19 Tex. Admin. Code § 33.4

Current through Reg. 49, No. 38; September 20, 2024
Section 33.4 - Ethical Standards for Members of the State Board of Education
(a) Definitions. For purposes of this section, the following definitions have the following meanings.
(1) Commissioner--the commissioner of education. As the commissioner is an employee of the Texas Education Agency (TEA), any provisions that apply to TEA employees apply to the commissioner.
(2) Official act or official action--a vote, decision, recommendation, approval, disapproval, or other action, including inaction, that involves the use of discretionary authority.
(3) Permanent School Fund (PSF) service provider--any person who provides services to the PSF or relating to the management or investment of the PSF, including, but not limited to, external investment managers and consultants, banks, custodians, and professional services (attorneys, accountants, etc.). Notwithstanding the foregoing, for all purposes under this section, the term PSF service provider excludes State Board of Education (SBOE) members, TEA employees, and private fund managers. PSF service providers who provide services to the Texas PSF Corporation are covered by the Texas PSF Corporation's ethics policy.
(4) Personal securities transactions--
(A) transactions for a member's or employee's own account, including an individual retirement account; or
(B) transactions for an account, other than an account over which the member or employee has no direct or indirect influence or control, in which the member or employee (or the member's or employee's spouse, minor child, or other dependent relative):
(i) is an income or principal beneficiary or other equity owner of the account; or
(ii) receives compensation for managing the account for the benefit of persons other than the member or employee or his or her family.
(5) Private fund manager--a person who controls a non-publicly traded investment fund or other investment vehicle (including, but not limited to, a partnership, limited liability company, trust, association, or other entity) in which the PSF is invested. A private fund manager may include the vehicle's sponsor, general partner, managing member, manager, advisor, or other agent thereof. For purposes of this section, private fund managers are not considered to be PSF service providers.
(6) Publicly traded securities--securities of a class that is listed on a national securities exchange or quoted on the NASDAQ national market system in the United States or that is publicly traded on any foreign stock exchange or other foreign market.
(7) Relative--an individual related within the third degree by consanguinity (blood relative) or the second degree by affinity (marriage) determined in accordance with Texas Government Code, §§ 573.021 - 573.025. For purposes of this definition:
(A) examples of a relative within the third degree by consanguinity are a child, grandchild, great-grandchild, parent, grandparent, great-grandparent, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, niece, or nephew;
(B) examples of a relative within the second degree by affinity are a spouse, an individual related to a spouse within the second degree by consanguinity, or a spouse of such an individual;
(C) an individual adopted into a family is considered a relative on the same basis as a natural born family member; and
(D) an individual is considered a spouse even if the marriage has been dissolved by death or divorce if there are surviving children of that marriage.
(8) Texas Education Agency (TEA) employee--a person employed by TEA who provides advice to the SBOE, commissioner, or TEA concerning the PSF.
(b) General principles. Under Texas Education Code (TEC), §43.0031, members of the SBOE, the commissioner, TEA employees, and persons providing services to the SBOE relating to the PSF are subject to general ethical standards relating to the PSF. The PSF is held in public trust for the benefit of the schoolchildren of Texas. The members of the SBOE serve as fiduciaries of the PSF in accordance with the Texas Constitution, Article VII, §5(f). SBOE members or anyone acting on their behalf shall aspire to the highest standards of ethical conduct and shall comply with the provisions of this section, the Texas Constitution, Texas statutes, and all other applicable provisions governing the responsibilities of a fiduciary.
(c) General ethical standards.
(1) SBOE members must comply with all laws applicable to them, which may include one or more of the following statutes: Texas Government Code, § 572.051 (Standards of Conduct; State Agency Ethics Policy), §552.352 (Distribution or Misuse of Confidential Information), §572.002 (General Definitions), §572.004 (Definition: Regulation), §572.054 (Representation by Former Officer or Employee of Regulatory Agency Restricted; Criminal Offense), §572.058 (Private Interest in Measure or Decision; Disclosure; Removal from Office for Violation), §572.021 (Financial Statement Required), §2252.908 (Disclosure of Interested Parties), Chapter 573 (Degrees of Relationship; Nepotism Prohibitions), and Chapter 305 (Registration of Lobbyists); Texas Penal Code, Chapter 36 (Bribery and Corrupt Influence) and Chapter 39 (Abuse of Office); and TEC, § 43.0032 (Conflicts of Interest) and §43.0033 (Reports of Expenditures). The omission of any applicable statute listed in this paragraph does not excuse violation of its provisions.
(2) SBOE members must be honest in the exercise of their duties and must not take actions that will discredit the PSF.
(3) SBOE members shall be loyal to the interests of the PSF to the extent that such loyalty is not in conflict with other duties that legally have priority.
(4) SBOE members shall not use nonpublic information gained through their relationship with the PSF to seek or obtain personal gain beyond agreed compensation and/or any properly authorized expense reimbursement. This should not be interpreted to forbid the use of PSF as a reference or the communication to others of the fact that a relationship with PSF exists, provided that no misrepresentation is involved.
(5) This section is adopted to satisfy the requirements of TEC, § 43.0031.
(d) Conflicts of interest.
(1) A conflict of interest exists whenever SBOE members, the commissioner, or TEA employees have business, commercial, or other relationships, including, but not limited to, personal and private relationships, that could reasonably be expected to diminish their independence of judgment in the performance of their duties. Conflicts include, but are not limited to, beneficial interests in securities, corporate memberships, trustee positions, familial relationships, or other special relationships that could reasonably be considered a conflict of interest with the fiduciary duties to the PSF. Further, TEC, § 43.0032, requires disclosure and no participation in a matter affected by the possible conflict of interest, unless a waiver is granted, when an SBOE member, the commissioner, a TEA employee, or a person who provides services to the SBOE that relate to management or investment of the PSF has a business, commercial, or other relationship that could reasonably be expected to diminish a person's independence of judgment in the performance of the person's responsibilities relating to the PSF. Such business, commercial, or other relationship is defined to be a relationship that is prohibited under Texas Government Code, § 572.051, or that would require public disclosure under Texas Government Code, § 572.058, or a relationship that does not rise to this level but that is determined by the SBOE to create an unacceptable risk to the integrity and reputation of the PSF investment program.
(2) Any person who has a possible conflict of interest as defined in paragraph (1) of this subsection shall, upon discovery, promptly disclose the possible conflict to the commissioner and the chair and vice chair of the SBOE on a disclosure form prescribed by the commissioner.
(e) Prohibited transactions and interests. SBOE members, the commissioner, and TEA employees may not:
(1) engage in any personal securities transaction when the person has actual knowledge that the Texas PSF Corporation is trading such securities or has acquired information through his or her position that is not otherwise available to the public. An SBOE member, the commissioner, or a TEA employee may otherwise buy or sell a publicly traded security of an issuer that is held by the Texas PSF Corporation;
(2) accept or solicit any gifts, favors, services, or benefits that might reasonably tend to influence the person in the discharge of his or her duties for the PSF or that the person knows, or should know, is being offered with the intent to influence the person's conduct on behalf of the PSF;
(3) accept employment or engage in a business or professional activity while serving as an SBOE member or a TEA employee that the member or employee might reasonably expect would require or induce the member or employee to disclose confidential information acquired by reason of his or her position concerning the PSF;
(4) accept employment or compensation while serving as a member or employee that could reasonably be expected to impair the member's or employee's independence of judgment in the performance of his or her duties;
(5) make personal investments that could reasonably be expected to create a substantial conflict of interest between the member's or employee's private interest and the interests of the PSF;
(6) intentionally or knowingly solicit, accept, or agree to accept any gifts, favors, services, or benefits for the exercise of the member's or employee's authority or performance of the member's or employee's duties;
(7) purchase, sell, exchange, or lease property to or from the Texas PSF Corporation if such person holds an interest in the property (whether direct or indirect);
(8) purchase, sell, or exchange any interest in an entity with the Texas PSF Corporation if such person holds an interest in the entity (whether direct or indirect);
(9) accept offers, under any circumstances, by reason of their official position to trade in any security or other investment on terms more favorable than those available to the general investing public or, in the case of private market investments, a similarly situated investor;
(10) lend to or borrow from the Texas PSF Corporation, PSF service providers, private fund managers, or other third parties with which the Texas PSF Corporation has a business relationship, unless such entities are normally engaged in such lending in the usual course of their business, and then only on customary terms offered to others under similar circumstances to finance proper and usual activities; or
(11) act as a representative or agent of a third party, including a PSF service provider or private fund manager, in connection with the acquisition of services or an investment for the Texas PSF Corporation.
(f) Gifts and entertainment. An SBOE member, the commissioner, or a TEA employee (or the spouse, minor child, or dependent relative thereof) may not:
(1) accept any gift or benefit, unless such gift is a permissible gift as defined in subsection (g) of this section;
(2) solicit, offer, or accept a gift or benefit (for the personal benefit of the member or employee or for the benefit of a third party), regardless of whether it is a permissible gift, that the member or employee knows, or should know, is being offered or given because of the member's or employee's official position, in exchange for an official act, or with the intent to influence the member's or employee's conduct on behalf of the PSF;
(3) solicit, accept, or agree to accept an honorarium in consideration for services that the member or employee would not have been requested to provide but for his or her official position or duties;
(4) accept any gift or benefit from a lobbyist, or a person who is required to be registered as a lobbyist, that is not expressly permitted by Texas Government Code, Chapter 305; or
(5) accept a gift or benefit if the source of the gift or benefit is not identified or if the member or employee knows, or has reason to know, that a prohibited gift is being offered through an intermediary.
(g) Definition of permissible gift. The term "permissible gift" means a gift or benefit that is offered or accepted in compliance with all applicable statutes and rules and is one of the following:
(1) an occasional gift that is not cash or money, including checks, gift cards, or negotiable instruments, and does not exceed $50 in value;
(2) food, lodging, entertainment, and transportation, if accepted as a guest (i.e., the donor is present) and, if required, the member or employee reports the gift as required by law;
(3) an item is given in the context of a personal relationship, such as kinship, or a professional or business relationship that is independent of the member's or employee's official capacity; or
(4) transportation, lodging, and meals in connection with attendance at a conference or similar event in which the member or employee renders services, such as speaking, if the services are more than perfunctory.
(h) Receipt of prohibited gift. A member or employee who receives a gift that is not a permissible gift should return the gift to its source or, if that is not possible or feasible, donate the gift to a recognized tax-exempt charitable organization or governmental entity.
(i) Contributions and solicitation of support.
(1) All SBOE members, the commissioner, and TEA employees (and their respective agents) shall follow all applicable laws governing campaign contributions, including, without limitation, the rules promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission relating to political contributions by certain investment advisors.
(2) An SBOE member shall not request that a PSF service provider or private fund manager make any gift or donation to a school or other charitable interest on behalf of or at the request of a member.
(j) Compliance and enforcement.
(1) The SBOE will enforce this section through its chair or vice chair or the commissioner.
(2) Any violation of this section will be reported to the chair and vice chair of the SBOE and the commissioner, and a recommended action will be presented to the SBOE by the chair of the SBOE or the commissioner.
(3) The ethics advisor of TEA shall respond to inquiries from SBOE members, the commissioner, and TEA employees concerning the provisions of this section. The ethics advisor may confer with the general counsel.
(k) Ethics training. The SBOE shall receive annual training regarding state ethics laws through the Texas Ethics Commission or TEA's ethics advisor. TEA employees shall complete all ethics training required by TEA.

19 Tex. Admin. Code § 33.4

Adopted by Texas Register, Volume 48, Number 08, February 24, 2023, TexReg 1044, eff. 3/1/2023