purpose as described in the application.
(n) "Person" has the meaning given in RCW 82.04.030. "Person" does not include the state of Washington or its institutions. "Person" can be either a lessee or a lessor, who can apply separately for individual investment projects at the same site, if they comply with the other requirements of chapter 82.60 RCW. The lessor/owner of the structure is not eligible for deferral unless the underlying ownership of the buildings, machinery, or equipment vests in the lessor/owner, or unless the lessor has by written contract agreed to pass the economic benefit of the deferral to the lessee in the form of reduced rent payments.
(o) "Qualified buildings" means construction of new structures and expansion or renovation of existing structures for the purpose of increasing floor space or production capacity, used for manufacturing and research and development activities.

"Qualified buildings" are limited to structures used for manufacturing and research and development activities. "Qualified buildings" include plant offices and warehouses if such facilities are essential to or an integral part of a factory, mill, plant, or laboratory. "Office" means space used by professional, clerical, or administrative staff. For plant office space to be a qualified building its use must be essential or integral to the manufacturing or research and development operation. Office space that is used by supervisors and their staff, by technicians, by payroll staff, by the safety officer, and by the training staff are examples of qualifying office space. "Warehouse" means buildings or facilities used for the storage of raw materials or finished goods.

(p) "Qualified employment position" means a permanent full-time employee employed in the eligible investment project during the entire tax year. The "entire tax year" means the full-time position is filled for a period of 12 consecutive months. Full-time means at least 35 hours a week, 455 hours a quarter, or 1,820 hours a year.
(q) "Qualified machinery and equipment" means all new industrial and research fixtures, equipment, and support facilities that are an integral and necessary part of a manufacturing or research and development operation. "Qualified machinery and equipment" includes computers, desks, filing cabinets, photocopiers, printers, software, data processing equipment, laboratory equipment; manufacturing components such as belts, pulleys, shafts and moving parts; molds, tools and dies; operating structures; and all equipment used to control or operate machinery. It also includes machinery and equipment acquired under the terms of a lease by the recipient. "New" as used in this subsection means either new to the taxing jurisdiction of the state or new to the certificate holder.
(r) "Recipient" means a person receiving a tax deferral under this program.
(s) "Research and development" means the development, refinement, testing, marketing, and commercialization of a product, service, or process before commercial sales have begun. As used in this subsection, "commercial sales" excludes sales of prototypes or sales for market testing if the total gross receipts from such sales of the product, service, or process do not exceed $1,000,000.
(t) "Resident" means the person who fills the qualified employment position makes his or her home in the CEZ. A mailing address alone is insufficient to establish that a person is a resident.
(202)Issuance of deferral certificate. The department will issue a sales and use tax deferral certificate for state and local sales and use taxes due under chapters 82.08, 82.12, and 82.14 RCW for an eligible investment project. The department will state on the certificate the amount of tax deferral for which the recipient is eligible. Recipients must keep track of how much tax is deferred.
(203)Eligible investment amount. There may or may not be a hiring requirement, depending on the location of the project.
(a)No hiring requirements. There are no hiring requirements for qualifying projects located in counties with fewer than 100 persons per square mile. Monitoring and reporting procedures are explained in subsection (210) of this rule. Buildings that will be used partly for manufacturing or research and development and partly for other purposes are eligible for a deferral on a proportionate basis. Subsection (204) of this rule explains the procedure for apportionment.
(b)Hiring requirements. There are hiring requirements for qualifying projects located in CEZs or in counties containing CEZs. The applicant applies for a deferral of investment that correlates to the estimated number of persons to be hired based on the following formula:

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Applicants must make good faith estimates of anticipated hiring. The recipient must fill the positions by persons who at the time of hire are residents of the CEZ. The department has instituted a geographic information system (GIS) to assist taxpayers in determining taxing jurisdiction boundaries, local tax rates, and a mapping and address lookup system to determine whether a specific address is within a CEZ. The system is available on the department's internet website at http://www.dor.wa.gov. A recipient must fill the qualified employment positions by the end of the calendar year following the year in which the project is certified as operationally complete and retain the position during the entire tax year. If the recipient does not fill the qualified employment positions by the end of the second calendar year following the year in which the project is certified as operationally complete, all deferred taxes are immediately due.

(204)Apportionment of costs between qualifying and nonqualifying investments. The deferral is allowable only in respect to investment in the construction of a new building or the expansion or renovation of existing buildings used in manufacturing, research and development, or commercial testing laboratories.
(a) Where a building(s) is used partly for manufacturing or research and development and partly for purposes that do not qualify for deferral under this rule, the deferral will be determined by one of the following apportionment methods. The first method of apportionment is based on square footage and does not require tracking the costs of materials for the qualifying/nonqualifying areas of a building. The second method of apportionment tracks the costs of materials used in the qualifying/nonqualifying areas and is primarily used by those industries with specialized building requirements.
(i) The applicable tax deferral will be determined by apportionment according to the ratio of the square footage of that portion of the building(s) directly used for manufacturing or research and development purposes bears to the square footage of the total building(s).

Apportionment formula:

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Percent Eligible x Total Project Costs = Eligible Costs.

"Total Project Costs" means cost of multipurpose buildings and other improvement costs associated with the deferral project. Machinery and equipment are not included in this calculation. Common areas, such as hallways and bathrooms, are not included in the square feet figure for either the numerator or the denominator. The cost of the common areas is multiplied by the percent eligible to determine the portion of the common area that is eligible for deferral.

Eligible Tax Deferred = Eligible Cost x Tax Rate.

(ii) If a building is used partly for manufacturing, research and development, or commercial testing and partly for other purposes, the applicable tax deferral shall be determined as follows:
(A) Tax on the cost of construction of areas devoted solely to manufacturing, research and development, or commercial testing may be deferred.
(B) Tax on the cost of construction of areas not used at all for manufacturing, research and development, or commercial testing may not be deferred.
(C) Tax on the cost of construction of areas used in common for manufacturing, research and development, or commercial testing and for other purposes, such as hallways, bathrooms, and conference rooms, may be deferred by apportioning the costs of construction on a square footage basis. The apportioned costs of construction eligible for deferral are established by using the ratio, expressed as a percentage, of the square feet of the construction, expansion, or renovation devoted to manufacturing, research and development, or commercial testing, excluding areas used in common to the total square feet of the construction, expansion, or renovation, excluding areas used in common. That percentage is applied to the cost of construction of the common areas to determine the costs of construction eligible for tax deferral. Expressed as a formula, apportionment of the cost of the common areas is determined by:

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(b) Qualified machinery and equipment is not subject to apportionment.
(205)Leased equipment. The amount of tax deferral allowable for leased equipment is the amount of the consideration paid by the recipient to the lessor over the initial term of the lease, excluding any period of extension or option to renew, up to the last date for repayment of the deferred taxes. After that date the recipient must pay the appropriate sales taxes to the lessor for the remaining term of the lease.
(206)Application procedure and review process. An application for sales and use tax deferral under this program must be made prior to the initiation of construction, prior to the acquisition of machinery and equipment, and prior to the filling of qualified employment positions. Persons who apply after construction is initiated or finished or after acquisition of machinery and equipment are not eligible for the program. Applications for persons subject to hiring requirements must include information regarding the estimated total project cost and the qualified employment positions.
(a) Application forms may be obtained from the department's website at dor.wa.gov, or by contacting the department at 360-705-6705.

Applications and reports received by the department under chapter 82.60 RCW are not confidential and are subject to disclosure. (RCW 82.60.100.)

(b) In considering whether to approve or deny an application for a deferral, the department will not approve an application for a project involving construction unless:
(i) The construction will begin within one year from the date of the application; or
(ii) If the construction will not begin within one year of application, the applicant shows proof that there is a specific and active program to begin construction of the project within two years from the date of application. Proof may include, but is not limited to:
(A) Affirmative action by the board of directors, governing body, or other responsible authority of the applicant toward an active program of construction;
(B) Itemized reasons for the proposed construction;
(C) Clearly established plans for financing the construction; or
(D) Building permits.

Similarly, after an application has been granted, a deferral certificate is no longer valid and should not be used if construction has not begun within one year from the date of application or there is not a specific and active program to begin construction within two years from the date of application. However, the department will grant requests to extend the period for which the certificate is valid if the holder of the certificate can demonstrate that the delay in starting construction is due to circumstances beyond the certificate holder's control such as the acquisition of building permit(s).

(c) The department will verify the information contained in the application and approve or disapprove the application within 60 days. If approved, the department will issue a tax deferral certificate. If disapproved, the department will notify the applicant as to the reason(s) for disapproval.
(d) The applicant may seek administrative review of the department's disapproval of an application within 30 days from the date of notice of the disallowance pursuant to the provisions of WAC 458-20-100 (Informal administrative reviews). The filing of a petition for review with the department starts a review of departmental action.
(207)Eligible area criteria. The office of financial management will determine annually the counties with fewer than 100 persons per square mile. The department will update and distribute the list each year. The list will be effective on July 1 of each year.

If an investment project is located in an area that qualifies under more than one type of eligible area, the department will automatically assign the project to the eligible area that imposes the least burden on the taxpayer and with the greatest benefit to the taxpayer. If the applicant elects to be bound by the requirements of the other potential eligible area, the applicant must make a written statement to that effect. For example, on October 1, 1999, the city of Yakima qualifies as a CEZ, and the entire county of Yakima has fewer than 100 persons per square mile. The CEZ requirements are more restrictive than counties containing fewer than 100 persons per square mile. The department will assign the project to the "fewer than 100 persons per square mile designation" unless the applicant elects to be bound by the CEZ requirements.

(208)Use of the certificate. A tax deferral certificate issued under this program is for the use of the recipient for deferral of sales and use taxes due on each eligible investment project. Deferral is limited only to investment in qualified building or qualified machinery and equipment as defined in Part I. Thus, sales and use taxes cannot be deferred on items that do not become part of the qualified buildings, machinery, or equipment. In addition, the deferral is not to be used to defer the taxes of the persons with whom the recipient does business, persons the recipient hires, or employees of the recipient.

The tax deferral certificate is to be used in a manner similar to that of a resale certificate as set forth in WAC 458-20-102, Resale certificates. The certificate holder must provide a copy of the tax deferral certificate to the seller at the time goods or services are purchased. The seller will be relieved of the responsibility for collection of the sales or use tax upon presentation of the certificate. The seller must retain a copy of the certificate as part of its permanent records for a period of at least five years. A blanket certificate may be provided by the certificate holder and accepted by the seller covering all such purchases relative to the eligible project. The seller is liable for business and occupation tax on all tax deferral sales.

(209)Project operationally complete. An applicant must provide the department with the estimated cost of the investment project at the time the application is made. Following approval of the application and issuance of a tax deferral certificate, a certificate holder must notify the department, in writing, when the value of the investment project reaches the estimated cost as stated on the tax deferral certificate.
(a) If a certificate holder has reached its level of estimated costs and the project is not operationally complete, the certificate holder may request an amended certificate stating a revised amount upon which the deferral taxes are requested. Requests must be mailed or faxed to the department.
(b) The certificate holder must notify the department in writing when the construction project is operationally complete. The department will certify the date on which the project is operationally complete. The recipient of the deferral must maintain the manufacturing or research and development activity for eight years from this date.
(210)Reporting and monitoring procedure.
(a)Requirement to submit annual reports. Each recipient of a tax deferral under chapter 82.60 RCW must submit a report on December 31st of the year in which the investment project is certified by the department as having been operationally completed and on December 31st of each of the seven succeeding calendar years. The report must be made to the department in a form and manner prescribed by the department. If the recipient fails to submit a report or submits an inadequate or falsified report, the department may declare the amount of deferred taxes outstanding to be immediately due and payable. An inadequate or falsified report is one that contains material omissions or contains knowingly false statements and information.
(b)Requirement to submit annual surveys. Effective April 1, 2004, each recipient of a tax deferral granted under chapter 82.60 RCW after June 30, 1994, must complete an annual survey instead of an annual report. If the economic benefits of the deferral are passed to a lessee as provided in RCW 82.60.020(4), the lessee must agree to complete the annual survey and the applicant is not required to complete the annual survey. Refer to WAC 458-20-268 (Annual surveys for certain tax adjustments) for more information on the requirements to file annual surveys.
(211)Repayment of deferred taxes. Repayment of tax deferred under chapter 82.60 RCW is excused, except as otherwise provided in RCW 82.60.070 and this subsection.
(a) Repayment of tax deferred under chapter 82.60 RCW is not required, and interest and penalties under RCW 82.60.070 will not be imposed, on machinery and equipment that qualifies for exemption under RCW 82.08.02565 or 82.12.02565.
(b) The following subsections describe the various circumstances under which repayment of the deferral may occur. Outstanding taxes are determined by reference to the following table. The table presumes the taxpayer maintained eligibility for the entire year.

Repayment Year

Percentage of Deferred Tax Waived


(Year operationally complete)
















Any action taken by the department to disqualify a recipient for tax deferral or assess interest will be subject to administrative review pursuant to the provisions of WAC 458-20-100 (Informal administrative reviews). The filing of a petition for review with the department starts a review of departmental action.

(c)Failure of investment project to satisfy general conditions. If, on the basis of the recipient's annual report or other information, including that submitted by the employment security department, the department of revenue finds that an investment project is not eligible for tax deferral for reasons other than failure to create the required number of qualified employment positions, the department will declare the amount of deferred taxes outstanding to be immediately due. An example of a disqualification under this rule is a facility not being used for a manufacturing or research and development operation.
(d)Failure of investment project to satisfy required employment positions conditions. If, on the basis of the recipient's annual report or other information, the department finds that an investment project has been operationally complete and has failed to create the required number of qualified employment positions, the amount of taxes deferred will be immediately due. There is no proration of the amount owed under this subsection. No penalties or interest will be assessed on the deferred sales/use tax; however, all other penalties and interest applicable to excise tax assessments may be assessed and imposed.
(212)Debt not extinguished because of insolvency or sale. Insolvency or other failure of the recipient does not extinguish the debt for deferred taxes nor will the sale, exchange, or other disposition of the recipient's business extinguish the debt for the deferred taxes. Transfer of ownership does not terminate the deferral. The deferral is transferred, subject to the successor meeting the eligibility requirements of chapter 82.60 RCW, for the remaining periods of the deferral. Any person who becomes a successor (see WAC 458-20-216) to such investment project is liable for the full amount of any unpaid, deferred taxes under the same terms and conditions as the original recipient of the deferral.
(213)Disclosure of information. Applications and reports received by the department under chapter 82.60 RCW are not confidential and are subject to disclosure. (RCW 82.60.100.) Effective April 1, 2004, all information collected in annual surveys, except the amount of tax deferral taken, is confidential and not subject to disclosure. Information on the amount of tax deferral taken in annual surveys is not confidential and may be disclosed to the public upon request.


Applications from July 1, 1995, to July 31, 1999

(301)Definitions. For the purposes of this part, the following definitions apply for applications made on and after July 1, 1995, and before August 1, 1999:
(a) "Acquisition of equipment or machinery" means the equipment and machinery is under the dominion and control of the recipient.
(b) "Applicant" means a person applying for a tax deferral under chapter 82.60 RCW.
(c) "Certificate holder" means an applicant to whom a tax deferral certificate has been issued.
(d) "Computer-related services" means services that are connected or interact directly in the manufacture of computer hardware or software or the programming of the manufactured hardware. This includes the manufacture of hardware such as chips, keyboards, monitors, any other hardware, and the components of these items. It includes creating operating systems and software that will be copied and sold as canned software. "Computer-related services" does not include information services. The activities performed by the manufacturer to test, correct, revise, or upgrade software or hardware before they are approved for sale to the consumer are considered computer-related services.
(e) "Department" means the department of revenue.
(f) "Eligible area" means one of the areas designated according to the following classifications:
(i) Unemployment county. A county in which the average level of unemployment for the three calendar years preceding the year in which an application is filed exceeds the average state unemployment for those years by 20 percent. In making this calculation, the department will compare the county's average unemployment rate in the prior three years to 120 percent of the state's average unemployment rate based on official unemployment figures published by the department of employment security;
(ii) Median income county. On and after June 6, 1996, a county that has a median household income that is less than 75 percent of the state median income for the previous three years;
(iii) MSA. A metropolitan statistical area, as defined by the Office of Federal Statistical Policy and Standards, United States Department of Commerce, in which the average level of unemployment for the calendar year immediately preceding the year in which an application is filed under chapter 82.60 RCW exceeds the average state unemployment for such calendar year by 20 percent;
(iv) CEZ and county containing a CEZ. A designated community empowerment zone (CEZ) approved under RCW 43.63A.700 or a county containing such a community empowerment zone;
(v) Timber impact area towns. A town with a population of less than 1,200 persons that is located in a county that is a timber impact area, as defined in RCW 43.31.601, but that is not an unemployment county as defined in Part I;
(vi) Governor's designation county. A county designated by the governor as an eligible area under RCW 82.60.047; or
(vii) Contiguous county. A county that is contiguous to an unemployment county or a governor's designation county.
(i) "Eligible investment project" means:
(A) An investment project in an unemployment county, a median income county, an MSA, a timber impact area town, or a governor's designation county; or
(B) That portion of an investment project in a CEZ, a county containing a CEZ, or a contiguous county, that is directly utilized to create at least one new full-time qualified employment position for each $750,000 of investment.
(ii) "Eligible investment project" does not include an investment project undertaken by a light and power business as defined in RCW 82.16.010, other than that portion of a cogeneration project that is used to generate power for consumption within the manufacturing site of which the cogeneration project is an integral part. It also does not include an investment project that has already received a deferral under chapter 82.60 RCW.
(h) "Industrial fixture" means an item attached to a building or to land. Fixtures become part of the real estate to which they are attached and upon attachment are classified as real property, not personal property. Examples of "industrial fixtures" are fuel oil lines, boilers, craneways, and certain concrete slabs.
(i) "Initiation of construction," in regards to the construction, expansion, or renovation of buildings, means the commencement of on-site construction work. Land clearing prior to excavation of the building site does not commence construction nor does planning commence construction.
(j) "Investment project" means an investment in qualified buildings or qualified machinery and equipment, including labor and services rendered in the planning, installation, and construction of the project. When an application for sales and use tax deferral is timely submitted, costs incurred before the application date are allowable, if they otherwise qualify.
(k) "Manufacturing" has the meaning given in RCW 82.04.120. Manufacturing, for purposes of the distressed area deferral program, also includes computer programming, the production of computer software, and other computer-related services, but only when the computer programming, production of computer software, or other computer-related services are performed by a manufacturer as defined under RCW 82.04.110 and contribute to the production of a new, different, or useful substance or article of tangible personal property for sale; and the activities performed by research and development laboratories and commercial testing laboratories. (Chapter 16, Laws of 2010.)
(l) "Operationally complete" means the project is capable of being used for its intended purpose as described in the application.
(m) "Person" has the meaning given in RCW 82.04.030. "Person" does not include the state of Washington or its institutions. "Person" can be either a lessee or a lessor, who can apply separately for individual investment projects at the same site, if they comply with the other requirements of chapter 82.60 RCW. The lessor/owner of the structure is not eligible for deferral unless the underlying ownership of the buildings, machinery, or equipment vests exclusively in the lessor/owner, or unless the lessor has by written contract agreed to pass the economic benefit of the deferral to the lessee in the form of reduced rent payments.
(n) "Qualified buildings" means construction of new structures, and expansion or renovation of existing structures for the purpose of increasing floor space or production capacity, used for manufacturing and research and development activities.

"Qualified buildings" are limited to structures used for manufacturing and research and development activities. "Qualified buildings" include plant offices and warehouses if such facilities are essential or an integral part of a factory, mill, plant, or laboratory. "Office" means space used by professional, clerical, or administrative staff. For plant office space to be a qualified building its use must be essential or integral to the manufacturing or research and development operation. Office space that is used by supervisors and their staff, by technicians, by payroll staff, by the safety officer, and by the training staff are examples of qualifying office space. "Warehouse" means facilities used for the storage of raw materials or finished goods.

(o) "Qualified employment position" means a permanent full-time employee employed in the eligible investment project during the entire tax year. The "entire tax year" means the full-time position is filled for a period of 12 consecutive months. "Full time" means at least 35 hours a week, 455 hours a quarter, or 1,820 hours a year.
(p) "Qualified machinery and equipment" means all new industrial and research fixtures, equipment, and support facilities that are an integral and necessary part of a manufacturing or research and development operation. "Qualified machinery and equipment" includes computers, desks, filing cabinets, photocopiers, printers, software, data processing equipment, laboratory equipment; manufacturing components such as belts, pulleys, shafts and moving parts; molds, tools and dies; operating structures; and all equipment used to control or operate machinery. It also includes machinery and equipment acquired under the terms of a lease by the recipient. "New" as used in this subsection means either new to the taxing jurisdiction of the state or new to the certificate holder.
(q) "Recipient" means a person receiving a tax deferral under this program.
(r) "Research and development" means the development, refinement, testing, marketing, and commercialization of a product, service, or process before commercial sales have begun. As used in this subsection, "commercial sales" excludes sales of prototypes or sales for market testing if the total gross receipts from such sales of the product, service, or process do not exceed $1,000,000.
(302)Issuance of deferral certificate. The department will issue a sales and use tax deferral certificate for state and local sales and use taxes due under chapters 82.08, 82.12, and 82.14 RCW for an eligible investment project. The department will state on the certificate the amount of tax deferral for which the recipient is eligible. Recipients must keep track of how much tax is deferred.
(303)Eligible investment amount. There may or may not be a hiring requirement, depending on the location of the project.
(a)No hiring requirements. There are no hiring requirements for qualifying projects located in distressed counties, MSAs, median income counties, governor-designated counties, or timber impact towns. Monitoring and reporting procedures are explained in subsection (310) of this rule. Buildings that will be used partly for manufacturing or research and development and partly for other purposes are eligible for a deferral on a proportionate basis. Subsection (304) of this rule explains the procedure for apportionment.
(b)Hiring requirements. There are hiring requirements for qualifying projects located in CEZs, in counties containing CEZs, or in contiguous counties. Total qualifying project costs, including any part of the project that would qualify under RCW 82.08.02565 and 82.12.02565, must be examined to determine the number of positions associated with the project. An applicant who knows at the time of application that he or she will not fill the required qualified employment positions is not eligible for the deferral. Applicants must make good faith estimates of anticipated hiring. The applicant applies for a deferral of investment that correlates to the estimated number of persons to be hired. The investment must include the sales price of machinery and equipment eligible for the sales and use tax exemption under RCW 82.08.02565 and 82.12.02565. An applicant can amend the number of persons hired until completion of the project. The qualified employment positions filled by December 31 of the year of completion are the benchmark to be used during the next seven years in determining hiring compliance.
(i) Total qualifying project costs are divided by 750,000, the result being the qualified employment positions.
(ii) In addition, the number of qualified employment positions created by an investment project will be reduced by the number of full-time employment positions maintained by the recipient in any other community in this state that are displaced as a result of the investment project. This reduction requires a reexamination of whether the 75 percent hiring requirement (as explained below) is met.
(iii) This number, which is the result of (i) and (ii) of this subsection, is the number of positions used as the benchmark over the life of the deferral. For recipients locating in a CEZ or a county containing a CEZ, 75 percent of the new positions must be filled by residents of a CEZ located in the county where the project is located. The department has instituted a geographic information system (GIS) to assist taxpayers in determining taxing jurisdiction boundaries, local tax rates, and a mapping and address lookup system to determine whether a specific address is within a CEZ. The system is available on the department's internet website at http://www.dor.wa.gov. For recipients located in a contiguous county, residents of an adjacent unemployment or governor-designated county must fill 75 percent of the new positions.
(iv) The qualified employment positions are reviewed each year, beginning December 31st of the year the project is operationally complete and each year for seven years. If the recipient has failed to create the requisite number of positions, the department will issue an assessment as explained under subsection (311) of this rule.
(v) In addition to the hiring requirements for new positions under (b) of this subsection, the recipient of a deferral for an expansion or diversification of an existing facility must ensure that he or she maintains the same percentage of employment positions filled by residents of the contiguous county or the CEZ that existed prior to the application being made. This percentage must be maintained for seven years.
(vi) Qualified employment positions do not include those positions filled by persons hired in excess of the ratio of one employee per required dollar of investment for which a deferral is granted. In the event an employee is either voluntarily or involuntarily separated from employment, the employment position will be considered filled if the employer is either training or actively recruiting a replacement employee, so long as the position is not actually vacant for any period in excess of 30 consecutive days.
(304)Apportionment of costs between qualifying and nonqualifying investments. The deferral is allowable only in respect to investment in the construction of a new building or the expansion or renovation of existing buildings used in manufacturing, research and development, or commercial testing.
(a) Where a building(s) is used partly for manufacturing, research and development, or commercial testing and partly for purposes that do not qualify for deferral under this rule, the deferral will be determined by apportionment of the total project costs. The applicable tax deferral will be determined by apportionment according to the ratio of the square footage of that portion of the building(s) directly used for manufacturing, research and development, or commercial testing purposes bears to the square footage of the total building(s).

Apportionment formula:

Click to view image

Percent Eligible x Total Project Costs = Eligible Costs.

"Total Project Costs" means cost of multipurpose buildings and other improvement costs associated with the deferral project. Machinery and equipment are not included in this calculation. Common areas, such as hallways and bathrooms, are not included in the square feet figure for either the numerator or the denominator. The cost of the common areas is multiplied by the percent eligible to determine the portion of the common area that is eligible for deferral.

Eligible Tax Deferred = Eligible Cost x Tax Rate.

(b) Qualified machinery and equipment is not subject to apportionment.
(305)Leased equipment. The amount of tax deferral allowable for leased equipment is the amount of the consideration paid by the recipient to the lessor over the initial term of the lease, excluding any period of extension or option to renew, up to the last date for repayment of the deferred taxes. After that date the recipient must pay the appropriate sales taxes to the lessor for the remaining term of the lease.
(306)Application procedure and review process. An application for sales and use tax deferral under this program must be made prior to the initiation of construction and the acquisition of machinery and equipment. Persons who apply after construction is initiated or after acquisition of machinery and equipment are not eligible for the program. Applications for persons subject to hiring requirements must include information regarding the estimated total project cost and the qualified employment positions.
(a) Application forms may be obtained from the department's website at dor.wa.gov, or by contacting the department at 360-705-6705.
(b) The department will verify the information contained in the application and approve or disapprove the application within 60 days. If approved, the department will issue a tax deferral certificate. If disapproved, the department will notify the applicant as to the reason(s) for disapproval. The U.S. Post Office postmark or fax date will be used as the date of application.
(c) The applicant may seek administrative review of the department's disapproval of an application within 30 days from the date of notice of disallowance pursuant to the provisions of WAC 458-20-100 (Informal administrative reviews). The filing of a petition for review with the department starts a review of departmental action.
(307)Eligible area criteria. The statewide and county unemployment statistics last published by the department will be used to determine eligible areas based on unemployment. Median income county designation is based on data produced by the office of financial management and made available to the department on November 1 of each year. The timber impact town designation is based on information provided by the department of employment security.

If an investment project is located in an area that qualifies under more than one type of eligible area, the department will automatically assign the project to the eligible area that imposes the least burden on the taxpayer and with the greatest benefit to the taxpayer. If the applicant elects to be bound by the requirements of the other potential eligible area, the applicant must make a written statement to that effect. For example, on May 1, 1998, the city of Yakima qualifies as a CEZ, and the entire county of Yakima qualifies as an unemployment county. The CEZ requirements are more restrictive than the unemployment county requirements. The department will assign the project to the distressed area eligible area unless the applicant elected to be bound by the CEZ requirements.

(308)Use of the certificate. A tax deferral certificate issued under this program is for the use of the recipient for deferral of sales and use taxes due on each eligible investment project. Deferral is limited only to investment in qualified building or qualified machinery and equipment as defined in subsection (301) of this rule. Thus, sales and use taxes cannot be deferred on items that do not become part of the qualified buildings, machinery, or equipment. In addition, the deferral is not to be used to defer the taxes of the persons with whom the recipient does business, persons the recipient hires, or employees of the recipient.

The tax deferral certificate is used in a manner similar to that of a resale certificate as set forth in WAC 458-20-102, Resale certificates. The certificate holder must provide a copy of the tax deferral certificate to the seller at the time goods or services are purchased. The seller is relieved of the responsibility for collection of the sales or use tax upon presentation of the certificate. The seller must retain a copy of the certificate as part of its permanent records for a period of at least five years. A blanket certificate may be provided by the certificate holder and accepted by the seller covering all such purchases relative to the eligible project. The seller is liable for business and occupation tax on all tax deferral sales.

(309)Project operationally complete. An applicant must provide the department with the estimated cost of the investment project at the time the application is made. Following approval of the application and issuance of a deferral certificate, a certificate holder must notify the department, in writing, when the value of the investment project reaches the estimated cost as stated on the tax deferral certificate.
(a) If a certificate holder has reached its level of estimated costs and the project is not operationally complete, the certificate holder may request an amended certificate stating a revised amount upon which the deferral is requested. Requests must be mailed or faxed to the department.
(b) The certificate holder must notify the department in writing when the construction project is operationally complete. The department will certify the date on which the project was operationally complete. The recipient of the deferral must maintain the manufacturing or research and development activity for eight years from this date.
(310)Reporting and monitoring procedure.
(a) Requirement to submit annual reports. Each recipient of a deferral granted after July 1, 1995, must submit a report to the department on December 31st of the year in which the investment project is certified by the department as having been operationally completed, and on December 31st of each of the seven succeeding calendar years. The report must be made to the department in a form and manner prescribed by the department. The report must contain information regarding the actual employment related to the project and any other information required by the department. If the recipient fails to submit a report or submits an inadequate or falsified report, the department may declare the amount of deferred taxes outstanding to be immediately due and payable. An inadequate or falsified report is one that contains material omissions or contains knowingly false statements and information.
(b)Requirement to submit annual surveys. Effective April 1, 2004, each recipient of a tax deferral granted under chapter 82.60 RCW after June 30, 1994, must complete an annual survey instead of an annual report. If the economic benefits of the deferral are passed to a lessee as provided in RCW 82.60.020(4), the lessee must agree to complete the annual survey and the applicant is not required to complete the annual survey. Refer to WAC 458-20-268 (Annual surveys for certain tax adjustments) for more information on the requirements to file annual surveys.
(311)Repayment of deferred taxes. Repayment of tax deferred under chapter 82.60 RCW is excused, except as otherwise provided in RCW 82.60.070 and this subsection, on an investment project for which a deferral has been granted under chapter 82.60 RCW after June 30, 1994.
(a) Taxes deferred under this chapter need not be repaid on machinery and equipment for lumber and wood product industries, and sales of or charges made for labor and services, of the type which qualified for exemption under RCW 82.08.02565 or 82.12.02565.
(b) The following describes the various circumstances under which repayment of the deferral may be required. Outstanding taxes are determined by reference to the following table. The table presumes the taxpayer maintained eligibility for the entire year.

Repayment Year

Percentage of Deferred Tax Waived


(Year operationally complete)
















Any action taken by the department to disqualify a recipient for tax deferral or require payment of all or part of deferred taxes is subject to administrative review pursuant to the provisions of WAC 458-20-100 (Informal administrative reviews). The filing of a petition for review with the department starts a review of departmental action. See subsection (24)(d) of this rule for repayment and waiver for deferrals with hiring requirements.

(c)Failure of investment project to satisfy general conditions. If, on the basis of the recipient's annual report or other information, including that submitted by the department of employment security, the department finds that an investment project is not eligible for tax deferral for reasons other than failure to create the required number of qualified employment positions, the department will declare the amount of deferred taxes outstanding to be immediately due. For example, a reason for disqualification would be that the facilities are not used for a manufacturing or research and development operation.
(d)Failure of investment project to satisfy required employment positions conditions. If, on the basis of the recipient's annual report or other information, the department finds that an investment project has been operationally complete for three years and has failed to create the required number of qualified employment positions, the amount of taxes deferred will be immediately due. The department will assess interest at the rate and as provided for delinquent excise taxes under RCW 82.32.050 (retroactively to the date the application was filed). There is no proration of the amount owed under this subsection. No penalties will be assessed.
(e)Failure of investment project to satisfy employee residency requirements. If, on the basis of the recipient's annual report or other information, the department finds that an investment project under RCW 82.60.040(1)(b) or (c) has failed to comply with any requirement of RCW 82.60.045 for any calendar year for which reports are required under this subsection, 12.5 percent of the amount of deferred taxes will be immediately due. For each year a deferral's requirements are met 12.5 percent of the amount of deferred taxes will be waived. The department will assess interest at the rate provided for delinquent excise taxes under RCW 82.32.050, retroactively to the date the application was filed. Each year the employment requirement is met, 12.5 percent of the deferred tax will be waived, if all other program requirements are met. No penalties will be assessed.
(f) The department of employment security makes and certifies to the department all determinations of employment and wages required under this subsection.
(312)Debt not extinguished because of insolvency or sale. Insolvency or other failure of the recipient does not extinguish the debt for deferred taxes nor will the sale, exchange, or other disposition of the recipient's business extinguish the debt for the deferred taxes. Transfer of ownership does not terminate the deferral. The deferral is transferred, subject to the successor meeting the eligibility requirements of this chapter, for the remaining periods of the deferral. Any person who becomes a successor (see WAC 458-20-216) to such investment project is liable for the full amount of any unpaid, deferred taxes under the same terms and conditions as the original recipient.
(313)Disclosure of information. Applications and reports received by the department under chapter 82.60 RCW are not confidential and are subject to disclosure. (RCW 82.60.100.) Effective April 1, 2004, all information collected in annual surveys, except the amount of tax deferral taken, is confidential and not subject to disclosure. Information on the amount of tax deferral taken in annual surveys is not confidential and may be disclosed to the public upon request.


Applications from July 1, 1994, to June 30, 1995

(401)Definitions. For the purposes of this part, the following definitions apply for applications made on and after July 1, 1994, and before July 1, 1995.
(a) "Acquisition of equipment or machinery" means the date the equipment and machinery is under the dominion and control of the recipient.
(b) "Applicant" means a person applying for a tax deferral under chapter 82.60 RCW.
(c) "Certificate holder" means an applicant to whom a tax deferral certificate has been issued.
(d) "Computer-related services" means services that are connected or interact directly in the manufacture of computer hardware or software or the programming of the manufactured hardware. This includes the manufacture of hardware such as chips, keyboards, monitors, any other hardware, and the components of these items. It includes creating operating systems and software that will be copied and sold as canned software. "Computer-related services" does not include information services. The activities performed by the manufacturer to test, correct, revise, and upgrade software or hardware before they are approved for sale to the consumer are considered computer-related services in this instance.
(e) "Department" means the department of revenue.
(f) "Eligible area" means:
(i) Unemployment county. A county in which the average level of unemployment for the three calendar years preceding the year in which an application is filed exceeds the average state unemployment for those years by 20 percent. The department may compare the county's average unemployment rate in the prior three years to 120 percent of the state's average unemployment rate based on official unemployment figures published by the department of employment security;
(ii) MSA. A metropolitan statistical area, as defined by the Office of Federal Statistical Policy and Standards, United States Department of Commerce, in which the average level of unemployment for the calendar year immediately preceding the year in which an application is filed under chapter 82.60 RCW exceeds the average state unemployment for such calendar year by 20 percent;
(iii) CEZ. A designated community empowerment zone approved under RCW 43.63A.700;
(iv) Timber impact area towns. A town with a population of less than 1,200 persons that is located in a county that is a timber impact area, as defined in RCW 43.31.601, but that is not an unemployment county as defined in this subsection;
(v) Contiguous county. A county that is contiguous to an unemployment county or a governor's designation county; or
(vi) Governor's designation county. A county designated by the governor as an eligible area under RCW 82.60.047.
(i) "Eligible investment project" means that portion of an investment project which:
(A) Is directly utilized to create at least one new full-time qualified employment position for each $750,000 of investment on which a deferral is requested; and
(B) Either initiates a new operation, or expands or diversifies a current operation by expanding, equipping, or renovating an existing facility with costs in excess of 25 percent of the true and fair value of the facility prior to improvement. "Improvement" means the physical alteration by significant expansion, modernization, or renovation of an existing facility, excluding land, where the cost of such expansion, etc., exceeds 25 percent of the true and fair value of the existing facility prior to the initiation of the expansion or renovation. The term "improvement" is further defined to include those portions of an existing facility which do not increase the usable floor space, but is limited to the renovation, modernization, or any other form of alteration or addition and the equipment and machinery installed therein during the course of construction. The 25 percent test may be satisfied by considering the value of both the building and machinery and equipment; however, at least 40 percent of the total renovation costs must be attributable to the physical renovation of the building structure alone. "True and fair value" means the value listed on the assessment roles as determined by the county assessor for the buildings or equipment for ad valorem property tax purposes at the time of application.
(ii) "Eligible investment project" does not include either an investment project undertaken by a light and power business as defined in RCW 82.16.010, other than cogeneration projects that are both an integral part of a manufacturing facility and owned at least 50 percent by the manufacturer, or investment projects that have already received deferrals under chapter 82.60 RCW.
(h) "Industrial fixture" means an item attached to a building or to land. Fixtures become part of the real estate to which they are attached and upon attachment are classified as real property, not personal property. Examples of "industrial fixtures" are fuel oil lines, boilers, craneways, and certain concrete slabs.
(i) "Initiation of construction," in regards to the construction of new buildings, means the commencement of on-site construction work.
(j) "Initiation of construction," in regards to the construction of expanding or renovating existing structures for the purpose of increasing floor space or production capacity used for manufacturing and research and development, means the commencement of the new construction by renovation, modernization, or expansion, by physical alteration.
(k) "Investment project" means an investment in qualified buildings or qualified machinery and equipment, including labor and services rendered in the planning, installation, and construction of the project. A person who does not build or remodel his or her own building, but leases from a third party, is eligible for sales and use tax deferral on the machinery and equipment provided that an investment in qualified machinery and equipment is made by such person and a new structure used to house the manufacturing activities is constructed.
(l) "Manufacturing" has the meaning given in RCW 82.04.120. Manufacturing, for purposes of the distressed area deferral program, also includes computer programming, the production of computer software, and other computer-related services, but only when the computer programming, production of computer software, or other computer-related services are performed by a manufacturer as defined in RCW 82.04.110 and contribute to the production of a new, different, or useful substance or article of tangible personal property for sale; and the activities performed by research and development laboratories and commercial testing laboratories. (Chapter 16, Laws of 2010.)
(m) "Operationally complete" means the project is capable of being used for its intended purpose as described in the application.
(n) "Person" has the meaning given in RCW 82.04.030. "Person" does not include the state of Washington or its institutions. "Person" can be either a lessee or a lessor, who can apply separately for individual investment projects at the same site, if they comply with the other requirements of chapter 82.60 RCW. The lessor/owner of the structure is not eligible for deferral unless the underlying ownership of the buildings, machinery, or equipment vests exclusively in the lessor/owner, or unless the lessor has by written contract agreed to pass the economic benefit of the deferral to the lessee in the form of reduced rent payments.
(o) "Qualified buildings" are limited to structures used for manufacturing and research and development activities. "Qualified buildings" include plant offices and warehouses if such facilities are essential or an integral part of a factory, mill, plant, or laboratory. "Office" means space used by professional, clerical, or administrative staff. For plant office space to be a qualified building its use must be essential or integral to the manufacturing or research and development operation. Office space that is used by supervisors and their staff, by technicians, by payroll staff, by the safety officer, and by the training staff are examples of qualifying office space. "Warehouse" means facilities used for the storage of raw materials or finished goods.
(p) "Qualified employment position" means a permanent full-time employee employed in the eligible investment project during the entire tax year. The "entire tax year" means the full-time position is filled for a period of 12 consecutive months. "Full time" means at least 35 hours per week, 455 hours a quarter, or 1,820 hours a year.
(q) "Qualified machinery and equipment" means all new industrial and research fixtures, equipment, and support facilities that are an integral and necessary part of a manufacturing operation or research and development operation. "Qualified machinery and equipment" includes: Computers, software, data processing equipment, laboratory equipment; manufacturing components such as belts, pulleys, shafts and moving parts; molds, tools and dies; operating structures; and all equipment used to control or operate machinery. It also includes machinery and equipment acquired under the terms of a lease by the recipient. "New" as used in this subsection means either new to the taxing jurisdiction of the state or new to the certificate holder.
(r) "Research and development" means the development, refinement, testing, marketing, and commercialization of a product, service, or process before commercial sales have begun. As used in this subsection, "commercial sales" excludes sales of prototypes or sales for market testing if the total gross receipts from such sales of the product, service, or process do not exceed $1,000,000.
(s) "Recipient" means a person receiving a tax deferral under this program.
(402)Issuance of deferral certificate. The department will issue a sales and use tax deferral certificate for state and local sales and use taxes due under chapters 82.08, 82.12, and 82.14 RCW for an eligible investment project. The department will state on the certificate the amount of tax deferral for which the recipient is eligible. Recipients must keep track of how much tax is deferred.
(403)Eligible investment amount.
(a) Projects located in unemployment counties, MSAs, governor-designated counties, or timber impact towns are eligible for a deferral on the portion of the investment project that represents one new qualified employment position for each $750,000 of investment. The eligible amount is computed by dividing the total qualifying project costs by 750,000, the result being the qualified employment positions. In addition, the number of qualified employment positions created by an investment project will be reduced by the number of fulltime employment positions maintained by the recipient in any other community in this state that are displaced as a result of the investment project. This is the number of positions used as the hiring benchmark. The qualified employment positions must be filled by the end of year three. Monitoring and reporting procedures are set forth in subsection (410) of this rule. In addition, buildings that will be used partly for manufacturing or research and development and partly for other purposes are eligible for a deferral on a proportionate basis. Subsection (404) of this rule explains the procedure for apportionment.
(b) Projects located in CEZs, counties containing CEZs, or counties contiguous to an eligible county, are eligible for a deferral if the project meets specific hiring requirements. The recipient is eligible for a deferral on the portion of the investment project that represents one new qualified employment position for each $750,000 of investment. The eligible amount is computed by dividing the total qualifying project costs by 750,000, the result being the qualified employment positions. This is the number of positions used as the hiring benchmark over the life of the deferral. The qualified employment positions are reviewed each year, beginning December 31st of the year the project is operationally complete and each year for seven years. Monitoring and reporting procedures are set forth in subsection (410) of this rule. In addition, buildings that will be used partly for manufacturing or research and development and partly for other purposes are eligible for a deferral on a proportionate basis. Subsection (404) of this rule explains the procedure for apportionment.
(c) In addition to the hiring requirements for new positions under (b) of this subsection, the recipient of a deferral for an expansion or diversification of an existing facility must ensure that he or she maintains the same percentage of employment positions filled by residents of the contiguous county or the CEZ that existed prior to the application being made. This percentage must be maintained for seven years. The department has instituted a geographic information system (GIS) to assist taxpayers in determining taxing jurisdiction boundaries, local tax rates, and a mapping and address lookup system to determine whether a specific address is within a CEZ. The system is available on the department's internet website at www.dor.wa.gov.
(d) Qualified employment positions does not include those persons hired in excess of the ratio of one employee per required dollar of investment for which a deferral is granted. In the event an employee is either voluntarily or involuntarily separated from employment, the employment position will be considered filled if the employer is either training or actively recruiting a replacement employee so long as the position is not actually vacant for any period in excess of 30 consecutive days.
(404)Apportionment of costs between qualifying and nonqualifying investments. The deferral is allowable only in respect to investment in the construction of a new building or the expansion or renovation of existing buildings used in manufacturing, research and development.
(a) Where a building(s) is used partly for manufacturing or research and development and partly for purposes which do not qualify for deferral under this rule, the deferral will be determined by apportionment of the total project costs. The applicable tax deferral will be determined by apportionment according to the ratio of the square footage of that portion of the building(s) directly used for manufacturing or research and development purposes bears to the square footage of the total building(s).

Apportionment formula:

Click to view image

Percent Eligible x Total Project Costs = Eligible Costs.

"Total Project Costs" means cost of multipurpose buildings and other improvement costs associated with the deferral project. Machinery and equipment are not included in this calculation. Common areas, such as hallways and bathrooms, are not included in the square feet figure for either the numerator or the denominator. The cost of the common areas is multiplied by the percent eligible to determine the portion of the common area that is eligible for deferral.

Eligible Tax Deferred = Eligible Cost x Tax Rate.

(b) Qualified machinery and equipment is not subject to apportionment.
(405)Leased equipment. The amount of tax deferral allowable for leased equipment is the amount of the consideration paid by the recipient to the lessor over the initial term of the lease, excluding any period of extension or option to renew, up to the last date for repayment of the deferred taxes. After that date the recipient must pay the appropriate sales taxes to the lessor for the remaining term of the lease.
(406)Application procedure and review process. An application for sales and use tax deferral under this program must be made prior to the initiation of construction and the acquisition of machinery and equipment. Persons who apply after construction is initiated or after acquisition of machinery and equipment are not eligible for the program.
(a) Application forms may be obtained from the department's website at dor.wa.gov, or by contacting the department at 360-705-6705.
(b) The department will verify the information contained in the application and approve or disapprove the application within 60 days. If approved, the department will issue a tax deferral certificate. If disapproved, the department will notify the applicant as to the reason(s) for disapproval. The U.S. Post Office postmark or fax date will be used as the date of application.
(c) The applicant may seek administrative review of the department's disapproval of an application within 30 days from the date of notice of disallowance pursuant to the provisions of WAC 458-20-100 (Informal administrative reviews). The filing of a petition for review with the department starts a review of departmental action.
(407)Eligible area criteria. The department will use the statewide and county unemployment statistics as last published by the department. Timber impact town designation is based on information provided by the department of employment security. The department will update the list of eligible areas by county, annually.
(408)Use of the certificate. A tax deferral certificate issued under this program will be for the use of the recipient for deferral of sales and use taxes due on each eligible investment project. Deferral is limited only to investment in qualified buildings or qualified machinery and equipment as defined in subsection (401) of this rule. Thus, sales and use taxes cannot be deferred on items that do not become part of the qualified buildings, machinery, or equipment. In addition, the deferral is not to be used to defer the taxes of the persons with whom the recipient does business, persons the recipient hires, or employees of the recipient. The tax deferral certificate is be used in a manner similar to that of a resale certificate as set forth in WAC 458-20-102, Resale certificates. The certificate holder must provide a copy of the tax deferral certificate to the seller at the time goods or services are purchased. The seller will be relieved of the responsibility for collection of the sales or use tax upon presentation of the certificate. The seller must retain a copy of the certificate as part of its permanent records for a period of at least five years. A blanket certificate may be provided by the certificate holder and accepted by the seller covering all such purchases relative to the eligible project. The seller is liable for business and occupation tax on all tax deferral sales.
(409)Project operationally complete. An applicant must provide the department with the estimated cost of the investment project at the time the application is made. Following approval of the application and issuance of a tax deferral certificate, a certificate holder must notify the department, in writing, when the value of the investment project reaches the estimated cost as stated on the tax deferral certificate.
(a) If a certificate holder has reached its level of estimated costs and the project is not operationally complete, the certificate holder may request an amended certificate stating a revised amount upon which the deferral of sales and use taxes is requested. Requests must be mailed or faxed to the department.
(b) The certificate holder must notify the department in writing when the construction project is operationally complete. The department will certify the date on which the project was operationally complete. The recipient of the deferral must maintain the manufacturing or research and development activity for eight years from this date.
(c) The recipient will be notified in writing of the total amount of deferred taxes, the date(s) upon which the deferred taxes must be paid, and any reports required to be submitted in the subsequent years. If the department disallows any portion of the amount of sales and use taxes requested for deferral, the recipient may seek administrative review of the department's action within 30 days from the date of the notice of disallowance pursuant to the provisions of WAC 458-20-100 (Informal administrative reviews). The filing of a petition for review with the department starts a review of departmental action.
(410)Reporting and monitoring procedure.
(a) Requirement to submit annual reports. Each recipient of a sales and use tax deferral must submit a report to the department on December 31st of the year in which the investment project is certified by the department as having been operationally completed, and on December 31st of each of the seven succeeding calendar years. The report must be made to the department in a form and manner prescribed by the department. The report must contain information regarding the actual employment related to the project and any other information required by the department. If the recipient fails to submit a report or submits an inadequate or falsified report, the department may declare the amount of deferred taxes outstanding to be immediately due and payable. An inadequate or falsified report is one that contains material omissions or contains knowingly false statements and information.
(b) Requirement to submit annual surveys. Effective April 1, 2004, each recipient of a tax deferral granted under chapter 82.60 RCW after June 30, 1994, must complete an annual survey instead of an annual report. If the economic benefits of the deferral are passed to a lessee as provided in RCW 82.60.020(4), the lessee must agree to complete the annual survey and the applicant is not required to complete the annual survey. Refer to WAC 458-20-268 (Annual surveys for certain tax adjustments) for more information on the requirements to file annual surveys.
(411)Repayment of deferred taxes. Repayment of tax deferred under chapter 82.60 RCW is excused, except as otherwise provided in RCW 82.60.070 and this subsection on an investment project for which a deferral has been granted under chapter 82.60 RCW after June 30, 1994.
(a) The following describes the various circumstances under which repayment of the deferral may be required. Outstanding taxes are determined by reference to the following table. The table presumes the taxpayer maintained eligibility for the entire year. See subsection (c) for repayment and waiver for deferrals with hiring requirements.

Repayment Year

Percentage of Deferred Tax Waived


(Year operationally complete)
















Any action taken by the department to disqualify a recipient for tax deferral or require payment of all or part of deferred taxes is subject to administrative review pursuant to the provisions of WAC 458-20-100 (Informal administrative reviews). The filing of a petition for review with the department starts a review of departmental action.

(b)Failure of investment project to satisfy general conditions. If, on the basis of the recipient's annual report or other information, including that submitted by the department of employment security, the department finds that an investment project is not eligible for tax deferral, other than failure to create the required number of positions, the department will declare the amount of deferred taxes outstanding to be immediately due. For example, a reason for disqualification would be that the facility is not used for manufacturing or research and development operations.
(c)Failure of investment project to satisfy employment positions conditions. If, on the basis of the recipient's annual report or other information, the department finds that an investment project has been operationally complete for three years and has failed to create the required number of qualified employment positions, the amount of taxes deferred will be immediately due. The department will assess interest at the rate and as provided for delinquent excise taxes under RCW 82.32.050 (retroactively to the date of deferral). No penalties will be assessed.
(d)Failure of investment project to satisfy employee residency requirements. If, on the basis of the recipient's annual report or other information, the department finds that an investment project under RCW 82.60.040(1)(b) or (c) has failed to comply with the special hiring requirements of RCW 82.60.045 for any calendar year for which reports are required under this subsection, 12.5 percent of the amount of deferred taxes will be immediately due. For each year a deferral's requirements are met 12.5 percent of the amount of deferred taxes will be waived. The department will assess interest at the rate provided for delinquent excise taxes under RCW 82.32.050, retroactively to the date of deferral. No penalties will be assessed.
(e) The department of employment security makes and certifies to the department all determinations of employment and wages required under this subsection, per request.
(412)Debt not extinguished because of insolvency or sale. Insolvency or other failure of the recipient does not extinguish the debt for deferred taxes nor will the sale, exchange, or other disposition of the recipient's business extinguish the debt for the deferred taxes. Transfer of ownership does not terminate the deferral. The deferral is transferred, subject to the successor meeting the eligibility requirements of this chapter, for the remaining periods of the deferral. Any person who becomes a successor (see WAC 458-20-216) to such investment project is liable for the full amount of any unpaid, deferred taxes under the same terms and conditions as the original recipient.
(413)Disclosure of information. Applications and reports received by the department under chapter 82.60 RCW are not confidential and are subject to disclosure. (RCW 82.60.100.) Effective April 1, 2004, all information collected in annual surveys, except the amount of tax deferral taken, is confidential and not subject to disclosure. Information on the amount of tax deferral taken in annual surveys is not confidential and may be disclosed to the public upon request.


Applications from July 1, 1992, to June 30, 1994

(501)Definitions. For the purposes of this part, the following definitions apply for applications made after July 1, 1992, but before July 1, 1994:
(a) "Acquisition of equipment or machinery" means the equipment and machinery is under the dominion and control of the recipient.
(b) "Applicant" means a person applying for a tax deferral under chapter 82.60 RCW.
(c) "Certificate holder" means an applicant to whom a tax deferral certificate has been issued.
(d) "Computer-related services" means services that are connected or interact directly in the manufacture of computer hardware or software or the programming of the manufactured hardware. This includes the manufacture of hardware such as chips, keyboards, monitors, any other hardware, and the components of these items. It includes creating operating systems and software that will be copied and sold as canned software. "Computer-related services" does not include information services. The activities performed by the manufacturer to test, correct, revise, and upgrade software or hardware before they are approved for sale to the consumer are considered computer-related services in this instance.
(e) "Department" means the department of revenue.
(f) "Eligible area" means:
(i) Unemployment county. A county in which the average level of unemployment for the three calendar years preceding the year in which an application is filed exceeds the average state unemployment for those years by 20 percent. The department may compare the county's average unemployment rate in the prior three years to 120 percent of the state's average unemployment rate based on official unemployment figures published by the department of employment security;
(ii) MSA. A metropolitan statistical area, as defined by the Office of Federal Statistical Policy and Standards, United States Department of Commerce, in which the average level of unemployment for the calendar year immediately preceding the year in which an application is filed under chapter 82.60 RCW exceeds the average state unemployment for such calendar year by 20 percent; or
(iii) CEZ. Beginning July 1, 1993, a designated community empowerment zone approved under RCW 43.63A.700.
(i) "Eligible investment project" means that portion of an investment project which:
(A) Is directly utilized to create at least one new full-time qualified employment position for each $300,000 of investment on which a deferral is requested; and
(B) Either initiates a new operation, or expands or diversifies a current operation by expanding, or renovating an existing building with costs in excess of 25 percent of the true and fair value of the plant complex prior to improvement. "Improvement" means the physical alteration by significant expansion, modernization, or renovation of an existing plant complex, excluding land, where the cost of such expansion, etc., exceeds 25 percent of the true and fair value of the existing plant complex prior to the initiation of the expansion or renovation. The term "improvement" is further defined to include those portions of an existing building which do not increase the usable floor space, but is limited to the renovation, modernization, or any other form of alteration or addition and the equipment and machinery installed therein during the course of construction. The 25 percent test may be satisfied by considering the value of both the building and machinery and equipment; however, at least 40 percent of the total renovation costs must be attributable to the physical renovation of the building structure alone. "True and fair value" means the value listed on the assessment rolls as determined by the county assessor for the land, buildings, or equipment for ad valorem property tax purposes at the time of application; or
(C) Acquires machinery and equipment to be used for either manufacturing or research and development. The lessor/owner of the structure is not eligible for a deferral unless the underlying ownership of the buildings, machinery, and equipment vests exclusively in the same person.
(ii) "Eligible investment project" does not include any portion of an investment project undertaken by a light and power business as defined in RCW 82.16.010 or investment projects that have already received deferrals under chapter 82.60 RCW.
(h) "Industrial fixture" means an item attached to a building or to land. Fixtures become part of the real estate to which they are attached and upon attachment are classified as real property, not personal property. Examples of "industrial fixtures" are fuel oil lines, boilers, craneways, and certain concrete slabs.
(i) "Initiation of construction," in regards to the construction of new buildings, means the commencement of on-site construction work.
(j) "Initiation of construction," in regards to the construction of expanding or renovating existing structures for the purpose of increasing floor space or production capacity used for manufacturing and research and development, means the commencement of new construction by renovation, modernization, or expansion, by physical alteration.
(k) "Investment project" means an investment in qualified buildings and qualified machinery and equipment, including labor and services rendered in the planning, installation, and construction of the project.
(l) "Manufacturing" has the meaning given in RCW 82.04.120. Manufacturing, for purposes of the distressed area deferral program, also includes computer programming, the production of computer software, and other computer-related services, but only when the computer programming, production of computer software, or other computer-related services are performed by a manufacturer as defined in RCW 82.04.110 and contribute to the production of a new, different, or useful substance or article of tangible personal property for sale; and the activities performed by research and development laboratories and commercial testing laboratories. (Chapter 16, Laws of 2010.)
(m) "Operationally complete" means the project is capable of being used for its intended purpose as described in the application.
(n) "Person" has the meaning given in RCW 82.04.030. "Person" does not include the state of Washington or its institutions. "Person" can be either a lessee or a lessor, who can apply separately for individual investment projects at the same site, if they comply with the other requirements of this chapter. The lessor/owner of the structure is not eligible for deferral unless the underlying ownership of the buildings, machinery, or equipment vests in the lessor/owner.
(o) "Qualified buildings" are limited to structures used for manufacturing and research and development activities. "Qualified buildings" include plant offices and warehouses if such facilities are essential or an integral part of a factory, mill, plant, or laboratory. "Office" means space used by professional, clerical, or administrative staff. For plant office space to be a qualified building, its use must be essential or integral to the manufacturing or research and development operation. Office space that is used by supervisors and their staff, by technicians, by payroll staff, by the safety officer, and by the training staff are examples of qualifying office space. "Warehouse" means facilities used for the storage of raw materials or finished goods.
(p) "Qualified employment position" means a permanent full-time employee employed in the eligible investment project during the entire tax year. The "entire tax year" means the full-time position is filled for a period of 12 consecutive months. "Full time" means at least 35 hours a week, 455 hours a quarter, or 1,820 hours a year.
(q) "Qualified machinery and equipment" means all new industrial and research fixtures, equipment, and support facilities that are an integral and necessary part of a manufacturing operation or research and development operation. "Qualified machinery and equipment" includes: Computers, software, data processing equipment, laboratory equipment; manufacturing components such as belts, pulleys, shafts and moving parts; molds, tools and dies; operating structures; and all equipment used to control or operate machinery. It also includes machinery and equipment acquired under the terms of a long- or short-term lease by the recipient. "New" as used in this subsection means either new to the taxing jurisdiction of the state or new to the certificate holder.
(r) "Recipient" means a person receiving a tax deferral under this program.
(s) "Research and development" means the development, refinement, testing, marketing, and commercialization of a product, service, or process before commercial sales have begun. As used in this subsection, "commercial sales" excludes sales of prototypes or sales for market testing if the total gross receipts from such sales of the product, service, or process do not exceed $1,000,000.
(502)Issuance of deferral certificate. The department will issue a sales and use tax deferral certificate for state and local sales and use taxes due under chapters 82.08, 82.12, and 82.14 RCW for an eligible investment project. The department will state on the certificate the amount of tax deferral for which the recipient is eligible. Recipients must keep track of how much deferral is taken.
(503)Eligible investment amount. Recipients are eligible for a deferral on investment used to create employment positions.
(a) Total qualifying project costs must be examined to determine the number of positions associated with the project. Total qualifying project costs are divided by 300,000, the result being the qualified employment positions. This is the number of positions used as the hiring benchmark at the end of year three. The qualified employment positions are reviewed in the third year, following December 31st of the year the project is operationally complete. If the recipient has failed to create the requisite number of positions, the department will issue an assessment under subsection (511) of this rule. Buildings that will be used partly for manufacturing or research and development and partly for other purposes are eligible for a deferral on a proportionate basis. Subsection (504) of this rule explains the procedure for apportionment.
(b) Qualified employment positions does not include those persons hired in excess of the ratio of one employee per required dollar of investment for which a deferral is granted. In the event an employee is either voluntarily or involuntarily separated from employment, the employment position will be considered filled if the employer is either training or actively recruiting a replacement employee so long as the position is not actually vacant for any period in excess of 30 consecutive days.
(504)Apportionment of costs between qualifying and nonqualifying investments. The deferral is allowable only in respect to investment in the construction of a new building or the expansion or renovation of existing buildings directly used in manufacturing, research and development, or commercial testing laboratories.
(a) Where a building(s) is used partly for manufacturing or research and development, or commercial testing and partly for purposes, which do not qualify for deferral under this rule, the deferral will be determined by apportionment of the total project costs. The applicable tax deferral will be determined by apportionment according to the ratio of the square footage of that portion of the building(s) directly used for manufacturing or research and development purposes bears to the square footage of the total building(s).

Apportionment formula:

Click to view image

Percent Eligible x Total Project Costs = Eligible Costs.

"Total Project Costs" means cost of multipurpose buildings and other improvement costs associated with the deferral project. Machinery and equipment are not included in this calculation. Common areas, such as hallways and bathrooms, are not included in the square feet figure for either the numerator or the denominator. The cost of the common areas is multiplied by the percent eligible to determine the portion of the common area that is eligible for deferral.

Eligible Tax Deferred = Eligible Cost x Tax Rate.

(b) Qualified machinery and equipment is not subject to apportionment.
(505)Leased equipment. The amount of tax deferral allowable for leased equipment is the amount of the consideration paid by the recipient to the lessor over the initial term of the lease, excluding any period of extension or option to renew, up to the last date for repayment of the deferred taxes. After that date the recipient must pay the appropriate sales taxes to the lessor for the remaining term of the lease.
(506)Application procedure and review process. An application for sales and use tax deferral under this program must be made prior to the initiation of construction and the acquisition of equipment or machinery. Persons who apply after construction is initiated or finished or after acquisition of machinery and equipment are not eligible for the program.
(a) Application forms may be obtained from the department's website at dor.wa.gov, or by contacting the department at 360-705-6705.
(b) The department will verify the information contained in the application and either approve or disapprove the application within 60 days. If approved, the department will issue a tax deferral certificate. If disapproved, the department will notify the applicant as to the reason(s) for disapproval. The U.S. Post Office postmark or fax date will be used as the date of application.
(c) The applicant may seek administrative review of the department's refusal to issue a certificate pursuant to the provisions of WAC 458-20-100 (Informal administrative reviews), within 30 days from the date of notice of the department's refusal, or within any extension of such time granted by the department. The filing of a petition for review with the department starts a review of departmental action.
(507)Unemployment criteria. For purposes of making application for tax deferral and of approving such applications, the statewide and county unemployment statistics last published by the department will be used to determine eligible areas. The department will update the list of eligible areas by county, on an annual basis.
(508)Use of the certificate. A tax deferral certificate issued under this program is for the use of the recipient for deferral of sales and use taxes due on each eligible investment project. Deferral is limited only to investment in qualified buildings or qualified machinery and equipment as defined in subsection (501) of this rule. Thus, sales and use taxes cannot be deferred on items that do not become part of the qualified buildings, machinery, or equipment.

The tax deferral certificate is to be used in a manner similar to that of a resale certificate as set forth in WAC 458-20-102, Resale certificates. The certificate holder must provide a copy of the tax deferral certificate to the seller at the time goods or services are purchased. The seller will be relieved of the responsibility for collection of the sales or use tax upon presentation of the certificate. The seller must retain a copy of the certificate as part of its permanent records for a period of at least five years. A blanket certificate may be provided by the certificate holder and accepted by the seller covering all such purchases relative to the eligible project. The seller is liable for business and occupation tax on all tax deferral sales. The deferral certificate is to defer the taxes of the recipient. For example, the deferral is not to be used to defer the taxes of the persons with whom the recipient does business, persons the recipient hires, or employees of the recipient.

(509)Project operationally complete. An applicant must provide the department with the estimated cost of the investment project at the time the application is made. Following approval of the application and issuance of a tax deferral certificate, a certificate holder must notify the department, in writing, when the value of the investment project reaches the estimated cost as stated on the tax deferral certificate.
(a) If a certificate holder has reached its level of estimated costs and the project is not operationally complete, the certificate holder may request an amended certificate stating a revised amount upon which the deferral of sales and use taxes is requested. Requests must be mailed or faxed to the department.
(b) The certificate holder must notify the department in writing when the construction project is operationally complete. The department will certify the date on which the project was operationally complete. The recipient of the deferral must maintain the manufacturing or research and development activity for eight years from this date.
(c) The recipient will be notified in writing of the total amount of deferred taxes, the date(s) upon which the deferred taxes must be paid, and any reports required to be submitted in the subsequent years. If the department disallows all or any portion of the amount of sales and use taxes requested for deferral, the recipient may seek administrative review of the department's action pursuant to the provisions of WAC 458-20-100, within 30 days from the date of the notice of disallowance.
(510)Reporting and monitoring procedure. Requirement to submit annual reports. Each recipient of a sales and use tax deferral must submit a report to the department on December 31st of each year during the repayment period until the tax deferral is repaid. The report must be made to the department in a form and manner prescribed by the department. The report must contain information regarding the actual employment related to the project and any other information required by the department. If the recipient fails to submit a report or submits an inadequate or falsified report, the department may declare the amount of deferred taxes outstanding to be immediately assessed and payable. An inadequate or falsified report is one that contains material omissions or contains knowingly false statements and information.
(511)Repayment of deferred taxes. The recipient must begin paying the deferred taxes in the third year after the date certified by the department as the date on which the construction project has been operationally completed.
(a) The first payment will be due on December 31st of the third calendar year after such certified date, with subsequent annual payments due on December 31st of the following four years, with amounts of payment scheduled as follows:

Repayment Year

Percentage of Deferred Tax Waived


(Year certified operationally complete)
















(b) The department may authorize an accelerated repayment schedule upon request of the recipient. Interest will not be charged on any taxes deferred under this part during the period of deferral, although other penalties and interest applicable to delinquent excise taxes may be assessed and imposed for any delinquent payments during the repayment period pursuant to chapter 82.32 RCW.
(c) Taxes deferred on the sale or use of labor directly applied in the construction of an investment project for which deferral has been granted need not be repaid, provided eligibility for the granted tax deferral has been perfected by meeting all of the eligibility requirements, based upon the recipient's annual December 31st reports and any other information available to the department. The recipient must establish, by clear and convincing evidence, the value of all construction and installation labor for which repayment of sales tax is sought to be excused. Such evidence must include, but is not limited to: A written, signed, and dated itemized billing from construction/installation contractors or independent third party labor providers which states the value of labor charged separately from the value of materials. This information must be maintained in the recipient's permanent records for the department's review and verification. In the absence of such itemized billings in its permanent records, no recipient may be excused from repayment of sales tax on the value of labor in an amount exceeding 30 percent of its gross construction or installation contract charges. The value of labor for which an excuse from repayment of sales or use tax may be received will not exceed the value which is subject to such taxes under the general provisions of chapters 82.08 and 82.12 RCW.
(d)Failure of investment project to satisfy general conditions. If, on the basis of the recipient's annual report or other information, including that submitted by the department of employment security, the department finds that an investment project is not eligible for tax deferral for reasons other than failure to create the required number of qualified employment positions, the department will declare the amount of deferred taxes outstanding to be immediately due. For example, a reason for disqualification would be the facility is not used for a manufacturing or research and development operation.
(e)Failure of investment project to satisfy required employment positions. If, on the basis of the recipient's annual report or other information, the department finds that an investment project has been operationally complete for three years and has failed to create the required number of qualified employment positions, the department will assess interest but not penalties, on the deferred taxes for the project. The department will assess interest at the rate provided for delinquent excise taxes under RCW 82.32.050, retroactively to the date of the date of deferral. No penalties will be assessed.
(f) The department of employment security makes and certifies to the department all determinations of employment and wages required under this subsection, per request.
(g) Any action taken by the department to assess interest or disqualify a recipient for tax deferral will be subject to administrative review pursuant to the provisions of WAC 458-20-100 (Informal administrative reviews). The filing of a petition for review with the department starts a review of departmental action.
(512)Debt not extinguished because of insolvency or sale. Insolvency or other failure of the recipient does not extinguish the debt for deferred taxes nor will the sale, exchange, or other disposition of the recipient's business extinguish the debt for the deferred taxes. Transfer of ownership does not terminate the deferral. The deferral is transferred, subject to the successor meeting the eligibility requirements of this chapter, for the remaining periods of the deferral. Any person who becomes a successor (see WAC 458-20-216) to such investment project will be liable for the full amount of any unpaid, deferred taxes under the same terms and conditions as the original recipient.
(513)Disclosure of information. Applications and reports received by the department under chapter 82.60 RCW are not confidential and are subject to disclosure. (RCW 82.60.100.)

Wash. Admin. Code § 458-20-24001A

Amended by WSR 16-12-075, Filed 5/27/2016, effective 6/27/2016
Amended by WSR 23-14-002, Filed 6/21/2023, effective 7/22/2023

Statutory Authority: RCW 82.32.300 and 82.01.060(2). 10-21-052, § 458-20-24001A, filed 10/14/10, effective 11/14/10; 06-17-007, § 458-20-24001A, filed 8/3/06, effective 9/3/06; 04-01-127, § 458-20-24001A, filed 12/18/03, effective 1/18/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 82.32.300. 01-12-041, § 458-20-24001A, filed 5/30/01, effective 6/30/01.