N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 22 § 610.2

Current through Register Vol. 46, No. 42, October 16, 2024
Section 610.2 - Documents, affidavits and other proof required

Every applicant for a license to practice as a legal consultant shall file the following additional papers with his application:

(a) A certificate from the authority having final jurisdiction over professional discipline in the foreign country in which the applicant was admitted to practice, which shall be signed by responsible official or one of the members of the executive body of such authority and shall be attested under the hand and seal, if any, of the clerk of such authority, and which shall certify:
(1) as to the authority's jurisdiction in such matters;
(2) as to the applicant's admission to practice in such foreign country and the date thereof and as to his good standing as an attorney or counselor at law or the equivalent therein, and
(3) as to whether any charge or complaint has ever been filed against the applicant with such authority, and, if so, the substance of each such charge or complaint and the disposition thereof.
(b) A letter of recommendation from one of the members of the executive body of such authority or from one of the judges of the highest law court or court of general original jurisdiction of such foreign country, certifying to the applicant's professional qualifications, together with a certificate under the hand and seal, if any, of the clerk of such authority or of such court, as the case may be, attesting to the office held by the person signing the letter and the genuineness of his signature.
(c) Affidavits as to the applicant's good moral character and fitness from three reputable persons residing in this State and not related to the applicant, one of whom shall be a practicing New York attorney.
(d) Affidavits from two attorneys or counselors at law or the equivalent admitted in the practicing in such foreign country, stating the nature and extent of their acquaintance with the applicant and their personal knowledge as to the nature, character and extent of the applicant's practice, and as to the applicant's good standing, as an attorney or counselor at law or the equivalent in such foreign country, and the duration and continuity of such practice.
(e) Such additional evidence as the applicant may see fit to submit with respect to his educational and professional qualifications and his good moral character and fitness.
(f) A duly authenticated English translation of every paper submitted by the applicant which is not in English.
(g) A duly acknowledged instrument designating the clerk of this court the applicant's agent for service of process as provided in section 521.4(a)(2)(iii) of the rules of the Court of Appeals (22 NYCRR 521.4[a][2] [iii]).

N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 22 § 610.2