Ohio Admin. Code 145-1-31

Current through all regulations passed and filed through September 30, 2024
Section 145-1-31 - Payment for periods of noncontributing service
(A) This rule amplifies section 145.483 of the Revised Code.
(B) For purposes of this rule:
(1) "Exempt" means exempt from membership in the public employees retirement system pursuant to Chapter 145. of the Revised Code as effective during the period of noncontributing service and for which there is a properly executed written exemption.
(2) "Excluded" means excluded from membership in the retirement system because Chapter 145. of the Revised Code specifically excludes a person, or the person is not a public employee.
(3) "Noncontributing service" means a period of employment or service for which employee contributions pursuant to section 145.47 of the Revised Code were due, but not deducted by an employer, because the service was neither exempt nor excluded.
(4) "Properly executed written exemption" means an exemption form provided by the retirement system, that was signed by both the employee and employer, received by the retirement system within one month from the date employment began, and approved by the retirement system.

(C) An employer that failed to deduct employee contributions from a public employee during a period of employment, after January 1, 1935, for state employees or after July 1, 1938, for all other employees, for which employee contributions were required shall certify the earnable salary for such noncontributing service period on a form provided by the retirement system. This certification must be based on records available to the employer.
(1) After receipt of the employer's certification, the retirement system shall prepare an employer billing statement for employee and employer contributions and interest for the period of noncontributing service.
(2) Interest shall be calculated through the end of the year preceding the date of the employer billing statement.
(3) The amount of employee contributions shall be calculated using the employee contribution rate, earnable salary and maximum contribution limits in effect during the period of noncontributing service.
(4) The amount of employer contributions shall be calculated using the employer contribution rate in effect during the period of noncontributing service.
(5) The employer is liable for the total amount due in the employer billing statement.
(6) If the amount contained in the employer billing statement is not paid, it shall be added to the employer's monthy billing summary.
(7) Service credit for the period of non-contributing service shall be granted to the member on the earlier of the date the system receives payment in full from the employer or the due date of the employer billing statement described in paragraph (D) (5) of this rule.
(1) An employer shall not be billed for a period of noncontributing service which occurred before a period of contributing service for which a member received a refund of the member's accumulated contributions, pursuant to section 145.40 of the Revised Code or Article VIII of the combined plan document, until the member has made a redeposit of the refund, pursuant to section 145.31 of the Revised Code or rule 145-3-22 of the Administrative Code.
(2) The following applies when an employee who is or was exempt from membership pursuant to section 145.03 of the Revised Code with a public employer also has noncontributing service and is an employee with the same public employer.
(a) Absent a written exemption, the period of noncontributing service shall be billed to the employer pursuant to section 145.483 of the Revised Code and this rule.
(b) An employer shall not be billed for periods of exempt service that are subsequent to a period of noncontributing service unless the subsequent period of exempt service begins within three months from the last date of compensation for the noncontributing service.
(c) Once the service credit is granted to the member as described in paragraph (D)(7) of this rule, a properly executed written exemption will no longer be accepted by the retirement system.
(3) A member who has service that was exempt and not billed to an employer may purchase such exempt service pursuant to section 145.28 of the Revised Code and PERS rules.
(F) Except as provided in paragraph (F)(4) of this rule:
(1) Employee contributions paid by the employer pursuant to section 145.483 of the Revised Code and this rule shall be held in the employers' accumulation fund as defined in division (B) of section 145.23 of the Revised Code.
(2) Employee contributions paid by the employer, pursuant to section 145.483 of the Revised Code and this rule, shall be refunded to such employer in the event the member receives a refund of the member's accumulated contributions pursuant to section 145.40 of the Revised Code, a distribution under article VIII of the combined plan document, or a payment under division (H) of section 145.384 of the Revised Code. Amounts paid for employer contributions, interest or other fees, pursuant to section 145.483 of the Revised Code, shall remain with the retirement system.
(3) The employer that received employee contributions, pursuant to paragraph (F)(2) of this rule, shall be liable for a return of such employee contributions if the employee again becomes a member of the retirement system and either makes a redeposit pursuant to section 145.31 of the Revised Code or rule 145-3-22 of the Administrative Code. The retirement system shall bill the employer for the employee contributions plus interest calculated from the date of the refund through the end of the year preceding the date of the statement.
(a) For members participating in the member-directed plan, employee contributions and interest paid by the employer pursuant to section 145.483 and this rule shall be held in the member's employer contribution account, as defined in section 1.19 of the member-directed plan document. The amount credited to the member's employer contribution account pursuant to section 145.483 of the Revised Code shall vest in accordance with section 7.02 of the member-directed plan document. If the member receives a distribution under article VII of the member-directed plan document, the non-vested portion of the employee contributions shall be refunded of the employer.
(b) For members participating in the member-directed plan, employer contributions and interest paid by the employer pursuant to section 145.483 of the Revised Code and this rule shall be credited to the member's employer contribution account, as defined in section 1.19 of the member-directed plan document, and the retiree medical account, as defined in rule 145-4-01 of the Administrative Code, in the percentages determined by the OPERS board. The amount credited shall vest in accordance with the relevant provisions of the member-directed and retiree medical account plan documents. If the member receives a distribution under article VIII of the member-directed plan document, the non-vested portion of the amounts paid for employer contributions, corresponding interest or other fees pursuant to section 145.483 of the Revised Code shall be transferred as described in section 7.04 of the member-directed plan document or section 4.02 of the retiree medical account plan document, as applicable.
(G) If a member has contributions in more than one retirement plan, the contributions paid by the employer pursuant to section 145.483 of the Revised Code shall be credited to the plan in which the noncontributing service would have been earned, if it were remitted at the time the service occurred. If the member no longer has contributions in the retirement plan in which the noncontributing service would have been earned, the contributions paid by the employer pursuant to section 145.483 of the Revised Code shall be credited to the plan in which the member is now contributing.

Ohio Admin. Code 145-1-31

Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 9/30/2020 and 09/30/2025
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 145.09
Rule Amplifies: 145.47, 145.48, 145.483, 145.49
Prior Effective Dates: 12/20/1972, 11/02/1991, 10/04/1993, 05/03/1997, 11/02/2000, 01/01/2003, 01/01/2006, 01/01/2009, 07/11/2009, 01/01/2016, 07/01/2016 (Emer.), 09/01/2016, 01/01/2019, 01/01/2020
Effective: 1/1/2020
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 9/29/2020
Promulgated Under: 111.15
Statutory Authority: 145.09
Rule Amplifies: 145.47, 145.48, 145.483, 145.49
Prior Effective Dates: 12/20/1972, 11/02/1991, 10/04/1993, 05/03/1997, 11/02/2000, 01/01/2003, 01/01/2006, 01/01/2009, 07/11/2009, 01/01/2016, 07/01/2016 (Emer.), 09/01/2016, 01/01/2019