N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 17 § 125.1

Current through Register Vol. 46, No. 42, October 16, 2024
Section 125.1 - Definitions
(a) Channelization. At-grade separation, or regulation of conflicting traffic movements into definite paths of travel, by the use of pavement markings, raised islands or other suitable means to facilitate the safe and orderly movement of vehicles and pedestrians.
(b) Department. The New York State Department of Transportation.
(c) Driveway. Every entrance or exit used by vehicular traffic to and from lands or buildings abutting a State highway.
(d) Commercial driveway. A driveway serving a commercial establishment, industry, governmental or educational institution, private utility, hospital, church, apartment building or other comparable traffic generator. Type of designs for commercial driveways include:
(1) Divided - a driveway so designed that traffic entering it is separated from traffic leaving it by a raised median or other physical barrier.
(2) Dual system - a pair of driveways at least 30 feet apart separated by an island area. These driveways may be one-way or two-way.
(e) Major commercial driveway. Any commercial driveway where the actual or anticipated traffic volume on a typical day is either:
(1) 100 or more vehicles entering and leaving the highway during the highest hour of driveway activity; or
(2) 50 or more vehicles entering and leaving during the eighth highest hour of driveway activity.
(f) Minor commercial driveway. Any commercial driveway where the actual or anticipated traffic volumes on a typical day are less than the values stipulated for a major commercial driveway.
(g) Residential driveway. A driveway serving a private home or an apartment building containing no more than four family units.
(h) Field entrance. A driveway serving a farm yard, cultivated or uncultivated field, timberland or undeveloped land not used for industrial, commercial or residential purposes.
(i) Frontage. The distance along the highway pavement in front of the owner's property, determined by projecting a line perpendicular to the center line of the roadway from each property corner to the edge of pavement.
(j) Island area. An area adjacent to the roadway which serves as a physical barrier to direct the flow of traffic and to separate highway traffic from the activity on private property.
(k) Shall. Where requirements in this Part are described with the shall stipulation, it shall be mandatory that these requirements be met.
(l) Should. Where the word should is used, it is considered to be advisable usage, recommended but not mandatory.
(m) May. Where the word may is used, it describes a permissive condition. No requirement for design or application is intended.
(n) MUTCD. The New York State Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (Part 200, et seq., Title 17 NYCRR).
(o) Residential lot. Private property containing one home or a private building containing not more than four family dwellings.
(p) Right-of-way line. The boundary between private property and State highway lands.
(q) Urban (rural). Area is defined as urban if the abutting street has a speed limit of 40 MPH or less, or if at least 50 percent of the frontage on one side of the route within one-half mile of the proposed driveway location has been developed with residences, business, and/or industry. Generally, the term urban also includes developed areas within incorporated limits of municipalities and urbanized townships or counties. All locations not included under the urban definition should be considered rural.
(r) Minor commercial driveway - home business. Any business which operates out of a private residence, and which produces actual or anticipated traffic volumes on a typical day of 20 or fewer vehicles during the highest hour of driveway activity.

N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 17 § 125.1