Wash. Admin. Code § 197-11-938

Current through Register Vol. 24-20, October 15, 2024
Section 197-11-938 - Lead agencies for specific proposals

Notwithstanding the lead agency designation criteria contained in WAC 197-11-926 through 197-11-936, the lead agency for proposals within the areas listed below shall be as follows:

(1) For all governmental actions relating to energy facilities for which certification is required under chapter 80.50 RCW, the lead agency shall be the energy facility site evaluation council (EFSEC); however, for any public project requiring such certification and for which the study under RCW 80.50.175 will not be made, the lead agency shall be the agency initiating the project.
(2) For all private projects relating to the use of geothermal resources under chapter 79.76 RCW, the lead agency shall be the department of natural resources.
(3) For all private projects requiring a license or other approval from the oil and gas conservation committee under chapter 78.52 RCW, the lead agency shall be the department of natural resources; however, for projects under RCW 78.52.125, the EIS shall be prepared in accordance with that section.
(4) For private activity requiring a license or approval under the Forest Practices Act of 1974, chapter 76.09 RCW, the lead agency shall be either the department of natural resources or the city/county where the project is located, as set forth below:
(a) The interagency agreements authorized by WAC 222-50-030 between the department of natural resources and other governmental agencies may be used to identify SEPA lead agency status for forest practice applications. If used, this agreement shall meet the requirements for a lead agency agreement in WAC 197-11-942.
(b) If no interagency agreement exists, the SEPA lead agency determination shall be based on information in the environmental checklist required as part of the forest practice application requiring SEPA review. The applicant shall, as part of the checklist, submit all information on future plans for conversion, and shall identify any known future license requirements.
(c) For any proposal involving forest practices (i) on lands being converted to another use, or (ii) on lands which, pursuant to RCW 76.09.070 as now or hereafter amended, are not to be reforested because of the likelihood of future conversion to urban development, the applicable county or city is the lead agency if the county or city will require a license for the proposal. Upon receipt of a forest practice application and environmental checklist, natural resources shall determine lead agency for the proposal. If insufficient information is available to identify necessary permits, natural resources shall ask the applicant for additional information. If a permit is not required from the city/county, natural resources shall be lead agency. If a city/county permit is required, natural resources shall send copies of the environmental checklist and forest practice application together with the determination of the lead agency to the city/county.
(d) Upon receipt and review of the environmental checklist and forest practice application, the city/county shall within ten business days:
(i) Agree that a city/county license is required, either now or at a future point, and proceed with environmental review as lead agency.
(ii) Determine that a license is not required from the city/ county, and notify natural resources that the city/county is not lead agency; or
(iii) Determine there is insufficient information in the environmental checklist to identify the need for a license, and either:
(A) Assume lead agency status and conduct appropriate environmental analysis for the total proposal;
(B) Request additional information from the applicant; or
(C) Notify natural resources of the specific additional information needed to determine permit requirements, who shall request the information from the applicant.
(5) For all private projects requiring a license or lease to use or affect state lands, the lead agency shall be the state agency managing the lands in question; however, this subsection shall not apply to the sale or lease of state-owned tide-lands, harbor areas or beds of navigable waters, when such sale or lease is incidental to a larger project for which one or more licenses from other state or local agencies is required.
(6) For a pulp or paper mill or oil refinery not under the jurisdiction of EFSEC, the lead agency shall be the department of ecology, when a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit is required under section 402 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1342).
(7) For proposals to construct a pipeline greater than six inches in diameter and fifty miles in length, used for the transportation of crude petroleum or petroleum fuels or oil or derivatives thereof, or for the transportation of synthetic or natural gas under pressure not under the jurisdiction of EFSEC, the lead agency shall be the department of ecology.
(8) For proposals that will result in an impoundment of water with a water surface in excess of forty acres, the lead agency shall be the department of ecology.
(9) For proposals to construct facilities on a single site designed for, or capable of, storing a total of one million or more gallons of any liquid fuel not under the jurisdiction of EFSEC, the lead agency shall be the department of ecology.
(10) For proposals to construct any new oil refinery, or an expansion of an existing refinery that shall increase capacity by ten thousand barrels per day or more not under the jurisdiction of EFSEC, the lead agency shall be the department of ecology.
(11) For proposed metal mining and milling operations regulated by chapter 78.56 RCW, except for uranium and thorium operations regulated under Title 70 RCW, the lead agency shall be the department of ecology.
(12) For proposals to construct, operate, or expand any uranium or thorium mill, any tailings areas generated by uranium or thorium milling or any low-level radioactive waste burial facilities, the lead agency shall be the department of health.

Wash. Admin. Code § 197-11-938

Amended by WSR 14-09-026 (Order 13-01), filed 4/9/14, effective 5/10/2014

Statutory Authority: 1995 c 347 (ESHB 1724) and RCW 43.21C.110. 97-21-030 (Order 95-16), § 197-11-938, filed 10/10/97, effective 11/10/97. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.21C.110. 95-07-023 (Order 94-22), § 197-11-938, filed 3/6/95, effective 4/6/95; 84-05-020 (Order DE 83-39), § 197-11-938, filed 2/10/84, effective 4/4/84.