N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 35, No. 18, September 24, 2024
Section - PSD ROLE
A. Meetings and training: PSD retains the right to call meetings or training for licensed adoption and foster care agencies. Agencies shall be responsible for obtaining all information distributed at each meeting regardless of whether or not they attend the meeting.
B. Access to agency information: Information regarding the operations of PSD licensed agencies shall be available to other state departments and divisions upon receipt of a written request to the extent permitted by New Mexico law.
C. Oversight and investigation authority: PSD may conduct inspections and interviews related to referrals of abuse and neglect, licensing violations, or complaints received by PSD related to the operation of the agency. Such inspections and interviews may be conducted at any time, with or without prior notice. In order to evaluate the safety and continuity of care for children placed with the agency, PSD may:
(1) enter and inspect the agency's or applicant's offices and physical facilities;
(2) inspect and copy all agency financial records, files, papers, and correspondence which pertain directly or indirectly to the issuance and maintenance of the license and the issuance and maintenance of foster home licenses or adoption certificates; and
(3) interview, as PSD deems appropriate, agency staff, consultants, contractors, foster parents, adoptive parents, governing body, and any other agency personnel, volunteers and clients.
D. Investigations of abuse and neglect referrals in foster homes:
(1) PSD shall investigate all screened-in reports of allegations of abuse or neglect regarding children in accordance with CYFD protective services investigation policy and procedure. If a screened-out report involves a child in PSD custody, the child's worker shall conduct a safety assessment of the placement.
(2) No new placement may be made in the home during a pending investigation. Existing placements in the home shall be evaluated for safety, with a decision for maintaining the placement depending on the continued safety of a child.
(3) The agency shall notify PSD's foster care and adoption bureau of any abuse and neglect report regarding a foster home, therapeutic foster home, or pre-adoptive home licensed by a child placement agency, regardless of the screening decision. The agency shall also notify CYFD's licensing and certification unit of any abuse and neglect report regarding a therapeutic foster home licensed by an agency, regardless of the screening decision.
E. Investigations of complaints of alleged policy violations: PSD investigates complaints of alleged violations of agency policy or procedures or CYFD licensing regulations. Allegations of abuse and neglect regarding agency staff are considered alleged policy violations. Such complaints and alleged violations shall be submitted in writing to the foster care and adoption bureau.
(1) Absent an emergency, PSD shall provide an agency notice of a complaint of an alleged agency policy or procedure, or CYFD licensing regulation violation within 10 working days from receipt of the complaint or allegation.
(2) Depending on the type and severity of the allegations, PSD may investigate the agency. The investigation may result in no action being taken, the imposition of sanctions, the suspension of an agency's license, or closure of the agency.
(3) PSD shall maintain a listing of the complaints, notification to the agency, and the findings of PSD's investigation in each agency's file. PSD and the agency shall maintain confidentiality regarding the identity of specific individuals who make complaints and any children and foster or adoptive families involved.
F. Disclosure of complaint information:
(1) Third parties considering obtaining services through a licensed agency may, upon written request, obtain from PSD the number of and calendar year of the complaints and substantiated allegations regarding the agency.
(2) The identity of the complainant shall not be publically released and shall be protected from disclosure to the extent permitted by law.
(3) Client identifying information is confidential and shall be protected as described herein at Subsection E of NMAC.
G. Sanctions: PSD may impose sanctions, among other reasons, if it determines that an agency has failed to meet licensing requirements or has violated any of the standards included herein, or where an investigation substantiates a complaint against such agency, employees or licensed homes. At PSD's discretion, depending upon the severity of an agency's non-compliance, PSD may issue a letter of correction, put an agency on probation with restricted admissions, suspend an agency's license, revoke an agency's license, or deny an agency's license.
(1) Letter of correction: PSD may send the agency a letter of correction. The letter of correction is sent by registered mail and:
(a) notifies the agency of identified deficiencies and instructs the agency to correct the deficiencies by a specific date;
(b) requires the agency to submit a written corrective action plan, subject to approval of PSD, identifying the specific actions which will be taken to correct the deficiencies, following the time frame provided by PSD; at its discretion, PSD staff may work with the agency in the development or revision of the corrective action plan; and
(c) advises the agency of potential PSD actions should the deficiencies not be corrected, including, but not limited to probation, suspension or revocation of license, or denial of license renewal.
(2) Probation with restricted admissions: PSD may place the agency on probation and restrict the agency from accepting any new clients or expanding into additional services until the identified deficiencies are corrected. PSD shall notify the agency in writing, as specified Paragraph (5) of Subsection G of NMAC (notification) below. The notice shall:
(a) state the deficiencies and reasons for the probation and instruct the agency to correct the deficiencies by a specific date;
(b) require the agency to submit a written corrective action plan, subject to approval of PSD, identifying the specific actions which will be taken to correct the deficiencies, following the time frame provided by PSD; at its discretion, PSD staff may work with the agency in the development or revision of the corrective action plan;
(c) advise the agency of potential PSD actions should the deficiencies not be corrected, including, but not limited to suspension or revocation of license or denial of license renewal; and
(d) inform the licensee of the appeal process as described herein at NMAC.
(3) Suspension of license: PSD may suspend the agency's license and move the children placed by the agency to new placements.
(a) When PSD suspends an agency's license, the agency shall assist PSD in arranging for transfer of care, custody and control of any children currently being served, and for the preservation and transfer of records. The agency shall assist in the transfer of its licensed homes in good standing to another agency when such would be in the best interests of the children.
(b) PSD shall notify the agency in writing of its intent to suspend the agency's license, as specified in Paragraph (5) of Subsection G of NMAC (notification) below. The notice shall:
(i) state the deficiencies and reasons for the suspension and instruct the agency to correct the deficiencies by a specific date;
(ii) require the agency to submit a written corrective action plan, subject to approval of PSD, identifying the specific actions which will be taken to correct the deficiencies, following the time frame provided by PSD; at its discretion, PSD staff may work with the agency in the development or revision of the corrective action plan;
(iii) advise the agency of potential PSD actions should the deficiencies not be corrected, including, but not limited to revocation of license or denial of license renewal; and
(iv) inform the licensee of the appeal process as described herein at NMAC.
(4) Revocation of agency's license or denial of license renewal: PSD may revoke an agency's license or deny renewal of the license if PSD determines such action is necessary based upon the agency's failure to meet licensing requirements and non-compliance with any of the standards included herein or the agency's failure to correct deficiencies identified in a prior letter of correction, probation, or suspension of license.
(a) When PSD revokes or denies renewal of an agency's license, the agency shall assist PSD in arranging for the transfer of care, custody and control of any children currently being served, and for the preservation and transfer of records. The agency shall assist in the transfer its licensed homes in good standing to another agency when such would be in the best interests of the children to be placed in a different home.
(b) PSD shall notify the agency in writing, as specified in Paragraph (5) of Subsection G of NMAC (notification) below.
(5) Notification: PSD shall notify the agency in writing of its intent to put the agency on probation or to suspend, revoke, or not renew the agency's license. Notice shall be sent by return receipt mail, delivered to the address on file, or by personal delivery to the person authorized to accept service on behalf of the agency. Except as specified in Paragraph (6) of Subsection G of NMAC (emergency suspension) below, notice shall be sent at least 30 days prior to the probation, suspension, or revocation of the license or of the expiration date of a license which shall not be renewed. The notice shall state the reasons for the action and its effective date, and inform the licensee of the appeal process as described herein at NMAC.
(6) Emergency suspension: PSD may immediately suspend an agency's license, prior to a hearing on the matter, when such action is required to protect human health and safety. The emergency suspension is carried out by personal service of an emergency suspension notice. The agency may request, in writing, a hearing with five working days of the suspension in accordance with Subsection A of NMAC, thereby waiving the normal 20 day time limits for hearings established in Subsection B of NMAC.

N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 5/29/09; A, 3/31/10; A, 8/15/11