N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 17 § 125.5

Current through Register Vol. 46, No. 42, October 16, 2024
Section 125.5 - General design requirements

The design requirements set forth in this section are intended to provide maximum safety and convenience for the travelling public and the permittee and are based on the premise that the rights of highway users and those of abutting property owners can mutually be satisfied. The department reserves the right to impose additional requirements should they be necessary for public safety.

(a) A driveway or a driveway system shall be so located as to provide:
(1) the most favorable vision, grade and alignment conditions for motorists using the proposed driveway and the highway;
(2) no undue interference with the free and safe movement of highway traffic;
(3) maximum safety and convenience for pedestrians and other users of highway right-of-way.
(b) In and of the interests of public safety and convenience, the department may restrict the placement of a driveway to a particular location along the owner's frontage or require shifting of an existing driveway.
(c) In general, permits will not be issued for entrances to State highways along acceleration or deceleration lanes, and lane tapers. The department's policy on access control also prohibits construction of a driveway within 300 feet (100 feet in urban areas) of an expressway ramp. To enforce this policy of controlling access in areas of increased vehicular conflict, the department has the option of purchasing the owner's right of access to a public highway.
(d) The following design features helpful in laying out all driveways are illustrated in section 125.13:

The point where the extension of the driveway edge intersects the pavement edge.

The point where the driveway corner radius intersects with the pavement edge.

The point where the driveway corner radius becomes tangent to the driveway edge.

The center of the driveway corner radius are driveway corner radius.

Driveway corner radius.

A corner angle, the angle the driveway edge makes with the pavement edge.

The width of a driveway pavement.

The distance between points A and B.

The distance between points A and C.

(e) The location and geometric alignment of driveways adjacent to intersections will be governed by the angle of intersecting highways, width of private and public rights-of-way, sight distance factors, highway and driveway radius traffic control and other conditions. Normally, the distance between point A of a driveway and the side road pavement edge, as measured along the highway pavement edge, shall be at least twice the width of the driveway plus 15 feet (see sections 125.13, figure 1A and 125.14). However, the department may modify this distance if an engineering determination indicates another dimension is more suitable for a particular site. A driveway radius should not encroach on the radius of the intersecting highway pavement. A driveway should be located entirely within the applicant's frontage.
(f) The minimum distance between point B of any driveway or driveway system and the point where a projection perpendicular to the center line of the roadway from the near property corner meets the highway pavement edge is to be five feet, measured along the highway pavement edge (see sections 125.13, figures A and 125.14). In restricted urban areas and for jointly-owned driveways variances may be permitted.
(g) Normally, only one driveway shall be permitted for each residential property. An additional driveway may be permitted if both sufficient frontage exists and extenuating circumstances justify one. The minimum distance between adjacent Points B of two driveways to the same residential property as measured along the highway pavement edge shall be 30 feet (see sections 125.13 figure 1A and 125.14).
(h) Normally, no more than one driveway shall be allowed to a property in the minor commercial or subdivision category. Where the need for more than one can be substantiated operationally, and adequate frontage exists, the department may grant permission for an additional driveway. The minimum distance between adjacent Points B of adjacent driveways or driveway systems to a commercial property, as measured along the highway pavement edge, shall be 75 feet (see sections 125.13, figure 1A and 125.14).
(i) In a dual commercial driveway system the minimum distance between Points B of the driveway pavements as measured along the highway pavement edge, shall be 30 feet (see sections 125.13, figure 1A; 125.14 and 125.16).
(j) Inadequate sight distance or other safety or operational deficiencies may require that turn restrictions be imposed at the driveway. Desirable sight distances at driveways are shown in sections 125.22 and 125.23. These sight distances are designed to enable vehicles exiting from the driveway to turn left or right and to accelerate to the operating speed of the highway without causing vehicles on the highway to reduce their speed by more than 10 miles per hour. Vehicles exiting to the left should be able to clear the near half of the highway without conflicting with through traffic approaching from the left. These sight distances are based on a 42" eye height and a 54" object height. Sight distances for semi-trailers are based on a 72" eye height and a 54" object height. Use of turn restrictions and/or acceleration lanes can eliminate the need for sight distances shown in sections 125.22 and 125.23. If the Regional Traffic Engineer believes that through traffic would accept a 20 mile per hour reduction in speed due to driveway use, the values may be reduced by one-third.
(k) No driveway shall be located where the sight distance along the highway is less than a safe stopping sight distance. If the driveway cannot be located where the available sight distance exceeds the safe stopping sight distance, limiting access to right turns in and out of the driveway, and the provision of acceleration and/or deceleration lanes should be considered.
(l) On divided highways separated by a median, ditch, or median barrier, no median openings should be provided for left turns to and from residential or commercial driveways. Existing median openings may be closed by the department if it best serves the safety and operation of the State highway.

N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 17 § 125.5