30 Tex. Admin. Code § 293.44

Current through Reg. 49, No. 42; October 18, 2024
Section 293.44 - Special Considerations
(a) Developer projects. The following provisions shall apply unless the commission, in its discretion, determines that application to a particular situation renders an inequitable result.
(1) A developer project is a district project that provides water, wastewater, drainage, or recreational facility service for property owned by a developer of property in the district, as defined by Texas Water Code (TWC), § 49.052(d).
(2) Except as permitted under paragraph (8) of this subsection, the costs of joint facilities that benefit the district and others should be shared on the basis of benefits received. Generally, the benefits are the design capacities in the joint facilities for each participant. Proposed cost sharing for conveyance facilities should account for both flow and inflow locations.
(3) The cost of clearing and grubbing of district facilities' easements that will also be used for other facilities that are not eligible for district expenditures, such as roads, gas lines, telephone lines, etc., should be shared equally by the district and the developer, except where unusually wide road or street rights-of-way or other unusual circumstances are present, as determined by the commission. The district's share of such costs is further subject to any required developer contribution under § 293.47 of this title (relating to Thirty Percent of District Construction Costs to be Paid by Developer). The applicability of the competitive bidding statutes and/or regulations for clearing and grubbing contracts let and awarded in the developer's name shall not apply when the amount of the estimated district share, including any required developer contribution does not exceed 50% of the total construction contract costs.
(4) A district may finance the cost of spreading and compacting of fill as follows.
(A) A district may finance the cost of spreading and compacting of fill in areas that require the fill for development purposes, such as in abandoned ditches or floodplain areas, only to the extent necessary to dispose of the spoil material (fill) generated by other projects of the district.
(B) A levee improvement district or a district with the powers of a levee improvement district may finance the cost of spreading and compacting fill to remove property from the 100-year floodplain.
(C) A municipal utility district or a district with the powers of a municipal utility district may finance the costs of spreading and compacting fill to provide drainage if the costs are less than the cost of constructing or improving drainage facilities which would have been required to achieve a similar purpose as the fill project, as determined by the district's engineer.
(5) The cost of any clearing and grubbing in areas where fill is to be placed should not be paid by the district, unless the district can demonstrate a net savings in the costs of disposal of excavated materials when compared to the estimated costs of disposal off site.
(6) When a developer changes the plan of development requiring the abandonment or relocation of existing facilities, the district may pay the cost of either the abandoned facilities or the cost of replacement facilities, but not both.
(7) When a developer changes the plan of development requiring the redesign of facilities that have been designed, but not constructed, the district may pay the cost of the original design or the cost of the redesign, but not both.
(8) A district shall not finance the pro rata share of oversized water, wastewater, or drainage facilities to serve areas outside the district unless:
(A) such oversizing:
(i) is required by or represents the minimum approvable design sizes prescribed by local governments or other regulatory agencies for such applications;
(ii) does not benefit out-of-district land owned by the developer;
(iii) does not benefit out-of-district land currently being developed by others; and
(iv) the district agrees to use its best efforts to recover such costs if a future user outside the district desires to use such capacity; or
(B) the district has entered into an agreement with the party being served by such oversized capacity that provides adequate payment to the district to pay the cost of financing, operating, and maintaining such oversized capacity; or
(C) the district has entered into an agreement with the party to be served or benefitted in the future by such oversized capacity, which provides for contemporaneous payment by such future user of the incremental increase in construction and engineering costs attributable to such oversizing and which, until the costs of financing, construction, operation, and maintenance of such oversized facilities are prorated according to paragraph (2) of this subsection, provides that:
(i) the capacity or usage rights of such future user shall be restricted to the design flow or capacity of such oversized facilities multiplied by the fractional engineering and construction costs contemporaneously paid by such future user; and
(ii) such future user shall pay directly allocable operation and maintenance costs proportionate to such restricted capacity or usage rights; or
(D) the district or a developer in the district has entered into an agreement with a municipality or regional water or wastewater provider regarding the oversized facilities and such oversizing is more cost-effective than alternative facilities to serve the district only. For the purposes of this subparagraph, regional water or wastewater provider means a provider that serves land in more than one county. An applicant requesting approval under this subparagraph must provide:
(i) bid documents or an engineer's sealed estimate of probable costs of alternatives that meet minimum acceptable standards based on costs prevailing at the time the facilities were constructed; or
(ii) an engineering feasibility analysis outlining the service alternatives considered at the time the decision to participate in the oversizing was made; or
(iii) any other information requested by the executive director.
(9) Railroad, pipeline, or underground utility relocations that are needed because of road crossings should not be financed by the district; however, if such relocations result from a simultaneous district project and road crossing project, then such relocation costs should be shared equally. The district's share of such costs is further subject to any required developer contribution under § 293.47 of this title.
(10) Engineering studies, such as topographic surveys, soil studies, fault studies, boundary surveys, etc., that contain information that will be used both for district purposes and for other purposes, such as roadway design, foundation design, land purchases, etc., should be shared equally by the district and the developer, unless unusual circumstances are present as determined by the commission. The district's share of such costs is further subject to any required developer contribution under § 293.47 of this title.
(11) Land planning, zoning, and development planning costs should not be paid by the district, except for conceptual land-use plans required to be filed with a city as a condition for city consent to creation of the district.
(12) The cost of constructing lakes or other facilities that are part of the developer's amenities package should not typically be paid by the district; however, the costs for the portion of an amenity lake considered a recreational facility under paragraph (24) of this subsection may be funded by the district. The cost of combined lake and detention facilities should be shared with the developer on the basis of the volume attributable to each use, and land costs should be shared on the same basis, unless the district can demonstrate a net savings in the cost of securing fill and construction materials from such lake or detention facilities, when compared to the costs of securing such fill or construction materials off site for another eligible project. Pursuant to the provisions of TWC, §49.4641, as amended, a district is not required to prorate the costs of a combined lake and detention site between the primary drainage purpose and any secondary recreational facilities purpose if a licensed professional engineer certifies that the site is reasonably sized for the primary drainage purpose.
(13) Bridge and culvert crossings shall be financed in accordance with the following provisions.
(A) The costs of bridge and culvert crossings needed to accommodate the development's road system shall not be financed by a district, unless such crossing consists of one or more culverts with a combined cross-sectional area of not more than nine square feet. The district's share shall be subject to the developer's 30% contribution as may be required by § 293.47 of this title.
(B) Districts may fund the costs of bridge and culvert crossings needed to accommodate the development's road system that are larger than those specified in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, which cross channels other than natural waterways with defined bed and banks and are necessary as a result of required channel improvements subject to the following limitations:
(i) the drainage channel construction or renovation must benefit property within the district's boundaries;
(ii) the costs shall not exceed a pro rata share based on the percent of total drainage area of the channel crossed, measured at the point of crossing, calculated by taking the total cost of such bridge or culvert crossing multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the total drainage area located within the district upstream of the crossing, and the denominator of which is the total drainage area upstream of the crossing; and
(iii) the district shall be responsible for not more than 50% of the pro rata share as calculated under this subsection, subject to the developer's 30% contribution as may be required by § 293.47 of this title.
(C) The cost of replacement of existing bridges and culverts not constructed or installed by the developer, or the cost of new bridges and culverts across existing roads not financed or constructed by the developer, may be financed by the district, except that any costs of increasing the traffic-carrying capacity of bridges or culverts shall not be financed by the district.
(14) In evaluating district construction projects, including those described in paragraphs (1) - (12) of this subsection, primary consideration shall be given to engineering feasibility and whether the project has been designed in accordance with good engineering practices, regardless of other acceptable or less costly engineering alternatives that may exist.
(15) Bond issue proceeds will not be used to pay or reimburse consultant fees for the following:
(A) special or investigative reports for projects which, for any reason, have not been constructed and, in all probability, will not be constructed;
(B) fees for bond issue reports for bond issues consisting primarily of developer reimbursables and approved by the commission but which are no longer proposed to be issued;
(C) fees for completed projects which are not and will not be of benefit to the district; or
(D) provided, however, that the limitations shall not apply to regional projects or special or investigative reports necessary to properly evaluate the feasibility of alternative district projects.
(16) Bond funds may be used to finance costs and expenses necessarily incurred in the creation and organization of the district and the operation of the district as follows.
(A) Creation and organization expenses were incurred or projected to incur during the creation and organization period. Operational expenses were incurred or projected to incur during construction periods which include periods during which the district is constructing its facilities or there is construction by third parties of aboveground improvements within the district.
(B) Creation and organization expenses are expenses incurred through the date of the canvassing of the confirmation election.
(C) Construction periods do not need to be continuous; however, once reimbursement for a specific time period has occurred, operational expenses for a prior time period are no longer eligible. Payment of operational expenses during construction periods is limited to five years in any single bond issue.
(D) Any reimbursement to a developer of operational expenses with bond funds is restricted to actual operational expenses paid by the district during the same five-year period for which application is made in accordance with this subsection.
(E) The district may pay interest on the expenses under this paragraph. Section 293.50 of this title (relating to Developer Interest Reimbursement) applies to interest payments for a developer and such payments are subject to a developer reimbursement audit.
(17) In instances where creation costs to be paid from bond proceeds are determined to be excessive, the executive director may request that the developer submit invoices and cancelled checks to determine whether such creation costs were reasonable, customary, and necessary for district creation purposes. Such creation costs shall not include planning, platting, zoning, other costs prohibited by paragraphs (10) and (14) of this subsection, and other matters not directly related to the district's water, wastewater, and drainage system, even if required for city consent.
(18) The district shall not purchase, pay for, or reimburse the cost of facilities, either completed or incomplete, from which it has not and will not receive benefit, even though such facilities may have been at one time required by a city or other entity having jurisdiction.
(19) The district shall not enter into any binding contracts with a developer that compel the district to become liable for costs above those approved by the commission.
(20) A district shall not purchase more water supply or wastewater treatment capacity than is needed to meet the foreseeable capacity demands of the district, except in circumstances where:
(A) lease payments or capital contributions are required to be made to entities owning or constructing regional water supply or wastewater treatment facilities to serve the district and others;
(B) such purchases or leases are necessary to meet minimum regulatory standards; or
(C) such purchases or leases are justified by considerations of economic or engineering feasibility.
(21) The district may finance those costs, including mitigation, associated with flood plain regulation and wetlands regulation, attributable to the development of water plants, wastewater treatment plants, pump and lift stations, detention/retention facilities, drainage channels, and levees. The district's share shall not be subject to the developer's 30% contribution as may be required by § 293.47 of this title.
(22) The district may finance those costs associated with endangered species permits. Such costs shall be shared between the district and the developer with the district's share not to exceed 70% of the total costs, unless unusual circumstances are present as determined by the commission. The district's share shall not be subject to the developer's 30% contribution under § 293.47 of this title. For purposes of this paragraph, "endangered species permit" means a permit or other authorization issued under §7 or §10(a) of the federal Endangered Species Act of 1973, 16 United States Code, § 1536 and § 1539(a).
(23) The district may finance 100% of those costs associated with federal storm water permits. The district's share shall be subject to the developer's 30% contribution as may be required by § 293.47 of this title. For purposes of this paragraph, "federal storm water permit" means a permit for storm water discharges issued under the federal Clean Water Act, including National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permits issued by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permits issued by the commission.
(24) The district may finance the portion of an amenity lake project that is considered a recreational facility.
(A) The portion considered a recreational facility must be accessible to all persons within the district and is determined as:
(i) the percentage of shoreline with at least a 30-foot wide buffer between the shoreline and private property; or
(ii) the percentage of the perimeter of a high bank of a combination detention facility and lake with at least a 30-foot wide buffer between the high bank and private property.
(B) The district's share of costs for the portion of an amenity lake project that is considered a recreational facility is not subject to the developer's 30% contribution under § 293.47 of this title.
(C) The authority for districts to fund recreational amenity lake costs in accordance with this paragraph does not apply retroactively to projects included in bond issues submitted to the commission prior to the effective date of this paragraph.
(b) All projects.
(1) The purchase price for existing facilities not covered by a preconstruction agreement or otherwise not constructed by a developer in contemplation of resale to the district, or if constructed by a developer in contemplation of resale to the district and the cost of the facilities is not available after demonstrating a good faith effort to locate the cost records should be established by an independent appraisal by a licensed professional engineer hired by the district. The appraised value should reflect the cost of replacement of the facility, less repairs and depreciation, taking into account the age and useful life of the facility and economic and functional obsolescence as evidenced by an on-site inspection.
(2) Contract revenue bonds proposed to be issued by districts for facilities providing water, wastewater, or drainage, under contracts authorized under Texas Local Government Code, § 552.014, or other similar statutory authorization, will be approved by the commission only when the city's pro rata share of debt service on such bonds is sufficient to pay for the cost of the water, wastewater, or drainage facilities proposed to serve areas located outside the boundaries of the service area of the issuing district.
(3) When a district proposes to obtain capacity in or acquire facilities for water, wastewater, drainage, or other service from a municipality, district, or other political subdivision, or other utility provider, and proposes to use bond proceeds to compensate the providing entity for the water, wastewater, drainage, or other services on the basis of a capitalized unit cost, e.g., per connection, per lot, or per acre, the commission will approve the use of bond proceeds for such compensation under the following conditions:
(A) the unit cost is reasonable;
(B) the unit cost approximates the cost to the entity providing the necessary facilities, or the providing entity has adopted a uniform service plan for such water, wastewater, drainage, and other services based on engineering studies of the facilities required; and
(C) the district and the providing entity have entered into a contract that will:
(i) specifically convey either an ownership interest in or a specified contractual capacity or volume of flow into or from the system of the providing entity;
(ii) provide a method to quantify the interest or contractual capacity rights;
(iii) provide that the term for such interest or contractual capacity right is not less than the duration of the maturity schedule of the bonds; and
(iv) contain no provisions that could have the effect of subordinating the conveyed interest or contractual capacity right to a preferential use or right of any other entity.
(4) A district may finance those costs associated with recreational facilities, as defined in § 293.1(c) of this title (relating to Objective and Scope of Rules; Meaning of Certain Words) and as detailed in § 293.41(e)(2) of this title (relating to Approval of Projects and Issuance of Bonds) for all affected districts that benefit and are available to all persons within the district. A district's financing, whether from tax-supported or revenue debt, of costs associated with recreational facilities is subject to §293.41(e)(1) - (6) of this title and is not subject to the developer's 30% contribution as may be required by § 293.47 of this title. The automatic exemption from the developer's 30% requirement provided in this paragraph supersedes any conflicting provision in § 293.47(d) of this title. In planning for and funding recreational facilities, consideration is to be given to existing and proposed municipal and/or county facilities as required by TWC, §49.465, and to the requirement that bonds supported by ad valorem taxes may not be used to finance recreational facilities, as provided by TWC, §49.464(a), except as allowed in TWC, §49.4645.
(5) The bidding requirements established in TWC, Chapter 49, Subchapter I are not applicable to contracts or services related to a district's use of temporary erosion-control devices or cleaning of silt and debris from streets and storm sewers.
(6) A district's contract for construction work may include economic incentives for early completion of the work or economic disincentives for late completion of the work. The incentive or disincentive must be part of the proposal prepared by each bidder before the bid opening.
(7) A district may utilize proceeds from the sale and issuance of bonds, notes, or other obligations to acquire an interest in a certificate of public convenience and necessity, contractual rights to use capacity in facilities and to acquire facilities, with costs determined in accordance with applicable law such as paragraph (3) of this subsection.
(8) If a district is approved for the issuance of bonds by the commission to use a certain return flow of wastewater, the approval applies to subsequent bond authorizations unless the district seeks approval to use a different return flow of wastewater.

30 Tex. Admin. Code § 293.44

The provisions of this §293.44 adopted to be effective September 5, 1986, 11 TexReg 3736; amended to be effective June 30, 1993, 18 TexReg 3758; amended to be effective April 15, 1994, 19 TexReg 2301; amended to be effective October 22, 1996, 21 TexReg 9905; amended to be effective September 14, 2000, 25 TexReg 8955; amended to be effective October 6, 2002, 27 TexReg 9365; amended to be effective May 5, 2005, 30 TexReg 2533; amended to be effective October 26, 2006, 31 TexReg 8699; amended to be effective July 14, 2011, 36 TexReg 4413; Amended by Texas Register, Volume 39, Number 45, November 7, 2014, TexReg 8735, eff. 11/13/2014; Amended by Texas Register, Volume 43, Number 52, December 28, 2018, TexReg 8630, eff. 1/3/2019; Amended by Texas Register, Volume 45, Number 43, October 23, 2020, TexReg 7598, eff. 10/29/2020