Or. Admin. R. 436-010-0008

Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 9, September 1, 2024
Section 436-010-0008 - Request for Review before the Director
(a) Except as otherwise provided in ORS 656.704, the director has exclusive jurisdiction to resolve all disputes concerning medical fees, nonpayment of compensable medical bills, and medical service and treatment disputes arising under ORS 656.245, 656.247, 656.248, 656.260, 656.325, and 656.327. Disputes about whether a medical service provided after a worker is medically stationary is compensable within the meaning of ORS 656.245(1)(c), or whether a medical treatment is unscientific, unproven, outmoded, or experimental under ORS 656.245(3), are subject to administrative review before the director.
(b) As provided in ORS 656.704(3)(b), the following disputes are in the jurisdiction of the board and will be transferred:
(A) A dispute that requires a determination of the compensability of the medical condition for which medical services are proposed; and
(B) A dispute that requires a determination of whether a sufficient causal relationship exists between medical services and an accepted claim.
(c) A party does not need to be represented to participate in the administrative review before the director.
(d) Any party may request that the director provide voluntary mediation or alternative dispute resolution after a request for administrative review or hearing is filed.
(e) All issues pertaining to disagreements about medical services within a managed care organization (MCO), including disputes under ORS 656.245(4)(a) about whether a change of provider will be medically detrimental to the worker, are subject to ORS 656.260. A party dissatisfied with an action or decision of the MCO must first apply for and complete the internal dispute resolution process within the MCO before requesting an administrative review of the matter before the director.
(f) The director may, on the director's own motion, initiate a review of medical services or medical treatment at any time.
(g) If the director issues an order declaring an already rendered medical treatment or medical service inappropriate, or otherwise in violation of the statute or medical rules, the worker is not obligated to pay for such.
(h) A request for administrative review under this rule may also be filed as prescribed in OAR 438-005.
(2)Time Frames and Conditions.
(a) The following time frames and conditions apply to requests for administrative review before the director under this rule:
(A) For MCO-enrolled claims, a party that disagrees with an action or decision of the MCO must first use the MCO's dispute resolution process. If the party does not appeal the MCO's decision using the MCO's dispute resolution process, in writing and within 30 days of the mailing date of the decision, the party will lose all rights to further appeal the decision unless the party can show good cause. Good cause means circumstances that are outside the control of a party or circumstances that are considered to be extenuating by the division. When the aggrieved party is a represented worker, and the worker's attorney has given written notice of representation to the insurer, the 30-day time frame begins when the attorney receives written notice or has actual knowledge of the MCO decision. When a party mistakenly sends an appeal of an MCO action or decision to the division, the division will forward the appeal to the MCO. The MCO must use the original mailing date of the appeal mistakenly sent to the division when determining timeliness of the appeal.
(B) For MCO-enrolled claims, if a party disagrees with the final action or decision of the MCO, the aggrieved party must request administrative review before the director within 60 days of the MCO's final decision. When the aggrieved party is a represented worker, and the worker's attorney had given written notice of representation to the insurer at the time the MCO issued its decision, the 60-day time frame begins when the MCO issues its final decision to the attorney. If a party has been denied access to the MCO dispute resolution process, or the process has not been completed for reasons beyond a party's control, the party may request director review within 60 days of the failure of the MCO process. If the MCO does not have a process for resolving a particular type of dispute, the insurer or the MCO must advise the medical provider or worker that they may request review before the director.
(C) For claims not enrolled in an MCO, or for disputes that do not involve an action or decision of an MCO, the aggrieved party must request administrative review before the director within 90 days of the date the party knew, or should have known, there was a dispute. When the aggrieved party is a represented worker, and the worker's attorney has given written notice of representation to the insurer, the 90-day time frame begins when the attorney receives written notice or has actual knowledge of the dispute. For purposes of this rule, the date the insurer should have known of the dispute is the date action on the bill was due. For disputes regarding interim medical benefits on denied claims, the date the insurer should have known of the dispute is no later than one year from the claim denial, or 45 days after the bill is perfected, whichever occurs last.
(b) Medical provider bills for treatment or services that are under review before the director are not payable during the review.
(3)Form and Required Information.
(a) Requests for administrative review before the director should be made on Form 2842 as described in Bulletin 293. When an insurer or a worker's representative submits a request without the required information, the director may dismiss the request or hold initiation of the administrative review until the required information is submitted. Unrepresented workers may ask the director for help in meeting the filing requirements. The requesting party must simultaneously notify all other interested parties and their representatives, if known, of the dispute. The notice must:
(A) Identify the worker's name, date of injury, insurer, and claim number;
(B) Specify the issues in dispute and the relief sought; and
(C) Provide the specific dates of the unpaid disputed treatment or services.
(b) In addition to medical evidence relating to the dispute, all parties may submit other relevant information, including written factual information, sworn affidavits, or legal argument, for incorporation into the record. Such information may also include timely written responses and other evidence to rebut the documentation and arguments of an opposing party. The director may take or obtain additional evidence consistent with statute, such as pertinent medical treatment and payment records. The director may also interview parties to the dispute, or consult with an appropriate committee of the medical provider's peers. When a party receives a written request for additional information from the director, the party must respond within 14 days.
(c) When a request for administrative review is filed under ORS 656.247, 656.260, or 656.327, the insurer must provide a record packet, at no charge, to the director and all other parties or their representatives as follows:
(A) The packet must include a complete copy of the worker's medical record and other documents that are arguably related to the medical dispute, arranged in chronological order, with oldest documents on top. The packet must include the following notice in bold type:

We hereby notify you that the director is being asked to review the medical care of this worker. The director may issue an order that could affect reimbursement for the disputed medical service(s).

(B) If the insurer requests review, the packet must accompany the request, with copies sent simultaneously to the other parties.
(C) If the requesting party is not the insurer, or if the director has initiated the review, the director will request the record from the insurer. The insurer must provide the record within 14 days of the director's request as described in this rule.
(D) If the insurer fails to submit the record in the time and format specified in this rule, the director may sanction the insurer under OAR 436-010-0340.
(E) Except for disputes regarding interim medical benefits, the packet must include certification that there is or is not an issue of compensability or causation under subsection (1)(b) of this rule. If the insurer issued a denial that has been reversed by the board or the Court of Appeals, the insurer must provide a statement regarding its intention, if known, to accept or appeal the decision.
(4)Physician Review (E.g., appropriateness). If the director determines a review by a physician is indicated to resolve the dispute, the director, under OAR 436-010-0330, may appoint an appropriate medical service provider or panel of providers to review the medical records and, if necessary, examine the worker and perform any necessary and reasonable medical tests, other than invasive tests. Notwithstanding ORS 656.325(1), if the worker is required by the director to submit to a medical exam as part of the administrative review process, the worker may refuse an invasive test without sanction.
(a) A single physician selected to conduct a review must be a practitioner of the same healing art and specialty, if practicable, of the medical service provider whose treatment or service is being reviewed.
(b) When a panel of physicians is selected, at least one panel member must be a practitioner of the same healing art and specialty, if practicable, of the medical service provider whose treatment or service is being reviewed.
(c) When such an exam of the worker is required, the director will notify the appropriate parties of the date, time, and location of the exam. Examinations will be at a place reasonably convenient to the worker, if possible. The parties must not directly contact the physician or panel unless it relates to the exam date, time, location, or attendance. If the parties have special questions they want addressed by the physician or panel, the questions must be submitted to the director for screening as to the appropriateness of the questions. Matters not related to the issues before the director are inappropriate for medical review and will not be submitted to the reviewing physician(s). The exam may include, but is not limited to:
(A) A review of all medical records and diagnostic tests submitted,
(B) An examination of the worker, and
(C) Any necessary and reasonable medical tests.
(5)Dispute Resolution by Agreement (E.g., Alternative Dispute Resolution).
(a) A dispute may be resolved by agreement between the parties to the dispute. The agreement must be in writing and approved by the director. The director may issue a letter of agreement instead of an administrative order, which will become final on the 10th day after the letter of agreement is issued unless the agreement specifies otherwise. Once the agreement becomes final, the director may revise the agreement or reinstate the review only under one or more of the following conditions:
(A) A party fails to honor the agreement;
(B) The agreement was based on misrepresentation;
(C) Implementation of the agreement is not feasible because of unforeseen circumstances; or
(D) All parties request revision or reinstatement of the dispute.
(b) Any mediated agreement may include an agreement on attorney fees, if any, to be paid to the worker's attorney.
(c) If the dispute does not resolve through mediation or alternative dispute resolution, the director will issue an order. If the dispute is not resolved by agreement and if the director determines that no bona fide dispute exists in a claim not enrolled in an MCO, the director will issue an order under ORS 656.327(1). If any party disagrees with an order of the director that no bona fide medical dispute exists, the party may appeal the order to the Workers' Compensation Board within 30 days of the mailing date of the order. Upon review, the order of the director may be modified only if it is not supported by substantial evidence in the record developed by the director.
(6)Director Order and Reconsideration.
(a) The director may, on the director's own motion, reconsider or withdraw any order that has not become final by operation of law. A party also may request reconsideration of an administrative order upon an allegation of error, omission, misapplication of law, incomplete record, or the discovery of new information that could not reasonably have been discovered and produced during the review. The director may grant or deny a request for reconsideration at the director's sole discretion. A request must be received by the director before the administrative order becomes final.
(b) During any reconsideration of the administrative order, the parties may submit new material evidence consistent with this rule and may respond to such evidence submitted by others.
(c) Any party requesting reconsideration or responding to a reconsideration request must simultaneously notify all other interested parties of its contentions and provide them with copies of all additional information presented.
(d) Attorney fees in administrative review will be awarded as provided in ORS 656.385(1) and OAR 436-001-0400 through 436-001-0440.
(a) Any party that disagrees with an action or administrative order under these rules may obtain review of the action or order by filing a request for hearing as provided in OAR 436-001-0019 within 30 days of the mailing date of the action or order under ORS 656.245, 656.248, 656.260, or 656.327, or within 60 days of the mailing date of an action or order under ORS 656.247. OAR 436-001 applies to the hearing.
(b) In the review of orders issued under ORS 656.245, 656.247, 656.260(15) or (16), or 656.327(2), no new medical evidence or issues will be admitted at hearing. In these reviews, an administrative order may be modified at hearing only if it is not supported by substantial evidence in the record or if it reflects an error of law.
(c) Contested case hearings of sanctions and civil penalties: Under ORS 656.740, any party that disagrees with a proposed order or proposed assessment of a civil penalty issued by the director under ORS 656.254 or 656.745 may request a hearing by the board as follows:
(A) A written request for a hearing must be mailed or submitted to the division. The request must specify the grounds upon which the proposed order or assessment is contested.
(B) The request must be mailed or submitted to the division within 60 days after the mailing date of the order or notice of assessment.
(C) The division will forward the request and other pertinent information to the board.
(8)Other Proceedings.
(a) Any party seeking an action or decision by the director, or any party aggrieved by an action taken by another party not covered under sections (1) through (7) of this rule, may request administrative review before the director.
(b) A written request for review must be sent to the division within 90 days of the disputed action and must specify the grounds upon which the action is contested.
(c) The division may require and allow such input and information as it deems appropriate to complete the review.

Or. Admin. R. 436-010-0008

WCD 1-1990, f. 1-5-90, cert. ef. 2-1-90; WCD 12-1990(Temp), f. 6-20-90, cert. ef. 7-1-90; WCD 30-1990, f. 12-10-90, cert. ef. 12-26-90; WCD 13-1994, f. 12-20-94, cert. ef. 2-1-95; WCD 18-1995(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 12-4-95; WCD 12-1996, f. 5-6-96, cert. ef. 6-1-96; WCD 11-1998, f. 12-16-98, cert. ef. 1-1-99; WCD 13-1999(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 10-25-99 thru 4-21-00; WCD 3-2000, f. 4-3-00, cert. ef. 4-21-00; WCD 13-2001, f. 12-17-01, cert. ef. 1-1-02; WCD 9-2002, f. 9-27-02, cert. ef. 11-1-02; WCD 14-2003(Temp), f. 12-15-03, cert. ef. 1-1-04 thru 6-28-04; WCD 3-2004, f. 3-5-04 cert. ef. 4-1-04; WCD 2-2005, f. 3-24-05, cert. ef. 4-1-05; WCD 8-2005, f. 12-6-05, cert. ef. 1-1-06; WCD 2-2008, f. 6-13-08, cert. ef. 6-30-08; WCD 3-2009, f. 12-1-09, cert. ef. 1-1-10; WCD 5-2015, f. 8-20-15, cert. ef. 10/1/2015; WCD 1-2016, f. 3-7-16, cert. ef. 4/1/2016; WCD 5-2018, amend filed 03/15/2018, effective 4/1/2018; WCD 2-2019, amend filed 03/11/2019, effective 4/1/2019; WCD 12-2019, amend filed 12/18/2019, effective 1/1/2020

Matrices referenced are available from the agency.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 656.726(4)

Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 656.245, 656.248, 656.252, 656.254, 656.256, 656.260, 656.268, 656.313, 656.325, 656.327, 656.331 & 656.704