Wash. Admin. Code § 458-20-169

Current through Register Vol. 24-18, September 15, 2024
Section 458-20-169 - Nonprofit organizations
(1)Introduction. Unlike the tax systems of most states and the federal government, Washington's tax system, including its primary business tax, applies to the activities of nonprofit organizations. Washington's business and occupation (B&O) tax is imposed on all entities that generate gross receipts or proceeds, unless there is a specific statutory exemption or deduction. This rule explains how the B&O, retail sales, and use taxes apply to activities often performed by nonprofit organizations. Although some nonprofit organizations may be subject to other taxes such as the public utility tax or insurance premium taxes on income from utility or insurance activities, these taxes are not discussed in this rule. The rule describes the most common B&O, retail sales, and use tax exemptions and deductions that are specifically provided to nonprofit organizations by state law. Other exemptions or deductions not specific to nonprofit organizations may also apply.
(a)Examples. This rule contains examples that identify a number of facts and then state a conclusion. These examples should be used only as a general guide. The tax results of other situations must be determined after a review of all facts and circumstances.
(b)Other rules that may apply. Rules in the following list may contain additional information for nonprofit organizations:
(i) WAC 458-20-101 Tax registration and tax reporting.
(ii) WAC 458-20-167 Educational institutions, school districts, student organizations, and private schools.
(iii) WAC 458-20-168 Hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, adult family homes and similar health care facilities.
(iv) WAC 458-20-183 Recreational services and activities.
(v) WAC 458-20-249 Artistic or cultural organizations.
(vi) WAC 458-20-256 Trade shows, conventions and seminars.
(2)Registration and reporting requirements. Nonprofit organizations are subject to the registration and reporting requirements as described in WAC 458-20-101. Whether registering and reporting are required depends upon the level and type of taxes the nonprofit organization is required to collect or pay to the department of revenue (department).
(3)Filing combined excise tax returns. Nonprofit organizations making retail sales that require the collection of retail sales tax must file an excise tax return, regardless of the annual level of gross receipts or gross income and whether or not any B&O tax is due. For information on when a taxpayer may qualify for a small business B&O tax credit, see WAC 458-20-104 Small business tax relief based on income of business. The excise tax return with payment is generally filed on a monthly basis. Under certain conditions the department may authorize taxpayers to file and remit payment on either a quarterly or an annual basis or be placed on an "active nonreporting" status by the department. For information on how reporting frequencies are assigned to taxpayers, see WAC 458-20-22801 Tax reporting frequency, and WAC 458-20-101.
(4)General tax reporting responsibilities. While Washington state law provides some tax exemptions and deductions specifically for nonprofit organizations, these organizations otherwise have the same tax-reporting responsibilities as for-profit organizations.
(a)Business and occupation tax. Chapter 82.04 RCW imposes a B&O tax on every person with substantial nexus in Washington engaged in business activities within this state, unless the income is specifically exempt or deductible under state law. RCW 82.04.067. The B&O tax applies to the value of products, gross proceeds of sales, or gross income of the business, as the case may be. RCW 82.04.220.
(i)Common B&O tax classifications. Chapter 82.04 RCW provides a number of classifications that apply to specific activities. The most common B&O tax classifications applying to income received by nonprofit organizations are the retailing, wholesaling, and service and other activities classifications. RCW 82.04.250, 82.04.270, and 82.04.290. If an organization engages in more than one kind of business activity, it must report the gross income from each activity under the appropriate tax classification. RCW 82.04.440(1).
(ii)Measure of tax. The most common measures of the B&O tax are "gross proceeds of sales" and "gross income of the business." RCW 82.04.070 and 82.04.080, respectively. These measures include the value proceeding or accruing from the sale of tangible personal property or services rendered without any deduction for the cost of property sold, cost of materials used, labor costs, discounts paid, delivery costs, taxes, losses, or any other expenses.
(b)Retail sales tax. A nonprofit organization must collect and remit retail sales tax on all retail sales, unless the sale is specifically exempt by statute. Examples of retail sales tax exemptions that may apply to nonprofit organizations are those for:
(i) Sales of certain food products, WAC 458-20-244 Food and food ingredients;
(ii) Construction materials purchased by a health or social welfare organization for new construction of alternative housing to be licensed as a family foster home for youth in crisis. RCW 82.08.02915. New construction includes renovating an existing structure to provide new housing for youth in crisis; and
(iii) Fund-raising activities in subsection (5)(g) of this rule.

A nonprofit organization must pay retail sales tax when it purchases goods or retail services for its own use as a consumer, unless the purchase is specifically exempt by statute. Items purchased for resale without intervening use are purchases at wholesale and are not subject to the retail sales tax if the seller takes from the buyer a copy of the buyer's reseller permit. The reseller permit documents the wholesale nature of any sale. For additional information on reseller permits see WAC 458-20-102 Reseller permits.

(c)Use tax. The use tax is imposed on every person, including nonprofit organizations, using tangible personal property within this state as a consumer, unless such use is specifically exempt by statute. The use tax applies only if retail sales tax has not previously been paid on the item. The rate of tax is the same as the retail sales tax rate that applies at the location where the property is first used.

A common application of the use tax occurs when items are purchased from an out-of-state seller who has no presence in Washington. When the out-of-state seller does not collect Washington's retail sales or use tax, the buyer is statutorily required to remit use tax directly to the department. For more information on use tax and the use of tangible personal property, see WAC 458-20-178 Use tax and the use of tangible personal property.

Except for fund-raising, use tax exemptions generally correspond to retail sales tax exemptions. For example, the use tax exemption for construction materials acquired by a health or social welfare organization for new construction of alternative housing for youth in crisis, to be licensed as a family foster home in RCW 82.12.02915, corresponds with the retail sales tax exemption described in subsection (4)(b) of this rule for purchasing these construction materials.

(i)Use tax exemption for donated items.RCW 82.12.02595 provides a use tax exemption for personal property donated to a nonprofit charitable organization. This exemption:
(A) Is available for the nonprofit charitable organization and the donor, if the donor did not previously use the personal property as a consumer; or
(B) Applies to the use of property by a donor who is incorporating the property into a nonprofit organization's real or personal property for no charge; or
(C) Applies to another person using property originally donated to a charitable nonprofit organization that is subsequently donated or bailed to that person by the charitable nonprofit organization, provided that person uses the property in furtherance of the charitable purpose for which the property was originally donated to the charitable nonprofit organization.
(I) Example 1. A hardware store donates an industrial pressure washer to a nonprofit community center for neighborhood cleanup, the community center bails this washer to people enrolled in its neighborhood improvement group for neighborhood clean-up projects. No use tax is due from any of the participants in these transactions.
(II) Example 2. A car is donated to a church for its staff and the church gives that car to its pastor. The pastor must pay use tax on the car because it serves multiple purposes. It serves the church's charitable purpose, but it also acts as compensation to the pastor and is available for the pastor's personal use, so the gift of the car would not qualify for the exemption as a gift of donated items. The subsequent donation of property from the charity to another person must be solely for a charitable purpose. If the property is donated or bailed to the third party for a charitable purpose in line with the nonprofit organization's charitable activities, generally no additional proof is required that this was the charitable purpose for which the property was originally donated.
(ii)Use tax implications with respect to fund-raising activities. Subsection (5)(g) of this rule explains that a retail sales tax exemption is available for certain fund-raising sales. However, there is usually no comparable use tax exemption provided to the buyer or user of property purchased at these fund-raising sales. While the nonprofit organization is not obligated to collect use tax from the buyer, the organization is encouraged to inform the buyer of the buyer's possible use tax obligation.
(iii)Contests of chance.RCW 82.12.225 provides a use tax exemption for the use of any article of personal property, purchased or received as a prize in a contest of chance, as defined in RCW 82.04.285, from a nonprofit organization or a library, if the value is less than the current value limit. This exemption only applies if the gross income from the sale by the nonprofit organization or library is exempt under RCW 82.04.3651.
(A) The current value limit is $12,000. Beginning in 2020, the value limit must be adjusted annually each December for inflation. The department will calculate an adjusted value limit for use in the next calendar year, using the consumer price index for the Seattle area. Adjusted value limits may not decrease from one year to the next. If an adjusted value limit calculation based on the consumer price index results in less than the current year's value limit, the current year's value limit will apply in the following calendar year. Adjusted value limits are published on the department's website and take effect January 1st for the following year.
(B) The following definitions apply to (c)(iii) of this subsection unless the context clearly requires otherwise:
(I) "Consumer price index" means the consumer price index for all urban consumers, all items, (CPI-U) as calculated by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics or successor agency.
(II) "Seattle area" means the geographic area sample that includes Seattle and surrounding areas.
(5)Exemptions. The following sources of income are specifically exempt from tax. As such, they should not be included or reported as gross income if the organization is required to file an excise tax return.
(a)Adult family homes.RCW 82.04.327 exempts from B&O tax amounts received by licensed adult family homes or adult family homes that are exempt from licensing under rules of the department of social and health services.
(b)Nonprofit assisted living facilities.RCW 82.04.4264 exempts from B&O tax amounts received by a nonprofit assisted living facility licensed under chapter 18.20 RCW for providing room and domiciliary care to residents of the assisted living facility. For the purposes of this exemption, the terms:
(i) "Domiciliary care" has the meaning provided in RCW 18.20.020; and
(ii) "Nonprofit assisted living facility" means an assisted living facility that is operated as a religious or charitable organization, is exempt from federal income tax under 26 U.S.C. Sec. 501(c)(3), is incorporated under chapter 24.03A RCW, is operated as part of a nonprofit hospital, or is operated as part of a public hospital district.
(c)Camp or conference centers.RCW 82.04.363 and 82.08.830, respectively, exempt from B&O tax and retail sales tax amounts received by a nonprofit organization from the sale or furnishing of certain items or services at a camp or conference center conducted on property exempt from the property tax under RCW 84.36.030(1), (2), or (3). For information about property tax exemptions that may apply see: WAC 458-16-210 Nonprofit organizations or associations organized and conducted for nonsectarian purposes; WAC 458-16-220 Church camps; and WAC 458-16-230 Character building organizations.

Amounts received from the sale of the following items and services are exempt:

(i) Lodging, conference and meeting rooms, camping facilities, parking, and similar licenses to use real property;
(ii) Food and meals;
(iii) Books, tapes, and other products, including electronically transferred items, available exclusively to the participants at the camp, conference, or meeting and not available to the public at large.
(d)Child care resource and referral services.RCW 82.04.3395 exempts from B&O tax amounts received by nonprofit organizations for providing child care resource and referral services. Child care resource and referral services do not include child care services provided directly to children.
(e)Credit and debt services.RCW 82.04.368 exempts from B&O tax amounts received by nonprofit organizations for providing specialized credit and debt services. These services include:
(i) Presenting individual and community credit education programs including credit and debt counseling;
(ii) Obtaining creditor cooperation allowing a debtor to repay debt in an orderly manner;
(iii) Establishing and administering negotiated repayment programs for debtors; and
(iv) Providing advice or assistance to a debtor with regard to (i), (ii), or (iii) of this subsection.
(f)Day care provided by churches.RCW 82.04.339 exempts from B&O tax amounts received by a church for the care of children of any age for periods of less than 24 hours, provided the church is exempt from property tax under RCW 84.36.020.
(g)Fund-raising.RCW 82.04.3651 and 82.08.02573, respectively, exempt from B&O tax and retail sales tax amounts received from certain fund-raising activities.

These exemptions apply only to the fund-raising income received by the nonprofit organization. For example, commission income received by a nonprofit organization selling books owned by a for-profit entity on a consignment basis is exempt from tax only if the statutory requirements are satisfied. The nonprofit organization is generally responsible for collecting and remitting retail sales tax on the gross proceeds of sales when selling items for another person. For additional information on the taxability of sales by agents, auctioneers and other similar types of sellers see WAC 458-20-159.

(i)Qualifying nonprofit organizations. Nonprofit organizations that qualify for this exemption are those that are:
(A) A tax-exempt nonprofit organization described by section 501(c)(3) (educational and charitable), 501(c)(4) (social welfare), or 501(c)(10) (fraternal societies operating as lodges) of the Internal Revenue Code; or
(B) A nonprofit organization that would qualify for tax exemption under section 501(c)(3), (4), or (10) except that it is not organized as a nonprofit corporation; or
(C) A nonprofit organization that does not pay its members, stockholders, officers, directors, or trustees any amounts from its gross income, except as payment for services rendered, does not pay more than reasonable compensation to any person for services rendered, and does not engage in a substantial amount of political activity. Political activity includes, but is not limited to, influencing legislation and participating in any campaign on behalf of any candidate for political office.
(ii)Qualifying fund-raising activities. For the purpose of this exemption, "fund-raising activity" means soliciting or accepting contributions of money or other property, or activities involving the anticipated exchange of goods or services for money between the soliciting organization and the organization or person solicited, for furthering the goals of the nonprofit organization. The following are examples of qualifying fund-raising activities:
(A) Example 3. Money raised by a nonprofit charitable group from its annual telephone fund drive to fund its homeless shelters where nothing is promised in return for a donor's pledge is exempt as fund-raising contributions of money to further the goals of the nonprofit organization.
(B) Example 4. A nonprofit group organized as a community playhouse has an annual telephone fund drive. The group gives the caller a mug, jacket, dinner, or vacation trip depending on the amount of pledge made over the phone. The community playhouse does not sell or exchange the mugs, jackets, dinners, or trips for cash or property, except during this pledge drive. The money is used to produce the next season's plays. The money earned from the pledges is exempt from both B&O tax and retail sales tax to the extent these amounts represent an exchange of goods and services for money to further the goals of the nonprofit group. The money earned from the pledges above the value of the goods and services exchanged is exempt as a fund-raising contribution of money to further the goals of the nonprofit organization.
(C) Example 5. A nonprofit group sells ice cream bars at booths leased during the two-week runs of three county fairs, for a total of six weeks during the year, to fund youth camps maintained by the nonprofit group. The money earned from the booths is exempt from both B&O tax and retail sales tax as a fund-raising exchange of goods for money to further the goals of the nonprofit group.
(iii)Contributions of money or other property. The term contributions includes grants, donations, endowments, scholarships, gifts, awards, and any other transfer of money or other property by a donor, provided the donor receives no significant goods, services, or benefits in return for making the gift. For example, an amount received by a nonprofit educational broadcaster from a group that conditions receipt on the nonprofit broadcaster airing its seminars is not a contribution regardless of how the amount paid is titled by the two organizations.

It is not unusual for the person making a gift to require some accountability for how the gift is used as a condition for receiving the gift or future gifts. Such gifts remain exempt, provided the "accountability" required does not result in a direct benefit to the donor. Examples of direct benefits to a donor may include money given for a report on the soil contamination levels of land owned by the donor, medical services provided to the donor or the donor's family, or market research benefiting the donor directly. This "accountability" can take the form of conditions or restrictions on the use of the gift for specific charitable purposes or can take the form of written reports accounting for the use of the gift. Public acknowledgment of a donor for the gift is not a significant service or benefit.

(iv)Nonqualifying fund-raising activities. Fund-raising activity does not include the operation of a regular place of business in which services are provided or sales are made during regular hours such as a bookstore, thrift shop, restaurant, legal or health clinic, or similar business. It also does not include the operation of a regular place of business from which services are provided or performed during regular hours such as the provision of retail, personal, or professional services. A regular place of business and the regular hours of that business depend on the type of business being conducted. The following are examples of nonqualifying fund-raising activities:
(A) Example 6. In the example in (g)(iii) of this subsection demonstrating that an amount received by a nonprofit broadcaster was not a contribution because services were given in return for the funds, this activity must also be examined to see whether the exchange was for services as part of a fund-raising activity. The broadcaster is in the business of broadcasting programs. It has a regular site for broadcasting programs and broadcasts 24 hours every day. Broadcasting is a part of its business activity performed from a regular place of business during regular hours. The money received from the group with the requirement that its seminars be broadcast would not qualify as money received from a fund-raising activity even though the parties viewed the money as a "donation."
(B) Example 7. A nonprofit organization that makes catalog sales throughout the year with a 24 hour telephone line for taking orders has a regular place of business at the location where the sales orders are processed and regular hours of 24 hours a day. Catalog sales are not exempt as fund-raising amounts even though the funds are raised for a nonprofit purpose.
(C) Example 8. A nonprofit group organized as a community playhouse performs three plays during the year at a leased theater. The plays run for a total of six weeks and the group provides concessions at each of the performances. The playhouse has a regular place of business with regular hours for that type of business. The concessions operate at that regular place of business during regular hours. The concessions are not exempt as fund raising activities even though amounts raised from the concessions may be used to further the nonprofit purpose of that group.
(D) Example 9. A nonprofit student group that raises money for scholarships and other educational needs sets up an espresso stand that is open for two hours every morning during the school year. The espresso stand is a regular place of business with regular hours for that type of business. The money earned from the espresso stand is not exempt, even though the amounts are raised to further the student group's nonprofit purpose.
(v)Fund-raising sales by libraries.RCW 82.04.3651 provides that selling used books, used videos, used sound recordings, or similar used information products in a library is not operating a regular place of business, if the proceeds are used solely to support the library. The library must be a free public library supported in whole or in part with money derived from taxes. RCW 27.12.010. In addition to the B&O tax exemption under RCW 82.04.3651, RCW 82.08.02573 provides a comparable retail sales tax exemption for the same sales made by a library.
(h)Group training homes.RCW 82.04.385 exempts from B&O tax amounts received from the department of social and health services for operating a nonprofit group training home. The amounts excluded from gross income must be used for the cost of care, maintenance, support, and training of developmentally disabled individuals. As defined in RCW 71A.22.020, a nonprofit group training home is an approved facility equipped, supervised, managed, and operated on a full-time nonprofit basis for the full-time care, treatment, training, and maintenance of individuals with developmental disabilities.
(i)Sheltered workshops.RCW 82.04.385 also exempts from B&O tax amounts received by a nonprofit organization for operating a sheltered workshop.
(i)Definition of a sheltered workshop. A sheltered workshop is that part of the nonprofit organization engaged in business activities that are performed primarily to provide evaluation and work adjustment services for persons with disabilities or to provide gainful employment or rehabilitation services to persons with disabilities. The sheltered workshop may be maintained on or off the premises of the nonprofit organization.
(ii)Gainful employment or rehabilitation services to persons with disabilities. Gainful employment or rehabilitation services must be an interim step in the rehabilitation process that is provided because the person cannot be readily absorbed into the competitive labor market or because employment opportunities for the person do not exist during that time in the competitive labor market.

"Persons with disabilities," for the purposes of this exemption, means persons with a physical or mental disability that restricts normal achievement, including medically recognized addictions and learning disabilities. However, this term does not include social or economic disadvantages that restrict normal achievement, such as having a prior criminal history or low-income status.

(j)Student loan services.RCW 82.04.367 exempts from B&O tax amounts received by nonprofit organizations that are exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code that:
(i) Are guarantee agencies under the federal guaranteed student loan program or that issue debt to provide or acquire student loans; or
(ii) Provide guarantees for student loans made through programs other than the federal guaranteed student loan program.
(k)Grants received to fund education programs pertaining to litter control, waste reduction, recycling, and composting.RCW 82.04.755 provides a B&O tax exemption for grants received by a nonprofit organization from the matching fund competitive grant program established in RCW 70A.200.140(1)(b)(ii). This program provides funding for local or statewide education programs designed to help the public with litter control, waste reduction, recycling, and composting of primarily products upon which litter tax is imposed. For information on the state litter tax program, see chapter 82.19 RCW. The requirements for the grants are listed in RCW 70A.200.140(1)(b)(ii).
(6)B&O tax deduction of payments made to health or social welfare organizations.
(a)Compensation from public entities.RCW 82.04.4297 provides a B&O tax deduction to health or social welfare organizations for amounts received from the United States, any instrumentality of the United States, the state of Washington, or any municipal corporation or political subdivision of the state of Washington as compensation for or to support health or social welfare services, rendered by a health or social welfare organization, as defined in RCW 82.04.431, or by a municipal corporation or political subdivision. These deductible amounts should be included in the gross income reported on the excise tax return, entered on the deduction page, and then deducted on the return when determining the amount of the organization's taxable income. A deduction is not allowed, however, for amounts that are received under an employee benefit plan.
(b)Mental health services or substance use disorder treatment services under a government-funded program. Effective April 26, 2021, RCW 82.04.4290 provides a B&O tax deduction for health or social welfare organizations for amounts received as compensation for providing mental health services or substance use disorder treatment services under a government-funded program. During the period August 24, 2011, to December 31, 2019, RCW 82.04.4277 provided a similar B&O tax deduction for mental health services and chemical dependency services under a government-funded program. This rule explains the B&O tax deduction in RCW 82.04.4290.

A behavioral health administrative services organization may deduct from the measure of tax amounts received from the state of Washington for distribution to a health or social welfare organization that is eligible to deduct the distribution for providing mental health services of substance use disorder treatment services under a government-funded program.

(i) The following definitions apply to (b) of this subsection unless the context clearly requires otherwise:
(A) "Behavioral health administrative services organization" has the same meaning as provided in RCW 71.24.025;
(B) "Health and social welfare organization" has the meaning provided in RCW 82.04.431;
(C) "Mental health services" has the same meaning provided in chapter 71.24 RCW; and
(D) "Substance use disorder treatment services" means substance use disorder treatment services as described in chapter 71.24 RCW.
(ii) Persons claiming a deduction under RCW 82.04.4290 must file an annual tax performance report with the department. Refer to RCW 82.32.534 and WAC 458-20-267 Annual tax performance reports for certain tax preferences, for information regarding filing an annual tax performance report.
(iii) This deduction is scheduled to expire January 1, 2032.
(c)Child welfare services.RCW 82.04.4275 provides a B&O tax deduction for health or social welfare organizations for amounts received as compensation for providing child welfare services under a government-funded program. Persons may also deduct from the measure of tax amounts received from the state of Washington for distribution to health or social welfare organizations eligible to deduct the distribution under RCW 82.04.4275(1).
(d)Definition of health or social welfare organi-zation. A health or social welfare organization is an organization, including any community action council, providing health or social welfare services as defined in (e) of this subsection. To be exempt under RCW 82.04.4297, a corporation must satisfy all of the following conditions:
(i) Be a corporation sole under chapter 24.12 RCW or a domestic or foreign nonprofit corporation under chapter 24.03A RCW. A corporation providing professional services as authorized under chapter 18.100 RCW does not qualify as a health or social welfare organization;
(ii) Be governed by a board of not less than eight individuals who are not paid corporate employees when the organization is a nonprofit corporation;
(iii) Not pay any part of its corporate income directly or indirectly to its members, stockholders, officers, directors, or trustees except as executive or officer compensation or as services rendered by the corporation in accordance with its purposes and bylaws to a member, stockholder, officer, or director or as an individual;
(iv) Only pay compensation to corporate officers and executives for actual services rendered. This compensation must be at a level comparable to like public service positions within Washington;
(v) Have irrevocably dedicated its corporate assets to health or social welfare activities. Upon corporate liquidation, dissolution, or abandonment, any distribution or transfer of corporate assets may not inure directly or indirectly to the benefit of any member or individual, except for another health or social welfare organization;
(vi) Be duly licensed or certified as required by law or regulation;
(vii) Use government payments to provide health or social welfare services;
(viii) Make its services available regardless of race, color, national origin, or ancestry; and
(ix) Provide access to the corporation's books and records to the department's authorized agents upon request.
(e)Qualifying health or welfare services. The term "health or social welfare services" includes, and is limited to:
(i) Mental health, drug, or alcoholism counseling or treatment;
(ii) Family counseling;
(iii) Health care services;
(iv) Therapeutic, diagnostic, rehabilitative, or restorative services for the care of the sick, aged, physically disabled, develop-mentally disabled, or emotionally disabled individuals;
(v) Activities, including recreational activities, intended to prevent or ameliorate juvenile delinquency or child abuse;
(vi) Care of orphans or foster children;
(vii) Day care of children;
(viii) Employment development, training, and placement;
(ix) Legal services to the indigent;
(x) Weatherization assistance or minor home repairs for low-income homeowners or renters;
(xi) Assistance to low-income homeowners and renters to offset the cost of home heating energy, through direct benefits to eligible households or to fuel vendors on behalf of eligible households;
(xii) Community services to low-income individuals, families and groups that are designed to have a measurable and potentially major impact on causes of poverty in communities of the state of Washington; and
(xiii) Temporary medical housing, as defined in RCW 82.08.997, if the housing is provided only:
(A) While the patient is receiving medical treatment at a hospital required to be licensed under RCW 70.41.090 or at an outpatient clinic associated with such hospital, including any period of recuperation or observation immediately following such medical treatment; and
(B) By a person that does not furnish lodging or related services to the general public.

Wash. Admin. Code § 458-20-169

Amended by WSR 14-13-105, Filed 6/17/2014, effective 7/18/2014
Amended by WSR 16-07-047, Filed 3/14/2016, effective 4/14/2016
Amended by WSR 16-20-011, Filed 9/23/2016, effective 10/24/2016
Amended by WSR 18-13-094, Filed 6/19/2018, effective 7/20/2018
Amended by WSR 20-21-104, Filed 10/21/2020, effective 11/21/2020
Amended by WSR 22-14-014, Filed 6/23/2022, effective 7/24/2022

Statutory Authority: RCW 82.32.300, 82.01.060(2), chapters 82.04, 82.08, 82.12 and 82.32 RCW. 10-06-070, § 458-20-169, filed 2/25/10, effective 3/28/10. Statutory Authority: RCW 82.32.300. 01-09-066, § 458-20-169, filed 4/16/01, effective 5/17/01; 91-21-001, § 458-20-169, filed 10/3/91, effective 11/3/91; 88-21-014 (Order 88-7), § 458-20-169, filed 10/7/88; 86-02-039 (Order ET 85-8), § 458-20-169, filed 12/31/85; 83-07-033 (Order ET 83-16), § 458-20-169, filed 3/15/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 82.01.060(2) and 82.32.300. 78-07-045 (Order ET 78-4), § 458-20-169, filed 6/27/78; Order ET 70-3, § 458-20-169 (Rule 169), filed 5/29/70, effective 7/1/70.