N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 6 § 326.2

Current through Register Vol. 46, No. 42, October 16, 2024
Section 326.2 - Restricted pesticides

Notwithstanding any statement to the contrary, including statements contained on labels or made by manufacturers, any substance or mixture of substances enumerated in this section, when used as a pesticide as defined in Environmental Conservation Law, article 33, is declared to be restricted to its purchase, distribution, sale, use and possession.

(a) The following may be distributed, sold, purchased, possessed and used only upon issuance of a commercial or purchase permit for any uses listed on the approved label as registered with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation:
(1) Acrolein [acryaldehyde]--all concentrations.
(2) Acrylonitrile--all concentrations.
(3) Aluminum phosphide (Phostoxin)--all concentrations.
(4) Antu [alpha naphthyl thiourea]--all concentrations above 29%.
(5) Avitrol--all concentrations.
(6) Azodrin [dimethyl phosphate of 3-hydroxy-N-methyl-cis-crotonamide] --all concentrations.
(7) Bidrin [dimethyl phosphate of 3-hydroxy-N,N-dimethyl-cis-crotonamide] --all concentrations.
(8) Bomyl [dimethyl 3-hydroxyglutaconate dimethyl phosphate] --all concentrations.
(9) Brodifacoum (Talon) [3-(3-(4'-bromo(1,1'-biphenyl-;4-yl)-1,2,3,4- tetrahydro-1-

naphthalenyl-4-hydroxy-2H-1-benzopyra-;2-one]--all concentrations above 0.005%.

(10) Bromadialone (Maki) [3-(3-(4'-bromo(1,1'-biphenyl-;4-yl) 3-hydroxy-1- phenyl-

propyl-4-hydroxy -2H-1-benzopyran-2-one]--all concentrations above 0.005%.

(11) Bromethalin (N-methyl-2,4-dinitro-N-(2,4,6-tribromophenyl)-6- (trifluoromethyl) benzeneamine])--all concentrations above 0.01%.
(12) Carbon Disulfide--all concentrations. No permits will be issued for concentrations greater than 90%.
(13) Carbofuran (Furadan)--all concentrations.
(14) Carbophenothion (Trithion)--all concentrations above 5%.
(15) Chlorfenvinphos (Birlane) [2-chloro-1-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-vinyl diethylphosphate] --all concentrations above 0.5%. Resin strips such as flea collars, cattle eartags and other impregnated resin products are not restricted.
(16) Chlorophacinone (Rozol) [2-((p-chlorophenyl) phenylacetyl)-1,3- indandione]--all concentrations above 0.05%.
(17) Chloropicrin--all concentrations.
(18) Chlorpyrifos--all formulations labeled for use to control termites by subsurface ground insertion.
(19) Cholecalciferol (Quintox) [9,10-seocholesta-5,7,10(19)-trein-3 betaol]-- all concentrations above 0.075%.
(20) Cyanides--calcium and inorganic cyanides--all concentrations; liquid hydrogen cyanide--all concentrations.
(21) Cyclohexamide (Actidione)--all concentrations above 1.3%.
(22) Daminozide (Alar) [butanedioic acid mono (2,2-dimethyl hydrazide)]--all concentrations.
(23) Dasanit [0,0-diethyl 0-[p-(methylsulfinyl) phenyl ]phosphorothioate]--all concentrations.
(24) Demeton (Systox)--all concentrations.
(25) Dinitrophenol--all concentrations above 0.7%.
(26) Dinoseb (DNBP) or (DNOSBP) [4,6-dinitro-o-sec-butylphenol and salts]--all concentrations.

(28) Diphacinone [2-diphenylacetyl-1,3-indandione]--all concentrations above 3%.
(29) Di-Syston [0,0-diethyl S-[2-(ethylthio) ethyl] phosphorodithioate]--all concentrations above 2%.
(30) NOC[4,6-dinitro-o-cresol and salts]--all concentrations.
(31) DNOCHP [4,6-dinitro-o-cyclohexylphenol and salts]--all concentrations.
(32) Dyfonate [0-ethyl S-phenyl ethylphosphonodithioate]--all concentrations.
(33) Endosulfan (Thiodan)--all concentrations.
(34) EPN [0-ethyl 0-p-nitrophenyl phenylphosphonothioate]--all concentrations.
(35) Ethion [bis(0,0-dimethylthionothiophosphoryl) methane]--all concentrations above 3% and granular formulations above 6%.
(36) Ethoprop (Mocap) [0-ethyl S, S-dipropyl phosphorodithioate]--all concentrations.
(37) Famphur [0,0-dimethyl 2-[p-(dimethylsulfamoyl) phenyl]phosphorothioate]-- all concentrations.
(38) Fenamiphos (Nemacur) [ethyl-3-methyl-4-(methylthio)phenyl(1-methylethyl) phosphoramidate]--all concentrations.
(39) Fenthion (Baytex)--all concentrations above 0.5%.
(40) Formetanate hydrochloride (Carazol SP) m [[(Dimethylamino) methylene] amino]-phenyl methylcarbamate monohydrochloride--all concentrations.
(41) Fumarin [3-(alpha-acetonyl-furfuryl)-4-hydroxycoumarin]--all concentrations above 3%.
(42) Guthion[0,0-dimethyl S-[4-oxo-1,2,3-benxotriazin -3 (4H)-ylmethyl]-phosphoro-dithioate]--all concentrations.
(43) Isofenphos (Oftanol, Amaze) [1-methylethyl-2-((ethoxy(1-methylethyl)amino) phosphinothioyl)oxy)benzoate]--all concentrations above 2%.
(44) (Lethane 384)[b-butoxy-b'-thiocyano diethyl ether] --all concentrations.
(45) Magnesium phosphide--all concentrations.
(46) Methiocarb (Mesurol) [3,5-dimethyl-4-(methylthio) phenyl methylcarbamate]--all concentrations above 2%.
(47) Methomyl (Lannate) -[S-methyl-N-((methylcarbamoyl)oxy)thioacetimidate]-- all concentrations above 1%.
(48) Methyl Bromide--all concentrations.
(49) Methyl parathion [0,0-dimethyl 0-p-nitrophenyl phosphorothioate] --all concentrations.
(50) Mexacarbate (Zectran) [4-(dimethylamino)-3, 5-xylyl methyl carbamate]--all concentrations above 2%.
(51) Monitor [O,S-dimethyl phosphoramidothioate]--all concentrations.
(52) Nicotine Alkaloid--all concentrations above 1%.
(53) Nicotine Salts--all concentrations above 40% nicotine expressed as alkaloid.
(54) Paraquat--concentrations above 0.2%.
(55) Parathion--all concentrations.
(56) Pentachlorophenol--all concentrations above 5%.
(57) Permethrin--all formulations labeled for use to control termites by subsurface ground insertion.
(58) Phorate (Thimet)--all concentrations.
(59) Phosdrin [2-carbomethoxy-1-methylvinyl dimethyl phosphate, alpha isomer]-- all concentrations.
(60) Phosphamidon--all concentrations.
(61) Phosphorus (white or yellow)--all concentrations.
(62) Pival [2-pivalyl-1,3-indandione and salts]--all concentrations above 3%.
(63) PMP, Valone [2-isovaleryl-1,3-indanduone and salts] --all concentrations above 6%.
(64) Randox N-N-Diallyl-2-chloroacetamide--all concentrations.
(65) Schradan (OMPA)--all concentrations.
(66) Strychnine and its salts--all concentrations.
(67) Sulfotepp [0,0,0,0-tetraethyl dithiopyrophosphate]--all concentrations.
(68) Sulfuryl Fluoride (Vikane)--all concentrations.
(69) Supracide-0,0dimethyl phosphorodithioate ester with 4-(mercaptymethyl)-2- methoxy delta2-1,3,4-thiadiazolin-5-one.
(70) TEPP [tetraethyl-pyrophosphate]--all concentrations.
(71) Terbufos(Counter)[S-((1,1-dimethylethyl)thio)methyl)-0,0-diethyl phosphorodi-thioate]--all concentrations.
(72) Vapona (dichlorvos, DDVP) 2,[2-dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate] --all concentrations above 1%. Resin strips such as flea collars, bird perches and other impregnated resin products are not restricted.
(73) Warfarin [3-(alpha-acetonylbenzyl)-4-hydroxycoumar in and its salts]--all concentrations above 3%.
(74) Zinc Phosphide--all concentrations above 2%.
(75) Zinophos [0,0-diethyl 0-2-pyrazinyl phosphorodithioate] --all concentrations.
(b) The following may be distributed, sold, purchased, possessed or used only upon issuance of a commercial permit or purchase permit for those purposes listed:
(1) Aldicarb (Temik).
(i) For use by trained personnel in commercial production of ornamental plants in commercial greenhouses and field-grown and nursery plantings on:
(a) greenhouse plants or plant beds--for control of aphids, leafminers, thrips, mealybugs, spider mites, white flies;
(b) roses--for control of spider mites;
(c) dahlias--for the control of aphids, leafhoppers, leafminers, spider mites;
(d) lilies, bulbs--for the control of nematodes; and
(e) birch and holly--for the control of aphids, leafminers.
(ii) In all counties other than Nassau and Suffolk, use on potatoes is permitted under the following restrictions:
(a) Application must not be made to any field that was treated with aldicarb in 1985.
(b) Application must not be made within 500 feet of a well used for potable water supply or livestock watering.
(c) All applications must be made after plant emergence at an application rate not to exceed two pounds of active ingredient per acre.
(d) All applications must be made with a certified applicator physically present on the site of application of aldicarb.
(e) By applying aldicarb, any user expressly consents to the taking of water samples from the premises containing the site of application by the department or the registrant at reasonable times and on notice to the owner of the premises.

Use on potatoes in Nassau and Suffolk Counties is prohibited by subdivision (f) of this section.

(2) Inorganic arsenic compounds:
(i) Arsenious oxide--may be purchased under permit for formulating baits which shall contain not more than 2.4% of the compounds for commercial areas or 1.5% of the compound for home use to control rodents.
(ii) Calcium arsenate--concentrations above 6% active ingredient expressed as tricalcium arsenate allowable for use only in prescription programs for control of Poa annua in turf by permit. Concentrations under 6% unrestricted.
(iii) Lead arsenate--allowable for use in integrated control programs on apples to control plum curculio, codling moth, apple maggot and other chewing insects.
(iv) Magnesium arsenate, Paris green and other inorganic arsenicals not specifically covered--limited to use by permit and only upon review for determining acceptability of proposed use.
(v) Soluble arsenics, including arsenic trioxide (above 1.5%), sodium arsenite (above 2%) and sodium arsenate (above 5%)--restricted, with permits granted only after review of the specific use proposed.
(3) Dicamba (Banvel D)--no restrictions on the substance itself and no permit required. However, in mixtures with fertilizer, the dicamba must be in the acid form and recommended at rates not to exceed 0.125 pounds acid equivalent per acre.
(4) 1-methyl-3-phenyl-5-[3-(trifluoromethyl)-phenyl]-4-(1H)-pyridin one ("fluridone"):
(i) applications of aqueous suspension formulations are permitted in waters of the State at application rates not to exceed 50 parts per billion. Swimming is not allowed in treated areas for a period of 24 hours following the application.
(ii) applications of pellet formulations are not permitted in waters less than two feet deep. The use of pellet formulations in waters less than two feet deep may be authorized for the control of invasive species. This use will be authorized by the issuance of an article 15 permit and the pellet formulations shall only be applied in accordance with label and labeling directions or as modified and approved by the Department of Environmental Conservation.
(5) Lindane:
(i) for use on trees, shrubs and logs to control lepidopterous and coleopterous borers, long-horned and ambrosia beetles, certain bark beetles, giant hornets, the white pine weevil, pine root collar weevil, pales weevil, balsam twig aphids, white pine aphids and the northern pine weevil;
(ii) for foliar treatment for the control of the honey locust pod gall. This is the only overall foliage treatment allowed;
(iii) for planter box treatment of bean, cucurbit, corn and pea seeds; and
(iv) pastes or ointments containing less than 2.1 percent, anti-flea collars for pets containing not more than 0.75 percent, and liquid concentrations containing not more than five percent in containers not to exceed 16 ounces (one pint) for the control of certain borers are not restricted.
(6) Sodium fluoroacetate:
(i) for use by registered custom applicators and governmental agencies;
(ii) must be used in locked bait stations, may be used only when the premises or area is vacated, the structure or area must be adequately posted, and all carcasses must be collected and disposed of before the premises or area can be occupied;
(iii) a purchase permit must be secured for each job on which the material is to be used;
(iv) applications for the purchase and use of sodium fluoroacetate must be accompanied by a letter outlining where the material will be used, who will be in charge of the operation, the dates of application, the disposal site of the carcasses, and the reasons for using this material; and
(v) disposal of the carcasses shall be by burial or incineration at approved sites.
(7) Endrin:
(i) for use only in apple orchards for the control of pine vole;
(ii) shall not be used as a preventative. Only orchards with obvious pine vole damage may be treated;
(iii) applicant must have attended an approved training session covering the use of Endrin and pine vole control prior to making application for a permit;
(iv) verification of the infestation may be required by the department's regional office;
(v) may be applied only after the area to be treated has been harvested, including drops; and
(vi) not for use after January 30, 1978.
(8) Oxamyl:
(i) in Nassau and Suffolk Counties use is permitted only on containerized plantings.
(ii) all other uses listed on the registered label are otherwise permitted throughout the State.
(9) Tributyltin--products labeled for aquatic antifouling and preservative uses are restricted as follows:
(i) release of organotin calculated as tributyltin cation may not exceed four micrograms per square centimeter of application area per day;
(ii) container size may not exceed 32 fluid ounces;
(iii) application may be only to aluminum hulls or other aluminum parts of vessels; and
(iv) products are not restricted-use until such time as they become restricted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

All measurements must be made according to the American Society for Testing and Materials Standard Test Method for Organotin Release Rates of Antifouling Coating Systems in Sea Water, as amended by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency June 27, 1986, and evaluated in the manner described in a memorandum dated August 6, 1987 from Dr. Reiter and Dr. Doyle to Dr. Andersen, all of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, entitled Review of Tributyltin (TBT) Release Rate Studies with the exception that release of organotin calculated as tributyltin cation shall be measured as an average over the 15th to 70th days following application. See section 326.13 of this Part for information concerning access to referenced material.

(c) The following may not be distributed, sold, purchased, possessed or used for any purpose:
(1) Aldrin [hexachlorohexahydro-endo, exo-dimethanonapthalene] ;
(2) Bandane [polychlorodicyclopentadiene];
(3) BHC [benzene hexachloride-mixed isomers];
(4) Chlordane [octachloro-4, 7-methanotetrahydroindane];
(5) DBCP [dibromochloropropane];
(6) DDD, TDE [dichloro diphenyl dichloroethane];
(7) DDT [dichloro diphenyl trichloroethane];
(8) Dieldrin [hexachloroepoxyoctahydro-endo, exo-dimethanonapthalene];
(9) Heptachlor [heptachlorotetrahydro-4, 7-methanoindene];
(10) Mercury compounds;
(11) Selenites and selenates;
(12) Silvex [2-(2,4,5-trichlorophenyoxy) propionic acid];
(13) Strobane;
(14) 2,4,5-T [2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid];
(15) Thallium;
(16) Toxaphene; or
(17) after July 31,2021, Chlorpyrifos.
(d) [Reserved]
(e) If it is determined by the Commissioner of the New York State Department of Health that an emergency exists affecting the public health or if it is determined by the Commissioner of the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets or the United States Department of Agriculture that the enforcement of a State or Federal quarantine requires it, the Commissioner of Environmental Conservation may permit the use of any restricted pesticide to cope with the emergency or enforce the quarantine.
(f) The distribution, sale, purchase, possession or use of aldicarb (Temik) for use on potatoes in Nassau and Suffolk Counties is hereby forbidden.
(g) Any product whose label limits use to commercial pesticide applicators only may be distributed, sold, purchased, possessed and used only upon issuance of a commercial permit or certification identification card. Label statements that limit use to commercial pesticide applicators include but are not limited to the following:
(1) only for sale to and use and storage by commercial pest control operators; and
(2) to be applied only by or under the direct supervision of commercial applicators responsible for insect control programs.
(h) Any pesticide labeled for direct application to or in surface waters may be distributed, offered for sale, sold, purchased, possessed or used only by the holder of a valid commercial permit, certification identification card or purchase permit.

N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 6 § 326.2

Amended New York State Register July 21, 2021/Volume XLIII, Issue 29, eff. 7/31/2021