N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 20 § 71.1

Current through Register Vol. 46, No. 41, October 9, 2024
Section 71.1 - Licensing of agents

Tax Law, §§ 471, 472(1), 473, 475, 480(1), (4) and 481(2)

(a)Licensing of agents.
(i) The Department of Taxation and Finance, upon application, may license financially responsible cigarette dealers, importers, exporters, manufacturers and other persons, located within or outside of the State, as agents to buy and affix stamps to be used for paying the tax imposed on the possession of cigarettes for sale pursuant to article 20 of the Tax Law. Except as otherwise provided for in this Title, no person may purchase, possess or affix such stamps evidencing the payment of the cigarette tax unless such person has been granted and publicly displays, in the person's place of business, a license as a cigarette agent. Further, unless so licensed or specifically provided for, no person may possess in this State more than 400 cigarettes in unstamped or unlawfully stamped packages without establishing to the satisfaction of the department that such cigarettes are not subject to tax. An agent shall, at all times, have the right to appoint any person in such agent's lawful employ to affix stamps to any packages of cigarettes under the agent's control.
(ii) The license granted to a cigarette agent by the department is personal to the person to whom it is granted and such license is not assignable. Except as provided in section 71.8 of this Part, a license as a cigarette agent shall continue in effect until cancelled or suspended by the department or until surrendered by the licensee. The relationship which exists between the department and a licensed cigarette agent must, at all times, be one of good faith and cooperation. As a licensee of the State, an agent is responsible for the honest and expeditious payment and collection of the cigarette tax (see Part 74 of this Title).
(i) The department may license as a cigarette agent, a dealer in cigarettes, either at the wholesale or retail level, to purchase cigarette tax stamps and to affix such stamps on packages of cigarettes to be sold by the dealer in New York State. Such dealer must maintain a separate warehousing facility for the purpose of receiving and distributing cigarettes and conducting its business, and must receive commitments from at least two cigarette manufacturers whose aggregate market share of the New York State cigarette market is at least 40 percent.
(a) A separate warehousing facility for the purpose of receiving and distributing cigarettes and conducting business shall mean a warehouse, storehouse or other commercial building, or a group of such buildings, wherein cigarettes are received, stored and distributed and the dealer's day-to-day business activities are conducted. Such a warehousing facility must be separate and distinct from any other person's facilities. A warehousing facility shall not include a mere enclosure within a larger facility, nor a means of transportation (i.e., a truck or van).
(b) In addition to maintaining such a separate warehousing facility, an applicant dealer must receive and forward to the department as proof thereof, written commitments from two or more cigarette manufacturers, who collectively share at least 40 percent of the New York State cigarette market, to the effect that such manufacturers agree or pledge to sell cigarettes directly to the dealer.
(ii) In limited circumstances, the department may also license as a cigarette agent, a dealer in cigarettes for the sole purpose of processing packages of cigarettes in this State which bear tax stamps of states other than New York and which cigarettes will be sold exclusively in such other states. As the lawful possession of unstamped packages of cigarettes in this State is merely an adjunct to the purpose for which an agent is licensed, that being to purchase and affix New York State tax stamps, an agent licensed pursuant to this subparagraph shall be considered a retail dealer or a wholesale dealer, as the case may be, for all other purposes.
(3) The department may license as a cigarette agent, an importer of cigarettes, an exporter of cigarettes, a manufacturer of cigarettes or any other person, who is not a dealer as defined by section 70.2(h) of this Title. Accordingly, such importer, exporter, manufacturer or other person so licensed may make no sales of cigarettes in New York State. Where sales of cigarettes are made within the State by the importer, exporter, manufacturer or other person, the importer, exporter, manufacturer or person is a dealer in cigarettes and as such is subject to the provisions of paragraph (2) of this subdivision.
(4) The department may license as a cigarette agent, the State or city, whenever the State or city obtains cigarettes for distribution on a nonprofit basis. The State or city shall not be subject to the bonding requirements of this Part.
(5) Nothing in this subdivision, nor Title, shall be construed to permit or require licensing in any circumstance in which the State is without power to do so by reason of the United States Constitution or any laws enacted pursuant thereto. Furthermore, in isolated circumstances, in which the State has the power to permit or require licensing, the department may allow a person to act in the capacity of an agent without obtaining an agent's license for an exclusive purpose which is not in the usual course of such person's business. A person who wishes to act in such capacity must receive the advanced written approval of the department or must act under order or direction of a court.
(1) Before a person may be licensed as a cigarette agent, such person must submit to the Department of Taxation and Finance:
(i) a complete application for license as a cigarette agent;
(ii) a nonrefundable $1,500 fee for filing such application in the form of a bank check, certified check (or other guaranteed draft acceptable to the department) or money order, made payable to the Department of Taxation and Finance, unless such fee has been paid during the preceding 12 months, in which case, the fee for a new license shall be $1,000;
(iii) as proof of financial responsibility, current financial statements certified as to reliability by a licensed public accountant or a certified public accountant pursuant to an audit conducted by such accountant;
(iv) a detailed description of such applicant's business activities; and
(v) in the case of a dealer in cigarettes who wishes to purchase and affix stamps:
(a) letters, or other forms of written evidence, from at least two manufacturers whose aggregate share of the New York State cigarette market is at least 40 percent, indicating the approximate market share of each manufacturer and that each manufacturer will sell cigarettes directly to the applicant;
(b) an indication of the extent of total cigarette purchases which will be made from each qualifying manufacturer; and
(c) a description of the applicant's warehousing facility as described in subdivision (a) of this section.
(2) The department will review the information submitted by the applicant and may for cause refuse to license such applicant in accordance with section 71.5 of this Part. Upon approval of an application for a license as a cigarette agent, the department will issue, for prominent public display, an individual certificate of license for each of an agent's places of business at which the agent will be authorized to possess unstamped packages of cigarettes and to affix and cancel cigarette tax stamps. Each certificate shall bear the address of the appropriate place of business and a common agent identification number. Each certificate shall also indicate whether or not the licensee qualifies as an agent for purposes of the cigarette marketing standards contained in article 20-A of the Tax Law. Failure to display such certificate(s) will constitute a violation of article 20 of the Tax Law.
(1) The Department of Taxation and Finance, in order to protect the State's cigarette tax revenue and to insure compliance with the cigarette marketing standards contained in article 20-A of the Tax Law, may periodically review the status of a licensed agent and may, at any time, require any such person to submit to the department:
(i) any records maintained in the normal course of business, including but not limited to, any records required to be maintained by the department; and
(ii) current financial statements certified by a licensed public accountant or a certified public accountant pursuant to an audit conducted by such accountant.
(2) Not more often than once every three years, the department (in order to properly administer the cigarette tax imposed by article 20 of the Tax Law or the Cigarette Marketing Standards Act contained in article 20-A of such law) may require every licensed cigarette agent to file a new application for a license, again comply with, or prove its compliance with, all of the requirements of the Tax law and this Title in relation to cigarette agent's licenses and to surrender its existing license (see section 71.8 of this Part).
(1)Current financial statements as used in this section means certified financial statements for a 12-month period of time (or fraction thereof in the case of a new business) ended not more than 18 months prior to the date such statements are submitted to the department. Where such certified financial statements are for a period ended more than six months prior to the date of submission, in addition to such certified financial statements, interim financial statements (on a monthly, quarterly or yearly basis) must be submitted to the department for a period of time ending within such six-month period. All financial statements submitted to the department must reflect the individual activities of the applicant or of the agent, as the case may be. Where a certification is applicable to a consolidated group of entities, the financial spreadsheets upon which the certification was based, together with an analysis of all intercompany accounts, must also be provided. The department may require an unqualified opinion in support of such statements where it deems such an opinion necessary.
(2) If an applicant or an agent fails to supply current financial statements which have been independently certified by a licensed public accountant or by a certified public accountant and/or fails to supply an unqualified opinion where necessary in support of such statements, as required by this section, the applicant will not be licensed or such agent's license will be cancelled. However, on petition, either through the hearing process or on the motion of the department, the requirements for a certification by a licensed public accountant or by a certified public accountant and for an unqualified supporting opinion may be waived. If such requirements are waived, the department may instead require alternative certification.
(1) A license as an agent granted pursuant to article 20 of the Tax Law and this Part does not necessarily qualify a person as an agent for purposes of the cigarette marketing standards contained in article 20-A of the Tax Law (see article 2 of this Subchapter).
(2) Where an applicant for a license as a cigarette agent or where an agent is also a wholesale dealer of cigarettes, such applicant or agent must also obtain a license as a wholesale dealer pursuant to Part 72 of this Title. Both the application for a license as a cigarette agent and the application for a license as a wholesale dealer of cigarettes are subject to individual application filing fees.
(3) Where an applicant for a license as a cigarette agent or where an agent is also a retail dealer of cigarettes or a cigarette vending machine owner/operator, such applicant or agent must also comply with the registration provisions of Part 73 of this Title.
(4) Except as provided in this Title, where an applicant or agent is also a distributor, wholesale dealer or retail dealer of tobacco products, other than cigarettes, or an owner/operator of a vending machine through which such tobacco products are sold, a separate appointment, license and/or registration, as the case may be, must be obtained (see article 3 of this Subchapter).
(5) Licensing as a cigarette agent by the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance shall not authorize a person to purchase and affix tax stamps of the City of New York nor joint stamps which evidence the payment of both the State and city taxes. Persons wishing to purchase and affix such stamps must be authorized agents pursuant to chapter 13 of title 11 of the Administrative Code of the City of New York.
(1) An agent must immediately inform the Department of Taxation and Finance, in writing, of any change to the information shown on the application for a license as a cigarette agent or as last reported to the department, including but not limited to, any change of name or any change in such agent's officers, directors or partners or such persons' addresses. However, any change of location of the agent, including any additions or deletions of individual places of business, must be reported to the department, in writing, prior to such change.
(2) When shares of stock in a corporation which is an agent are acquired by any person, such that:
(i) an agent which had four or fewer shareholders owning, directly or indirectly, the voting stock of such agent upon such acquisition has more than four shareholders so owning such stock; or
(ii) a person not previously owning, directly or indirectly, more than 10 percent of the number of shares of voting stock of the agent upon such acquisition owns, directly or indirectly, more than 10 percent of such stock, the agent must immediately file a notification of such acquisition with the department.
(1) A license as a cigarette tax agent is not assignable. That is, such license shall not be transferred to any person. In addition to any other meaning, a license shall be deemed assigned, if any change in partnership interest has occurred or if shares of stock of a corporate agent are acquired by any person such that the person owns, directly or indirectly, more than 10 percent (25 percent or more in the case of an agent which has four or fewer shareholders) of the number of shares of voting stock of such agent. Except as provided herein, an assignment of a license is invalid and shall immediately result in the cancellation of such license.
(2) The assignment of a license as a cigarette tax agent occasioned by way of bequest or inheritance from a decedent directly to:
(i) an ancestor of the decedent;
(ii) the spouse of the decedent;
(iii) a lineal descendant of the decedent, of the decedent's spouse, or of a parent of the decedent; or
(iv) the spouse of any lineal descendant described in subparagraph (iii) of this paragraph, will not, of itself, be considered a transfer of license which will operate as grounds to immediately cancel such license provided the Department of Taxation and Finance is promptly notified. However, such assignment by bequest or inheritance shall cause cancellation of the license 90 days after the death of the decedent.
(h) The Department of Taxation and Finance may license a fiscal agent or agent bank for the purpose of selling cigarette stamps if the department deems such licensing necessary for the proper administration of article 20 of the Tax Law.

N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 20 § 71.1