N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 35, No. 19, October 8, 2024
(1) Section 73-17-22 NMSA 1978 provides that title to all rights and property acquired by any conservancy district shall immediately and by operation of law vest in such district in its corporate name. Further, such property is held for uses and purposes of the district and is exempted from all taxation.
(2) The property of a water and sanitation district formed in accordance with Section 73-21-9 NMSA 1978 is exempt from property taxation because the district is a governmental subdivision of the state.
B.RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVES ARE NOT EXEMPT: Property of rural electric cooperatives, formed pursuant to the Rural Electric Cooperative Act, is not exempted from property taxation by Section 62-15-28 NMSA 1978. Such a property tax exemption is not authorized by the New Mexico Constitution.
C.PERSONAL PROPERTY EXEMPTION FROM EXECUTION NOT APPLICABLE: The exemption from execution granted by Section 42-10-1 or 42-10-2 NMSA 1978 does not apply to taxes imposed pursuant to the Property Tax Code.
D.HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION FROM EXECUTION NOT APPLICABLE: The homestead exemption from execution granted by Section 42-10-9 or 42-10-10 NMSA 1978 does not grant an exemption from taxes imposed pursuant to the Property Tax Code.
(1) Section 3-46-37 NMSA 1978 of the Urban Development Law, which provides an exemption from property taxation, is sufficiently supported by Article VIII, Section 3 of the New Mexico Constitution.
(2) When the exemption terminates pursuant to Section 3-46-37 NMSA 1978, the purchaser or lessee which is not a public body is required to report the property in accordance with Section 7-38-8 NMSA 1978 to the county assessor or to the division if the property is to be valued by the department, and the public body is required to report the termination as provided in Section 7-38-15 NMSA 1978.
(3) If the exemption terminates after January l of the tax year, the county assessor is required to value the property for the next tax year. No proration of values or taxes is to be made as to this exemption.
F.PROPERTY OWNED BY ANOTHER STATE NOT EXEMPT: Property located within the boundaries of New Mexico which is either fully or partially leased, used or owned by another state is not exempted from taxes imposed by the Property Tax Code solely by reason of the fact that the other state has leased, uses or owns the property.
G.MAUSOLEUMS WITHIN THE DEFINITION OF "CEMETERY": The term "cemetery" as it is used in Article VIII, Section 3 of the New Mexico Constitution includes burial parks for earth interments, mausoleums for vault or crypt interments, crematories and columbariums.
H. NONRESIDENT ACTIVE-DUTY MILITARY PERSONNEL - EXEMPTION FOR CERTAIN PERSONAL PROPERTY: The personal property of active-duty military personnel, except personal property used in or arising from a trade or business, when such personnel are present in New Mexico and are absent from the state of their residence or domicile solely by reason of compliance with military or naval orders, is exempt from the taxes imposed by the Property Tax Code. Manufactured homes owned by active-duty military personnel and rented to another person are personal property used in a trade or business.
I.COMMUNITY WATER ASSOCIATIONS NOT EXEMPT: The property of a community water association formed pursuant to the provisions of the Sanitary Projects Act (Chapter 3, Article 29, NMSA 1978) is not exempted from taxes imposed by the Property Tax Code by reason of the portion of Article VIII, Section 3 of the New Mexico Constitution which exempts from taxation the property of "towns, cities and ... other municipal corporations".
J. INTERCOMMUNITY WATER OR NATURAL GAS SUPPLY ASSOCIATIONS NOT EXEMPT: An intercommunity water or natural gas supply association formed pursuant to the provisions relating to water or natural gas associations (Article 3, Chapter 28, NMSA 1978) is not exempted from taxes imposed by the Property Tax Code by reason of the portion of Article VIII, Section 3 of the New Mexico Constitution which exempts from taxation the property of "towns, cities and ... other municipal corporations".
K. EXEMPTIONS FOR PROPERTY USED FOR EDUCATIONAL OR CHARITABLE PURPOSES: County assessors shall grant exempt status to property contended to be used for educational or charitable purposes pursuant to Article VIII, Section 3 of the New Mexico Constitution if an exemption has been authorized under a ruling or order in force of the department or a ruling of the predecessor property appraisal department issued subsequent to December 11, 1973 and not withdrawn.
(1) County assessors shall extend exempt status to property contended to be "all church property not used for commercial purposes" pursuant to Article VIII, Section 3 of the New Mexico Constitution if the exemption has been authorized by a ruling or order of the department in force or by a ruling of the predecessor property appraisal department issued subsequent to December 11, 1973 and not withdrawn.
(2) The county assessor, in other cases, may determine whether the property is church property not used for commercial purposes. The phrase "church property not used for commercial purposes" as used in Article VIII, Section 3 of the New Mexico Constitution means property which is owned by a church and which is required for the use of the church, such as buildings with land they occupy and furnishings therein, used for religious purposes or for residences of the priests, ministers, chaplains, pastors or rabbis, together with adjacent land reasonably necessary for convenient use of such buildings. Land on which it is the intention of a religious society or church to erect a church building, but on which no work of construction has been commenced on January 1 of the tax year, is not within the meaning of "church property" and is not exempted by Article VIII, Section 3 of the New Mexico Constitution.
M.POLLUTION CONTROL REVENUE BOND ACT - PUBLIC UTILITY PROPERTY NOT EXEMPT: The property of a public utility, with respect to which property the municipality has issued revenue bonds pursuant to the Pollution Control Revenue Bond Act and financed the construction of improvements on the property or financed the acquisition of the property, is not exempted from taxes imposed by the Property Tax Code by reason of Section 3-59-12 NMSA 1978 or Subsection B of Section 7-36-3 NMSA 1978.
(1) The exemption under Subsection B of Section 3-60-32 NMSA 1978 of property acquired or held by a municipality for purposes of the Community Development Law is sufficiently supported by Article VIII, Section 3 of the New Mexico Constitution, because the property referred to is property of a "city" or a "municipal corporation".
(2) The exemption terminates when the municipality sells or leases the property to a person not a public body. Therefore, the interest of a lessee that is not a public body in such property is subject to valuation and taxation.
(1) Section 58-12-14 NMSA 1978 of the Credit Union Share Insurance Corporation Act provides that the "corporation" is exempt from all state and local taxation, except in respect to any real estate owned and used by it for its corporate purposes.
(2) This exemption for personal property of the credit union share insurance corporation of this state is sufficiently supported by the last paragraph of Article VIII, Section 3 of the New Mexico Constitution.
P.FLOOD CONTROL ENTITIES - PROPERTY EXEMPT: Section 72-16-97 NMSA 1978 of the Arroyo Flood Control Act, Section 72-17-97 NMSA 1978 of the Las Cruces Arroyo Flood Control Act, Section 72-18-67 NMSA 1978 of the Flood Control District Act and Section 72-19-97 NMSA 1978 of the Southern Sandoval County Flood control Act grant property tax exemptions to certain flood control entities. These exemptions are sufficiently supported by Article VIII, Section 3 of the New Mexico Constitution because the authority or district referred to in these sections as "quasi-municipal corporations" are political subdivisions of the state of New Mexico.
Q.PRIVATE, NON-INDIAN PROPERTY ON INDIAN RESERVATION OR PUEBLO GRANT NOT EXEMPT: The property of a person who is not a part of or a member of an Indian nation, tribe or pueblo is not exempt from property taxation merely because the property is located on land leased from that Indian nation, tribe or pueblo.
R. PRIVATE LESSEE OF FEDERAL LAND NOT EXEMPT: The property of a private person is not exempt from property taxation when the property is located on land leased from the federal government. The interest of a private lessee under a lease of federal land to construct military housing is subject to property taxation.
S.PERSONAL PROPERTY OF TRIBAL MEMBER: Personal property of a member of an Indian nation, tribe or pueblo is exempt from property taxation if the property is located on January 1 on the tribal territory of the member's Indian nation, tribe or pueblo, except that livestock and construction equipment and machinery owned by the member may be subject to property taxation if located or used outside the tribal territory of the member's Indian nation, tribe or pueblo at any other time.
T.OWNER'S USE OF LEASED PROPERTY: It is the owner's use of leased property that must be educational or charitable in nature to qualify for exemption under Article VIII, Section 3 of the state constitution. For example in a true lease, the lessee's use of the property is immaterial in determining the owner/lessor's use.
U."OIL AND GAS" INCLUDES LIQUID HYDROCARBONS AND CARBON DIOXIDE: The phrase "oil and gas" as used in Paragraph 2 of Subsection B of Section 7-36-7 NMSA 1978 and 7-36-22 NMSA 1978 includes liquid hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide.
V.OIL, GAS, LIQUID HYDROCARBONS AND CARBON DIOXIDE NOT SEVERED AND SOLD AND OIL AND GAS LEASES NOT SUBJECT TO VALUATION: Oil, natural gas, liquid hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide which have not yet been severed and sold and oil and gas leases and rights to explore for, develop, drill for, severe and sell oil, gas, liquid hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide incident to those leases, are not subject to valuation for property taxation purposes under the Property Tax Code. The oil, natural gas, liquid hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide, upon severance and sale, are subject to valuation and taxation under the Oil and Gas Ad Valorem Production Tax Act. The ad valorem tax levied by that Act is the only ad valorem tax to be levied against oil, natural gas liquid hydrocarbon or carbon dioxide.
(1) Equipment used in the oil and gas industry which does not fall within the definition of "equipment" found in Subsection G of Section 7-34-2 NMSA 1978 of the Oil and Gas Production Equipment Ad Valorem Tax Act is subject to valuation for property taxation purposes under the Property Tax Code.
(2) Drilling rigs are not "equipment" as that term is defined in Subsection G of Section 7-34-2 NMSA 1978.
(1) As a general matter tax liens existing at the time of acquisition of the property by the state or any of its political subdivisions are extinguished and merged into the title held by the state or its subdivision. An exception to this rule is provided by Article VIII, Section 3 of the state constitution. The tax lien survives whenever a government acquires property by outright purchase or trade and the tax secures payment of principal or interest on bonded indebtedness. Because property acquired by bequest or condemnation is not acquired by outright purchase or trade, the exception does not apply to property acquired through bequest or condemnation.
(2) The exemption for property owned by subdivisions of the state under Article VIII, Section 3 of the state constitution does not require the property to be located within the boundaries of the subdivision. Ownership by the subdivision is sufficient for the exemption.
Y. MORTGAGE FINANCE AUTHORITY PROPERTY: Property of the New Mexico mortgage finance authority is exempt from property taxation as property owned by a state instrumentality.

N.M. Admin. Code §

3/23/83, 12/29/94, 8/31/96; NMAC - Rn & A, 3 NMAC 6.5.15, 4/30/01, A, 6/29/01