25 Pa. Code § 86.17

Current through Register Vol. 54, No. 40, October 5, 2024
Section 86.17 - Permit and reclamation fees
(a) A permit application for coal mining activities shall be accompanied by a payment to the "Commonwealth of Pennsylvania" for the amount of the permit application fee provided in the fee schedule in subsection (b) which corresponds to the type of application being submitted. For purposes of this subsection, permit applications include the applications in subsection (b).
(b) The permit application fee schedule is as follows:

(1) New PermitsFee
Surface Mining Permit $3,250
Coal Refuse Reprocessing Permit $1,900
Coal Refuse Disposal Permit $3,250
Coal Preparation Plant Permit $1,650
Anthracite Underground Mining Permit $1,650
Bituminous Underground Mining Permit $5,750
Post Mining Activity Permit $300
Incidental Extraction Permit $1,650

(2) Major Permit RevisionsFee
Surface Mining Permit $300
Coal Refuse Reprocessing Permit $300
Anthracite Coal Refuse Disposal Permit $300
Bituminous Coal Refuse Disposal Permit $1,250
Anthracite Coal Preparation Plant Permit $300
Bituminous Coal Preparation Plant Permit $1,250
Anthracite Coal Underground Mining Permit $300
Bituminous Coal Underground Mining Permit $1,250

(3) Permit TransferFee
All $250

(4) Permit RenewalFee
All $250

(5) Other ActionsFee
Auger Safety Permit $200
Bond Liability Revision $100

(c) For surface coal mine facilities, coal refuse reprocessing facilities and coal mining activity facilities, except for bituminous underground mines, permit application fees collected will be deposited in the Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Fund. Permit application fees collected for bituminous underground mines will be deposited in the Bituminous Mine Subsidence and Land Reclamation Fund. For coal refuse disposal facilities, permit application fees collected will be deposited in the Coal Refuse Disposal Control Fund. Permit application fees required under this section will be used by the Department to cover its costs to review permit applications.
(d) The Department will review the adequacy of the permit application fees in this section at least once every 3 years and provide a written report to the EQB. The report will identify any disparity between the amount of program income generated by the fees and the costs to administer these programs and contain recommendations to increase fees to eliminate the disparity, including recommendations for regulatory amendments to increase program fees.
(e) In addition to the bond established under §§ 86.143, 86.145, 86.149 and 86.150 and subject to the exception provided for in § 86.283(c) (relating to procedures), the applicant for a permit or a permit amendment shall pay a per acre reclamation fee for surface mining activities except for the surface effects of underground mining. This reclamation fee will be assessed for each acre of the approved operational area and shall be paid by the applicant prior to the Department's issuance of a surface mining permit. If a permit amendment results in an increase in the approved operational area, the reclamation fee will be assessed on the increased acreage and shall be paid by the operator prior to the Department's issuance of the permit amendment.
(1) The reclamation fee will be deposited into a separate subaccount within the Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Fund called the Reclamation Fee O&M Trust Account, as a supplement to bonds forfeited from ABS Legacy Sites. The reclamation fee will be used by the Department to pay the construction costs and operation and maintenance costs associated with treating postmining pollutional discharges at ABS Legacy Sites, and the moneys may not be used for any other purpose. The interest earned on the moneys in the Reclamation Fee O&M Trust Account will be deposited into the Reclamation Fee O&M Trust Account and will be used by the Department to pay the construction costs and operation and maintenance costs associated with treating postmining pollutional discharges at ABS Legacy Sites. The interest may not be used for any other purpose. For purposes of this section, operation and maintenance costs include recapitalization costs.
(2) After the end of each fiscal year, the Department will prepare a fiscal-year report containing a financial analysis of the revenue and expenditures of the Reclamation Fee O&M Trust Account for the past fiscal year and the projected revenues and expenditures for the current fiscal year. The report will include the Department's calculation of the required amount of the reclamation fee, the proposed adjustment of the reclamation fee amount and information necessary for determining the need to supplement the funding of the Reclamation Fee O&M Trust Account, including an estimate of the reclamation fee for the calendar year immediately following the current fiscal year. The need to supplement the funding of the Reclamation Fee O&M Trust Account will be based on the need to provide for long-term operations at ABS Legacy Sites. The fiscal-year report will be submitted to the members of the Mining and Reclamation Advisory Board for their review and comment and will be published on the Department's web site. Notice of the report's availability will be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. The Department will review the fiscal-year report at a meeting of the Mining and Reclamation Advisory Board.
(3) The amount of the reclamation fee shall be $100 per acre until December 31, 2009. Commencing January 1, 2010, and continuing until either a permanent alternative funding source is established or the ABS Legacy Sites Trust Account is actuarially sound, the reclamation fee will be adjusted as necessary to ensure that there are sufficient revenues to maintain a balance in the Reclamation Fee O&M Trust Account of at least $3,000,000.
(i) The reclamation fee will be used until the ABS Legacy Sites Trust Account is actuarially sound unless an alternative permanent funding source in lieu of the reclamation fee is used to fund the Reclamation Fee O&M Trust Account.
(ii) Until the ABS Legacy Sites Trust Account is actuarially sound, the alternative permanent funding source must provide sufficient revenues to maintain a balance in the Reclamation Fee O&M Trust Account of at least $3,000,000 and to pay the annual operation and maintenance costs for treating postmining pollutional discharges at the ABS Legacy Sites. Funds that are not needed for annual operation and maintenance or to maintain the $3,000,000 balance may be deposited into the ABS Legacy Sites Trust Account.
(4) Commencing January 1, 2010, and continuing until the ABS Legacy Sites Trust Account is actuarially sound, the amount of the reclamation fee will be annually calculated and, if necessary, will be adjusted in multiples of $50 based on the following factors:
(i) The current balance in the Reclamation Fee O&M Trust Account.
(ii) The total amount of revenue into the trust account during the previous fiscal year from collection of the reclamation fee, the interest accrued by the Reclamation Fee O&M Trust Account, the deposits of civil penalties into the trust account and deposits from other sources of moneys into the trust account.
(iii) The amount of ongoing operation and maintenance costs incurred by the Reclamation Fee O&M Trust Account during previous fiscal years.
(iv) The projected number of acres subject to the reclamation fee during the current fiscal year.
(v) The projected amount of revenue into the Reclamation Fee O&M Trust Account during the current fiscal year from projected interest accrued by the trust account, projected deposits of civil penalties and projected deposits of moneys from other sources.
(vi) The projected expenditures of the Reclamation Fee O&M Trust Account for operation and maintenance costs for the current fiscal year.
(5) Following the Department's review of its calculation of the required reclamation fee amount at a public meeting of the Mining and Reclamation Advisory Board under paragraph (2), the Department will publish the adjustment in the required amount of the reclamation fee in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. Adjustments to the amount of the reclamation fee will become effective upon publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. The Department's determination of the required amount of the reclamation fee under paragraphs (3) and (4) will be a final action of the Department appealable to the EHB.
(6) The Department will cease to assess and collect the reclamation fee when the ABS Legacy Sites Trust Account established under § 86.187(a) (relating to use of money) becomes actuarially sound. The ABS Legacy Sites Trust Account will become actuarially sound when the following conditions are met:
(i) Financial guarantees sufficient to cover reclamation costs, including the costs to treat each discharge in perpetuity, have been approved by the Department for all mine sites permitted under the primacy alternate bonding system.
(ii) Construction of the necessary discharge treatment facilities has been completed at the ABS Legacy Sites.
(iii) The ABS Legacy Sites Trust Account, combined with the Reclamation Fee O&M Trust Account, contains funds which generate interest at a rate and in an amount sufficient to pay the annual operation and maintenance costs for treating postmining pollutional discharges at the ABS Legacy Sites.

25 Pa. Code § 86.17

The provisions of this §86.17 amended under sections 4(a), (d) and (d.2) and 4.2 of the Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act (52 P. S. §§ 1396.4(a), (d) and (d.2) and 1396.4b); section 7 of the Bituminous Mine Subsidence and Land Conservation Act (52 P. S. § 1406.7); section 5 of The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. § 691.5); section 3.2 of the Coal Refuse Disposal Control Act (52 P. S § 30.53b); section 1920-A of The Administrative Code of 1929 (71 P. S. § 510-20); and PA. CONST. ART. 1, § 27.

This section cited in 25 Pa. Code § 86.162b (relating to Land Reclamation Financial Guarantees); 25 Pa. Code § 86.187 (relating to use of money); 25 Pa. Code § 86.283 (relating to procedures); and 25 Pa. Code § 88.381 (relating to general requirements).