N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 35, No. 19, October 8, 2024

An applicant for initial or renewal non-profit producer licensure shall provide materials and information to the department, in accordance with the provisions of this section, in order to be considered for a license to produce medical cannabis. A licensed non-profit producer shall also promptly submit revised versions of any such materials in the event that the materials or their content change.

A.Organizational information and materials: An applicant for non-profit producer licensure shall submit to the department:
(1) proof that the private entity is a non-profit corporation in good standing with the NM secretary of state pursuant to Section 53-8-1et seq., NMSA 1978;
(2) proof that the non-profit producer is in good standing with the New Mexico taxation and revenue department;
(3) copies of the entity's articles of incorporation;
(4) copies of the entity's by-laws;
(5) verification that the board of directors of the non-profit includes, at a minimum, five voting members, including one medical provider limited to a physician (MD or OD), a registered nurse, nurse practitioner, licensed practical nurse, or physician assistant, and three patients currently qualified under department regulations and the Lynn and Erin Compassionate Use Act, Section 26-2B-1 et seq., NMSA 1978;
(6) a list of all persons or business entities having direct or indirect authority over the management or policies of the private entity;
(7) a list of all persons or business entities having any ownership interest in any property utilized by the non-profit producer, whether direct or indirect, and whether the interest is in land, building(s), or other material, including owners of any business entity that owns all or part of land or building(s) utilized;
(8) the identities and financial information, including information concerning loans and monetary investments, of all creditors currently holding a security interest in the non-profit producer or premises of the non-profit producer, if any; and
(9) a business plan showing how the private entity intends to fund its operations and become a successful producer, including information concerning personnel, horticulture, technology, and funding sources.
B.Production and distribution information and materials: An applicant for non-profit producer licensure shall submit to the department:
(1) an acknowledgement that production, at any time, shall not exceed the total of cannabis plants that the non-profit entity has been approved to produce as well as an inventory of usable cannabis that reflects current patient needs;
(2) a production plan that includes the non-profit entity's plan for the growth, cultivation, and harvesting of medical cannabis;
(3) a written set of distribution criteria for qualified patients or primary caregivers appropriate for cannabis services that describes the method by which and locations at which distribution will occur;
(4) a complete written description of the means that the non-profit entity shall employ to safely dispense cannabis and cannabis-derived products to qualified patients and qualified patients' primary caregivers;
(5) an attestation that qualified patients shall not be permitted to consume cannabis or cannabis-derived products on the entity's property, unless the consumption occurs in a department approved cannabis consumption area;
(6) an attestation that the entity will require the presentation of a department-issued identification card and a valid New Mexico photo identification card or a passport prior to selling or otherwise distributing cannabis or cannabis derived products to qualified patients and primary caregivers;
(7) a description and sample of the packaging of the usable cannabis and cannabis-derived products that the non-profit producer shall utilize, including a label that satisfies the labeling requirements of this rule; and
(8) a written quality assurance plan.
C.Facility information: An applicant for non-profit producer licensure shall submit to the department:
(1) a description of the facilities and equipment that shall be used in the production distribution of cannabis, and manufacture of cannabis-derived products (as applicable);
(2) proof that the facilities are not within 300 feet of any school, church, or daycare center; or alternatively, proof that any school, church, or daycare center that is located within 300 feet of a building to be used by the applicant did not occupy that location prior to the applicant initially seeking to become licensed to operate at the location; and
(3) a description of the methods and device or series of devices that shall be used to provide security.
D.Educational methods and materials: An applicant for non-profit producer licensure shall submit to the department:
(1) a description of the private entity's means for educating the qualified patient and the primary caregiver on the limitation of the right to possess and use cannabis;
(2) a description of the means the private entity shall employ to make qualified patients or the primary caregiver aware of the quality of the product;
(3) a description of ingestion options of usable cannabis provided by the private entity;
(4) a description of inhalation techniques that shall be provided to qualified patients;
(5) a description of potential side effects and how the private entity will educate qualified patients and the qualified patient's primary caregivers regarding potential side effects;
(6) a description of the means the private entity shall employ to make qualified patients or the primary caregiver aware of how to report adverse events related to medical cannabis use; and
(7) a description of the means the private entity shall employ to make qualified patients or the primary caregiver aware of how to report concerns regarding the private entity's products and services.
E. Sales record forms: A licensed non-profit producer that applies for renewal of licensure shall submit to the department a sample of the non-profit producer's sales record form(s), which shall identify (among other items) the name of the purchaser, the date of the sale, the quantity, and price of medical cannabis sold. A non-profit producer that applies for renewal of licensure shall additionally submit a profit and loss statement and balance sheet quarterly and as requested by the department.
F.Business licensure; TRD certificate: An applicant for non-profit producer licensure shall submit a current business license and tax and revenue registration certificate.
G.Policies and procedures: An applicant for non-profit producer licensure shall submit to the department copies of policies and procedures developed, implemented, and to be maintained on the premises of the private entity's facility. The applicant shall verify that the private entity will comply with the stated terms of the policies and procedures as written and submitted to the department.
H.Personnel records: An applicant for non-profit producer licensure shall submit to the department:
(1) separate nationwide and statewide criminal history screening documentation, in accordance with the provisions of this rule;
(2) samples of the personnel records to be retained by the private entity for each employee as required by this rule, including:
(a) a sample application for employment;
(b) state and federal employment documentation;
(c) a sample written job descriptions or employment contracts developed for all employee positions, to include duties, authority, responsibilities, qualifications, and supervision;
(d) payment or payroll records for all individuals associated with a non-profit producer renewal applicant's production and distribution facility, to include board members, persons having direct or indirect authority over management or policies, and employees submitted quarterly and as requested by the department.
(3) an on-site training curriculum (unless the private entity intends to enter into contractual relationships with outside resources capable of meeting employee training needs) that addresses, at a minimum, the following topics:
(a) state and federal confidentiality laws, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA);
(b) professional conduct and ethics;
(c) the Lynn and Erin Compassionate Use Act and department of health rules;
(d) informational developments in the field of medical use of cannabis;
(e) employee safety and security training addressing, at a minimum, the proper use of the security measures and controls that have been adopted, and specific procedural instructions on how to respond to an emergency, including a robbery or violent accident;
(f) robbery awareness and conflict de-escalation training for all employees;
(g) general food safety training.
(4) proof of HIPAA certification for all individuals associated with the private entity, including all board members, persons having direct or indirect authority over management or policies, and employees.
I.Other materials: An applicant for non-profit producer licensure shall submit to the department:
(1) a description of the department approved laboratory or laboratories that the non-profit entity will utilize for testing usable cannabis in accordance with this rule, and the type(s) of testing that the approved laboratory or laboratories will perform for the non-profit entity;
(2) the name of any courier that the non-profit entity intends to use for transport of usable cannabis to qualified patients and primary caregivers; and
(3) such other information as the private entity wishes to provide and such other information as the department may reasonably request.
J.Patient identification and sales records: A licensed non-profit producer shall retain clear, legible photocopies or electronic copies of current registry identification cards and current New Mexico photo identification cards of all qualified patients and primary caregivers served by the non-profit entity. A licensed non-profit producer shall also create and retain materials that document every instance in which usable cannabis was sold or otherwise distributed to another person or entity, including documentation of the recipient, type, quantity, and batch of the usable cannabis.
K.Material safety data sheets: A licensed non-profit producer shall maintain current material safety data sheets on-site for all chemicals used, including but not limited to cleaning compounds, sanitizing agents, and pesticides.
L.State and local laws: A licensed non-profit producer shall comply with all applicable state and local laws regarding construction, occupancy, and operation of a facility or building, including but not limited to zoning, occupancy, licensing, and building codes.

N.M. Admin. Code §

Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXVI, Issue 04, February 27, 2015, eff. 2/27/2015, Adopted by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXI, Issue 12, June 23, 2020, eff. 6/23/2020