N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 35, No. 19, October 8, 2024
A. For each sulfur dioxide emitting unit at a WEB source shall comply with the following, as applicable, to monitor and record sulfur dioxide mass emissions.
(1) If a unit is subject to 40 CFR Part 75 under a requirement separate from the WEB trading program, the unit shall meet the requirements contained in Part 75 with respect to monitoring, recording and reporting sulfur dioxide mass emissions.
(2) If a unit is not subject to 40 CFR Part 75 under a requirement separate from the WEB trading program, a unit shall use one of the following monitoring methods, as applicable:
(a) a continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS) for sulfur dioxide and flow that complies with all applicable monitoring provisions in 40 CFR Part 75;
(b) if the unit is a gas- or oil-fired combustion device, the excepted monitoring methodology in Appendix D to 40 CFR Part 75, or, if applicable, the low mass emissions (LME) provisions (with respect to sulfur dioxide mass emissions only) of Section 75.19 of 40 CFR Part 75;
(c) one of the optional WEB protocols, if applicable, in NMAC or NMAC; or
(d) a petition for site-specific monitoring that the source submits for approval by the department, and approval by the U.S. environmental protection agency in accordance with Paragraph 5 of Subsection O of NMAC.
(3) A permanently retired unit shall not be required to monitor under this section if such unit was permanently retired and had no emissions for the entire period for which the WEB source implements this Paragraph 3 and the account representative certifies in accordance with Subsection B of NMAC that these conditions were met. In the event that a permanently retired unit recommences operation, the WEB source shall meet the requirements of this Section NMAC in the same manner as if the unit was a new unit.
B. Notwithstanding Subsection A of this section, the WEB source with a unit that meets one of the conditions of Paragraph 1 of Subsection B of NMAC may elect to have the provisions of this Paragraph 1 apply to that unit.
(1) Any of the following units may implement Subsection B of NMAC:
(a) any smelting operation where all of the emissions from the operation are not ducted to a stack;
(b) any flare, except to the extent such flares are used as a fuel gas combustion device at a petroleum refinery; or
(c) any other type of unit without add-on sulfur dioxide control equipment, if no control level was assumed for the WEB source in establishing the floor level (and reducible allocation) provided in section C1 of the implementation plan.
(2) For each unit covered by Subsection B of NMAC, the account representative shall submit a notice to request that Subsection B of NMAC apply to one or more sulfur dioxide emitting units at a WEB source. The notice shall be submitted in accordance with the compliance dates specified in Paragraph 1 of Subsection M of NMAC, and shall include the following information (in a format specified by the department with such additional, related information as may be requested):
(a) a notice of all units at the applicable source, specifying which of the units are to be covered by Subsection B of NMAC;
(b) consistent with the emission estimation methodology used to determine the floor level (and reducible allocation) for the source in accordance with section C1 of the implementation plan, the portion of the WEB source's overall allowance allocation that is attributable to any unit(s) covered by this paragraph; and
(c) an identification of any such units that are permanently retired.
(3) For each new unit at an existing WEB source for which the WEB source seeks to comply with this Subsection B of NMAC; and for which the account representative applies for an allocation under the new source set-aside provisions of Subsection F of NMAC, the account representative shall submit a modified notice under Paragraph 2 of Subsection B of NMAC, that includes such new sulfur dioxide emitting unit(s). The modified notice shall be submitted in accordance with the compliance dates in Paragraph 1 of Subsection M of NMAC, but no later than the date on which a request is submitted under Paragraph 1 of Subsection F of NMAC for allocations from the set-aside.
(4) The department shall evaluate the information submitted by the WEB source in Paragraphs 2 and 3 of Subsection B of NMAC, and may issue a notice to the source to exclude any units that do not qualify under this Subsection B of NMAC or to adjust the portion of allowances attributable to units that do qualify to be consistent with the emission estimation methodology used to establish the floor level (and reducible allocation) for the source.
(5) The department shall allocate allowances equal to the adjusted portion of the WEB source's allowances under Paragraphs 2, 3, and 4 of Subsection B of NMAC in a special reserve compliance account provided that no such treatment of the WEB source's allocation will be required for any unit that is permanently retired and had no emissions for the entire period for which the WEB source implements this Subsection B and the account representative certifies in accordance with NMAC that these conditions are met. In the event that a permanently retired unit recommences operation, the WEB source shall meet the requirements of this Section NMAC in the same manner as if the unit was a new unit.
(6) The account representative for a WEB source shall submit an annual emissions statement for each unit under this Subsection B of NMAC in accordance with Subsection O of NMAC. The WEB source shall maintain operating records sufficient to estimate annual emissions in a manner consistent with the emission estimation methodology used to establish the floor level (and reducible allocation) for the source. In addition, if the estimated emissions from all such units at the WEB source are greater than the allowances for the current control year held in the special reserve compliance account under Paragraph 5 of Subsection B of NMAC for the WEB source, the account representative shall report the excess amount as part of the annual report for the WEB source under NMAC and be required to use other allowances in the standard compliance account for the WEB source to account for such emissions, in accordance with NMAC.
(7) The remaining provisions of this section shall not apply to units covered by Subsection B of NMAC except where otherwise noted.
(8) A WEB source may opt to modify the monitoring for an sulfur dioxide emitting unit to use monitoring under Subsection A of NMAC, but any such monitoring change shall take effect on January 1 of the next compliance year. In addition, the account representative shall submit an initial monitoring plan at least 180 days prior to the date on which the new monitoring will take effect and a detailed monitoring plan in accordance with Subsection D of NMAC. The account representative shall also submit a revised notice under Subsection B of NMAC at the same time that the initial monitoring plan is submitted.
C. For any monitoring that the WEB source uses under this section (including Paragraph 1), the WEB source (and, as applicable, the account representative) shall implement, certify, and use such monitoring in accordance with this section, and shall record and report the data from such monitoring as required in this section. In addition, the WEB source (and, as applicable, the account representative) shall not:
(1) except for an alternative approved by the U.S. EPA administrator for a WEB source that implements monitoring under Paragraph 1 of Subsection A of NMAC, use an alternative monitoring system, alternative reference method or another alternative for the required monitoring method without having obtained prior written approval in accordance with Paragraph 5 of Subsection O of NMAC;
(2) operate an sulfur dioxide emitting unit so as to discharge, or allow to be discharged, sulfur dioxide emissions to the atmosphere without accounting for these emissions in accordance with the applicable provisions of this section;
(3) disrupt the approved monitoring method or any portion thereof, and thereby avoid monitoring and recording sulfur dioxide mass emissions discharged into the atmosphere, except for periods of recertification or periods when calibration, quality assurance testing or maintenance is performed in accordance with the applicable provisions of this section; or
(4) retire or permanently discontinue use of an approved monitoring method, except under one of the following circumstances:
(a) during a period when the unit is exempt from the requirements of this section, including retirement of a unit as addressed in Paragraph 3 of Subsection A of NMAC;
(b) the WEB source is monitoring emissions from the unit with another certified monitoring method approved under this section for use at the unit that provides data for the same parameter as the retired or discontinued monitoring method; or
(c) the account representative submits notification of the date of certification testing of a replacement monitoring system in accordance with this section, and the WEB source recertifies thereafter a replacement monitoring system in accordance with the applicable provisions of this section.
D. Monitoring plan general provisions. The WEB source of a sulfur dioxide emitting unit that uses a monitoring method under Paragraph 2 of Subsection A of NMAC shall meet the following requirements:
(1) prepare and submit to the department an initial monitoring plan for each monitoring method that the WEB source uses to comply with this section; in accordance with Subsection F of NMAC, the plan shall contain sufficient information on the units involved, the applicable method, and the use of data derived from that method to demonstrate that all unit sulfur dioxide emissions are monitored and reported; the plan shall be submitted in accordance with the compliance deadlines specified in Subsection M of NMAC;
(2) prepare, maintain and submit to the department a detailed monitoring plan prior to the first day of certification testing in accordance with the compliance deadline specified in Subsection M of NMAC; the plan shall contain the applicable information required by Subsection D of NMAC; the department may require that the monitoring plan (or portions thereof) be submitted electronically; the department also may require that the plan be submitted on an ongoing basis in electronic format as part of the quarterly report submitted under Paragraph 1 of Subsection O of NMAC or resubmitted separately within after any change is made to the plan in accordance with the following Paragraph 3 of Subsection D of NMAC; and
(3) whenever the WEB source makes a replacement, modification, or change in one of the systems or methodologies provided for in Paragraph 2 of Subsection A of NMAC, including a change in the automated data acquisition and handling system or in the flue gas handling system, that affects information reported in the monitoring plan (e.g., a change to serial number for a component of a monitoring system), then the WEB source shall update the monitoring plan in accordance with the compliance deadline specified in Subsection M of NMAC.
E. A WEB source with a sulfur dioxide emitting unit that uses a method under Paragraph 1 of Subsection A of NMAC (a unit subject to 40 CFR Part 75 under a program other than this WEB trading program) shall meet the requirements of Subsections D-I of NMAC by preparing, maintaining and submitting a monitoring plan in accordance with the requirements of 40 CFR Part 75, provided that the WEB source also shall submit the entire monitoring plan to the department upon request.
F. Initial monitoring plan. The account representative shall submit an initial monitoring plan for each sulfur dioxide emitting unit (or group of units sharing a common methodology) that, except as otherwise specified in an applicable provision in NMAC, contains the following information.
(1) For all sulfur dioxide emitting units involved in the monitoring plan:
(a) plant name and location;
(b) plant and unit identification numbers assigned by the department;
(c) type of unit (or units for a group of units using a common monitoring methodology);
(d) identification of all stacks or pipes associated with the monitoring plan;
(e) types of fuel(s) fired (or sulfur containing process materials used in the sulfur dioxide emitting unit), and the fuel classification of the unit if combusting more than one type of fuel and using a 40 CFR Part 75 methodology;
(f) type(s) of emissions controls for sulfur dioxide installed or to be installed, including specifications of whether such controls are pre-combustion, post-combustion, or integral to the combustion process;
(g) maximum hourly heat input capacity, or process throughput capacity, if applicable;
(h) identification of all units using a common stack; and
(i) indicator of whether any stack identified in the plan is a bypass stack.
(2) For each unit and parameter required to be monitored, identification of monitoring methodology information, consisting of monitoring methodology, monitor locations, substitute data approach for the methodology, and general identification of quality assurance procedures. If the proposed methodology is a site-specific methodology submitted pursuant to Subparagraph d of Paragraph 2 of Subsection A of NMAC, the description under this paragraph shall describe fully all aspects of the monitoring equipment, installation locations, operating characteristics, certification testing, ongoing quality assurance and maintenance procedures, and substitute data procedures.
(3) If the WEB source intends to petition for a change to any specific monitoring requirement otherwise required under this section, such petition may be submitted as part of the initial monitoring plan.
(4) The department may issue a notice of approval or disapproval of the initial monitoring plan based on the compliance of the proposed methodology with the requirements for monitoring in this section.
G. Detailed monitoring plan. The account representative shall submit a detailed monitoring plan that, except as otherwise specified in an applicable provisions in NMAC or NMAC, shall contain the following information.
(1) Identification and description of each monitoring component (including each monitor and its identifiable components, such as analyzer or probe) in a CEMS (e.g., sulfur dioxide pollutant concentration monitor, flow monitor, moisture monitor), a 40 CFR Part 75, Appendix D monitoring system (e.g., fuel flowmeter, data acquisition and handling system), or a protocol in NMAC or NMAC , including:
(a) manufacturer, model number and serial number;
(b) component or system identification code assigned by the facility to each identifiable monitoring component, such as the analyzer or probe;
(c) designation of the component type and method of sample acquisition or operation (e.g., in situ pollutant concentration monitor or thermal flow monitor);
(d) designation of the system as a primary or backup system;
(e) first and last dates the system reported data;
(f) status of the monitoring component; and
(g) parameter monitored.
(2) Identification and description of all major hardware and software components of the automated data acquisition and handling system, including:
(a) hardware components that perform emission calculations or store data for quarterly reporting purposes (provide the manufacturer and model number); and
(b) software components (provide the identification of the provider and model or version number).
(3) Explicit formulas for each measured emissions parameter, using component or system identification codes for the monitoring system used to measure the parameter that links the system observations with the reported concentrations and mass emissions. The formulas shall contain all constants and factors required to derive mass emissions from component or system code observations and an indication of whether the formula is being added, corrected, deleted, or is unchanged. The WEB source with a low mass emissions unit for which the WEB source is using the optional low mass emissions excepted methodology in Section 75.19(c) of 40 CFR Part 75 is not required to report such formulas.
(4) Inside cross-sectional area (square feet) at flow monitoring location (for units with flow monitors, only).
(5) If using CEMS for sulfur dioxide and flow, for each parameter monitored: scale, maximum potential concentration (and method of calculation), maximum expected concentration (if applicable) (and method of calculation), maximum potential flow rate (and method of calculations), span value, full-scale range, daily calibration units of measure, span effective date and hour, span inactivation date and hour, indication of whether dual spans are required, default high range value, flow rate span, and flow rate span value and full scale value in standard cubic feet per hour (scfh) for each unit or stack using sulfur dioxide or flow component monitors.
(6) If the monitoring system or excepted methodology provides for use of a constant, assumed, or default value for a parameter under specific circumstances, then the following information for each value of such parameter shall be included:
(a) identification of the parameter;
(b) default, maximum, minimum, or constant value, and units of measure for the value;
(c) purpose of the value;
(d) indicator of use during controlled and uncontrolled hours;
(e) types of fuel;
(f) source of the value;
(g) value effective date and hour;
(h) date and hour value is no longer effective (if applicable); and
(i) for units using the excepted methodology under Section 75.19 of 40 CFR Part 75, the applicable sulfur dioxide emission factor.
(7) Unless otherwise specified in Section of Appendix A to 40 CFR Part 75, for each unit or common stack on which hardware CEMS are installed:
(a) the upper and lower boundaries of the range of operation (as defined in Section of Appendix A to 40 CFR Part 75), or thousand of lb/hr of steam, or ft/sec (as applicable);
(b) the load or operating level(s) designated as normal in Section of Appendix A to 40 CFR Part 75, or thousands of pounds per hour lb/hr of steam, or feet per second ft/sec (as applicable);
(c) the two load or operating levels (i.e., low, mid, or high) identified in Section of Appendix A to 40 CFR Part 75 as the most frequently used;
(d) the date of the data analysis used to determine the normal load (or operating) level(s) and the two most frequently-used load (or operating) levels; and
(e) activation and deactivation dates when the normal load or operating level(s) change and are updated.
(8) For each unit that is complying with 40 CFR Part 75 for which the optional fuel flow-to-load test in Section 2.1.7 of Appendix D to 40 CFR Part 75 is used:
(a) the upper and lower boundaries of the range of operation (as defined in Section of Appendix A to 40 CFR Part 75), expressed in thousand of lb/hr of steam;
(b) the load level designated as normal, pursuant to Section of Appendix A to 40 CFR Part 75, expressed in thousands of lb/hr of steam; and
(c) the date of the load analysis used to determine the normal load level.
(9) Information related to quality assurance testing, including (as applicable): identification of the test strategy; protocol for the relative accuracy test audit; other relevant test information; calibration gas levels (percent of span) for the calibration error test and linearity check; calculations for determining maximum potential concentration, maximum expected concentration (if applicable), maximum potential flow rate, and span.
(10) If applicable, apportionment strategies under Sections 75.10 through 75.18 of 40 CFR Part 75.
(11) Description of site locations for each monitoring component in a monitoring system, including schematic diagrams and engineering drawings and any other documentation that demonstrates each monitor location meets the appropriate siting criteria. For units monitored by a continuous emission monitoring system, diagrams shall include:
(a) a schematic diagram identifying entire gas handling system from unit to stack for all units, using identification numbers for units, monitor components, and stacks corresponding to the identification numbers provided in the initial monitoring plan and Paragraphs 1 and 3 of Subsection G of NMAC; the schematic diagram must depict the height of any monitor locations; comprehensive or separate schematic diagrams shall be used to describe groups of units using a common stack; and
(b) stack and duct engineering diagrams showing the dimensions and locations of fans, turning vanes, air preheaters, monitor components, probes, reference method sampling ports, and other equipment that affects the monitoring system location, performance, or quality control checks.
(12) A data flow diagram denoting the complete information handling path from output signals of CEMS components to final reports.
H. In addition to supplying the information in Subsections F and G above, the WEB source with an sulfur dioxide emitting unit using either of the methodologies in Subparagraph b of Paragraph 2 of Subsection A of NMAC shall include the following information in its monitoring plan for the specific situations described.
(1) For each gas-fired or oil-fired sulfur dioxide emitting unit for which the WEB source uses the optional protocol in Appendix D to 40 CFR Part 75 for sulfur dioxide mass emissions, the WEB source shall include the following information in the monitoring plan:
(a) parameter monitored;
(b) type of fuel measured, maximum fuel flow rate, units of measure, and basis of maximum fuel flow rate (i.e., upper range value or unit maximum) for each fuel flowmeter;
(c) test method used to check the accuracy of each fuel flowmeter;
(d) submission status of the data;
(e) monitoring system identification code;
(f) the method used to demonstrate that the unit qualifies for monthly gross calorific value (GCV) sampling or for daily or annual fuel sampling for sulfur content, as applicable;
(g) a schematic diagram identifying the relationship between the unit, all fuel supply lines, the fuel flowmeter(s), and the stack(s); the schematic diagram must depict the installation location of each fuel flowmeter and the fuel sampling location(s); comprehensive and separate schematic diagrams shall be used to describe groups of units using a common pipe;
(h) for units using the optional default sulfur dioxide emission rate for "pipeline natural gas" or "natural gas" in Appendix D to 40 CFR Part 75, the information on the sulfur content of the gaseous fuel used to demonstrate compliance with either Section or of Appendix D to 40 CFR Part 75;
(i) for units using the 720 hour test under Section 2.3.6 of Appendix D to 40 CFR Part 75 to determine the required sulfur sampling requirements, report the procedures and results of the test; and
(j) for units using the 720 hour test under Section 2.3.5 of Appendix D to 40 CFR Part 75 to determine the appropriate fuel GCV sampling frequency, report the procedures used and the results of the test.
(2) For each sulfur dioxide emitting unit for which the WEB source uses the low mass emission excepted methodology of Section 75.19 to 40 CFR Part 75, the WEB source shall include the following information in the monitoring plan that accompanies the initial certification application:
(a) the results of the analysis performed to qualify as a low mass emissions unit under Section 75.19(c) to 40 CFR Part 75; this report shall include either the previous three years actual or projected emissions; the following items shall be included: a) current calendar year of application; b) type of qualification; c) years one, two, and three; d) annual measured, estimated or projected sulfur dioxide mass emissions for years one, two, and three; and e) annual operating hours for years one, two, and three;
(b) a schematic diagram identifying the relationship between the unit, all fuel supply lines and tanks, any fuel flowmeter(s), and the stack(s); comprehensive or separate schematic diagrams shall be used to describe groups of units using a common pipe;
(c) for units which use the long term fuel flow methodology under Section 75.19(c)(3) to 40 CFR Part 75, a diagram of the fuel flow to each unit or group of units and a detailed description of the procedures used to determine the long term fuel flow for a unit or group of units for each fuel combusted by the unit or group of units;
(d) a statement that the unit burns only gaseous fuel(s) and/or fuel oil and a list of the fuels that are burned or a statement that the unit is projected to burn only gaseous fuel(s) and/or fuel oil and a list of the fuels that are projected to be burned;
(e) a statement that the unit meets the applicability requirements in Sections 75.19(a) and (b) to 40 CFR Part 75 with respect to sulfur dioxide emissions; and
(f) any unit historical actual, estimated and projected sulfur dioxide emissions data and calculated sulfur dioxide emissions data demonstrating that the unit qualifies as a low mass emissions unit under Sections 75.19(a) and (b) to 40 CFR Part 75.
(3) For each gas-fired unit the WEB source shall include the following in the monitoring plan: current calendar year, fuel usage data as specified in the definition of gas-fired in Section 72.2 of 40 CFR Part 72, and an indication of whether the data are actual or projected data.
I. The specific elements of a monitoring plan under Subsection D of NMAC shall not be part of an operating permit for a WEB source issued in accordance with the title V of the Clean Air Act, and modifications to the elements of the plan shall not require a permit modification.
J. Certification and recertification.
(1) All monitoring systems are subject to initial certification and recertification testing as specified in 40 CFR Part 75, NMAC or ; NMAC. Certification or recertification of a monitoring system by the U.S. environmental protection agency for a WEB source that is subject to 40 CFR Part 75 under a requirement separate from 20.2.81 NMAC shall constitute certification under the WEB trading program.
(2) The WEB source with a sulfur dioxide emitting unit not otherwise subject to 40 CFR Part 75 that monitors sulfur dioxide mass emissions in accordance with 40 CFR Part 75 to satisfy the requirements of this section shall perform all of the tests required by that regulation and shall submit the following:
(a) a test notice, not later than 21 days before the certification testing of the monitoring system, provided that the department may establish additional requirements for adjusting test dates after this notice as part of the approval of the initial monitoring plan under Subsection F of NMAC;
(b) an initial certification application within 45 days after testing is complete;
(c) a monitoring system shall be considered provisionally certified while the application is pending, and the system shall be deemed certified if the department does not approve or disapprove the system within six months after the date on which the application is submitted; and
(d) whenever an audit of any monitoring certified under 20.2.81 NMAC, and a review of the initial certification or recertification application, reveal that any system or component should not have been certified or recertified because it did not meet a particular performance specification or other requirement of 20.2.81 NMAC, both at the time of the initial certification or recertification application submission and at the time of the audit, the department will issue a notice of disapproval of the certification status of such system or component; for the purposes of this paragraph, an audit shall be either a field audit of the facility or an audit of any information submitted to the department regarding the facility; by issuing the notice of disapproval, the certification status is revoked prospectively, and the data measured and recorded shall not be considered valid quality-assured data from the date of issuance of the notification of the revoked certification status until the date and time that the WEB source completes subsequently approved initial certification or recertification tests in accordance with the procedures in Subsection J of NMAC; the WEB source shall apply the substitute data procedures in Paragraph 2 of Subsection L of NMAC to replace, prospectively, all of the invalid, non-quality-assured data for each disapproved system or component.
K. Ongoing quality assurance and quality control. The WEB source shall satisfy the applicable quality assurance and quality control requirements of Part 75 or, if the WEB source is subject to a WEB protocol in NMAC , the applicable quality assurance and quality control requirements in NMAC on and after the date that certification testing commences.
L. Substitute data procedures.
(1) For any period after certification testing is complete in which quality assured, valid data are not being recorded by a monitoring system certified and operating in accordance with 20.2.81 NMAC, missing or invalid data shall be replaced with substitute data in accordance with 40 CFR Part 75 or, if the WEB source is subject to a WEB protocol in NMAC or NMAC, with substitute data in accordance with NMAC.
(2) For a sulfur dioxide emitting unit that does not have a certified or provisionally certified monitoring system in place as of the beginning of the first control period for which the unit is subject to the WEB trading program, the WEB source shall:
(a) if the WEB source will use a CEMS to comply with this section, substitute the maximum potential concentration of sulfur dioxide for the unit and the maximum potential flow rate, as determined in accordance with 40 CFR Part 75; the procedures for conditional data validation under Section 75.20(b)(3) may be used for any monitoring system under 20.2.81 NMAC that uses these 40 CFR Part 75 procedures, as applicable;
(b) if the WEB source will use the 40 CFR Part 75 Appendix D methodology, substitute the maximum potential sulfur content, density or gross calorific value for the fuel and the maximum potential fuel flow rate, in accordance with Section 2.4 of Appendix D to 40 CFR Part 75;
(c) if the WEB source will use the 40 CFR Part 75 methodology for low mass emissions units, substitute the sulfur dioxide emission factor required for the unit as specified in 40 CFR 75.19 and the maximum rated hourly heat input, as defined in 40 CFR 72.2; or
(d) if using a protocol in NMAC or NMAC, follow the procedures in the applicable protocol.
M. Compliance deadline.
(1) The initial monitoring plan shall be submitted by the following dates.
(a) For each source that is a WEB source on or before the program trigger date, the monitoring plan shall be submitted 180 days after such program trigger date.
(b) For any existing source that becomes a WEB source after the program trigger date, the monitoring plan shall be submitted by September 30 of the year following the inventory year in which the source exceeded the emissions threshold.
(c) For any new WEB source, the monitoring plan shall be included with the permit application under 20.2.70 NMAC, 20.2.72 NMAC, 20.2.74 NMAC or 20.2.79 NMAC.
(2) A detailed monitoring plan under Subsection E of NMAC shall be submitted no later than 45 days prior to commencing certification with the following Paragraph 3.
(3) Emission monitoring systems shall be installed, operational and shall have met all of the certification testing requirements of this NMAC (including any referenced in NMAC or NMAC) by the following dates.
(a) For each source that is a WEB source on or before the program trigger date, two years prior to the start of the first control period as described in NMAC.
(b) For any existing source that becomes a WEB source after the program trigger date, one year after the due date for the monitoring plan under Subparagraph b of Paragraph 2 of Subsection M of NMAC.
(c) For any new WEB source, (or any new unit at a WEB source under Paragraph 3 Subparagraph a or b, the earlier of 90 unit operating days or 180 calendar days after the date the new source commences operation.
(4) The WEB source shall submit test notices and certification applications in accordance with the deadlines set forth in Paragraph 2 of Subsection J of NMAC.
(5) For each applicable control period, the WEB source shall submit each quarterly report under Subsection O of NMAC by no later than 30 days after the end of each calendar quarter and shall submit the annual report under Subsection O of NMAC no later than 60 days after the end of each calendar year.
N. Recordkeeping.
(1) The WEB source shall keep copies of all reports, registration materials, compliance certifications, sulfur dioxide emissions data, quality assurance data, and other submissions under 20.2.81 NMAC for a period of five years. In addition, the WEB source shall keep a copy of all account certificates of representation. Unless otherwise requested by the WEB source and approved by the department, the copies shall be kept on site at the source.
(2) The WEB source shall keep records of all operating hours, quality assurance activities, fuel sampling measurements, hourly averages for sulfur dioxide, stack flow, fuel flow, or other continuous measurements, as applicable, and any other applicable data elements specified in this section , NMAC or in NMAC. The WEB source shall maintain the applicable records specified in 40 CFR Part 75 for any sulfur dioxide emitting unit that uses a Part 75 monitoring method to meet the requirements of this section.
O. Reporting.
(1) Quarterly reports. For each sulfur dioxide emitting unit, the account representative shall submit a quarterly report within thirty days after the end of each calendar quarter. The report shall be in a format specified by the department to include hourly and quality assurance activity information and shall be submitted in a manner compatible with the emissions tracking database designed for the WEB trading program. If the WEB source submits a quarterly report under 40 CFR Part 75 to the U.S. EPA administrator, no additional report under this paragraph shall be required, provided, however, that the department may require that a copy of that report (or a separate statement of quarterly and cumulative annual sulfur dioxide mass emissions) be submitted separately to the department.
(2) Annual report. Based on the quarterly reports, each WEB source shall submit an annual statement of total annual sulfur dioxide emissions for all sulfur dioxide emitting units at the source. The annual report shall identify the total emissions for all units monitored in accordance with Subsection A of NMAC and the total emissions for all units with emissions estimated in accordance with Subsection B of NMAC. The annual report shall be submitted within 60 days after the end of a control period.
(3) If the department so directs that any monitoring plan, report, certification, recertification, or emissions data required to be submitted under this section be submitted to the tracking system administrator.
(4) The department may review and reject any report submitted under this Subsection O of NMAC that contains errors or fails to satisfy the requirements of this section, and the account representative shall resubmit the report to correct any deficiencies.
(5) A WEB source may petition for an alternative to any requirement specified in Paragraph 2 of Subsection A of NMAC. The petition shall require approval of the department and the U.S. EPA administrator. Any petition submitted under this paragraph shall include sufficient information for the evaluation of the petition, including, at a minimum, the following information:
(a) identification of the WEB source and applicable sulfur dioxide emitting unit(s);
(b) a detailed explanation of why the proposed alternative is being suggested in lieu of the requirement;
(c) a description and diagram of any equipment and procedures used in the proposed alternative, if applicable;
(d) a demonstration that the proposed alternative is consistent with the purposes of the requirement for which the alternative is proposed and is consistent with the purposes of 20.2.81 NMAC and that any adverse effect of approving such alternative will be de minimis; and
(e) any other relevant information that the department may require.
(6) For any monitoring plans, reports, or other information submitted under NMAC, the WEB source shall ensure that, where applicable, identifying information is consistent with the identifying information provided in the most recent certificate of representation for the WEB source submitted under NMAC.

N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - N, 12/31/03; A, 07/06/11