30 Tex. Admin. Code § 334.46

Current through Reg. 49, No. 38; September 20, 2024
Section 334.46 - Installation Standards for New Underground Storage Tank Systems
(a) General installation procedures. Any new underground storage tank (UST) system installed on or after September 29, 1989, shall be installed in compliance with the provisions of this section.
(1) Standards. All tanks, piping, and associated equipment shall be installed in accordance with at least one of the following standards, as applicable:
(A) Petroleum Equipment Institute Publication RP-100, "Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems;"
(B) American Petroleum Institute Publication 1615, "Installation of Underground Petroleum Storage Systems;"
(C) National Fire Protection Association Standard 30, "Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code" and Standard 30A, "Code for Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities and Repair Garages;" or
(D) any other code or standard of practice developed by a nationally recognized association or independent testing laboratory that has been reviewed and determined by the agency to be no less protective of human health and safety and the environment than the standards described in subparagraphs (A) - (C) of this paragraph, in accordance with the procedures in § 334.43 of this title (relating to Variances and Alternative Procedures).
(2) Installation personnel. All tanks, piping, and associated equipment shall be installed by personnel possessing the appropriate skills, experience, competence, and, if applicable, any required certification or license to complete the installation in accordance with recognized industry practices and this chapter, and in a manner designed to minimize the possibility of UST system failures and the releases of regulated substances.
(3) Damages.
(A) All reasonable precautions shall be taken to prevent improper handling and damaging of the tanks and piping during the unloading and installation processes.
(B) Tanks and piping shall be physically inspected by the installer prior to installation.
(C) Any damage shall be repaired in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications; otherwise, damaged tanks and/or piping shall be replaced.
(4) Excavation.
(A) The tank excavation zone and piping trenches shall provide adequate vertical and horizontal space for the tanks, piping, and associated equipment, for the proper placement and compaction of bedding and backfill materials (particularly under the lower quadrant of the tank's circumference), and for adequate cover and paving to accommodate anticipated traffic loads.
(B) Tank excavation shall be performed in a manner that will avoid the undermining of foundations and other existing structures, and shall be constructed not less than three feet from the base of adjacent structures (unless specifically approved by a licensed professional engineer) and not less than three feet from any underground utility easements and property lines.
(5) Bedding and backfill.
(A) The bedding and backfill shall consist of clean, washed, suitably graded, and noncorrosive sand, crushed rock, or pea gravel.
(B) The bedding and backfill material shall be selected and placed in accordance with the tank and piping manufacturer's specifications, and shall be placed and compacted in uniform lifts, as appropriate, to assure proper support and protection of the tank and piping after installation.
(C) Minimum bedding and backfill requirements shall be in accordance with the applicable industry standard for the construction, as prescribed in this subsection.
(D) The placement of tanks or piping directly on native soils, concrete pads or saddles, or any other underlayment except the bedding materials listed in this paragraph is specifically prohibited.
(b) Anchoring systems. Unless otherwise approved by the agency in accordance with § 334.43 of this title, all USTs located in areas subject to high water tables or flooding shall be protected from any flotation or movement which could jeopardize the integrity of the UST system.
(1) Methods to prevent tank flotation shall be in accordance with the tank manufacturer's specifications and shall be one (or a combination) of the following methods:
(A) the provision of ample backfill and/or paving on top of the tank to offset the buoyancy forces;
(B) the installation of a properly designed deadman anchoring system, where the concrete beams shall be placed outside the vertical extension of the tank diameter and where the length of the beams shall extend at least one foot beyond the ends of the tank; or
(C) the installation of a properly designed concrete hold-down pad anchoring system beneath the tank, where the pad's width and length shall extend at least one foot beyond the tank sides and ends in all directions.
(2) The installation of anchoring straps or cables shall be in accordance with the tank manufacturer's specifications. All parts of the straps, cables, and hardware shall be of corrosion-resistant material or, if metallic, shall be thoroughly coated or wrapped with a suitable dielectric material.
(c) Piping system installation.
(1) The piping layout shall be designed in a manner that will minimize the crossing of other lines and conduits, and the crossing of tanks and other UST system components. Where such crossing is unavoidable, adequate clearance shall be provided to prevent contact.
(2) Traps, sumps, or sags in the piping shall be avoided, and all piping shall slope at least 1/8 inch per foot in the direction of the tank.
(3) All piping joints shall be accurately cut, deburred, cleaned, and sealed with appropriate piping sealant, bonding agent, or adhesive in accordance with the piping manufacturer's specifications so as to provide liquid-tight connections.
(d) Installation testing for new tanks and piping.
(1) Air testing of new tanks shall be conducted in accordance with the tank manufacturer's specifications.
(A) Air testing for single-wall tanks shall include the soaping of all surfaces, seams, and fittings, pressurizing and gauging with three to five pounds per square inch gauge (psig) air pressure for at least one hour, monitoring the gauge for pressure drops, and inspecting for bubbles.
(B) Air testing for double-wall tanks shall be in accordance with subsection (f)(2)(B) of this section.
(C) Gauges used in air testing procedures shall have a maximum range not exceeding 15 psig. All tanks undergoing air pressure testing shall be equipped with a pressure relief device capable of relieving the total output of the compressed air source at a pressure of not more than six psig.
(2) Air testing of new piping, fittings, and valves shall be conducted in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. New piping shall be tested before being covered and placed into use. Air testing of piping shall include the soaping of all joints, pressurizing with compressed air to 150% of the maximum piping operating pressure, or a minimum of 50 psig, for at least one hour, and inspecting for bubbles. Air testing for secondary containment piping shall be in accordance with subsection (f)(3)(B) of this section.
(3) In addition to the air tests, a tank tightness test and a piping tightness test meeting the requirements of § 334.50(b)(2)(A)(ii)(I) and (d)(1)(A) of this title (relating to Release Detection) shall be performed after the backfill has been placed but prior to bringing the new UST system into operation.
(4) Additional tests required. In addition to the air tests and tightness tests required in this subsection, the following additional installation tests shall be required, as applicable.
(A) For fiberglass-reinforced plastic tanks, the tank diameter shall be accurately measured prior to and after installation to ascertain the amount of vertical deflection, as specified in the tank manufacturer's installation procedures. Except when specifically authorized in writing by an authorized representative of the tank manufacturer, tanks shall not be placed into operation if the measured vertical deflection exceeds the manufacturer's maximum allowable deflection ratings.
(B) For steel tanks and other underground UST system components which are equipped with factory-installed or field-installed cathodic corrosion protection systems, the cathodic protection systems shall be tested for operability and adequacy of protection by a qualified corrosion technician or qualified corrosion specialist after the UST system installation is completed but prior to placing the system into operation.
(i) If the test indicates that the cathodic protection system is inoperable or inadequate, a qualified corrosion specialist shall review the test results and thoroughly inspect the UST system to ascertain the extent of corrosion protection.
(ii) If the qualified corrosion specialist determines that the UST system component is no longer adequately protected from corrosion, then the owner or operator shall assure that one or more of the following procedures are completed before the UST system is placed into operation.
(I) Appropriate repairs or modifications shall be made to restore the cathodic corrosion protection to the applicable UST system components.
(II) The cathodic protection system shall be replaced with another operable cathodic protection system which will provide adequate corrosion protection to the applicable UST system components, in accordance with the requirements in § 334.49(c)(2) of this title (relating to Corrosion Protection).
(e) Installation of cathodic protection systems. The installation of any field-installed cathodic protection system in a new or existing UST system shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of § 334.49(c)(2) of this title.
(f) Installation of secondary containment systems.
(1) Secondary containment. Any secondary containment system shall meet the technical standards of § 334.45(d) of this title (relating to Technical Standards for New Underground Storage Tank Systems).
(2) Installation of double-wall tanks.
(A) The installation of double-wall tanks shall be in compliance with the manufacturer's specifications and the applicable tank installation procedures in this section.
(B) Air testing for double-wall tanks shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications or the following procedures.
(i) The primary tank shall be pressurized and gauged with three to five psig of air pressure. The primary tank shall be pressurized for at least one hour, and the gauge pressure shall be periodically monitored for any pressure drops.
(ii) After disconnecting the outside air pressure source, the interstitial area between the tank walls shall be pressurized with air pressure from the primary tank. A second gauge shall be used to measure the pressure in the interstitial space.
(iii) The exterior of the tank shall be soaped, and the integrity of the system shall be inspected by monitoring the gauges and inspecting for air bubbles for at least one hour prior to releasing the pressure.
(iv) Gauges used in air testing procedures shall have a maximum range not exceeding 15 psig. All tanks undergoing air testing shall be equipped with a pressure relief device capable of relieving the total output of the compressed air source at a pressure of not more than six psig.
(3) Installation of double-wall piping.
(A) The installation of double-wall piping shall be in compliance with the manufacturer's specifications and the applicable piping installation procedures in this section.
(B) After successful air testing of the completed primary piping system (in accordance with subsection (d)(2) of this section), the secondary containment piping shall be air tested in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and the following procedures.
(i) The secondary containment piping shall be pressurized and gauged with three to five psig of air pressure.
(ii) The exterior of the secondary containment piping shall be soaped and the integrity of the system shall be inspected by monitoring for air bubbles for at least one hour.
(iii) The secondary containment piping system shall remain pressurized, and the gauges shall be periodically monitored for pressure losses, until the entire UST system installation is complete in order to monitor for damages during the remaining construction activities.
(4) Installation of external liners.
(A) External liners shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications, and in accordance with the requirements in this paragraph.
(B) The installation, field-seaming, and field-repair of any liners shall be performed only by qualified personnel who have been properly trained and certified by the liner manufacturer.
(C) The liner shall be protected from puncture, abrasion, or any other damage during placement and during installation of other UST system components. A protective layer of puncture-resistant filter fabric shall be required when the liner is placed in an excavation area where the presence of sharp paving, rocks, or other debris presents a threat to the liner integrity.
(D) The liner shall be installed in a manner that will allow sufficient enclosure of the secondarily protected component to prevent lateral and vertical migration of any collected regulated substances.
(E) For UST systems which are equipped with cathodic protection equipment, the liner shall be installed so as not to jeopardize or inhibit the proper operation of such cathodic protection equipment.
(F) The liner installation shall include the provision of an appropriate number of recessed collection/detection points, and all portions of the liner shall be sloped toward such points to permit the detection of any releases from the primary storage component.
(G) The installation of the liner shall be performed in a manner that will ensure that groundwater, soil moisture, and stormwater runoff will not adversely affect the liner's ability to collect and contain regulated substances or the ability of the selected release detection methods to operate effectively.
(H) The liner shall be designed and installed to ensure that it will always be situated above the highest groundwater level and outside the 25-year floodplain, unless the liner and the release detection system are properly designed for use under such conditions. The owner or operator may be required to provide documentation of the methods used to determine groundwater and floodplain information.
(I) After completion of the liner installation, but prior to placing the UST system into service, the liner shall be properly tested in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.
(g) Installation of monitoring wells and observation wells. All monitoring wells and observation wells installed in conjunction with a UST system on or after September 29, 1989, shall be constructed and installed in accordance with the requirements of this subsection.
(1) General requirements for both monitoring wells and observation wells.
(A) All monitoring wells and observation wells shall be constructed or installed by personnel possessing the appropriate skills, experience, competence, and, if applicable, any required license or certification to complete the construction or installation in accordance with recognized industry standards and the requirements of this subsection.
(B) Except for observation wells installed under § 334.45(e)(4)(B) of this title, the determination of the appropriate number and the appropriate diameters of monitoring wells or observation wells shall be based on the planned purpose of such well and on the specific procedures, methods, and equipment to be utilized in achieving such purpose.
(C) The slotted or screened portion of the monitoring well or observation well casing shall be designed and sized so as to prevent the migration of natural soils, backfill material, or filter pack material into the well, and to allow the unrestricted entry of any released regulated substances (liquid-phase or vapor-phase, as applicable) into the well at all times, regardless of the groundwater levels.
(D) The well casing material shall be sufficiently compatible with the stored regulated substance such that prolonged exposure to such substances will not cause failure or excessive deterioration of the casing.
(E) When installed or constructed for the purposes of compliance with one or more of the release detection methods in § 334.50(d) of this title, the specific number and positioning of the monitoring wells and/or observation wells shall be based on the results of an assessment of the underground areas within and immediately surrounding the UST system excavation zone to assure compliance with the specific criteria and requirements for the applicable release detection method. Such assessment shall be performed by qualified personnel who are familiar with the characteristics of the stored regulated substance and the groundwater, soil, and geologic conditions at the site.
(F) All monitoring wells and observation wells shall be equipped with a properly designed and properly installed bottom cap.
(G) All monitoring well and observation well installations shall include an appropriate access vault or manhole, which shall be equipped with a liquid-tight cover and be designed to divert surface runoff away from the well.
(H) All monitoring wells and observation wells shall be properly capped, labeled, and secured (or locked) to prevent unauthorized access, tampering, and any deliberate or accidental depositing of unauthorized substances.
(2) Additional requirements for monitoring wells. In addition to the general requirements of paragraph (1) of this subsection, all monitoring wells installed in conjunction with a UST system shall be constructed or installed in accordance with the applicable requirements of 16 TAC Chapter 76 (relating to Water Well Drillers and Water Well Pump Installers), and Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 1901 (relating to Water Well Drillers). Any person constructing or installing a monitoring well shall be appropriately licensed as required therein.
(3) Additional requirements for observation wells. In addition to the general requirements of paragraph (1) of this subsection, the following requirements shall be applicable to all observation wells installed in conjunction with a UST system.
(A) All observation wells that are regulated as monitoring wells by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) shall be constructed or installed in accordance with the applicable requirements in 16 TAC Chapter 76, and Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 1901. Any person constructing or installing such well shall be appropriately licensed as required therein.
(B) All observation wells that are not regulated as monitoring wells by the TDLR shall be constructed or installed in accordance with the following minimum requirements.
(i) All observation wells shall be designed and installed in general accordance with a code or standard of practice developed by a nationally recognized association or independent testing laboratory.
(ii) All observation wells shall be constructed or installed within the UST system excavation zone, and shall be completed to a depth of at least two feet below the lowest part of any monitored tank, or at least one foot below the lowest part of any monitored piping, as applicable.
(iii) For observation wells installed or constructed on or after September 29, 1989, in a new or existing UST system where the backfill consists of specialized or select materials (i.e., sand, pea gravel, or crushed rock), the following minimum requirements shall be applicable.
(I) The access vault or manhole shall be properly installed in a concrete encasement which shall extend from the top of the vault to at least one foot below the base of the vault to provide adequate structural support and to prevent surface runoff and pollutants from entering the well.
(II) Beginning at the bottom of the concrete encasement beneath the access vault, the well casing shall be properly sealed with impervious bentonite or a similar impervious material for a minimum distance of either one foot below the bottom of the concrete encasement or to the top of the specialized or select backfill material, whichever is the greater depth.
(iv) For observation wells installed or constructed on or after September 29, 1989, in an existing UST system where the backfill consists of materials other than specialized or select materials (e.g., native soils), the well shall be constructed or installed in accordance with the applicable standards in 16 TAC Chapter 76. If the observation well is not regulated as a monitoring well by the TDLR, the licensing requirements for persons constructing or installing such well shall not be applicable.
(h) Certification of installation.
(1) All owners and operators of new UST systems installed on or after September 29, 1989, shall ensure that the installation was completed in accordance with the provisions of this section, and that the UST system installation is conducted by an installer licensed by the agency.
(2) The installer of the UST system shall complete the installation certification section of the agency's authorized form, and shall certify by signature that the installation methods are in compliance with the provisions of this section, as required by § 334.8(a) of this title (relating to Certification for Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) and UST Systems).
(i) Installation records.
(1) Owners and operators shall maintain all installation records required in accordance with the requirements in § 334.10(b) of this title (relating to Reporting and Recordkeeping).
(2) Owners and operators shall maintain the following records for the operational life of the UST system:
(A) general information relating to the installation activity, including:
(i) date of installation activity;
(ii) names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the persons conducting the installation and performing any associated inspections or testing; and
(iii) copies of all related notifications or reports filed with the agency or others, including:
(I) registration information, as required by § 334.7 of this title (relating to Registration for Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) and UST Systems); and
(II) installation certification information, as required by § 334.8(a) of this title;
(B) as-built drawings (or plans), which have been drawn to scale and in sufficient detail to accurately depict and describe the sizes, dimensions, and locations of the following:
(i) all pertinent site features, including property boundaries, street and road rights-of-way, easements, utility lines, buildings and other structures, driveways, slabs, and any natural features;
(ii) all pertinent UST system components, including tanks, piping, vent piping, pumps, dispensers, excavation zone (including tank hole and piping trench), monitoring wells, spill and overfill prevention equipment, release detection system components (including monitoring and testing locations), cathodic protection system components (including test stations), secondary containment systems, anchoring systems, and any other pertinent UST system components; and
(iii) any site features or UST system components which have been added, revised, changed, modified, or removed subsequent to the preparation of the original drawings or plans; and
(C) equipment information for all UST system components including:
(i) manufacturer's specifications, installation instructions, operating instruction, warranty information, recommended test procedures, and inspection and maintenance schedules; and
(ii) names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the manufacturer's representatives and local authorized service technicians.
(3) Owners and operators shall maintain the results of all equipment tests, including the air tests and the tightness tests conducted on the tanks and piping at the time of installation, for at least five years after the date of installation.

30 Tex. Admin. Code § 334.46

The provisions of this §334.46 adopted to be effective September 29, 1989, 14 TexReg 4714; amended to be effective November 23, 2000, 25 TexReg 11442; amended to be effective November 18, 2004, 29 TexReg 10532; Amended by Texas Register, Volume 43, Number 21, May 25, 2018, TexReg 3427, eff. 5/31/2018