52 Pa. Code § 1.8

Current through Register Vol. 54, No. 38, September 21, 2024
Section 1.8 - Definitions
(a) Subject to additional definitions contained in subsequent sections which are applicable to specific chapters or subchapters, the following words and terms, when used in this subpart, have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

Act-66 Pa.C.S. § § 101-3315 (relating to the Public Utility Code).

Adjudication-An order, decree, decision, determination or ruling by the Commission affecting personal or property rights, privileges, immunities, duties, liabilities or obligations of the parties to the proceeding in which the adjudication is made.

Applicants-In proceedings involving applications for permission or authorization which the Commission may give under statutory or other authority delegated to it, the parties on whose behalf the applications are made.

Adversarial proceeding-A proceeding initiated by a person to seek authority, approvals, tariff changes, enforcement, fines, remedies or other relief from the Commission which is contested by one or more other persons and which will be decided on the basis of a formal record.

Authorized agent-A person with permission to legally act on behalf of the filing user.

Confirmation of receipt-A notification generated by the electronic filing system upon receipt of a filing.

Electronic filing or filed electronically-Filing by means of the Commission's electronic filing system.

Electronic filing system-The Commission's automated system that receives and stores documents filed in electronic form. This system is part of the Commission's Information Management and Access Project.

Electronic mail-A means of dispatching or receiving a submittal in relation to a Commission matter through electronic means.

Filing user-A person who has registered to use the electronic filing system in accordance with the registration instructions available on the Commission's web site at http://www.puc.state.pa.us/ and who has obtained a user ID and password.

Filing user ID-The distinct code assigned by the Commission to an individual for use in the Commission's electronic filing system and deemed to be the individual's signature.

Formal complaint-A verified written document filed with the Commission under 66 Pa.C.S. § 701 (relating to complaints) requesting a legal proceeding before a presiding officer or a mediator.

Formal investigation-A matter initiated by the Commission or Commission staff that results in a formal record.

Formal proceeding-A matter intended to produce a formal record.

Formal record-The pleadings and submittals in a matter or proceeding, a notice or Commission order initiating the matter or proceeding, and if a hearing is held, the following: the designation of the presiding officer, transcript of hearing, exhibits received in evidence, offers of proof, motions, stipulations, subpoenas, proofs of service, references to the Commission and determinations made by the Commission thereon, certifications to the Commission, and anything else upon which action of the presiding officer or the Commission may be based.

Friendly cross-examination-Cross-examination of a witness by a party who does not disagree with the witness' position on an issue.

Individual-A natural person.

Informal complaint-A document or communication to the Commission seeking action on a matter that lacks the legal or other requirements of a formal complaint under 66 Pa.C.S. § 701 and does not involve a legal proceeding before a presiding officer or mediator.

Informal investigation-A matter initiated by the Commission staff that may result in a formal complaint, a settlement or other resolution of the matter or termination by letter.

Informal proceeding-A matter not intended to produce a formal record.

Initial decision-A decision by a presiding officer which becomes final unless timely exceptions are filed by a participant, the Commission requests review upon its own motion or as otherwise established by the act.

Intervenor-A person intervening or petitioning to intervene as a party as provided by § § 5.71-5.76 (relating to intervention).

Mediation-An informal, nonadjudicative Commission process through which a Commission-designated mediator assists the parties in an attempt to reach a mutually acceptable resolution.

Mediator-An individual designated to conduct a mediation.

Nonadversarial proceeding-A proceeding initiated by a person which is not contested or a proceeding initiated by the Commission or at the request of a person to develop regulations, policies, procedures, technical rules or interpretations of law.

Notarial officer-An officer authorized under § 5.346 (relating to persons before whom depositions may be taken) to take depositions for use before the Commission or presiding officer.

PDF-Portable Document Format.

Party-A person who appears in a proceeding before the Commission.

Person-Except as otherwise provided in this subpart or in the act, the term includes individuals, corporations, partnerships, associations, joint ventures, other business organizations, trusts, trustees, legal representatives, receivers, agencies, governmental entities, municipalities, municipal corporations or other political subdivisions.

Petitioners-Persons seeking relief, not otherwise designated in this section.

Pleading-An application, complaint, petition, answer, motion, preliminary objection, protest, reply, order to show cause, new matter and reply to new matter or other similar document filed in a formal proceeding.

Presiding officer-A person designated by the Commission to preside over a matter.

Principal-A party with power to authorize its counsel to enter into stipulations or settlement agreements.

Proof of service-A certificate of service which complies with § § 1.57 and 1.58 (relating to proof of service; and form of certificate of service).

Protestants-Persons objecting on the ground of private or public interest to the approval of an application or other matter which the Commission may have under consideration.

Qualified document-A document that is listed in the categories of documents that are permitted to be filed electronically in accordance with the instructions on the Commission's web site at http://www.puc.state.pa.us/ and that complies with the filing requirements and restrictions in § 1.32(b) (relating to filing specifications).

Rate proceeding-An on the record proceeding brought by or before the Commission, the purpose of which is to determine the justness and reasonableness of a proposed or present rate for utility service, including, but not limited to, proceedings initiated under sections 1307, 1308, 1310 and 1312 of the act.

Recommended decision-An opinion and order submitted for the approval of the Commission by the presiding officer.

Respondents-Persons subject to a statute or other delegated authority administered by the Commission, who are required to respond to an order or notice issued by the Commission instituting a proceeding or investigation on its own initiative or otherwise.

Secretary-The Secretary of the Commission, who is the Commission officer with whom pleadings and other documents are filed and by whom official records are kept.

Staff-The Commission's Office of Trial Staff prosecutor or Law Bureau staff counsel and other Commission employees participating in a proceeding before the agency.

Statutory advocate-The Office of Trial Staff, the Office of Consumer Advocate and the Office of Small Business Advocate.

Submittal-An application, amendment, exhibit or similar document involving matters filed in an adversarial or nonadversarial proceeding.

Telefacsimile transmittal-A means of dispatching or receiving a submittal in a Commission matter through electronic means that prints a hard copy facsimile of a document in a legible form at the recipient's machine.

Tentative decision-An order of the Commission which becomes final unless exceptions are filed by a party within the time period specified by statute or as set forth in the order.

Trade secret-A private formula, pattern, device, cost study or compilation of information which is used in a business and which, if disclosed, would provide the opportunity to obtain an advantage over competitors who do not know or use it.

Verification-When used in reference to a written statement of fact by the signer, means supported by oath or affirmation or made subject to the penalties of 18 Pa.C.S. § 4904 (relating to unsworn falsification to authorities).

Writing or written-Applies to documents filed in paper form and documents filed electronically.

(b) Subsection (a) supersedes 1 Pa. Code § 31.3 (relating to definitions).

52 Pa. Code § 1.8

The provisions of this §1.8 adopted October 12, 1984, effective 1/1/1985, 14 Pa.B. 3819; amended December 2, 1988, effective 1/3/1989, 18 Pa.B. 5451; amended January 24, 1997, effective 1/25/1997, 25 Pa.B. 414; amended April 28, 2006, effective 4/29/2006, 36 Pa.B. 2097; amended September 26, 2008, effective 9/27/2008, 38 Pa.B. 5303; amended September 20, 2013, effective 9/21/2013, 43 Pa.B. 5593.

The provisions of this §1.8 amended under the Public Utility Code, 66 Pa.C.S. § § 309-311, 315, 331-335, 501, 504-506, 523, 701-703, 1101-1103, 1301, 1501 and 1504.

This section cited in 52 Pa. Code § 63.322 (relating to definitions).