Ohio Admin. Code 5122-29-15.1

Current through all regulations passed and filed through September 30, 2024
Section 5122-29-15.1 - Adult, family, and youth certified peer supporter
(A) Certified peer recovery supporter.
(1) A "certified peer recovery supporter" (CPRS) is an individual, with a direct lived experience, who has self-identified as being in recovery from a mental health or substance use disorder and has been certified pursuant to this rule.
(2) For CPRS certification the individual will be at least eighteen years of age at the time of certification.
(B) Certified youth peer supporter.
(1) A certified youth peer supporter (CYPS) is an individual who self-identifies as having lived experience with the behavioral health care system and other child or youth serving systems and has been certified by the state pursuant to this rule.
(2) For CYPS the individual will be at least eighteen years of age but no older than thirty years of age at the time of certification.
(C) Certified family peer supporter.
(1) A certified family peer supporter (CFPS) is an individual who has self-identified as the caregiver of a person with behavioral health challenges who has successfully navigated service systems for at least one year on behalf of the person and has been certified pursuant to this rule.
(2) For CFPS certification the individual will be at least twenty-one years of age at the time of certification.
(D) "Certified peer supporter" as used in this rule means an individual certified as a CPRS, CYPS, or CFPS.
(E) Supervision

Certified peer supporters will be supervised by an individual who either:

(1) ) Has experience delivering peer services in behavioral health over a cumulative period of two years, has completed the sixteen hours of online learning administered or designated by the department, and has completed the four-hour supervising peers training administered or designated by the department; or,
(2) Is a clinician with one of the following licenses, and has completed the sixteen hours of online learning administered or designated by the department and has completed the four-hour supervising peers training administered or designated by the department:
(a) Licensed social worker;
(b) Licensed independent social worker;
(c) Licensed professional counselor;
(d) Licensed chemical dependency counselor II;
(e) Licensed chemical dependency counselor III;
(f) Licensed professional clinical counselor;
(g) Licensed independent chemical dependency counselor;
(h) Licensed marriage and family therapist;
(i) Licensed independent marriage and family therapist;
(j) Psychologist; or,
(k) Psychiatrist.
(F) Certification
(1) To obtain peer supporter certification individuals will submit a complete and compliant application including the following documentation:
(a) Proof of a minimum of forty hours of department approved competencybased peer services training or three equivalent years formal, verifiable experience providing behavioral health peers services pursuant to rule 5122-29-15 of the Administrative Code.
(b) Hold a high school diploma, a general educational development certification, or similar secondary education from outside of the United States;
(c) Documentation of passing the department peer supporter exam, or an exam administered or designated by the department;
(d) Certified peer supporters will attest to having read and understood the code of ethics at initial certification and every certification renewal thereafter;
(e) The results of a bureau of criminal investigation and federal bureau of investigation criminal records check conducted within one year of submission.
(2) For CPRS and CYPS certification, completion of sixteen hours of online learning administered or designated by the department.
(3) Certifications issued by the department expire two years from the date the certification issued or renewed.
(G) Renewal of certification
(1) Peer supporter certification renewal will include submission of a complete and compliant application, including the following:
(a) Documentation of thirty hours of continuing education credits, which will include the following competencies and minimum hours;
(i) Ethics (may include HIPAA, confidentiality) - three hours;
(ii) Boundaries - three hours;
(iii) Diversity and inclusion/cultural sensitivity - two hours;
(iv) System navigation and care coordination - one hour;
(v) Trauma informed care - two hours;
(vi) Human trafficking - one hour;
(vii) Behavioral health knowledge (may include recovery and resiliency) - one hour;
(viii) Basic principles related to health and wellness - one hour; and,
(ix) Principles of coaching as applied to the delivery of peer services - two hours.

Continuing education credits will be accepted from a continuing education program that meets the professional needs of the intended clientèle, which will include certified peer recovery supporters, certified family peer supporters, certified youth peer supporters, counselors, social workers, marriage and family therapists, psychologists, nurses, chemical dependency counselors, or other human service professionals.

The program will have a minimum duration of one clock hour.

The program will have written goals and objectives which are responsive to the needs of prospective attendees.

(b) Certified peer supporters will attest to having read and understood the code of ethics at initial certification and every certification renewal thereafter.
(c) For those certified peer supporters providing supervision, documentation of three hours of supervisor training.
(d) Either an attestation that the applicant has not been convicted of any new felony offenses, or a new background check pursuant to paragraph (L) of this rule.
(2) Renewal of certified peer supporter status is dependent on all materials being completed, submitted, and approved by the department. Renewal of certification is for two years from the date of the expiration of previous certification or the approval of the renewal certification, whichever is later.
(H) Denial of initial or renewal certification
(1) An application for initial or renewal certification may be denied and a certification may be revoked for the following:
(a) Failure to provide peer supporter services in accordance with the standards set forth in this rule.
(b) Failure to submit a complete certification or renewal application.
(c) Failure to complete any of the standards for certification or renewal.
(d) The department determines that the certified peer supporter code of ethics has been violated.
(e) The individual is included in one of the following databases:
(i) The sex offender and child-victim offender database established pursuant to division (A)(11) of section 2950.13 of the Revised Code (available at http://www.icrimewatch.net/index.php?AgencyID=55149&disc=);
(ii) The database of incarcerated and supervised offenders established pursuant to section 5120.66 of the Revised Code (available at http://www.drc.ohio.gov/OffenderSearch/Search.aspx).
(f) A background check that has any of the permanently disqualifying offenses listed in paragraph (O) of this rule.
(g) A background check that has any of the five year disqualifying offenses listed in paragraph (O) of this rule, when five years have not elapsed between the release of all sanctions for the offense, and the submission of the certification application.
(2) The denial of an application for certification or renewal, or the revocation of certification is subject to appeal under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.
(3) Upon receipt of an application, the department will review the materials to determine if they are complete. If an application is incomplete, the department will notify the applicant of corrections or additions needed.

Incomplete materials will not be considered an application for certification, and will not constitute a denial of an application for certification.

(4) Any individual who has had their certification revoked or an application denied pursuant to this rule will not be eligible to apply to the department for certification for at least three years from the date of revocation.
(I) Inactive-lapsed status.
(1) Certifications issued pursuant to this rule are valid for two years from the issue date. If a certification is not renewed it will be placed in an inactive-lapsed status for a period of no more than two years.
(2) A certification in an inactive-lapsed status may be renewed by an individual by meeting the renewal standards of paragraph (G) of this rule.
(3) Certifications in inactive-lapsed status for more than two years will be considered as expired and any individual seeking certification will apply as new.
(J) Voluntary inactive status
(1) A person certified pursuant to this rule may submit a request to the department to have the person's certification classified as inactive. If the person's certification is in good standing the department will classify the certification as inactive. The inactive classification will become effective immediately when the inactive request is processed.
(2) During the period that a certification is classified as inactive, the person can not engage in the practice of professional peer support, as applicable, in this state or make any representation to the public indicating that the person is actively certified pursuant to this rule.
(3) During the period that a certification is classified as inactive, the person will be subject to the code of ethics as defined in paragraph (N) of this rule.
(4) A person whose certification has been classified as inactive may apply to the department to have the certification reactivated. The department will reactivate the certification if the person meets the standards for certification or renewal pursuant to paragraph (G) of this rule.
(5) During the time a certification is in voluntary inactive status the department may revoke or deny a certification pursuant to paragraph (H) of this rule when a certification is classified as inactive.
(6) The certification may stay inactive for no longer than two years from the date the inactive status is issued. After two years of an inactive status, a certification is no longer valid and the person will need to apply for initial certification as set forth in paragraph (F) of this rule.
(7) If the certification is past the date on which it would have originally expired, the person will submit documentation of the successful completion of thirty continuing education credits within the inactive status period.
(K) Applications for certification and renewal, and all accompanying materials, are subject to public records requests pursuant to Chapter 149. of the Revised Code; however the department will not use the applications for any purpose other than determining certification status and will be kept confidential unless disclosure is mandated by state or federal law.
(L) Background check
(1) All applicants for an initial certification will submit a request to the bureau of criminal identification and the federal bureau of investigation for a criminal records check of the applicant per sections 4776.02 and 4776.03 of the Revised Code and will include a federal bureau of identification criminal records check request. This applies to all initial applications. The applications for criminal records check will comply with section 109.572 of the Revised Code.
(2) Section 4776.02 of the Revised Code states that all fingerprint reports be sent directly to the department from the bureau of criminal identification and investigation. Any fingerprint results mailed to or from some other source will not be accepted.
(M) Pardons and certificates.

A conviction of, or a plea of guilty to, a disqualifying offense as set forth in paragraph (K) of this rule will not prevent an applicant from certification if any of the following circumstances apply:

(1) The applicant has been granted an unconditional pardon for the offense pursuant to Chapter 2967. of the Revised Code;
(2) The applicant has been granted an unconditional pardon for the offense pursuant to an existing or former law of the state of Ohio, any other state, or the United States, if the law is substantially equivalent to Chapter 2967. of the Revised Code;
(3) The applicant has been granted a conditional pardon for the offense pursuant to Chapter 2967. of the Revised Code, and the condition(s) under which the pardon was granted have been satisfied;
(4) The applicant's conviction or guilty plea has been set aside pursuant to law;
(5) The applicant was adjudicated delinquent for any of the disqualifying offenses in paragraph (K) of this rule; or,
(6) A certificate of qualification for employment has been issued by an Ohio court of common pleas pursuant to section 2953.25 of the Revised Code, or an equivalent certification has been issued by an out of state or federal jurisdiction.

Applications that include a certificate of qualification for employment or an equivalent certification associated with a permanent exclusion offense as stated in paragraph (O) of this rule, will be reviewed by the department and a decision will be rendered by the department on a case-by-case basis as to whether an application will be approved or not in accordance with section 2953.25 of the Revised Code.

(N) Code of ethics
(1) The code of ethical practice and professional conduct constitutes the standards by which the professional conduct of peer supporters will be measured.
(2) A violation of the code of ethics unprofessional conduct and is sufficient reason for revocation, or for the denial of the initial certification or renewal.
(3) Certified peer supporters will attest to having read and understood the code of ethics at initial certification and every certification renewal thereafter.
(4) Certified peer supporters in their various professional roles, relationships, and areas of responsibilities will
(a) Use the strength-based model when working with individuals;
(b) Respect the rights and dignity of those they work with;
(c) Openly share their personal recovery and resiliency stories with colleagues and those they serve;
(d) Role-model recovery and resiliency.;
(e) Adhere to privacy and confidentiality of those they serve;
(f) Conduct themselves in a professional manner, including:
(i) Never intimidating, threatening, or harassing those they serve;
(ii) Never using undue influence, physical, force, or verbal abuse with those they serve;
(iii) Never making unwarranted promises of benefits to those they serve; and,
(iv) Maintaining high standards of personal conduct.
(g) Conduct themselves in a culturally competent manner which includes not practicing, condoning, facilitating, or collaborating in any form of discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, national origin, marital status, political belief, or mental or physical disability.
(h) Conduct themselves in a manner that fosters their own recovery and resiliency, maintaining healthy behaviors.
(i) Not enter dual relationships or commitments that conflict with the interests of those they serve;
(j) Not engage in sexual or intimate activities with colleagues or those they serve;
(k) Not accept or give gifts of significant value from those they serve:
(l) Keep current with emerging knowledge relevant to recovery and resiliency, and openly share this knowledge with my colleagues and those they serve; and,
(m) Comply with laws and regulations involving mandatory reporting of harm, abuse, or neglect.
(O) Disqualifying offenses
(1) The following offenses (sections of the Revised Code) are permanently disqualifying as set forth in this rule; any equivalent federal offense or offense from another state will also by permanently disqualifying.
(a)2903.01 (aggravated murder);
(b)2907.02(rape) ;
(c)2907.03 (sexual battery);
(d)2907.05 (gross sexual imposition);
(e)2907.32 (pandering obscenity);
(f)2907.322 (pandering sexually-oriented matter involving a minor);
(g)2907.323 (illegal use of minor in nudity-oriented material or performance);
(h)2909.23 (making terrorist threat);
(2) The following offenses (sections of the Revised Code) are disqualifying for a period of five years from the end any sanctions as set forth in this rule; any equivalent federal offense or offense from another state will also by disqualifying for a period of five years.
(a)2903.15 (permitting child abuse);
(b)2903.16 (failing to provide for a functionally impaired person);
(c)2903.34 patient abuse and neglect;
(d)2903.341 patient endangerment;
(e)2905.05 criminal child enticement (felony level);
(f)2905.33 (unlawful conduct with respect to documents);
(g)2905.32 trafficking in persons;
(h)2907.04 unlawful sexual conduct with a minor, formerly corruption of a minor;
(i)2907.06 sexual imposition;
(j)2907.07 importuning;
(k)2907.08 voyeurism;
(l)2907.12 felonious sexual imposition;
(m)2907.31 disseminating matter harmful to juveniles;
(n)2907.321 pandering obscenity involving a minor;
(o)2909.22 soliciting/providing for act of terrorism;
(p)2913.40 (medicaid fraud);
(q)2919.22 endangering children.

Replaces: 5122-29- 15.1

Ohio Admin. Code 5122-29-15.1

Effective: 4/7/2022
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 04/07/2027
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 5119.36
Rule Amplifies: 5119.36
Prior Effective Dates: 07/01/2016, 10/05/2018