Okla. Admin. Code § 165:35-34-3

Current through Vol. 42, No. 3, October 15, 2024
Section 165:35-34-3 - RFP Competitive Bidding Procurement Process for Long Term Fuel Transportation, Long Term Fuel Storage, Long Term Electric Generation and Long Term Purchase Power Agreements
(a) Competitive Bidding Structure and Process Guidelines for Long Term Fuel Transportation, Long Term Fuel Storage, Long Term Electric Generation and Long Term Purchase Power Agreements.
(1) The soliciting utility shall notify the Commission of its intent to engage in a competitive bidding process at least thirty (30) calendar days before issuing a request for proposal ("RFP"), as required by subsection (4) below.
(2) The soliciting utility shall prepare the initial draft of the RFP documents, including but not limited to RFP procedures, and a pro forma power purchase agreement that, to the maximum extent practicable, utilizes industry standard contractual terms and contains all expected material terms and conditions and a solicitation schedule (collectively, the "RFP Document").
(3) In addition to the information required by (1) of this Section, the RFP and RFP Document, at a minimum, shall identify clearly:
(A) Term;
(B) Amount of megawatts, if applicable, and types of products being solicited;
(C) All price and non-price evaluation factors to be considered;
(D) Respective weight for each price and non-price evaluation factor; and
(E) Utility's preliminary analysis of transmission availability and the utility's plan for evaluation of transmission availability for each proposal received, including, but not limited to:
(i) Description of the role of transmission analysis to be conducted by the utility in the bid evaluation process. This analysis should use publicly available tools provided by the controlling entity, such as the Southwest Power Pool Scenario Analyzer; and
(ii) Any role of the transmission analysis to be conducted by the controlling entity, currently the Southwest Power Pool, in the bid evaluation process.
(4) The draft of the RFP Document, supporting documentation, and bid evaluation procedures shall be provided to the Commission, Attorney General, non-competitive representatives and Independent Evaluator and posted on the utility's website at least fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the technical conference referenced below. After the draft RFP is issued, a technical conference shall be scheduled by the utility to discuss the draft RFP and the bidding process. After receiving input from interested persons, and holding the technical conference the soliciting utility shall post the draft RFP Document and any comments received, on the soliciting utility's website or electronic bulletin board, or by some other publicly accessible method. After due consideration of all comments, the soliciting utility will submit the final RFP Document to the Commission and post the final RFP Document on its website or electronic bulletin board, or by other publicly accessible method. RFPs shall include the Southwest Power Pool's time requirements to conduct transmission analyses, i.e. the aggregate study.
(b)Independent Evaluator.
(1) The Commission may, at its discretion, retain and arrange compensation for an Independent Evaluator to monitor the RFP and competitive bidding process. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Commission shall retain an Independent Evaluator to monitor the RFP and competitive bidding process in the following instances:
(i) when an affiliate of the utility is anticipated to participate in the competitive bidding process;
(ii) when the RFP and bid resulting there from is expected to have a material impact on the utility's cost of providing electricity to its customers, or
(iii) when it is anticipated that the utility may participate as a bidder in the competitive bidding process. The Commission shall establish the minimum qualifications and requirements for an Independent Evaluator and ensure the Independent Evaluator is financially and substantively independent from any soliciting electric utility or affiliate thereof, complaining entity, and any potential bidder.
(2) The Independent Evaluator will report to the Commission and the Attorney General.
(3) If the Independent Evaluator's conclusion is different from the conclusion of the soliciting utility about the winning bidder(s), the Independent Evaluator and utility may attempt to resolve such differences. In the event the Independent Evaluator and utility cannot resolve their differences, the soliciting utility will determine which bid(s) is successful. The Independent Evaluator shall submit its independent evaluation to the Commission.
(4) As part of its contract with the Independent Evaluator, the Commission shall require the Independent Evaluator, to enter into an agreement to keep all information confidential that pertains to the disclosure and use of any models, analytical tools, data, or other materials of a confidential or proprietary nature provided or made available by the soliciting utility in conjunction with the competitive bidding process.
(c)Affiliate Bidders' Requirements.
(1) Each soliciting utility affiliate that intends to bid shall disclose publicly, in writing, the names and titles of the members of the affiliate's "Bid Team." Each soliciting utility shall disclose publicly, in writing, the names and titles of the members of its "Evaluation Team." A Bid Team develops the affiliate's bid and, to assure fairness, is not involved, directly or indirectly, in the evaluation or selection of bids. An Evaluation Team evaluates bids, selects the successful bidder and, to assure fairness, is not involved, directly or indirectly, in the development of the affiliate's bid.
(2) Each soliciting utility and bidding affiliate shall assure that the Bid Team and the Evaluation Team and any member of either do not engage in any communications, either directly or indirectly, regarding the RFP or the competitive bidding process. For bidder and Commission assurance, the soliciting utility and bidding affiliate shall execute an acknowledgement that the utility and affiliate have not and will not in the future so communicate, other than to submit and receive the bid at the appropriate time. The Bid Team and Evaluation Team may communicate as part of a bidding technical conference of which potential bidders or all actual bidders, if bids have already been submitted, are given adequate notice and opportunity to attend.
(3) The Evaluation Team shall report to the Independent Evaluator, any contact or communications by any bidder, including the Bid Team, and advise the bidder any future contact must be directed to the Independent Evaluator. Bidders and the Evaluation Team may communicate as part of a bidding technical conference of which potential bidders or all actual bidders, if bids have already been submitted, are given adequate notice and opportunity to attend.
(d)Evaluation of Responses to the RFP.
(1) The evaluation of the responses to the RFP will proceed as follows:
(A) The soliciting utility will evaluate all timely submitted bids to determine the lowest reasonable cost for long-term reliable power or reliable long-term fuel sought that minimizes ratepayer cost, including but not limited to charges for or costs relating to long-term fuel supply, long-term fuel transport, longterm fuel storage, long-term fuel processing, or increased cost of capital, consistent with the principles and procedures contained in this Subchapter and in the utility's resource plan and associated procurement plans.
(B) The Commission, Attorney General, non-competitive representatives and Independent Evaluator will be included in the evaluation of all bids submitted to the soliciting utility. The soliciting utility shall include within the RFP the time and place for the opening of the bids so that the Commission, Attorney General, non-competitive representatives and the Independent Evaluator may attend and monitor the opening of bids. Bids shall be opened by the soliciting utility at the time and place so indicated in the RFP whether or not any or all of those parties are in attendance.
(2) All bids shall be evaluated on the basis of the bidder's final best offer. No bidder shall be permitted to unilaterally submit a refreshed bid unless all bidders are given a meaningful opportunity to submit a refreshed bid as a result of some material, documented change. The Independent Evaluator shall be charged with evaluating any such changes and ensuring that the changes are substantive and not an attempt to influence the final selection process in favor of a particular bidder.
(3) Should any bid be unclear to such extent that the lack of clarity could impact the outcome of the bidding, the soliciting utility, Commission, Attorney General, non-competitive representatives or Independent Evaluator may request further information from any bidder regarding its bid, provided, any such communication between or among the soliciting utility, Commission, Attorney General, non-competitive representatives or Independent Evaluator and bidder should be conducted through an open process in which the utility, Independent Evaluator, Commission, non-competitive representatives and Attorney General are given adequate notice and an opportunity to attend.
(4) In conducting the evaluation of the responses, a soliciting utility may consider the expected ad valorem tax benefit to Oklahoma when determining the lowest reasonable cost between bids for long-term reliable power.
(5) In conducting the evaluation of the responses, the soliciting utility shall not:
(A) Waive or otherwise modify any evaluation factor or evaluation weight for any bidder;
(B) Add any adjustments on the basis of expected effects on the utility's cost of capital if not already contained in the RFP;
(C) Impose any penalty on the price of purchased power; or
(D) Include any discount for utility self-generation on the basis of reliability as part of the utility's resource mix.
(e) Prior to a utility taking long-term procurement action other than the competitive procurement process set forth in this Subchapter, such utility shall seek a waiver of all or any part of these competitive bidding rules by filing a case with the Commission.
(f) After responding to all discovery requests issued by the Independent Evaluator, the utility shall wait two weeks prior to submitting its decision regarding the successful bidder, and electronically mail copies of such submission to all bidders, non-competitive representatives, the Independent Evaluator, and the Attorney General. Included within that mailing, the utility shall provide the non-winning bidders the rationale and analysis used for the selection of the winning bid.
(1) Any unsuccessful bidder, non-competitive representatives, the Independent Evaluator, or the Attorney General shall have fifteen (15) calendar days following submission of the successful bid decision with the Commission to file with the Commission a complaint challenging the decision as not meeting the criteria for decision specified in this subchapter or waiver previously obtained pursuant to 165:35-34-3(e) and the RFP document and bid evaluation procedures developed pursuant to 165:35-34-3(a).
(2) In the event of the filing of such a complaint, after notice to all bidders and hearing, the Commission shall determine whether the utility's decision reveals either a clear departure from the criteria stated in these rules or previously obtained waiver, the RFP Document and bid evaluation procedures for decision or is erroneous, in which event the utility shall be required immediately to rebid, in accordance with this Subchapter, the items which were the subject of such determination.
(g) Upon determination of the successful bidder, the utility and successful bidder shall promptly proceed to finalize contracts necessary to implement the bid.
(1) The contract shall contain appropriate guarantees, as set by the Commission, regarding the reliability of services.
(2) At the request of either party and upon notice and hearing, the Commission shall have authority to determine any disputes between the parties as to terms incidental to the bid. All matters to be determined by the Commission under this provision shall be heard on an expedited basis and a decision rendered thereon within thirty (30) calendar days from filing.

Okla. Admin. Code § 165:35-34-3

Added at 23 Ok Reg 699, eff 2-17-06 (emergency); Added at 23 Ok Reg 1666, eff 7-1-06; Amended at 24 Ok Reg 1827, eff 7-1-07; Revoked at 25 Ok Reg 1566, eff 7-1-08; Amended at 27 Ok Reg 2129, eff 7-11-10; Amended at 29 Ok Reg 1541, eff 7-12-12
Amended by Oklahoma Register, Volume 36, Issue 21, July 15, 2019, eff. 7/25/2019
Amended by Oklahoma Register, Volume 41, Issue 23, August 15, 2024, eff. 10/1/2024