8 Va. Admin. Code § 20-81-30

Current through Register Vol. 41, No. 3, September 23, 2024
Section 8VAC20-81-30 - Responsibility of local school divisions and state-operated programs
A. The requirements set forth in this chapter are applicable to local school divisions and state-operated programs providing education and related services for children with disabilities and are developed in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations.
B. Each local school division shall ensure that all children with disabilities aged two to 21, inclusive, residing in that school division have a right to a free appropriate public education. (§ 22.1-214 of the Code of Virginia; 34 CFR 300.2, 34 CFR 300.101, 34 CFR 300.124 and 34 CFR 300.209)

The children include:

1. Children with disabilities who are migrant;
2. Children with disabilities who are homeless, in accordance with the provisions of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act ( 42 USC § 11431 et seq.);
3. Children with disabilities who are in need of special education and related services, even though the child has not failed or been retained in a course or grade, and is advancing from grade to grade;
4. Children with disabilities who are served in a public nonprofit charter school;
5. Children with disabilities who have been suspended or expelled from school;
6. Children with disabilities who are incarcerated for 10 or more days in a regional or local jail in its jurisdiction, with the exception of those additional provisions identified in 8VAC20-81-110 I;
7. Children with disabilities who are residents of the school division and who are on house arrest, as ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction;
8. Children with disabilities who are in foster care and residents of Virginia;
9. Children with disabilities who are placed for noneducational reasons;
10. Children with disabilities regardless of citizenship or immigration status; and
11. Children with disabilities who do not reside within its jurisdiction but reside in the Commonwealth and are enrolled in a full-time virtual school program provided by the school division, in accordance with regulations of the Board of Education. A school division that is required to provide a free appropriate public education, including special education, for a nonresident student who is enrolled in its full-time virtual school program pursuant to this section shall be entitled to any federal and state funds applicable to the education of such student. In the case of a student who is a resident of the Commonwealth but does not reside in the school division in which he is enrolled in a full-time virtual school program, the school division in which the student resides shall be released from the obligation to provide a free appropriate public education, including special education, for such student.
C. Every child with a disability is deemed to reside in a school division when (§ 22.1-3 of the Code of Virginia):
1. The child is living with a biological parent whose parental rights have not been terminated.
2. The child is living with an adoptive parent.
3. The child is living with an individual:
a. Other than the custodial parent but who is defined as a parent in § 22.1-1 of the Code of Virginia, not solely for school purposes; and
b. Pursuant to a special power of attorney executed under 10 USC § 1044 b by the custodial parent while such custodial parent is deployed outside the United States as a member of the Virginia National Guard or as a member of the United States Armed Forces.
4. The parent(s) of the child is deceased and the child is living with a person in loco parentis who resides within the school division.
5. The parents of the child are unable to care for him and he is living, not solely for school purposes, with another person who resides in the school division and is either:
a. The court-appointed guardian, or has legal custody; or
b. Acting in loco parentis pursuant to placement of the child by a person or entity authorized to do so under § 63.2-900 of the Code of Virginia.
6. The child is living in the school division not solely for school purposes, as an emancipated minor pursuant to the provisions of the § 16.1-334 of the Code of Virginia.
7. The child is living in the school division not solely for school purposes, as a validly married minor who has not pursued emancipation under § 16.1-333 of the Code of Virginia but who asserts implied emancipation based on the minor's marriage record.
8. The child is in foster care and a resident of Virginia, but not a resident of the school division, under the following conditions: (§ 22.1-215 of the Code of Virginia)
a. The child has been placed in foster care or other custodial care within the geographical boundaries of the school division, placed by a Virginia agency, whether state or local, that is authorized by the Code of Virginia to place children; or
b. The child has been placed, not solely for school purposes, in a child-caring institution or group home licensed under the provisions of Chapter 17 (§ 63.2-1700 et seq.) of Title 63.2 of the Code of Virginia that is located within the geographical boundaries of the school division.
9. The child is in foster care and a resident of Virginia, and a resident of the school division, under the provisions of subdivision 8 of this subsection.
D. If a child with a disability is living with the parent in the residence of the local school division, the local school division is responsible for ensuring that the child receives a free appropriate public education even if the enrollment requirements for the child are not completed within a reasonable period of the parents' request to enroll the child. ( 34 CFR 300.101 )
E. Requirements for children with disabilities who are placed for noneducational reasons:
1. The local school division that is part of the Comprehensive Services Act team that places the child in a private residential placement for noneducational reasons shall ensure that the child's IEP team develops an IEP appropriate for the child's needs while the child is in the residential placement.
2. If a child in foster care is placed in a local school division of nonresidence and the IEP team of the local school division of nonresidence where the child is placed determines that the child needs to be placed in a private day or residential special education facility for educational reasons, the responsibility for a free appropriate public education transfers to the local school division where the Virginia placing agency is located and is a participant in the community policy and management team of that local school division that has responsibility for the child under the Comprehensive Services Act (Chapter 52 (§ 2.2-5200 et seq.) of Title 2.2 of the Code of Virginia).
3. If placed in a nursing facility, a long stay hospital, or an intermediate care facility for people with intellectual disabilities under funding from the Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services, the child is a resident of the division where the parent(s) resides.
4. If placed in a group home by a community services board, a court service unit, or a court of competent jurisdiction, the child is a resident of the division where the parent(s) resides.
5. If the child is aged 18 or older and placed in a nursing facility, a long stay hospital, or an intermediate care facility for people with intellectual disabilities under funding from the Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services, and who has been declared legally incompetent or legally incapacitated by a court of competent jurisdiction and for whom the court has appointed a guardian to make decisions, the adult child is a resident of the division where the guardian resides.
6. If the child is aged 18 or older and placed in a group home by a community services board and has been declared legally incompetent or legally incapacitated by a court of competent jurisdiction and for whom the court has appointed a guardian to make decisions, the adult child is a resident of the division where the guardian resides.
7. If the child is aged 18 or older, who has not been declared legally incompetent or legally incapacitated by a court of competent jurisdiction and for whom the court has not appointed a guardian to make decisions, the adult child's residence is the fixed home to which the adult child will return following the child's return from a facility and at which the adult child intends to stay. No adult child shall have more than one residence at a time.
8. If the child is aged 18 or older, who has been declared legally incompetent or legally incapacitated by a court of competent jurisdiction and for whom the court has appointed a guardian to make decisions, the adult child is a resident of the division where the guardian resides.
9. If placed in a sponsored residential home, licensed in accordance with 12VAC35-105, the child is a resident of the division where the parent(s) resides.
F. If there is a dispute between local school divisions regarding the parent's or legal guardian's residence, the local school division of the parent's or legal guardian's last known place of residence is responsible until such dispute is resolved or the parent's or legal guardian's residence is established in another local school division.
G. If there is dispute between the parent or legal guardian of a child with a disability and the local school division regarding residency, the local school division of where the child is last enrolled remains responsible for providing the child with a free appropriate public education until resolution of the dispute.
H. Each state-operated program shall ensure that the requirements in this chapter are applied to children with disabilities, aged two to 21, inclusive, in that institution. (§ 22.1-7 of the Code of Virginia)
1. For children with disabilities who are placed in a state-operated program as a long-term placement, the local educational agency of the parent's residence remains responsible for ensuring that the child receives a free appropriate public education.
2. The state-operated program shall ensure that the local educational agency of the parent's residence is advised of the child's admission, status, and meetings associated with the child receiving a free appropriate public education.
I. Children with disabilities who are not residents of Virginia but are living temporarily with adults who do not otherwise meet the definition of parent(s) residing within a school division may, in the discretion of the local school board's policies and procedures, be admitted to the public schools of the school division for special education and related services. Tuition charges associated with this admittance are subject to the provisions of § 22.1-5 of the Code of Virginia.

8 Va. Admin. Code § 20-81-30

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 25, Issue 21, eff. July 7, 2009; amended, Virginia Register Volume 26, Issue 8, eff. January 25, 2010; Amended, Virginia Register Volume 31, Issue 22, eff. 7/29/2015.

Statutory Authority: §§ 22.1-16 and 22.1-214 of the Code of Virginia; 34 CFR Part 300.