Ohio Admin. Code 3301-24-05

Current through all regulations passed and filed through September 16, 2024
Section 3301-24-05 - Licensure
(A) A professional teaching license, valid for five years, shall be issued to an individual who holds the appropriate resident educator license or alternative resident educator license; who is deemed to be of good moral character; and who has successfully completed an approved program of teacher preparation as approved by the chancellor of the Ohio department of higher education, the Ohio teacher residency program as described in section 3319.223 of the Revised Code, and an examination prescribed by the state board of education. Teacher licenses shall be issued in the areas described in paragraphs (A)(1) to (A)(7) of this rule:
(1) Early childhood license issued under former section 3319.22 of the Revised Code, valid for teaching in grades prekindergarten through grade three. A minimum of twelve cumulative semester hours in the teaching of reading as described in section 3319.24 of the Revised Code shall be required for the professional early childhood license.
(2) Primary license, valid for teaching in grades prekindergarten through grade five. A minimum of twelve cumulative semester hours in the teaching of reading as described in section 3319.24 of the Revised Code shall be required for the professional primary license.
(3) Middle childhood license, valid for teaching in grades four through nine in two or more curriculum areas named in such license. The middle childhood teacher preparation program shall include preparation in at least two of the following areas of concentration: reading and language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. A minimum of twelve cumulative semester hours in the teaching of reading as described in section 3319.24 of the Revised Code shall be required for the professional middle childhood license. A middle childhood license may be issued in one or more of the concentration areas listed in this paragraph to the holder of a standard teaching certificate or teaching license, who has completed an approved middle childhood program, at an advanced level, consisting of professional education and appropriate content-area coursework, and an examination prescribed by the state board of education. A middle childhood license may also be issued in one or more of the concentration areas listed in this paragraph to an out-of-state applicant who has completed an approved program resulting in eligibility for the licensure area, and an examination prescribed by the state board of education.
(4) Adolescence to young adult license, valid for teaching in grades seven through twelve in the curriculum areas named in such license. Preparation in the teaching field shall constitute at least an academic major or its equivalent with sufficient advanced coursework in all areas to be taught as specified by the teacher preparation institution . A minimum of three semester hours in the teaching of reading in the content area shall be required for the professional adolescence to young adult license. Licenses shall be issued in, but are not limited to, the following teaching fields:
(a) Earth sciences
(b) Integrated language arts
(c) Integrated mathematics
(d) Integrated science
(e) Integrated social studies
(f) Life sciences
(g) Physical sciences (individuals may seek licensure in physical sciences: chemistry; physical sciences: physics; or physical sciences: chemistry and physics)
(5) Multi-age license, valid for teaching in grades prekindergarten through twelve in the curriculum areas named in such license. Preparation in the teaching field shall constitute at least an academic major or its equivalent with sufficient advanced coursework in all areas to be taught as specified by the teacher preparation institution. A minimum of three semester hours in the teaching of reading in the content area shall be required for the professional multi-age license.

Licenses shall be issued in, but are not limited to, the following teaching fields:

(a) Computer information science
(b) Dance
(c) Drama/theater
(d) World language
(e) Health
(f) Library/media specialist
(g) Music
(h) Physical education
(i) Teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL)
(j) Visual arts
(6) Intervention specialist license, valid for teaching learners in the areas designated below. A minimum of twelve cumulative semester hours in the teaching of reading as described in section 3319.24 of the Revised Code shall be required for the professional intervention specialist license. Licenses shall be issued in, but not limited to, the following areas:
(a) Gifted, valid for teaching learners ages five through twenty-one and in grades kindergarten through grade twelve;
(b) Mild/moderate educational needs, valid for teaching learners ages five through twenty-one and in grades kindergarten through grade twelve;
(c) Moderate/intensive educational needs, valid for teaching learners ages five through twenty-one and in grades kindergarten through grade twelve;
(d) Visually impaired, valid for teaching learners ages three through twenty-one and in grades prekindergarten through grade twelve;
(e) Hearing impaired, valid for teaching learners ages three through twenty-one and in grades prekindergarten through grade twelve.
(7) Early childhood intervention specialist license, valid for teaching mild/moderate/intensive educational needs in grades prekindergarten through grade three, and for providing service coordination. A minimum of twelve cumulative semester hours in the teaching of reading as described in section 3319.24 of the Revised Code shall be required for the professional early childhood intervention specialist license.
(8) Primary intervention specialist license, valid for teaching in grades prekindergarten through five and for providing service coordination. A minimum of twelve cumulative semester hours in the teaching of reading as described in section 3319.24 of the Revised Code shall be required for the professional primary intervention specialist license.
(9) The career-technical license, valid for teaching the subjects named in such license grades four through twelve. Preparation in the teaching field shall constitute at least an academic major or its equivalent with sufficient advanced coursework in all areas to be taught as specified by the teacher preparation institution. A minimum of three semester hours in the teaching of reading in the content area shall be required for the professional career-technical license.
(B) An endorsement of a teaching license, valid for teaching the subject or learners named, shall be issued to an individual who holds a baccalaureate degree, except that the teacher leader endorsement shall require a master's degree; who is deemed to be of good moral character; who has successfully completed an approved program of preparation; who has successfully completed an examination prescribed by the state board of education; and who has been recommended by the dean or head of teacher education at an approved institution. The endorsement may be added to any standard teaching certificate or license, unless limited by age, grade, or license type as noted in this paragraph:
(1) Adapted physical education (limited to a physical education certificate or license), valid for teaching in grades prekindergarten through grade twelve;

(2) Bilingual education, valid for teaching in grades prekindergarten through grade twelve;
(3) Career-based intervention (CBI) shall require a baccalaureate degree, two years of successful teaching experience under a standard teaching certificateor license, and evidence of the equivalent of one year of work experience outside of education. This endorsement is valid for teaching learners ages twelve through twenty-one, or grades seven through twelve;
(4) Computer/technology, valid for teaching in grades prekindergarten through grade twelve;
(5) Computer science, valid for teaching in grades prekindergarten through twelve;

(6) Drama/theater;
(7) Early childhood generalist (grades four and five), valid for teaching all core academic content areas in grades four and five, may be added to an early childhood (prekindergarten through grade three) teaching license upon evidence of completion of a minimum of nine additional semester hours of study aligned with the Ohio's learning standards (available on the department's website at education.ohio.gov) for grades four and five and including preparation in pedagogy and child/adolescent development appropriate for grades four and five, and upon successful completion of an examination prescribed by the state board of education;
(8) Gifted intervention specialist , valid for teaching in grades kindergarten through grade twelve;

(9) Mathematics specialist (limited to a kindergarten-primary, elementary, or early childhood license, or middle childhood, high school, or adolescence to young adult mathematics teaching license), valid for providing coaching and professional development in mathematics education for classroom teachers of mathematics in grades prekindergarten through six. Candidates must have at least three years of successful experience teaching mathematics under a standard teaching certificate or license of the types listed in this paragraph;
(10) Media arts;
(11) Middle childhood generalist, valid for teaching all core academic content areas in grades four, five, and six, may be added to a middle childhood license with two concentration areas upon evidence of completion of an additional six semester hours of study in each of the content areas to be added, aligned with Ohio's learning standards; evidence of preparation in pedagogy in each of the additional content areas; and successful completion of the prescribed examination;
(12) Prekindergarten, valid for teaching learners ages three through five (limited to kindergarten-primary, elementary, family and consumer sciences [home economics], or special certificate for education of the handicapped);
(13) Prekindergarten special needs, valid for teaching learners ages three through five (limited to a prekindergarten certificate, or special certificate for education of the handicapped, early childhood, primary or intervention specialist license);
(14) Reading, valid for teaching in grades prekindergarten through grade twelve;

(15) Teaching English to speakers of other languages, valid for teaching in grades prekindergarten through grade twelve;
(16) Transition to work (limited to intervention specialist license, career-technical license or professional pupil services license, valid for teaching in grades seven through grade twelve); and

(17) Teacher leader (limited to a professional teaching license or professional or permanent teaching certificate), valid for mentoring and coaching teachers in grades prekindergarten through grade twelve, providing staff development, and assisting the building principal in developing and supporting a shared vision and clear goals for the school. Candidates for the endorsement shall hold a master's degree at the time the endorsement is issued and have at least four years of successful teaching experience. The program of preparation shall include a practicum experience during which the candidate shall be required to demonstrate the knowledge, skills and dispositions at the distinguished level that are described in the Ohio standards for the teaching profession (available on the educator standards board's website at esb.ode.state.oh.us).
(C) The professional pupil services license, shall be issued in, but is not limited to, the areas listed in paragraphs (C)(1) and (C)(2) of this rule and shall be valid for working with learners at all levels. The license shall be issued to an individual deemed to be of good moral character who has successfully completed the requirements specified in paragraph (C)(1) or (C)(2) of this rule:
(1) An approved program of preparation; recommendation by the dean or head of teacher education; successful completion of an examination prescribed by the state board of education; and evidence of the education and experience requirements specified for whichever of the following licensure areas is applicable:
(a) School audiologist
(i) Master's degree; and

(ii) Current license to practice audiology issued by the Ohio speech and hearing professionals board .
(b) School counselor

(i) Master's degree, and
(ii) Successful completion of an internship consisting of six hundred contact hours in a school setting.
(c) School psychologist
(i) Master's degree,

(ii) Successful completion of a nine month, full-time internship in an approved school setting as described in the Ohio internship in school psychology guidelines;
(d) School social worker
(i) Master's degree , and

(ii) Current license to practice social work issued by the Ohio counselor, and social worker and marriage and family therapist board;
(e) School speech-language pathologist
(i) Master's degree, and

(ii) Current license to practice as a speech pathologist issued by the Ohio speech and hearing professionals board ;
(f) School nurse
(i) Baccalaureate degree, and

(ii) Current license to practice as a registered nurse issued by the Ohio board of nursing;
(iii) A school nurse wellness coordinator endorsement may be added to a professional pupil services school nurse license, or to a professional or permanent school nurse certificate, following completion of an approved program of preparation for the endorsement, and upon evidence of three years of successful experience as a licensed school nurse. The approved program of preparation for the endorsement shall include a practicum experience during which the candidate shall be required to demonstrate the knowledge, skills and dispositions for the school nurse wellness coordinator endorsement as recommended by the school health services advisory council's report (available on the department's website at education.ohio.gov). Beginning January 1, 2020, initial applicants for the school nurse wellness coordinator endorsement shall hold a master's degree.
(g) Orientation and mobility specialist
(2) A baccalaureate degree and who holds a current license issued by the Ohio occupational therapy, physical therapy, and athletic trainers board for the following:
(a) Occupational therapist, or
(b) Physical therapist.
(D) The professional administrator license shall be issued to an individual who holds a master's degree, who is deemed to be of good moral character, who has successfully completed an approved program of preparation for the licensure area sought, and who has been recommended by the dean or head of teacher education at an institution approved to prepare administrators, who has successfully completed an examination prescribed by the state board of education, and who has evidenced the requirements specified below. Administrator licenses shall be issued in the following areas:
(1) The professional principal license shall be issued in the areas described in paragraphs (D)(1)(a) to (D)(1)(e) of this rule to an individual who has completed the requirements specified in paragraph (D) of this rule and who has completed two years of successful teaching under one of the standard licenses specified in paragraphs (D)(1)(a) to (D)(1)(c) of this rule or two years of successful work experience in a school under the license specified in paragraph (D)(1)(d) of this rule at the age/grade levels for which the principal license is sought:
(a) Prekindergarten through grade six for those with an early childhood, primary, middle childhood, multi-age, or intervention specialist license;
(b) Grades four through nine for those with a middle childhood, multi-age, adolescence to young adult, intervention specialist license, or career-technical license; and
(c) Grades five through twelve for those with a middle childhood, multi-age, intervention specialist, adolescence to young adult, or career-technical license.
(d) Grades prekindergarten to twelve for those with a pupil services license.
(e) The urban principal endorsement may be added to any standard principal license or certificate . The endorsement shall be valid for the same ages and grade levels as the principal license or certificate that is held by the candidate obtaining the endorsement. The approved program of preparation for the endorsement shall include an extensive structured internship during which the candidate demonstrates effective urban leadership practices.
(2) The administrative specialist license shall be valid for working in a central office or supervisory capacity. The following requirement shall be met prior to issuance of the administrative specialist license:

Two years of successful teaching experience under a professional, standard teaching license; with the exception of the pupil services administration license, which shall require two years of experience under a professional pupil services license.

(3) The superintendent license shall be issued to an individual who holds a principal or administrative specialist license and shall be valid for supervising programs for prekindergarten through grade twelve; or for administrative duties in a school system. The following requirement shall be met prior to issuance of the superintendent license:

Three years of successful experience in a position as a principal or administrative specialist while holding the respective license.

(E) The associate license, valid for five years, shall be issued to an individual who holds an associate degree; who is deemed to be of good moral character; and who either:
(1) Has completed an approved program of preparation in the following areas:
(a) Prekindergarten associate;
(b) Educational paraprofessional (denoted as ESEA qualified);
(c) Interpreter for the hearing impaired; or,
(2) Holds a current license to practice issued by the Ohio occupational therapy, physical therapy, and athletic trainers board in the following areas:
(a) Occupational therapy assistant; or
(b) Physical therapy assistant.
(F) The professional school business manager or the professional school treasurer license, valid for five years, shall be issued to an individual who holds a baccalaureate degree, who is deemed to be of good moral character, who has successfully completed an approved preparation program as approved by the chancellor of the Ohio department of higher education or the equivalent as determined by the Ohio department of education, and who has successfully completed an examination prescribed by the state board of education.
(G) The non-renewable three-year visiting international teacher license, valid for teaching the grade levels and curriculum areas named in such license.
(1) The license shall be issued upon the request of an employing Ohio school district to a qualified individual who meets the following conditions:
(a) Is deemed to be of good moral character;
(b) Is a citizen of another country who will be entering the United States specifically for the purpose of teaching in an Ohio school or school district that has agreed to employ the person as a teacher via an exchange program or other collaboration or recruitment effort;
(c) Holds the United States equivalent of at least a bachelor's degree and provides evidence of completion of a teacher preparation program;
(d) Provides evidence of completion of an academic major in the area to be taught, or, in the case of world languages, evidence of proficiency in the target language as determined by the employing Ohio school district or the Ohio department of education; and
(e) Demonstrates English language proficiency as determined by the employing Ohio school district or the Ohio department of education.
(2) The employing Ohio school district, with assistance from the Ohio department of education, shall plan for a mentoring program for visiting international teachers to provide ongoing support and assistance in areas such as school culture, curriculum, assessment, management, and resources.
(3) If a visiting international teacher wishes to continue teaching in the schools of Ohio beyond the three year validity period of the visiting international teacher license, an extension of the initial three year license may be issued for no more than two years if the educator provides sufficient evidence that the educator's J-1 visa has been extended.
(H) The one-year non-renewable out of state educator license, valid for teaching the grade levels and curriculum areas named in such license, shall be issued upon the request of an employing Ohio school district to a qualified individual who meets the following:
(1) Is deemed to be of good moral character;
(2) Is an out of state applicant and the holder of a valid out of state standard teaching license who has completed a baccalaureate degree, an approved teacher preparation program, and the examination prescribed by the state in which licensure is held, but who has not yet successfully completed the examination prescribed by the state board of education for Ohio licensure.
(3) At least six of the required twelve semester hours of coursework in the teaching of reading as described in section 3319.24 of the Revised Code for educators requesting an early childhood, primary, middle childhood, intervention specialist, early childhood intervention specialist, or primary intervention specialist license. The remaining coursework requirement will be listed as a limitation on the license and must be completed before the out-of-state license expiration date.

(I) The one year or four year adult education permit, valid for teaching adults in an adult education program, shall be issued to an appropriately qualified individual deemed to be of good moral character, who has a high school diploma or the equivalent. An adult education program, includes, but is not limited to, the following examples:
(1) A career-technical education program which provides training for out-of-school adults, frequently to improve occupational skills; and
(2) A community-based education program for personal enrichment.

Ohio Admin. Code 3301-24-05

Effective: 12/20/2019
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 8/15/2019 and 12/20/2024
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 3301.07, 3319.22
Rule Amplifies: 3319.222, 3319.223
Prior Effective Dates: 01/01/1998, 01/01/2003, 05/12/2003, 02/24/2006, 02/25/2007, 01/18/2008, 10/25/2008, 10/23/2009, 10/23/2010, 12/28/2012, 10/30/2015