Wash. Admin. Code § 220-660-360

Current through Register Vol. 24-18, September 15, 2024
Section 220-660-360 - Common saltwater construction provisions
(1)Description: Only applicable common construction provisions will be applied to a specific hydraulic project. Common construction provisions include job site access, equipment use, construction materials, sediment and erosion control containment, and job site repair and revegetation.
(2)Fish life concerns: Construction and other work can negatively affect fish life. Some activities can kill or injure fish life while others can cause behavioral changes that reduce growth and survival. Some activities can damage the habitat used for spawning and egg incubation, rearing, feeding, hiding from predators, and migration.
(3)Staging areas: Establish staging areas (used for activities such as equipment storage, vehicle storage, fueling, servicing, and hazardous material storage) at a location and manner that will prevent contaminants such as petroleum products, hydraulic fluid, fresh concrete, sediments, sediment-laden water, chemicals, or any other toxic or harmful materials from entering waters of the state.
(4)Job site access:
(a) Clearly mark boundaries to establish the limit of work associated with site access and construction.
(b) Limit the removal of native vegetation to the minimum amount needed to construct the project. Woody vegetation greater than four inches diameter that must be removed must be marked in the field by the applicant and approved for removal by the department. The department may require this large woody material to be placed on the beach after work is completed. A revegetation plan must be submitted to restore riparian vegetation removed as part of the project.
(c) Retain all natural habitat features on the beach larger than twelve inches in diameter including trees, stumps, logs, and large rocks. These natural habitat features may be moved during construction but they must be placed near the preproject location before leaving the job site.
(5)Equipment use:
(a) Use of equipment on the beach area must be held to a minimum and confined to specific access and work corridors.
(b) Check equipment daily for leaks and complete any required repairs before using the equipment in or near the water. Do not complete repairs on the beach.
(c) Equipment used in or near water must use environmentally acceptable lubricants composed of biodegradable base oils. These are vegetable oils, synthetic esters, and polyalkylene glycols. The department may waive this requirement for a small project that has minimal use of equipment in or near the water if the duration of the project is forty-eight hours or less or if containment prevents the lubricants from entering waters of the state.
(6)Vessel operation:
(a) Operate vessels in water deep enough to prevent impacts from grounding and propeller wash to seagrass, kelp, and forage fish spawning beds.
(b) Do not deploy anchors or spuds in seagrass, kelp, and forage fish spawning beds.
(c) Maintain anchor cable tension so anchor cables do not drag on the bed.
(7)Construction materials:
(a) Bed material, other than material excavated for bulkhead footings or placement of bulkhead base rock, must not be utilized for project construction or fills. The department may allow placement of dredged material in areas for beneficial uses such as beach nourishment or cleanup of contaminated sediments.
(b) Wet concrete must be prevented from entering waters of the state. Forms for any concrete structure must be constructed to prevent leaching of wet concrete. Impervious material must be placed over any exposed concrete not lined with forms that will come in contact with waters of the state. Forms and impervious material must remain in place until the concrete is cured.
(c) Do not use wood treated with oil-type preservatives (creosote, pentachlorophenol) in any hydraulic project. Wood treated with waterborne preservative chemicals (ACZA, ACQ) may be used if the western wood preservers institute has approved the waterborne chemical for use in the aquatic environment. The manufacturer must follow the western wood preservers guidelines and the best management practices to minimize the preservative migrating from treated wood into aquatic environments. To minimize leaching, wood treated with a preservative by someone other than a manufacturer must follow the field treating guidelines. These guidelines are available at http://www.wwpinstitute.org/.
(d) The department discourages the use of whole tires. However, products made from recycled tires specifically manufactured for use in the aquatic environment are approved by the department.
(8)Construction-related sediment, erosion and pollution containment:
(a) Project activities within the beach area must not occur when the project area, including the work corridor, is inundated by tidal waters unless the work is occurring from a vessel or barge.
(b) Protect all disturbed areas from erosion. Maintain erosion and sediment control until demobilization and cleanup of the job site is completed.
(c) When using straw for erosion and sediment control, use only straw that has been certified as free of noxious weeds and their seeds.
(d) Prevent contaminants from the project, such as petroleum products, hydraulic fluid, fresh concrete, sediments, sediment-laden water, chemicals, or any other toxic or harmful materials, from entering or leaching into waters of the state.
(e) Use tarps or other methods to completely contain treated wood sawdust, trimmings, and drill shavings.
(f) Deposit waste material from the project, such as construction debris, silt, excess dirt, or overburden, in an upland area above extreme high tide waters unless the material is approved by the department for reuse in the project.
(g) Prevent transporting and introducing aquatic invasive species by thoroughly cleaning vessels, equipment, boots, waders, and other gear removing the gear from the job site.
(9)Demobilization and cleanup:
(a) Reshape beach area depressions created during project activities to preproject beach level upon project completion.
(b) All debris or deleterious material resulting from construction must be removed from the beach area or bed and prevented from entering waters of the state.
(c) Do not burn wood treated with preservatives, trash, waste, or other deleterious materials waterward of the OHWL.
(d) Restore the disturbed bed, bank, and riparian zones as close as possible to their preproject condition unless modified elevations and contours are approved by the department.
(e) Using a proven methodology, replace native riparian zone and aquatic vegetation, and wetland vascular plants (except noxious weeds) damaged or destroyed by construction. The department may require a vegetation monitoring and contingency plan.
(f) The department must approve species composition, planting densities and a maintenance plan for replanting on a site-specific basis. The species composition should be similar to the surrounding native vegetation.
(g) Complete replanting during the first dormant season (late fall through late winter) after project completion. Maintain plantings for at least three years to ensure at least eighty percent of the plantings survive. Failure to achieve the eighty percent survival in year three will require that a person submit a plan with follow-up measures to achieve requirements or reasons to modify requirements.
(h) The department may waive the requirement to plant vegetation where the potential for natural revegetation is adequate.
(i) The department may require fencing or other structures to prevent livestock, wildlife, or unauthorized persons from accessing the replanted riparian and wetland sites until the plantings are well established.
(j) Remove temporary erosion and sediment control methods after job site is stabilized.
(10)Required permittee notification: If a fish kill occurs or fish are observed in distress at the job site, immediately stop all activities causing harm. Immediately notify the department of the problem. If the likely cause of the fish kill or fish distress is related to water quality, also notify the Washington military department emergency management division at 1-800-258-5990. Activities related to the fish kill or fish distress must not resume until the department gives approval. The department may require additional measures to mitigate impacts.

Wash. Admin. Code § 220-660-360

Adopted by WSR 15-02-029, Filed 12/30/2014, effective 7/1/2015