Or. Admin. R. 413-070-0540

Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 9, September 1, 2024
Section 413-070-0540 - Determination of APPLA as a Permanency Plan
(1) When the Department is considering a change in the permanency plan of a child or young adult, the Department makes the determination pursuant to OAR 413-070-0500 to 413-070-0519.
(2) Prior to the permanency committee, when APPLA - permanent foster care is being considered as the most appropriate permanency plan for a child or young adult, the caseworker must:
(a) Meet with the substitute caregiver to:
(A) Assess interest in and commitment to a permanent foster care agreement with each substitute caregiver as long as APPLA - permanent foster care is the permanency plan for the child or young adult; and
(B) Review the requirements, responsibilities, and approval process for the permanent foster care agreement with each substitute caregiver.
(b) Meet with the child or young adult, as developmentally appropriate and, at the option of the child or young adult, up to two members of the case planning team who are chosen by the child or young adult to assess interest in APPLA - permanent foster care as the permanency plan.

Or. Admin. R. 413-070-0540

CWP 15-2006, f. 6-30-06, cert. ef. 7-1-06; CWP 17-2009, f. & cert. ef. 11-3-09; CWP 13-2010(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 7-1-10 thru 12-28-10; CWP 28-2010, f. & cert. ef. 12-29-10; CWP 17-2015, f. 9-28-15, cert. ef. 10/1/2015

Stat. Auth.: ORS 418.005

Stats Implemented: ORS 418.005, 418.937, 418.941, 419A.004