S.C. Code Regs. § § 114-595

Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 9, September 27, 2024
Section 114-595 - Licensing and Enforcement
A. License.
(1) The terms of the license and the number, age and gender of children to be served will be stated on the license issued.
(2) The license shall be displayed at the facility at all times.
(3) The facility shall not deviate from the provisions specified in the license issued.
(4) The license is not transferable, is specific to the location, owner, and existing buildings at the time of licensure. However, when there is a change in ownership, in determining whether the new owner meets the requirements for issuance of a standard license, the department may accept current findings and conclusions that support issuing a standard license when the findings and conclusions were made within one year of the change in ownership.
(5) Standard License.
(a) A standard license will be issued when a facility meets all applicable regulations. A Standard License is effective for two years from the date of issuance.
(6) Standard with Temporary Waiver License.
(a) A Standard with Temporary Waiver License may be granted at the discretion of the State Director of the Agency when a facility temporarily lacks a requirement that does not affect the health and safety of children.
(b) To change the status of the license to a Standard License, the facility shall submit to the Agency written notification and evidence that the deficiency has been corrected. This documentation is subject to verification at the discretion of the Agency.
B. Inquiries.
(1) Requests for information regarding an application for a license shall be sent to the Agency. The Agency will then send a copy of the rules and regulations governing the license. Consultation will be available upon request.
C. Procedures for Application and Initial Licensing.
(1) Prior to licensure the applicant shall submit a complete initial licensure packet to the Agency. Licensure will be based on a review of this material and a visit(s) by a representative of the Agency to tour the facility, review the program, and interview staff as appropriate. The material to be submitted includes the following:
(a) A completed application form, including all forms assuring compliance with Federal and State laws;
(b) Contact information, including contact names, phone numbers and electronic mail addresses;
(c) A detailed description of why there is a need for this particular facility and any facts that support the applicant's assertion for that need;
(d) Letters of support documenting a need for the facility's services from at least three community partners, including referral sources;
(e) A copy of the charter or law establishing the facility;
(f) A copy of the constitution or bylaws;
(g) A copy of a map for the entire campus;
(h) A copy of the floor plan for each building used for sleeping;
(i) A statement of the purpose, scope of services to be provided, intake policy specifying age, sex, type of children to be accepted for care, and the geographical area from which children are accepted;
(j) A current list of governing board members, including names, positions, addresses and phone numbers for each, and committees;
(k) Documentation of reserve funds equal to the operating costs of the first six (6) months;
(l) A current budget showing anticipated income (broken down by category, e.g.: private donations, government grants, community fundraisers, etc.) and expenditures;
(m) A copy of the current policy and procedural manual;
(n) Disaster plan, including plan for transportation of children;
(o) The number of buildings and a statement regarding the general condition of the facility;
(p) Verification of local building and zoning compliance;
(q) A current fire inspection report;
(r) A current safety and sanitation inspection report;
(s) An activity plan including three months of proposed activities;
(t) Menu encompassing four weeks that has been approved by a licensed dietician;
(u) Job descriptions, including education and work experience requirements for staff and volunteer staff;
(v) Names and job titles of staff and volunteer staff, and proof of education and work experience as evidenced by completed applications or resumes;
(w) Medical examination reports for all caregivers and volunteer staff;
(x) Memorandum of Agreement on Criminal Record Checks;
(y) A fingerprint review for all group care staff and all volunteer staff;
(z) State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) criminal records checks for all group care staff and volunteer staff;
(aa) State Central Registry of Child Abuse and Neglect checks for all group care staff and volunteer staff using the approved Agency form;
(bb) The equivalent Central Registry of Child Abuse and Neglect system check for each state in which any group care staff person or volunteer staff has resided in the previous five years;
(cc) The National Sex Offender Registry for all group care staff or volunteer staff;
(dd) The state sex offender registry check for all group care staff and volunteer staff;
(ee) Documentation of orientation and training completed by each caregiver and volunteer staff;
(ff) Documentation of current nationally accredited restraint training certification for all caregivers who may restrain children; and
(gg) Documentation of current first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation certification for at least one staff member per working shift.
(2) As soon as possible after the receipt of the complete licensure packet, a representative of the Agency will visit the facility and will secure information upon which to evaluate the program in relation to licensing standards.
(3) Any deficiencies or citations noted shall be corrected prior to the issuance of the license.
(4) The Agency shall issue an initial license within 120 days of receipt of a complete licensure packet.
(5) If the facility wishes to operate a foster home or adoptive home program in addition to caring for children in residential group care; it will be necessary to submit additional information as required for a license to operate a Child Placing Agency.
D. Review and Relicensing.
(1) Once issued, as long as a group care facility remains in good standing, a license remains effective for two years. Every two years, the licensed facility shall submit the material listed below to the Agency. Continued licensing will be based on a review of this material and a visit(s) by a representative of the Agency to tour the facility, review the program, audit children's records, and interview staff and/or children as appropriate. The material to be submitted includes the following:
(a) A completed application form;
(b) An annual population report;
(c) Updated contact information, including contact names, phone numbers and electronic mail addresses;
(d) A report of any major changes in program or the physical facility planned for the coming year;
(e) A current list of governing board members, including names, positions, addresses and phone numbers for each, and committees;
(f) The most recent annual financial review by a certified public accountant, including the balance sheet;
(g) A current budget showing anticipated income (broken down by category, e.g.: private donations, government grants, community fundraisers, etc.) and expenditures;
(h) A current copy of the policy and procedural manual, if updated;
(i) Behavior intervention plan, if revised during the licensing period;
(j) Disaster plan, including plan for transportation of children;
(k) A current fire inspection report that was completed within the licensing period;
(l) Record of monthly fire drills for fire and emergency evacuation that were held at different times during the licensing period;
(m) A current safety and sanitation inspection report that was completed within the licensing period;
(n) An updated menu encompassing four weeks that has been approved by a licensed dietician, if USDA recommendations have been revised;
(o) Activity plans encompassing at least three consecutive months during the licensing period;
(p) Names and job titles of staff and volunteer staff, and proof of education and work experience as evidenced by completed applications or resumes (including staff and volunteer staff who separated during the licensing period);
(q) Medical examination reports for all caregivers and volunteer staff hired during the licensing period, including caregivers and volunteer staff who separated during the licensing period;
(r) Memorandum of Agreement on Criminal Record Checks, if there is a change in executive leadership;
(s) A fingerprint review for all group care staff and all volunteer staff, including caregivers and volunteer staff who separated during the licensing period;
(t) State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) criminal records checks completed during the licensing period for all group care staff and volunteer staff, including caregivers and volunteer staff who separated during the licensing period;
(u) State Central Registry of Child Abuse and Neglect checks completed during the licensing period for all group care staff and volunteer staff using the approved Agency form, including caregivers and volunteer staff who separated during the licensing period;
(v) The current equivalent Central Registry of Child Abuse and Neglect system check for each state in which any group care staff person or volunteer staff has resided in the previous five years, including caregivers and volunteer staff who separated during the licensing period;
(w) The National Sex Offender Registry completed during the licensing period for all group care staff or volunteer staff, including caregivers and volunteer staff who separated during the licensing period;
(x) The state sex offender registry check completed during the licensing period for all group care staff and volunteer staff, including caregivers and volunteer staff who separated during the licensing period;
(y) Documentation of orientation and training completed during the licensing period by each caregiver and volunteer staff, including caregivers and volunteer staff who separated during the licensing period;
(z) Documentation of current nationally accredited restraint training certification for all caregivers who may restrain children;
(aa) Documentation of current first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation certification for at least one staff member per working shift;
(bb) Documentation from a county building inspector may be required if the Agency suspects a new or existing building or structure poses a risk of harm to children;
(cc) Any deficiencies or required corrective actions previously cited shall be cleared prior to the renewal of the license unless otherwise approved by the Agency.
E. Agency Requests for Information.
(1) During an inspection, a facility shall provide all of the following:
(a) Any documentation of facility administration and operations requested by the Agency;
(b) Any child records requested by the Agency.
(2) A facility shall promptly respond to requests for information from the Agency, a placing agency, or any other governmental agency.
(3) A facility shall ensure that information that the facility or facility staff submits or shares with the Agency, a placing agency, or any other governmental agency is current and accurate.
F. Authorized Actions by the Agency.
(1) Licensing staff from the Agency may visit and inspect a facility without prior notice and shall be given unrestricted access to the premises to ascertain continued compliance with these requirements.
(2) The Agency shall investigate complaints to determine if the facility is meeting licensing requirements and shall take appropriate and necessary actions based on its findings.
(3) The Agency shall inform the director of the facility of any deficiencies or corrective action plans that have been implemented.
(4) If the director is the subject of the complaint, the chairman of the board or executive management, as appropriate, will be notified.
G. Denial or Revocation of a License.
(1) The Agency may refuse to issue or revoke a license to a facility/applicant who:
(a) Fails to comply with residential group care licensing regulations;
(b) Violates state or federal laws;
(c) Abuses or neglects children as defined in Section 63-7-20, S.C;
(d) Knowingly employs a person with a past or current history of child abuse or is on the South Carolina Central Registry of Child Abuse and Neglect or fails to terminate the employment once the record is known;
(e) Makes a false statement or a misrepresentation to the Agency that adversely impacts the care and safety of children;
(f) Refuses to submit licensing or child specific information or reports to the Agency as it relates to care and safety of children;
(g) Fails to cooperate, withholds information, or impedes an investigation of child abuse or neglect;
(h) Fails to provide, maintain, equip, and keep safe and sanitary the facility to care for children;
(i) Fails to provide adequate financial resources to maintain the facility;
(j) Fails to notify the Agency of any planned construction or major structural changes to the facility less than thirty (30) days prior to action;
(k) Has a demonstrable record of refusal to accept the placement of children who meet placement criteria.
(2) The Agency is empowered to seek an injunction against the continuing operation of a facility as provided in Section 63-7-1210(C):
(a) When a facility is operating without a license;
(b) When the Agency determines threat of harm to children in the facility.
(3) Written notice shall be given to an applicant or facility by certified mail or hand delivered by an Agency representative, if the license is revoked or denied.
(4) Upon receipt of a notice of revocation of the facility license and during any revocation proceedings that may result, the facility may not admit a child as a resident.
(5) Any facility whose application has been denied or revoked, may request a hearing within thirty (30) days of receipt of notification of the Agency's decision. Requests for appeals shall be forwarded to the Agency, Office of Administrative Appeals.
H. Termination of License.
(1) A Standard License expires automatically at the end of twelve months from the date of the issuance of the license unless renewed prior to that date.
(2) Standard License with Waivers may be granted for non-safety related items.
I. Effective Date.

This Regulation shall become effective on September 12, 2021.

S.C. Code Regs. § 114-595

Added by South Carolina State Register Volume 20, Issue No. 4, eff April 26, 1996; State Register Volume 45, Issue No. 05, eff. 5/28/2021; State Register Volume 47, Issue No. 05, eff. 5/26/2023.

Statutory Authority: S.C. Code Section 20-7-2250