N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 20 § 77.1

Current through Register Vol. 46, No. 41, October 9, 2024
Section 77.1 - Refunds

Tax Law, §§ 171, 475 and 476

(1) Whenever any cigarettes upon which stamps evidencing the payment of the cigarette tax have been placed on packages thereof:
(i) are sold and shipped into another state or other identified location outside of New York State for sale or use in such other state or location; or
(ii) are destroyed;

a dealer, including a licensed cigarette agent, shall be entitled to a refund of the actual amount of cigarette tax which was paid and borne by the dealer with respect to such cigarettes, provided an application for refund is timely filed. Further, whenever any cigarettes upon which stamps have been placed on packages thereof:

(iii) become unfit for use and consumption; or
(iv) become unsalable;

a dealer who is a licensed agent shall, upon timely application, be entitled to such a refund. Accordingly, a retail dealer and a wholesale dealer may be entitled to a refund of the face value of the stamps, including the city tax in the case of joint stamps. Where the dealer is a licensed cigarette agent and has purchased and affixed said stamps, such agent may be entitled to a refund of the face value of the stamps, less any commissions allowed the agent pursuant to article 20 of the Tax Law and the Administrative Code of the City of New York. In the event that an agent cannot establish the date of purchase of such stamps for purposes of ascertaining the applicable rate or rates of commission to be used in computing the net amount of refund due, the rate or rates in effect at the time of such sale, destruction or determination of unsuitability may be used, with the prior consent of the Department of Taxation and Finance.

(i) Every dealer applying for a refund on the basis of cigarettes sold out-of-State, cigarettes destroyed or cigarettes determined to be unfit or unsalable must certify, in such application, that cigarette stamps were affixed to the packages of such cigarettes and that the dealer assumed the payment of the tax. The dealer must also certify that such cigarettes, in fact, were sold out-of-State, destroyed or became unsuitable for use or sale and that no other claim for refund has been, or will be, made with respect to such cigarettes.
(ii) A dealer who sells packages of cigarettes upon which stamps have been placed to an out-of-State purchaser must obliterate or otherwise void such stamps prior to the time that the cigarettes are shipped to the out-of-State location. Additionally, the dealer must require and receive from the out-of- State purchaser, at the time of each shipment and in support of any claim for refund, a certificate to the effect that the cigarettes (evidenced by a detailed invoice or other such document to be attached to the certificate) have been received by the purchaser without payment of the New York State cigarette tax, that the cigarettes will be immediately removed from the State to an identified location for purposes of resale or use and that such cigarettes shall not be returned to the State for sale or use herein. The certificate must be signed by the purchaser and must be properly completed as described in subdivision (d) of section 76.1 of this Title. Where such cigarettes are sold by other than the stamping agent, the invoice or other document to be attached to the subject certificate must, in addition to any other information, reflect the date that each container of cigarettes was received from the stamping agent. In lieu of furnishing the date for each container, a dealer may elect to furnish the date that the oldest container in the shipment was received from the stamping agent, with the understanding that such date may be used as an indication of the timeliness of any application for refund resulting from the out-of-State sale. A copy of the certificate and the attachments must accompany any such claim for refund.
(iii) A dealer who makes an application for a refund on the basis of cigarettes, in packages upon which stamps have been placed, which have been destroyed must preserve the packages of cigarettes, to the extent possible, in their original dated containers until such time as the department can inspect such packages or until notified otherwise by the department. The provisions of this section with respect to cigarettes destroyed shall also apply with the same force and effect to cigarette stamps which have been affixed to packages of cigarettes and which stamps have been subsequently damaged so as to be considered worthless.
(iv) A dealer who as a licensed agent makes an application for a refund on the basis of cigarettes, in packages upon which stamps have been placed, which have not been destroyed but which have been determined to be unfit for use and consumption or unsalable (e.g., stale cigarettes) must establish to the satisfaction of the department:
(a) that, if applicable, the agent replaced such cigarettes or otherwise compensated any dealer who returned the cigarettes to the agent to the extent that the payment of the cigarette tax was again assumed by the agent; and
(b) that the cigarettes were returned by the agent to the manufacturer or to the person who introduced such cigarettes into the State and that such manufacturer or person did not reimburse the agent for the payment of the tax.
(1) Except if precluded in this Title, upon timely application, a person making sales of cigarettes in packages upon which stamps have been placed to an exempt purchaser described in Part 76 of this Title, or the exempt purchaser of such cigarettes, may, in extraordinary circumstances, be entitled to a refund of the actual amount of cigarette tax which was paid and borne by such seller or purchaser. The seller or exempt purchaser, as the case may be, must establish to the satisfaction of the Department of Taxation and Finance that the cigarette tax has been assumed by such seller or purchaser, that no other claim for refund has been or will be made with respect to the subject cigarettes and that no liability for the tax exists pursuant to article 20 of the Tax Law. The seller or exempt purchaser must also establish, to the department's satisfaction, the nature of the extraordinary circumstance which necessitated the sale or purchase of cigarettes upon which the tax had been paid. For example, the department may require a written explanation as to why such exemption could not have been effectuated in accordance with the provisions of Part 76 of this Title.
(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1) of this subdivision and pursuant to section 76.5 of this Title, upon timely application, a person who acquires cigarettes in packages upon which stamps have been placed on behalf of the United Nations, or the United Nations as the purchaser of such cigarettes, will be entitled to a refund of the actual amount of cigarette tax which was paid and borne by such person or the United Nations. Provided however, such cigarettes must be acquired for the official use of the United Nations within its facilities and such cigarettes shall not be made available or sold to the general public.
(3) Any seller or exempt purchaser who makes an application for a refund pursuant to this subdivision must obliterate or otherwise void the cigarette tax stamps on all packages of cigarettes which are the subjects of such claim.
(c) Whenever the Commissioner of Taxation and Finance determines that any tax imposed by article 20 of the Tax Law has been paid in error, the dealer, including a licensed agent, shall be entitled to a refund of the actual amount of tax paid, provided an application therefor is timely filed. Such application, in addition to any other information as may be required, must disclose the exact nature of the erroneous payment of tax.
(1) Unless otherwise specifically provided in this Title or elsewhere, an application for a refund must be filed with the Department of Taxation and Finance within two years after the cigarette stamps were affixed to the packages of cigarettes which are the subjects of such claim. For purposes of this section and unless otherwise established, cigarette stamps will be deemed affixed by a licensed cigarette agent immediately prior to the time that the cigarettes are sold by the agent, destroyed while in the possession of the agent or determined by the agent to be unfit or unsalable, whichever is earlier. Since persons other than agents are precluded from purchasing and affixing stamps, an application for refund must be filed by such a person within two years after the date that the cigarettes were purchased from the stamping agent, as evidenced by purchase invoices or other such documents and by the dates that the cigarettes were received from the stamping agent, marked on the containers of such cigarettes pursuant to subdivision (c) of section 74.3 of this Title.
(2) Where, pursuant to section 79.1 of this Title, a taxpayer has consented in writing to extend the period of time in which a determination of tax may be made and such agreement is made within the two-year periods specified in paragraph (1) of this subdivision, the period of time in which a taxpayer may file a claim for refund of cigarette tax paid will not expire prior to six months after the expiration of the extended period within which a determination of tax may be made.
(e) A refund will be allowed only to the extent that the claimant has paid and assumed the tax. If the Department of Taxation and Finance is satisfied that any dealer or any other person is entitled to a refund, it may, subject to audit by the Comptroller, make a refund of the cigarette tax paid. Where such dealer is a licensed cigarette agent, the department is authorized to issue to such agent cigarette stamps of sufficient value to cover the refund of the tax on cigarettes. No interest shall be paid by the department on any refund of the cigarette tax.

N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 20 § 77.1