N.D. Admin. Code 75-04-05-09

Current through Supplement No. 394, October, 2024
Section 75-04-05-09 - Rate payments
1. The direct care hourly rate and components for each service are issued in a rate matrix established by the department. The components are:
a. The direct care hourly rate for intermediate care facilities for individuals with developmental disabilities must include direct care wage, employment-related costs, relief staff, administrative cost, vacancy factor, and program support, including room and board. Building depreciation and related interest costs will be calculated either by an established percentage, or if a facility is acquired or built after January 1, 2010, the provider agency may choose the actual building depreciation and related interest costs relating to the facility for the life of the building to be added to the rate. For facilities acquired after January 1, 2010, subdivision c of subsection 3 of section 75-04-05-15 must be followed in determining remaining useful life. After the depreciable life is complete the established percentage for building depreciation and related interest costs will be utilized.
b. The direct care hourly rate for residential habilitation must include direct care wage, employment-related expenses, relief staff, program support, administrative costs, and a vacancy factor.
c. The direct care hourly rate for independent habilitation, day habilitation, prevocational services, individual employment supports, and small group employment supports must include direct care wage, employment-related expenses, relief staff, program support, and administrative costs.
2. For residential habilitation, intermediate care facility for individuals with intellectual disabilities, independent habilitation, day habilitation, prevocational services, and employment supports, the maximum authorized assessment score hours for a client must be calculated by multiplying the rate from the rate matrix times the hours identified by the multiplier based on the client's assessment score from the standard assessment tool, except for residential supports provided in an intermediate care facility for individuals with intellectual disabilities, for which the established rate shall be the sum of all services identified for the client. A provider may request and the department may grant an outlier request for clients who have needs exceeding the client's assessment score.
3. Self-directed services or provider agency directed in-home supports do not require prior authorization based on the assessment score. Hours must be estimated by the program manager based on the person-centered services planning process with input from the client and the client-authorized representative, if applicable. These services are subject to the maximum annual hours as prescribed by the department.
4. Base staffing rate:
a. A provider agency may receive a base staffing rate when opening a new licensed group home or intermediate care facility for individuals with intellectual disabilities, including prior to title XIX of the Social Security Act [42 U.S.C. 1396 et seq.] certification and survey requirements.
b. A base staffing rate must be calculated based on minimum required staffing levels identified by the department.
c. A base staffing rate is effective for an intermediate care facility for individuals with intellectual disabilities on the date it is licensed by the department.
d. A provider agency shall receive a base staffing rate until the setting is fully occupied, or for three months, whichever comes first.
5. Room and board charges to clients may not exceed the maximum supplemental security income payment less one hundred thirty-five dollars for the personal incidental costs of the client, plus the average dollar value of supplemental nutrition assistance program to the eligible clientele in the facility.
6. In group homes where rental assistance is available to individual clients or the facility, the rate for room costs chargeable to individual clients are established by the governmental unit providing the subsidy.
7. In group homes where energy assistance program benefits are available to individual clients or the facility, room and board rates are reduced to reflect the average annual dollar value of such benefits.
8. Income from client production must be applied to client wages and the cost of production. The department will not participate in the gains or losses associated with client production conducted pursuant to the applicable provision of title 29, Code of Federal Regulations, part 525.
9. A provider agency may not solicit or receive a payment from a client or any other individual to supplement the established rate of payment.
10. The rate of payment established must be no greater than the rate charged to a private payor for the same or similar service.
11. Limitations:
a. The department shall accumulate and analyze statistics on costs incurred by provider agencies. Statistics may be used to establish reasonable ceiling limitations for needed services. Limitations may be established on the basis of cost of comparable facilities and services, or audited costs, and may be applied as ceilings on the overall costs, on the costs of providing services, or on the costs of specific areas of operations. The department may implement ceilings at any time, based upon the statistics available, or as required by guidelines, regulations, rules, or statutes.
b. The department shall review, on an ongoing basis, aggregate payments to intermediate care facilities for the intellectually disabled to determine that payments do not exceed an amount that can reasonably be estimated would have been paid for those services under Medicare payment principles. If aggregate payments to facilities exceed estimated payments under Medicare, the department may make adjustments to rates to establish the upper limitations so that aggregate payments do not exceed an amount that can be estimated would have been paid under Medicare payment principles.
c. Provider agencies may not be reimbursed for services, rendered to a client, which exceed the rated occupancy of any facility as established by a fire prevention authority.
d. Provider agencies of residential habilitation and intermediate care facilities for individuals with intellectual disabilities shall offer services to each client three hundred sixty-five days per year, except for leap years in which three hundred sixty-six days must be offered. Provider agencies may not be reimbursed for those days in which services are not offered to a client.
e. Provider agencies of day services shall offer services to each client eight hours per day two hundred sixty days per year, except leap years in which two hundred sixty-one days must be offered, less any state-recognized holidays, unless a holiday exception is approved by the department. Provider agencies may not be reimbursed for hours of service in which the client is not in attendance.
f. Provider agencies of day services to clients of intermediate care facilities for individuals with intellectual disabilities shall bill the intermediate care facility for individuals with intellectual disabilities the day habilitation rate established for the client.
12. Adjustments and review procedures are as follows:
a. Adjustments may be made to correct errors. Statement of costs must be reviewed taking into consideration prior years' adjustments. The provider agency must be notified by facsimile transmission or electronic mail of any adjustments based on the desk review. A provider agency may submit information, within thirty days after notification, to explain why the desk adjustment is incorrect. The department shall review the information and make appropriate adjustments.
b. A provider agency may submit a request for reconsideration of the final statement of costs review in writing to the developmental disabilities division within fifteen days of the date of the final statement of costs review notification. A request for reconsideration must provide new evidence indicating why a new determination should be made or explain how the department has incorrectly interpreted the law. The department shall respond to a properly submitted request for reconsideration within ninety days of receipt of the request. The department may revise the final statement of costs review on its own motion.
c. A provider agency may appeal the decision within thirty days after the department mails the written notice of the decision on a request for reconsideration of the final review of the statement of costs.

N.D. Admin Code 75-04-05-09

Effective July 1, 1984; amended effective June 1, 1985; June 1, 1995; July 1, 1995; April 1, 1996; August 1, 1997; July 1, 2001; May 1, 2006; July 1, 2012; January 1, 2013.
Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 2017-363, January 2017, effective 1/1/2017.
Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 368, April 2018, effective 4/1/2018.
Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 376, April 2020, effective 4/1/2020.
Amended by Administrative Rules Supplement 2023-391, January 2024, effective 1/1/2024.

General Authority: NDCC 25-01.2-18, 50-06-16

Law Implemented: NDCC 25-18-03, 50-24.1-01