N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 8 § 170.2

Current through Register Vol. 46, No. 41, October 9, 2024
Section 170.2 - Union free school districts

The board of education of every union free school district shall have power and it shall be its duty:

(a) to appoint the following separate district officers: a clerk of the board of education, a tax collector in districts not wholly located in a first-class town or towns, a treasurer (the same person may not hold two of these offices); and, in its discretion, an auditor;
(b) to designate the persons to be responsible for the following functions:
(1) purchasing; and
(2) certification of payrolls;
(c) to designate a bank or banks for the deposit of all district moneys;
(d) to establish the limits of and require the filing of an official undertaking, with corporate surety, by the collector, treasurer, and claims auditor if appointed or, in lieu thereof, to establish limits for and to include such officers in a blanket undertaking, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 2 of section 11 of the Public Officers Law;
(e) to provide a satisfactory minute book for recording the minutes of the meetings of the board of education and the proceedings of the district meetings;
(f) to provide the treasurer with the forms necessary to record the financial transactions of the district as promulgated in the "Uniform System of Accounts for School Districts";
(g) to provide the treasurer with a note register in which he shall record the dates of the resolutions authorizing notes; the types of notes; the dates on which notes are drawn; the numbers of the notes; the banks from which the money was borrowed; the amounts of the notes; the rates of interest; the dates of maturity; the dates the notes were paid, and the amounts of principal and interest paid;
(h) to adopt a prenumbered receipt form, printed in duplicate, and require that the treasurer acknowledge receipt of all moneys paid over to his custody by issuing his receipt as follows: original to payer, and copy retained by treasurer;
(i) to adopt a prenumbered receipt form, printed in triplicate, to be issued by persons, other than the treasurer, authorized to receive money in the first instance. Copies shall be distributed as follows: original to payer, copy to treasurer with the money or bank deposit receipt, and copy retained by person authorized to receive money;
(j) to adopt a prenumbered voucher check form for each bank checking account and require the use of the appropriate form in paying all district obligations;
(k) to keep the incurred obligations within the amount of the total annual appropriations voted or authorized, and the prior year's outstanding encumbrances and to pay no obligation of the district until materials have been received or services rendered;
(l) to make transfers between and within functional unit appropriations for teachers' salaries and ordinary contingent expenses. Boards of education may, by resolution, authorize the chief school officer to make transfers within limits as established by the board;
(m) to provide the collector with a warrant, district tax roll, suitable tax bills, and receipt forms and to require the collector to give notice as required by section 1322 of the Real Property Tax Law;
(n) to file its certificate and the collector's account of unpaid taxes and affidavit with the county treasurer on or before the 15th day of November as required by section 1330 of the Real Property Tax Law;
(o) to require the treasurer to render a monthly report for each fund showing the cash balance on hand at the beginning of the month, receipts by source during the month, total disbursements during the month, the cash balance on hand at the end of the month, and reconciliation with bank statements;
(p) to require the treasurer to render a report, at least quarterly (monthly in the event that budget transfers have been made since the last report), for each fund including no less than the revenue and appropriation accounts required in the annual State budget form. This report shall show the status of these accounts in at least the following detail:
(1) revenue accounts:
(i) estimated revenues;
(ii) amounts received to date of report;
(iii) revenues estimated to be received during balance of the fiscal year;
(2) appropriation accounts:
(i) original appropriations;
(ii) transfers and adjustments;
(iii) revised appropriations;
(iv) expenditures to date;
(v) outstanding encumbrances;
(vi) unencumbered balances;
(q) to provide adequate filing equipment for the preservation and systematic arrangement of all paid and unpaid claims, cancelled checks, cancelled notes, bank statements, contracts and other financial records;
(r) to require, in districts with eight or more teachers, an annual audit pursuant to section 170.12(e) of this Part.
(s) Publication of the annual financial report by union free school districts.
(1) The annual financial report for a union free school district employing eight or more teachers published pursuant to section 1721 of the Education Law shall include:
(i) an analysis of fund balance for the general fund indicating the fund balance as of July 1st of the fiscal year being reported, revenues realized during the fiscal year by source, expenditures during the fiscal year by major function, adjustments to the fund balance, and fund balance on June 30th of such fiscal year;
(ii) an analysis of fund balance for the school lunch fund, indicating the fund balance on July 1st of the fiscal year being reported, revenues from sales, all other revenues, value of food sold, all other expenditures, adjustments to the fund balance, and fund balance of June 30th of such fiscal year;
(iii) an analysis of fund balance for the school store fund, indicating the fund balance on July 1st of the fiscal year being reported, revenues from sales, all other revenues, cost of merchandise sold, all other expenditures, adjustments to fund balance, and fund balance on June 30th of such fiscal year;
(iv) an analysis of the fund balance for the workmen's compensation reserve fund indicating the fund balance as of July 1st of the fiscal year being reported, reserves appropriated to the fund during the fiscal year, all expenditures from the fund during the fiscal year, and the fund balance on June 30th of such fiscal year;
(v) a statement of total Federal aid fund expenditures by major function, a statement of total Federal aid fund revenues by source, and a trial balance for the Federal aid fund which shows combined total balances for all projects as of June 30th of such fiscal year;
(vi) a June 30th trial balance indicating combined total balances for all capital funds and a statement indicating total cash balance for all capital funds of July 1st of the fiscal year being reported, total cash receipts for such fiscal year, total cash disbursements for such fiscal year, and cash balance on June 30th of such fiscal year;
(vii) a statement indicating the combined total balance of cash and securities for all trust and agency funds on July 1st of the fiscal year being reported, combined total receipts and combined total disbursements for such fiscal year, and the combined total balance of cash and securities for all trust and agency funds held at June 30th of such fiscal year;
(viii) a statement of general fixed asset accounts as of June 30th of the fiscal year being reported indicating the total value of sites, building and equipment;
(ix) a statement of capital indebtedness accounts as of June 30th of the fiscal year being reported; and
(x) a notice that the full text of the annual financial report in the form filed with the State Education Department is available for public inspection at a stated place and time or times.
(2) A union free school district employing fewer than eight teachers shall publish its annual financial report in the same detail as stipulated in the preceding paragraph of this subdivision except that no trial balances shall be required and cash analyses may be substituted for analyses of fund balances. The required cash analyses shall include a statement of the cash balance on July 1st, of the fiscal year being reported, cash receipts for such fiscal year, cash disbursements for such fiscal year and the cash balance on June 30th, of such fiscal year.

N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 8 § 170.2