30 Tex. Admin. Code § 293.22

Current through Reg. 49, No. 42; October 18, 2024
Section 293.22 - Noncompliance Review and Commission Action
(a) Purpose. The purpose of this section is to set out procedures for commission review of groundwater conservation district (GCD) noncompliance with requirements of Texas Water Code (TWC), Chapter 36. This section provides a process for a GCD to achieve compliance, enforcement procedures if compliance is not achieved, and commission enforcement actions. Management plan noncompliance review and commission action are required under TWC as the result of a GCD's failure to:
(1) adopt a management plan in accordance with TWC, § 36.1071 and § 36.1072 and submit the plan for review and approval to the executive administrator of the Texas Water Development Board within three years of either the effective date of creation of the district or the date the district was confirmed by election if an election was required;
(2) receive within 60 days of submittal, written approval from the executive administrator of the Texas Water Development Board for a management plan, an amended management plan, or a readopted management plan as provided by TWC, § 36.1072 and § 36.1073;
(3)readopt and resubmit the management plan for review and approval to the executive administrator of the Texas Water Development Board at least once every five years after the date of the most recent management plan approval;
(4) be actively engaged and operational in achieving the objectives of its groundwater management plan based on the State Auditor's Office review of the district's performance as provided by TWC, § 36.302; or
(5) adopt, implement, or enforce district management plans and rules to protect groundwater as evidenced in a report prepared by a commission-appointed review panel as provided by TWC, § 36.3011 and § 293.23 of this title (relating to Petition Requesting Commission Inquiry).
(b) Noncompliance review. The executive director shall investigate the facts and circumstances of any violations of this chapter or order of the commission under this chapter or provisions of TWC, §§ 36.301, 36.3011, and 36.302.
(1) The executive director shall notify the district and may attempt to resolve any noncompliance set out in subsection (a) of this section with the district.
(2) After review of the facts and identification of noncompliance issues, the executive director shall submit a compliance agreement to the district. The compliance agreement must clearly identify the noncompliance issue(s) and provide district actions and a schedule for the district to achieve compliance.
(3) The district shall be provided a specified time frame not to exceed 60 days after the date of receipt of the compliance agreement, to consider and agree to the terms of the compliance agreement and schedule. If the district wants to amend the compliance agreement schedule, it must contact the executive director within 30 days of receipt of the compliance agreement so that the compliance agreement can be considered and signed by the district and its board of directors within the 60-day time frame.
(4) If the district agrees with and signs the compliance agreement, the executive director shall monitor the district's implementation of the agreement terms. If the district accomplishes compliance within the agreed schedule, the executive director shall notify the district that it has achieved compliance and is no longer under review by the commission.
(c) Executive director recommendations filed with commission. If unable to resolve the violation under subsection (b) of this section, or if the facts of the noncompliance issue warrant, the executive director shall follow the procedures for commission enforcement actions set out in Chapter 70, Subchapter C of this title (relating to Enforcement Referrals to SOAH). The executive director shall prepare and file a written report with the commission and the district and include any actions the executive director believes the commission should take under TWC, § 36.303 and subsection (e) of this section.
(d) Notice and hearing. The commission shall provide notice in accordance with § 70.104 of this title (relating to Notice of Executive Director's Preliminary Report). If the executive director's report recommends dissolution of a district or of a board of directors or referral of the matter to the Office of the Attorney General requesting the placement of a district into receivership, the commission shall hold an enforcement hearing.
(1) The commission shall publish notice once each week for two consecutive weeks before the day of the hearing to receive evidence on the dissolution of a district or of a board of directors or referral of the matter to the Office of the Attorney General requesting the placement of a district into receivership in a newspaper of general circulation in the area in which the district is located with the first publication being 30 days before the day of hearing.
(2) The commission shall give notice of the hearing by first-class mail addressed to the directors of the district according to the last record on file with the executive director.
(e) Commission enforcement actions. In accordance with TWC, §§ 36.301, 36.3011, and 36.302, the commission, after notice and hearing, shall take all actions it considers appropriate, including:
(1) issuing an order requiring the district to take certain actions or to refrain from taking certain actions;
(2) dissolving the board in accordance with TWC, § 36.305 and § 36.307 and calling an election for the purpose of electing a new board;
(3) requesting the attorney general to bring suit for the appointment of a receiver to collect the assets and carry on the business of the GCD in accordance with TWC, § 36.3035;
(4) dissolving the district in accordance with TWC, §§ 36.304, 36.305, and 36.308; or
(5) recommending to the legislature in the commission's report concerning priority groundwater management areas required by TWC, § 35.018, actions the commission deems necessary to accomplish comprehensive management in the district.
(f) District dissolution. TWC, §§ 36.304 - 36.310 authorize the commission to dissolve any district as defined in TWC, § 36.001(1), that has no outstanding bonded indebtedness.
(1) A district that is composed of territory entirely within one county may be dissolved even if it has outstanding indebtedness that matures after the year in which the district is dissolved. If a district is in more than one county, and has outstanding bond indebtedness, it may not be dissolved.
(2) Upon the dissolution of a district by the commission, all assets of the district shall be sold at public auction and the proceeds given to the county if it is a single county district. If it is a multi-county district, the proceeds shall be divided with the counties in proportion to the surface land area in each county served by the district.
(3) The commission shall file a certified copy of an order for the dissolution of a GCD in the deed records of the county or counties in which the district is located. If the district was created by a special Act of the legislature, the commission shall file a certified copy of the order of dissolution with the Secretary of State.
(g) Dissolution of board. If the commission enters an order to dissolve the board of a GCD, the commission shall notify the county commissioners court of each county which contains territory in the district. The commission shall appoint five temporary directors under TWC, §36.016, that shall serve until an election for a new board can be held under TWC, §36.017. However, district confirmation shall not be required for continued existence of the district and shall not be an issue in the election.
(h) Receivership. If the commission enters an order to request the attorney general to bring suit for the appointment of a receiver to collect the assets and carry on the business of a district, the executive director shall forward the order and the request to the attorney general and provide any relevant commission correspondence. The executive director shall assist the attorney general as requested and shall continue to track the status of attorney general actions.
(i) Appeals. Appeals from any commission order issued under this section shall be filed and heard in the district court of any of the counties in which the district is located.

30 Tex. Admin. Code § 293.22

The provisions of this §293.22 adopted to be effective August 29, 2002, 27 TexReg 7942; amended to be effective October 26, 2006, 31 TexReg 8699; amended to be effective August 16, 2012, 37 TexReg 6060; Amended by Texas Register, Volume 41, Number 20, May 13, 2016, TexReg 3506, eff. 5/19/2016