Ohio Admin. Code 3301-73-24

Current through all regulations passed and filed through September 30, 2024
Section 3301-73-24 - Application after disciplinary action
(A) If any prior disciplinary action by the state board was taken against a respondent that did not address the respondent's eligibility to apply or reapply for a future license and the respondent subsequently requests to be licensed by the state board, the respondent shall provide evidence that licensure by the state board is appropriate based on factors listed in paragraph (F) of this rule, and show that there has been a change in circumstances since the prior disciplinary action.
(B) To determine if licensure is appropriate after a prior disciplinary action by the state board was taken against a respondent that did not address the respondent's eligibility to apply or reapply for a future license, the superintendent may conduct an investigation and weigh the evidence submitted against the legitimate need of the state board to protect the integrity of the profession, and to ensure the safety and welfare of students, and the school community.
(C) The superintendent will determine if the results of an investigation warrant initiating an action to deny a license.
(D) If the results of an investigation warrant initiating a denial of a license, the superintendent will give notice of an opportunity for a hearing in accordance with sections 119.01 to 119.13 of the Revised Code; however, nothing in this provision prohibits the superintendent from amending the notice for the proposed action.
(E) An administrative hearing is not a forum to re-adjudicate the original order of the state board to limit, suspend, revoke, or deny licensure.
(F) The superintendent and the hearing officer will use the following factors, as applicable, to determine whether licensure after a prior disciplinary action by the state board was taken against a respondent that did not address the respondent's eligibility to apply or reapply for a future license is appropriate:
(1) The nature and seriousness of the crime or misconduct that was the basis for the state board's prior disciplinary action;
(2) The extent of the respondent's past criminal activity or misconduct;
(3) The age of the respondent when the crime or misconduct was committed that was the basis for the state board's prior disciplinary action;
(4) The amount of time that has elapsed since the respondent's last criminal activity or misconduct;
(5) The conduct and work activity of the respondent before and after the criminal activity or misconduct that was the basis for the state board's disciplinary action;
(6) Whether the respondent has completed the terms of his/her probation or deferred adjudication;
(7) Evidence of rehabilitation;

(8) Whether the respondent fully disclosed the crime or misconduct to the state board, the department or the employing school district;
(9) Whether licensure will negatively impact the health, safety, and welfare of the school community and/or statewide education community; and/or
(10) Any other relevant factor.

Ohio Admin. Code 3301-73-24

Effective: 7/27/2023
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 5/12/2023 and 07/27/2028
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3319.31, 3319.311, 3301.07
Rule Amplifies: 3319.311, 3319.31
Prior Effective Dates: 10/28/2004, 05/23/2009, 03/27/2014, 01/21/2019