Or. Admin. R. 141-085-0510

Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 9, September 1, 2024
Section 141-085-0510 - Definitions

The following definitions are used in addition to those in ORS 196.600 to 196.990.

(1) "Applicant" means a landowner, a person authorized by a landowner to conduct a removal or fill activity, or a person that proposes a removal or fill activity for construction or maintenance of a linear facility.
(2) "Aquatic Life and Habitats" means the aquatic environment including all fish, wildlife, amphibians, plants and other biota dependent upon environments created and supported by the waters of this state. Aquatic life includes communities and species populations that are adapted to aquatic habitats for at least a portion of their life.
(3) "Aquatic Resources of Special Concern" means waters of this state that provide functions, values and habitats that are limited in quantity because they are naturally rare or have been disproportionately lost due to prior impacts. These include alkali wetlands and lakes, bogs, cold water habitat, fens, hot springs, interdunal wetlands, kelp beds, mature forested wetlands, native eelgrass beds, off-channel habitats (alcoves and side channels), ultramafic soil wetlands, vernal pools, wet prairies, wooded tidal wetlands, and others as determined by the Department.
(4) "Artificial Means" means the purposeful movement or placement of material by humans and/or their machines.
(5) "Authorization" means an individual permit, general authorization, general permit or emergency authorization.
(6) "Bankfull Stage" means the two-year recurrence interval flood elevation.
(7) "Baseline Conditions" means the ecological conditions, wetland functions and values and the soils and hydrological characteristics present at a site before any change by the applicant is made.
(8) "Basin" means one of the eighteen (18) Oregon drainage basins identified by the Oregon Water Resources Department as shown on maps published by that agency.
(9) "Beds" means:
(a) For the purpose of OAR 141-089, the land within the wet perimeter and any adjacent non-vegetated dry gravel bar; and
(b) For all other purposes, "beds" means that portion of a waterway that carries water when water is present.
(10) "Beds or Banks" means the physical container of the waters of this state, bounded on freshwater bodies by the ordinary high water line or bankfull stage, and in tidal bays and estuaries by the limits of the highest measured tide. The "bed" is typically the horizontal section and includes non-vegetated gravel bars. The "bank" is typically the vertical portion.
(11) "Buffer" means an area immediately adjacent to or surrounding a water of this state that is set aside to protect the water of this state from conflicting adjacent land uses and to support ecological functions. The buffer area may include upland, wetland, or other waters.
(12) "Channel" means a natural (perennial or intermittent stream) or human made (e.g., drainage ditch) waterway that periodically or continuously contains moving water and has a defined bed and bank that serve to confine the water.
(13) "Channel Relocation" means a change in location of a channel in which a new channel is dug and the flow is diverted from the old channel into the new channel.
(14) "Coastal Zone" means the area lying between the Washington border on the north to the California border on the south, bounded on the west by the extent of this state's jurisdiction as recognized by federal law, and the east by the crest of the coastal mountain range, excepting:
(a) The Umpqua River basin, where the coastal zone extends to Scottsburg;
(b) The Rogue River basin, where the coastal zone extends to Agness; and
(c) The Columbia River basin, where the coastal zone extends to the downstream end of Puget Island.
(15) "Coastal Zone Certification Statement" means a signed statement by the applicant or an authorized agent indicating that the proposed project will be undertaken in a manner consistent with the applicable enforceable policies of the Oregon Coastal Management Program.
(16) "Commercial Operator" means any person undertaking a project having financial profit as a goal.
(17) "Compensatory Mitigation (CM)" means activities conducted by a permittee or third party to create, restore, enhance or preserve the functions and values of the waters of this state to compensate for the removal-fill related adverse impacts of project development to waters of this state or to resolve violations of ORS 196.800 to 196.905. Compensatory mitigation for removal-fill activities does not affect permit requirements of other state departments.
(18) "Compensatory Non-Wetland Mitigation (CNWM)" means activities conducted by a permittee or third party to replace non-wetland water functions and values through enhancement, creation, restoration or preservation to compensate for the adverse effects of project development or to resolve violations of ORS 196.600 to 196.905.
(19) "Compensatory Wetland Mitigation (CWM)" means activities conducted by a permittee or third party to create, restore or enhance wetland and tidal waters functions and values through enhancement, creation, restoration or preservation to compensate for the adverse effects of project development or to resolve violations of ORS 196.600 to 196.905.
(20) "Comprehensive Plan" means a generalized, coordinated land use map and associated regulations and ordinances of the governing body of a local government.
(21) "Condition" refers to the state of a water's naturalness or ecological integrity.
(22) "Converted Wetlands" means agriculturally managed wetlands that, on or before June 30, 1989, were brought into commercial agricultural production by diking, draining, leveling, filling or any similar hydrologic manipulation and by removal or manipulation of natural vegetation, and that are managed for commercial agricultural purposes. "Converted wetlands" does not include any stream, slough, ditched creek, spring, lake or any other waters of this state that are located within or adjacent to a converted wetland area.
(23) "Cowardin" means Cowardin, L. M., V. Carter, F. C. Golet, E. T. LaRoe. 1979. Classification of wetlands and deepwater habitats of the United States, U. S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C.
(24) "Creation" means to convert an upland area that has never been a water of this state to a water of this state.
(25) "Credit" means the measure of the increase in the functions and values of the water resources of this state achieved at a mitigation site.
(26) "Day of Violation" means the first day and each day thereafter on which there is a failure to comply with any provision of the Removal-Fill Law, ORS 196.600 through 196.990, or rules adopted by the Department, or any order or authorization issued by the Department.
(27) "Deep Ripping, Tiling and Moling" refers to certain specific mechanical methods used to promote subsurface drainage of agricultural wetlands.
(28) "Degraded" refers to a water of this state with diminished functions and values. For a wetland, degradation must include hydrologic manipulation (such as diking, draining, or filling) that demonstrably interferes with the normal functioning of wetland processes.
(29) "Department" means the Oregon Department of State Lands and the Director or designee.
(30) "Ditch" means a manmade water conveyance channel. Channels that are manipulated streams are not considered ditches.
(31) "Dredging" means removal of bed material using other than hand-held tools.
(32) "Ecologically or Environmentally Preferable" means compensatory mitigation that has a higher likelihood of replacing functions and values or improving water resources of this state.
(33) "Emergency" means natural or human-caused circumstances that pose an immediate threat to public health, safety or substantial property including crop or farmland.
(34) "Enhancement" means to improve the condition and increase the functions and values of an existing degraded wetland or other water of this state.
(35) "Erosion-Flood Repair" means the placement of riprap or any other work necessary to protect existing facilities and land from flood and high stream flows, in accordance with these regulations.
(36) "Essential Indigenous Anadromous Salmonid Habitat (ESH)" means the streams designated pursuant to ORS 196.810 that are necessary to prevent the depletion of indigenous anadromous salmonid species during their life history stages of spawning and rearing, and any adjacent off-channel rearing or high-flow refugia habitat with a permanent or seasonal surface water connection to an ESH stream.
(37) "Estuary" means:
(a) For waters other than the Columbia River, the body of water from the ocean to the head of tidewater that is partially enclosed by land and within which salt water is usually diluted by fresh water from the land, including all associated estuarine waters, tidelands, tidal marshes and submerged lands; and
(b) For the Columbia River, all waters from the mouth of the river up to the western edge of Puget Island, including all associated estuarine waters, tidelands, tidal marshes and submerged lands.
(38) "Extreme Low Tide" means the lowest estimated tide.
(39) "Fill" means the total of deposits by artificial means equal to or exceeding 50 cubic yards or more of material at one location in any waters of this state. However, in designated ESH areas (OAR 141-102) and in designated Scenic Waterways (OAR 141-100) "fill" means any amount of deposit by artificial means.
(40) "Food and Game Fish" means those species identified under ORS 506.011, 506.036 or 496.009.
(41) "Forestland" means the same as used in the Forest Practices Act and rules (ORS 527.610 to 527.992); land which is used for the commercial growing and harvesting of forest tree species, regardless of how the land is zoned or taxed or how any state or local statutes, ordinances, rules or regulations are applied.
(42) "Functions and Values" are those ecological characteristics or processes associated with a water of this state and the societal benefits derived from those characteristics. The ecological characteristics are "functions," whereas the associated societal benefits are "values."
(43) "Habitat Restoration" means the return of an ecosystem from a disturbed or altered condition to a close approximation of its ecological condition prior to disturbance.
(44) "Highest Measured Tide" means the highest tide projected from actual observations within an estuary or tidal bay (see OAR 141-085-0515).
(45) "Hydrogeomorphic Method (HGM)" means the wetland classification based on a wetland's location in the landscape and the sources and characteristics of water flow defined in Adamus, P.R.2001. Guidebook for hydrogeomorphic (HGM)-based assessment of Oregon wetland and riparian sites: Statewide classification and profiles. Oregon Division of State Lands, Salem, OR.
(46) "Independent Utility" as used in the definition of "project," means that the project accomplishes its intended purpose without the need for additional phases or other projects requiring further removal-fill activities.
(47) "In-Lieu Fee Mitigation (ILF)" means a compensatory mitigation program used to compensate for reasonably expected adverse impacts of project development on waters of this state with fees paid by the applicant to an ILF sponsor, as approved by the Department.
(48) "Interagency Review Team (IRT)" is an advisory committee to the Department on mitigation banks and other compensatory mitigation projects.
(49) "Intermittent Stream" means any stream which flows during a portion of every year and which provides spawning, rearing or food-producing areas for food and game fish.
(50) "Large Woody Debris" means any naturally downed wood that captures gravel, provides stream stability or provides fish habitat, or any wood placed into waters of this state as part of a habitat improvement or conservation project.
(51) "Legacy Credits" means credits from a mitigation bank, in-lieu fee, advance mitigation project, or outlined for use in advance aquatic resource plan that has been approved, or in process of approval, prior to April 1, 2019. For a mitigation bank or in-lieu fee project to be considered in process of approval, the Department or the United States Army Corps of Engineers must have determined a Mitigation Bank Prospectus to be complete prior to April 1, 2019 and a draft Mitigation Banking Instrument to be complete before April 1, 2020. For an advance mitigation project, the Department must have issued a permit by April 1, 2019 recognizing advance credits. For an advance aquatic resource plan a complete plan must have been submitted to the Department prior to April 1, 2019 and a Final Order issued by April 1, 2020.
(52) "Legally Protected Interest" means a claim, right, share or other entitlement that is protected under state or federal law. A legally protected interest includes, but is not limited to, an interest in property.
(53) "Linear Facility" means any railway, highway, road, pipeline, water or sewer line, communication line, overhead or underground electrical transmission or distribution line, or similar facility.
(54) "Listed Species" means any species listed as endangered or threatened under the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) and/or any species listed as endangered or threatened by the State of Oregon.
(55)"Locally Important" means having a high level of both function and value, as determined by the function and value assessment method being applied, or as a result of the Department's review of public comments or the Department's investigations.
(56) "Location" means the entire area where the project is located.
(57) "Maintenance" means the periodic repair or upkeep of a structure in order to maintain its original use. "Maintenance" includes a structure being widened by no more than twenty percent of its original footprint at any specific location in waters of this state if necessary to maintain its serviceability. "Maintenance" also includes removal of the minimum amount of sediment either within, on top of or immediately adjacent to a structure that is necessary to restore its serviceability, provided that the spoil is placed on upland.
(58) "Material" means rock, gravel, sand, silt and other inorganic substances and large woody debris, removed from waters of this state and any materials, organic or inorganic, used to fill waters of this state.
(59) "Mitigation" means the reduction of adverse effects of a proposed project by considering, in the following order:
(a) Avoiding the effect altogether by not taking a certain action or parts of an action;
(b) Minimizing effects by limiting the degree or magnitude of the action and its implementation;
(c) Rectifying the effect by repairing, rehabilitating or restoring the affected environment;
(d) Reducing or eliminating the effect over time by preservation and maintenance operations during the life of the action by monitoring and taking appropriate corrective measures; and
(e) Compensating for the effect by creating, restoring, enhancing or preserving substitute functions and values for the waters of this state.
(60) "Mitigation Bank" or "Bank" means a site created, restored, enhanced or preserved in accordance with ORS 196.600 to 196.655 to compensate for unavoidable adverse impacts to waters of this state due to activities which otherwise comply with the requirements of ORS 196.600 to 196.905.
(61) "Mitigation Bank Instrument (MBI)" means the legally binding and enforceable agreement between the Department and a mitigation bank sponsor that formally establishes the mitigation bank and stipulates the terms and conditions of the mitigation bank's construction, operation and long-term management.
(62) "Mitigation Bank Prospectus" or "Prospectus" means the preliminary proposal prepared by a mitigation bank sponsor describing a proposed bank.
(63) "Mitigation Bank Sponsor" or "Sponsor" means a person or single legal entity that has the authority and responsibility to fully execute the terms and conditions of a mitigation bank instrument.
(64) "Navigational Servitude" means activities of the federal government that directly result in the construction or maintenance of congressionally authorized navigation channels.
(65) "Non-Motorized Methods or Activities" are those removal-fill activities within ESH that are completed by hand and are not powered by internal combustion, hydraulics, pneumatics or electricity. Hand-held tools such as wheelbarrows, shovels, rakes, hammers, pry bars and manually operated cable winches are examples of common non-motorized methods.
(66) "Non-Water Dependent Uses" means uses that do not require location on or near a waterway to fulfill their basic purpose.
(67) "Non-Wetland Waters" means waters of this state other than wetlands, including bays, intermittent streams, perennial streams, lakes and all other regulated waters.
(68) "Ocean Renewable Energy" means electricity that is generated through the conversion of energy contained in the natural properties of the ocean, including but not limited to energy contained in waves and swells, the tides and currents, ocean temperature and salinity gradients; and, ocean offshore wind power.
(69) "Ocean Renewable Energy Facility" means any energy conversion technology or device that is used as a necessary component of a research project, demonstration project or commercial operation to generate ocean renewable energy, including but not limited to all buoys, anchors, energy collectors, cables, control and transmission lines, and other equipment necessary or useful to the project or operation.
(70) "Office of Administrative Hearings" means the state agency unit that provides Administrative Law Judges to conduct contested case proceedings.
(71) "Ordinary High Water Line (OHWL)" means the line on the bank or shore to which the high water ordinarily rises. The OHWL excludes exceptionally high water levels caused by large flood events (e.g., 100-year events).
(72) "Oregon Rapid Wetland Assessment Protocol (ORWAP)" is a method for rapidly assessing wetland functions and values (as well as other attributes) in all wetland types throughout Oregon.
(73) "Payment In-Lieu Mitigation" means compensatory mitigation for waters of this state that is fulfilled by using funds paid to the Department. The payment in-lieu program is not approved to compensate for impacts to waters of the United States.
(74) "Perennial Stream" means a stream that has continuous flow in parts of its bed all year long during years of normal precipitation.
(75) "Person" means a person or a public body, as defined in ORS 174.109; the federal government, when operating in any capacity other than navigational servitude or any other legal entity.
(76) "Plowing" means all forms of tillage and similar physical means for the breaking up, cutting, turning over and stirring of soil to prepare it for planting crops. Plowing does not include deep ripping or redistribution of materials in a manner that changes any waters of this state to upland.
(77) "Practicable" means capable of being accomplished after taking into consideration cost, existing technology and logistics with respect to the overall project purpose.
(78) "Preservation" means to permanently protect waters of this state having exceptional ecological features.
(79) "Private Operator" means any person undertaking a project for an exclusively non-income-producing and nonprofit purpose.
(80) "Project" means the primary development or use, having independent utility, proposed by one person. A project may include more than one removal-fill activity.
(81) "Project Site" means the geographic area upon which the project is being proposed.
(82) "Prospecting" means to search or explore for samples of gold, silver or other precious minerals, using non-motorized methods; by filling, removing or moving by artificial means less than one cubic yard of material at any one individual site; and, cumulatively, not more than five cubic yards of material from within the bed or wet perimeter of any single ESH stream in a single year.
(83) "Public Body" as used in the statutes of this state means state government bodies, local government bodies and special government bodies (ORS 174.109).
(84) "Public Use" means a publicly owned project or a privately owned project that is available for use by the public.
(85) "Push-Up Dam" means a berm of streambed material that is excavated or bulldozed (i.e., pushed-up) from within the streambed itself and positioned in the stream in such a way as to hold or divert water in an active flowing stream. The push-up dam may extend part way or all the way across the stream. Push-up dams are most frequently used to divert water for irrigation purposes associated with agricultural production including livestock watering. Push-up dams are reconstructed each water-use season; high water usually flattens or breaches them; and equipment is used to breach or flatten them at the close of the water-use season.
(86) "Reasonably Expected Adverse Effect" and "Adverse Impact" means the direct or indirect, reasonably expected or predictable results of project development upon waters of this state including water resources, navigation, fishing and public recreation uses.
(87) "Reconstruction" means to rebuild or to replace the existing structure in-kind. "Reconstruction" includes a structure being widened by no more than twenty percent of its original footprint at any specific location in waters of this state.
(88) "Recreational Placer Mining" means to search or explore for samples of gold, silver or other precious minerals by removing, filling or moving material from or within the bed of a stream, using non-motorized equipment or a motorized surface dredge having an intake nozzle with an inside diameter not exceeding four inches and a muffler meeting or exceeding factory-installed noise reduction standards.
(89) "Reference Site" means a site or sites that represent the desired future characteristics and condition to be achieved by a compensatory mitigation plan.
(90) "Removal" means the taking of more than 50 cubic yards of material (or its equivalent weight in tons) in any waters of this state in any calendar year; or the movement by artificial means of an equivalent amount of material on or within the bed of such waters, including channel relocation. However, in designated ESH areas (OAR 141-102) and in designated Scenic Waterways (OAR 141-100) the 50-cubic-yard minimum threshold does not apply.
(91) "Removal-Fill Site" means the specific point where a person removes material from and/or fills any waters of this state. A project may include more than one removal-fill site.
(92) "Restoration" means to reestablish a former water of this state.
(93) "Riprap" means facing a bank with rock or similar substance to control erosion.
(94) "Serviceable" means capable of being used for its intended purpose.
(95) "Service Area" means the boundaries set forth in a mitigation bank instrument that include one or more watersheds identified on the United States Geological Survey, Hydrologic Unit Map -1974, State of Oregon, for which a mitigation bank provides credits to compensate for adverse effects from project developments to waters of this state. Service areas for mitigation banks are not mutually exclusive.
(96) "State Scenic Waterway (SSW)" means a river or segment of river or lake that has been designated as such in accordance with Oregon Scenic Waterway Law (ORS 390.805 to 390.995).
(97) "Stream Function Assessment Method" is a method for assessing functions and values of waters of this state that flow in channels.
(98) "Temporal Loss" means the loss of the functions and values of waters of this state that occurs between the time of the impact and the time of their replacement through compensatory mitigation.
(99) "Temporary Impacts" are adverse impacts to waters of this state that are rectified within 24 months from the date of the initiation of the impact.
(100) "Territorial Sea" means the waters and seabed extending three geographical miles seaward from the coastline in conformance with federal law.
(101) "Territorial Sea Plan" means the plan for Oregon's territorial sea.
(102) "Tidal Waters" are the areas in estuaries, tidal bays and tidal rivers located between the highest measured tide and extreme low tide (or to the elevation of any eelgrass beds, whichever is lower), that is flooded with surface water at least annually during most years. Tidal waters include those areas of land such as tidal swamps, tidal marshes, mudflats, algal and eelgrass beds and are included in the Estuarine System and Riverine Tidal Subsystem as classified by Cowardin.
(103) "Voluntary" means activities undertaken by a person of their own free will, and not as a result of any legal requirement of the Removal-fill Law (ORS 196.600-196.990).
(104) "Violation" means removing material from or placing fill in any of the waters of this state in a manner that is inconsistent with any provision of the Removal-Fill Law (ORS 196.600 through 196.990), rules adopted by the Department, or any order or authorization issued by the Department.
(105) "Water Quality" means the measure of physical, chemical and biological characteristics of water as compared to Oregon's water quality standards and criteria set out in rules of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality and applicable state law.
(106) "Water Resources" includes not only water itself but also aquatic life and habitats therein and all other natural resources in and under the waters of this state.
(107) "Waters of This State" means all natural waterways, tidal and non-tidal bays, intermittent streams, constantly flowing streams, lakes, wetlands, that portion of the Pacific Ocean that is in the boundaries of this state, all other navigable and non-navigable bodies of water in this state and those portions of the ocean shore, as defined in ORS 390.605, where removal or fill activities are regulated under a state-assumed permit program as provided in 33 U.S.C. 1344(g) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended.
(108) "Wet Perimeter", as used in OAR 141-089, means the area of the stream that is under water, or is exposed as a non-vegetated dry gravel bar island surrounded on all sides by actively moving water at the time a removal-fill activity occurs.
(109) "Wetland Hydrology" means the permanent or periodic inundation or prolonged saturation sufficient to create anaerobic conditions in the soil and support hydrophytes.
(110) "Wetlands" means those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions.

Or. Admin. R. 141-085-0510

DSL 1-2009, f. 2-13-09, cert. ef. 3-1-09; DSL 8-2009, f. 12-15-09 cert. ef. 1-1-10; DSL 1-2011, f. & cert. ef. 3-1-11; DSL 3-2012, f. 9-28-12, cert. ef. 9-29-12; DSL 3-2014, f. 8-14-14, cert. ef. 9-1-14; DSL 5-2017, amend filed 12/28/2017, effective1/1/2018; DSL 2-2019, amend filed 03/28/2019, effective 4/1/2019; DSL 3-2019, minor correction filed 04/08/2019, effective 4/8/2019

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 196.600-196.692 & 196.825

Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 196.600-196.692 & ORS 196.800-196.990