Wash. Admin. Code § 332-30-122

Current through Register Vol. 24-18, September 15, 2024
Section 332-30-122 - Aquatic land use authorization

All requirements in this section shall apply to the department. Subsection (2) of this section (except subsection (2)(a)(iii) and (b)(iii) of this section), subsections (3)(a), and (4)(a) shall apply to port districts managing aquatic lands under a management agreement (WAC 332-30-114) .

(1)General requirements.
(a) In addition to other requirements of law, aquatic land activities that interfere with the use by the general public of an area will require authorization from the department by way of agreement, lease, permit, or other instrument.
(i) Suitable instruments shall be required for all structures on aquatic lands except for those federal structures serving the needs of navigation.
(ii) The beds of navigable waters may be leased to the owner or lessee of the abutting tideland or shoreland. This preference lease right is limited to the area between the landward boundary of the beds and the -3 fathom contour, or 200 feet waterward, whichever is closer to shore. However, the distance from shore may be less in locations where it is necessary to protect the navigational rights of the public.
(iii) When proposing to lease aquatic lands to someone other than the abutting property owner, that owner shall be notified of the intention to lease the area. When not adverse to the public's ownership, the abutting owner's water access needs may be reasonably accommodated.
(b) Determination of the area encumbered by an authorization for use shall be made by the department based on the impact to public use and subsequent management of any remaining unencumbered public land.
(i) Operations involving fixed structures will include the area physically encumbered plus the open water area needed to operate the facility.
(ii) Areas for individual mooring buoys will be a circle with a radius equal to the expected swing of the vessel or object moored. Only the area encumbered at any given point in time shall be used to calculate any rentals due.
(iii) Areas for utility line easements will normally be ten feet wider than the overall width of the structure(s) placed in the right of way.
(c) All necessary federal, state and local permits shall be acquired by those proposing to use aquatic lands. Copies of permits must be furnished to the department prior to authorizing the use of aquatic lands. When evidence of interest in aquatic land is necessary for application for a permit, an authorization instrument may be issued prior to permit approval but conditioned on receiving the permit.
(2)Application review. In addition to other management considerations, the following special analysis shall be given to specific proposed uses:
(a) Environment.
(i) Authorization instruments shall be written to insure that structures and activities on aquatic lands are properly designed, constructed, maintained and conducted in accordance with sound environmental practices.
(ii) Uses which cause adverse environmental impacts may be authorized on aquatic lands only upon compliance with applicable environmental laws and regulations and appropriate steps as may be directed are taken to mitigate substantial or irreversible damage to the environment.
(iii) Nonwater-dependent uses which have significant adverse environmental impacts shall not be authorized.
(b) Public use and access.
(i) Wherever practical, authorization instruments for use of aquatic lands shall be written to provide for public access to the water.
(ii) Areas allocated for first-come, first-served public use shall not be managed to produce a profit for a concessionaire or other operator without a fee being charged.
(iii) Notice will be served to lessees of tidelands and shorelands allocated for future public use that prior to renewal of current leases, such leases will be modified to permit public use or will be terminated.
(c) Authorization to use aquatic lands shall not be granted to any person or organization which discriminates on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, age, or physical or mental handicap.
(d) Authorization instruments for the installation of underwater pipelines, outfalls and cables may be granted when proper provisions are included to insure against substantial or irreversible damage to the environment and there is no practical upland alternative.
(3)Rents and fees.
(a) When proposed uses of aquatic lands requiring an authorization instrument (other than in harbor areas) have an identifiable and quantifiable but acceptable adverse impact on state-owned aquatic land, both within and without the authorized area, the value of that loss or impact shall be paid by the one so authorized in addition to normal rental to the department or port as is appropriate.
(b) Normal rentals shall be calculated based on the classification of the aquatic land use(s) occurring on the property. Methods for each class of use are described in specific WAC sections.
(c) Advance payments for two or more years may be collected in those situations where annual payments are less than document preparation and administration costs.
(d) Rentals for leases will normally be billed annually, in advance. If requested by a lessee in good standing, billings will be made:
(i) Quarterly on a prorated basis when annual rental exceeds four thousand dollars; or
(ii) Monthly on a prorated basis when annual rental exceeds twelve thousand dollars.
(e) A one percent per month charge shall be made on any amounts which are past due, unless those amounts are appealed. Users of aquatic properties shall not be considered in good standing when they have amounts more than thirty days past due.
(4)Structures and improvements on aquatic lands.
(a) Authorization for placing structures and improvements on public aquatic lands shall be based on the intended use, other uses in the immediate area, and the effect on navigational rights of public and private aquatic land owners. Structures and improvements shall:
(i) Conform to the laws and regulations of any public authority;
(ii) Be kept in good condition and repair by the authorized user of the aquatic lands;
(iii) Not be, nor become, a hazard to navigation;
(iv) Be removed by the authorized user as stipulated in the authorization instrument.
(b) In addition to aquatic land rentals and fees, rent shall be charged for use of those structures and improvements:
(i) Owned by the department, under contract to the department for management; or that become state property under RCW 79.125.300;
(ii) As may be agreed upon as part of the authorization document;
(iii) Installed on an authorized area without written concurrence of the department; or
(iv) Not covered by an application for use of aquatic lands, or a lawsuit challenging such requirements, within ninety days after the date of mailing of the department's written notification of unauthorized occupancy of public aquatic lands.
(c) Only land rental and fees shall be charged for public aquatic lands occupied by those structures and improvements that are:
(i) Authorized in writing by the department;
(ii) Installed prior to June 1, 1971 (effective date of the Shoreline Management Act) on an area authorized for use from the department; or
(iii) Covered by an application for use of aquatic lands within ninety days after the date of mailing of the department's written notification of unauthorized occupancy of public aquatic lands.
(5)Insurance, bonds, and other security.
(a) The department may require authorized users of aquatic lands to carry insurance, bonding, or provide other forms of security as may be appropriate for the use or uses occurring on public property, in order to ensure its sustained utility and future value.
(b) Proof of coverage shall be acceptable to the department if provided by any of the following:
(i) Insurance and/or bonding companies licensed by the state;
(ii) Recognized insurance or bonding agent for the authorized user;
(iii) Savings account assignment from authorized user to department; or
(iv) Cash deposit.
(c) The amount of security required of each user shall be determined by the department and adjusted periodically as needed.
(i) Any portion of the required security relating to payment of rent or fees shall be limited to an amount not exceeding two year's rental or fees.
(ii) Required security related to other terms of the agreement shall be based on the estimated cost to the department of enforcing compliance with those terms.
(iii) Cash deposits shall not be required in an amount exceeding one-twelfth of the annual rental or fees. If this amount is less than the total required security, the remainder shall be provided through other forms listed in (b) of this subsection.
(d) Security must be provided on a continual basis for the life of the agreement. Security arrangements for less than the life of the agreement shall be accepted as long as those arrangements are kept in force through a series of renewals or extensions.

Wash. Admin. Code § 332-30-122

Statutory Authority: RCW 79.105.360. 06-06-005 (Order 724), § 332-30-122, filed 2/16/06, effective 3/19/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 79.01.132, 79.01.216, 79.90.520, 79.90.535 and 1991 c 64 §§ 1 and 2. 91-22-079 (Order 580), § 332-30-122, filed 11/5/91, effective 12/6/91. Statutory Authority: 1984 c 221 and RCW 79.90.540. 84-23-014 (Resolution No. 470), § 332-30-122, filed 11/9/84.