N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 18 §§ 358-3.3

Current through Register Vol. 46, No. 42, October 16, 2024
Section 358-3.3 - Notice requirements
(a)Public assistance, medical assistance and services: notice of action.
(1) Action to discontinue, suspend, reduce, restrict; changes in the manner of payment for child care services; denial of an extension of a waiver of public assistance program requirements or termination or modification of such waiver. Except as set forth in subdivision (d) of this section, you have a right to timely and adequate notice when a social services agency proposes to:
(i) take any action to discontinue, suspend, or reduce your public assistance grant, medical assistance authorization or services; or
(ii) change the manner or method or form of payment of your public assistance grant; or
(iii) restrict your medical assistance authorization; or
(iv) make changes in the manner or amount of payment for your child care services and such change results in the discontinuance, suspension, reduction or termination of benefits or forces you to make changes in child care arrangements; or
(v) make changes in the manner of payment for your supportive services provided to enable you as a recipient of public assistance to participate in work activities pursuant to Part 385 of this Title and such changes result in the discontinuance, suspension, reduction or termination of benefits, or force you to change child care arrangements; or
(vi) deny an extension of a waiver of public assistance program requirements under section 351.2(l) of this Title or such waiver has been terminated or modified.
(2) Action to accept, deny, increase or make change in calculation; denial of utilization threshold exemption or increase application; employability determination changes in the manner of payment for denial of a waiver of public assistance program requirements. You have a right to adequate notice when a social services agency:
(i) accepts or denies your application for public assistance, medical assistance or services; or
(ii) increases your public assistance grant; or
(iii) determines to change the amount of one of the items used in the calculation of your public assistance grant or medical assistance spenddown although there is no change in the amount of your public assistance grant or medical assistance spenddown; or
(iv) denies an application for an exemption from or an increase of a medical assistance utilization threshold and you have reached the utilization threshold; or
(v) changes the manner or amount of payment or amount for your child care services except as provided in subparagraph (1)(iv) of this subdivision; or
(vi) determines that you are not eligible for an exemption requested from work requirements as described in Part 385 of this Title and you are an applicant for or recipient of public assistance; or
(vii) denies a waiver of public assistance program requirements under section 351.2(l) of this Title.
(3) Action based on a change in State or Federal law requiring automatic public assistance grant adjustments for classes of recipients. When you are a member of a class of public assistance recipients for whom changes in either State or Federal law require automatic grant adjustments, you are entitled to timely notice of such grant adjustment. This notice will be adequate if it includes those items listed in section 385-2.2(b) of this Part.
(b)Food stamps.
(1) Action to discontinue, reduce or recoup: action notice. Except as set forth in subdivision (e) of this section, when a social services agency proposes to take any action to discontinue or reduce your food stamp benefits you have the right to timely and adequate notice.
(2) Action to accept, deny, increase, change in calculation: adverse action taken notice. When a social services agency accepts or denies your application for food stamp benefits or increases your food stamp benefits, or changes the amount of one of the items used in the calculation of your food stamp benefits although there is no change in the amount of your food stamp benefits, you have the right to adequate notice.
(3) Expiration notice.
(i) Before or at the beginning of the last month of your household's current certification period for food stamp benefits, you have a right to an expiration notice as defined in section 358-2.11 of this Part; however, if your household was recertified for both public assistance and food stamps prior to the last month of the food stamp certification period, an expiration notice is not required.
(ii) For households with certification periods longer than one or two months the notice of expiration must be sent by the social services agency so that your household receives it no earlier than the first day of the second to the last month of the certification period and no later than one day before the last month of the certification period.
(iii) Households certified for one month only, or initially certified for two months during the month following the month of application, must be sent the expiration notice at the time of certification.
(c)Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP).

When a social services agency accepts or denies your application for HEAP benefits or determines that you are eligible for HEAP benefits but Federal funds are unavailable, you have a right to adequate notice.

(d)Public assistance and medical assistance programs: exceptions to timely notice requirements.
(1) As a recipient of either public assistance or medical assistance you have the right to adequate notice sent no later than the effective date of the proposed action when:
(i) the social services agency has factual information confirming the death of a recipient or the payee of a family assistance case, and there is reliable information that no relative is available to serve as a new payee; or
(ii) the social services agency has received a clear written statement signed by you which includes information that requires the social services agency to discontinue or reduce your public assistance or medical assistance and you have indicated in such statement that you understand that such action will be taken as a result of supplying such information; or
(iii) the social services agency has received a clear written statement from you indicating that you no longer wish to receive public assistance or medical assistance; or
(iv) the agency has reliable information that you have been admitted or committed to an institution or prison which renders you ineligible for assistance or services under the Social Services Law; or
(v) your whereabouts are unknown and mail addressed to you by the social services agency has been returned by the post office with an indication that there is no known forwarding address. However, public assistance or medical assistance will be given to you if the social services agency is made aware of your whereabouts during the period covered by the returned public assistance check or medical assistance authorization; or
(vi) you have been accepted for public assistance or medical assistance in another local social services district, state, territory or commonwealth, and that acceptance has been verified by the social services district previously providing you with such assistance.
(2) As a recipient of public assistance, you have the right to adequate notice sent no later than the date of the proposed action when the following actions affect your public assistance grant:
(i) you have been placed for long-term care in a skilled nursing facility, intermediate care facility or hospital; or
(ii) a child has been removed from your home as a result of a judicial determination, or voluntarily placed in foster care by the child's legal guardian; or
(iii) a special allowance granted for a specific period has been terminated and you had been informed in writing at the time that you were first granted the special allowance that the allowance would automatically terminate at the end of the specified period; or
(iv) the social services agency has determined to accept your application for public assistance or has determined to increase your assistance;
(v) the social services agency action results from information you furnished in a quarterly report required by section 351.24 of this Title;
(vi) you are a recipient of public assistance and you have been determined eligible for supplemental security income and the social services agency has made a determination that the amount of supplemental security income makes you no longer eligible for public assistance.
(3) As a recipient of medical assistance, you have the right to adequate notice if you are in a general hospital, not receiving chronic care services and a utilization review committee has determined that your medical assistance payment should be reduced or discontinued.
(e)Food Stamp Program: exemption from notice requirements or timely notice requirements.
(1) You are not entitled to an individual adverse action notice when:
(i) a mass change is initiated which affects all food stamp households or significant portions thereof; or
(ii) based on reliable information, the social services agency determines that all members of your household have died or that the household has moved from the social services district or will not be residing in the social services district and will be unable therefore to obtain its next food stamp allotment from such district; or
(iii) your certification period has expired, you were previously informed of the expiration, and you have not reapplied for benefits; or
(iv) your household has been receiving an increased food stamp allotment to restore lost benefits, the restoration is complete, and the household was previously notified in writing of the date when the increased food stamp allotment would terminate; or
(v) your household's allotment of food stamp benefits varies from month to month within the certification period to take into account changes which were anticipated at the time of certification, and the household was notified that the food stamp allotment would vary at the time of certification; or
(vi) your household applied jointly for public assistance and food stamp benefits and has been receiving food stamp benefits pending the approval of the public assistance grant and was notified at the time of food stamp certification that food stamp benefits would be reduced upon approval of the public assistance grant; or
(vii) a household member is disqualified from the Food Stamp Program for an intentional program violation in accordance with Part 359 or Part 399 of this Title or the food stamp benefits of the remaining household members are reduced or terminated to reflect the disqualification of that household member; or
(viii) the social services agency has elected to assign a longer certification period to your household which was certified on an expedited basis and for which verification was postponed. The household must have received written notice that in order to receive benefits past the month of application the household must provide the verification which was initially postponed and the social services agency may act on the verified information without further notice; or
(ix) a social services agency has converted your household from cash repayment of an intentional program violation claim or an inadvertent household error to benefit reduction, as a result of the household's failure to make an agreed upon cash repayment; or
(x) you are a resident of a treatment center or group living arrangement which is determined to be ineligible for food stamp benefits because the facility has either lost its certification from the appropriate State agency/agencies or lost its status as an authorized representative due to its disqualification by the Federal Food and Nutrition Service as a retailer. However, residents of group living arrangements applying on their own behalf may remain eligible to participate in the Food Stamp Program; or
(xi) your household voluntarily requests, in writing or in the presence of an agency employee, that its food stamp benefits be terminated. If the household does not provide a written request, the social services agency must send the household a letter confirming the voluntary withdrawal.
(2) Mass changes.
(i) When the Federal government initiates an adjustment to eligibility standards, allotments or deductions and the State initiates adjustments to utility standards, you are not entitled to a notice of adverse action.
(ii) When OTDA initiates a mass change in food stamp eligibility or benefit levels simultaneously for the entire caseload or that portion of the caseload that is affected, or by conducting individual desk reviews in place of the mass change, no later than the date your household is scheduled to receive the benefits which have been changed, you shall be informed of the following:
(a) the general nature of the change;
(b) examples of the effect the changes will have on household allotments;
(c) the month in which the change will take effect;
(d) the right to a fair hearing;
(e) the right to continued benefits and under what circumstances benefits will be continued, pending issuance of the fair hearing decision. You will be informed that at the hearing, the hearing officer may determine to end your continuation of benefits if it is determined that the issue being contested is not based on improper computation of benefits or misapplication or misinterpretation of Federal law or regulation;
(f) general information on whom to contact for additional information; and
(g) the liability the household will incur for any over-issued benefits if the fair hearing decision is adverse.
(3) As a recipient of food stamp benefits you have the right to an adequate notice sent no later than the date of the proposed action when the social services agency action results from information you furnished on a periodic report. As a recipient of food stamp benefits, you have the right to an adequate and timely notice because you failed to return a periodic report required by section 387.17(d) of this Title.
(f)Involuntary discharges from tier II facilities.

As a resident of a tier II facility you have a right to adequate notice when you have been involuntarily discharged from a tier II facility as set forth in section 900.8 of this Title and you have requested and participated in a hearing, held by the facility or by the social services district in which the facility is located, to determine whether you should be involuntarily discharged. Such notice must be on a form mandated by OTDA, which meets the requirements for adequate notice as set forth in section 358-2.2 of this Part.

(g)Concurrent benefits.

For the purposes of this subdivision, the term benefits has the same meaning as that used in section 351.9 of this Title and concurrent benefits has the same meaning as that used in section 351.9 of this Title.

(1) Denial of benefits. You have the right to an adequate notice when a social services official determines to deny you benefits on the grounds that you are receiving or have been accepted to receive a concurrent benefit in that social services district or in another social services district, state, territory or commonwealth.
(2) Discontinuance of benefits-timely and adequate notice. You have the right to timely and adequate notice when:
(i) a social services official determines to discontinue your benefits because you are receiving concurrent benefits in that social services district and in another state, territory or commonwealth, but you are not receiving concurrent benefits from social services districts solely within the State; or
(ii) a social services official determines to discontinue your benefits because you are receiving benefits in that social services district and all concurrent benefits in that district and in any other social services district in the State have been discontinued and no aid continuing has been granted under section 358-3.6 of this Subpart for any such discontinuances.
(3) Discontinuance of benefits-exception to timely notice. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, you have a right to adequate notice sent no later than the effective date of the proposed action when a social services official determines to discontinue your benefits because you are receiving concurrent benefits in the same social services district or in another social services district within the State.

N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 18 §§ 358-3.3

Amended New York State Register June 3, 2020/Volume XLII, Issue 22, eff. 6/3/2020